root / UnitFeedCreation.pas
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (10,981 ko)
1 | 1 | avalancogn | unit UnitFeedCreation;
2 | |||
3 | interface
4 | |||
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, |
7 | Dialogs, gnugettext, StdCtrls, Grids, DBGrids, DB, ImgList, ActnList, |
8 | JvExStdCtrls, JvButton, JvCtrls, ExtCtrls; |
9 | |||
10 | type
11 | TFormFeedCreation = class(TForm)
12 | CheckBoxModel: TCheckBox; |
13 | LabelName: TLabel; |
14 | LabelDescription: TLabel; |
15 | ComboBoxModel: TComboBox; |
16 | EditName: TEdit; |
17 | MemoDescription: TMemo; |
18 | JvImgBtnCancel: TJvImgBtn; |
19 | JvImgBtnOK: TJvImgBtn; |
20 | JvImgBtnHelp: TJvImgBtn; |
21 | ActionListButtons: TActionList; |
22 | ActionHelp: TAction; |
23 | ActionOK: TAction; |
24 | ActionCancel: TAction; |
25 | ImageListIcons: TImageList; |
26 | PanelButtons: TPanel; |
27 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
28 | procedure CheckBoxModelClick(Sender: TObject);
29 | procedure ActionHelpExecute(Sender: TObject);
30 | procedure ActionOKExecute(Sender: TObject);
31 | procedure ActionCancelExecute(Sender: TObject);
32 | private
33 | { D?clarations priv?es }
34 | public
35 | { D?clarations publiques }
36 | end;
37 | |||
38 | var
39 | FormFeedCreation: TFormFeedCreation; |
40 | |||
41 | implementation
42 | |||
43 | {$R *.dfm}
44 | |||
45 | uses
46 | UnitDeclaration, UnitOptions; |
47 | |||
48 | procedure TFormFeedCreation.ActionCancelExecute(Sender: TObject);
49 | begin
50 | ModalResult := mrCancel; |
51 | end;
52 | |||
53 | procedure TFormFeedCreation.ActionHelpExecute(Sender: TObject);
54 | begin
55 | Application.HelpContext(HelpContext); |
56 | end;
57 | |||
58 | procedure TFormFeedCreation.ActionOKExecute(Sender: TObject);
59 | var
60 | NewId, ModelId: Integer; |
61 | NewName, NewComment: String;
62 | USFormatSettings: TFormatSettings; |
63 | begin
64 | NewName := Trim(EditName.Text); |
65 | NewComment := MemoDescription.Text; |
66 | if NewName = '' |
67 | then
68 | begin
69 | MessageDlg(_('You must specify a name for this diet.'), mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
70 | ActiveControl := EditName; |
71 | Exit; |
72 | end;
73 | if DataModuleDeclaration.FeedList.IndexOf(NewName) <> -1 |
74 | then
75 | begin
76 | MessageDlg(_('This name is already used, please specify another name.'), mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
77 | ActiveControl := EditName; |
78 | Exit; |
79 | end;
80 | if CheckBoxModel.Checked and (ComboBoxModel.ItemIndex = -1) |
81 | then
82 | begin
83 | MessageDlg(_('You must specify a template for this feed.'), mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
84 | ActiveControl := ComboBoxModel; |
85 | Exit; |
86 | end;
87 | with DataModuleDeclaration do |
88 | begin
89 | // Rechercher une valeur pour le champs Id
90 | TableFeeds := DBUser.GetTable('SELECT Id FROM Feeds ORDER BY Id');
91 | with TableFeeds do |
92 | try
93 | if RowCount > 0 |
94 | then
95 | begin
96 | MoveLast; |
97 | NewId := FieldAsInteger(FieldIndex['Id']) + 1; |
98 | end
99 | else
100 | NewId := 1;
101 | finally
102 | Free; |
103 | end;
104 | // Cr?er le nouveau r?gime
105 | GetLocaleFormatSettings(1033, USFormatSettings);
106 | DBUser.BeginTransaction; |
107 | try
108 | if CheckBoxModel.Checked
109 | then // Copier les informations du mod?le |
110 | begin
111 | ClientDataSetFeeds.Locate('Name', ComboBoxModel.Text, []);
112 | //ClientDataSetFeeds.RecNo := FeedList.IndexOf(ComboBoxModel.Text) + 1;
113 | ModelId := ClientDataSetFeedsId.Value; |
114 | DBUser.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO Feeds (Id, Name, Description, Presentation, BonusC, BonusT) VALUES ('
115 | + Format('%d, ', [NewId])
116 | + Format('%s, ', [QuotedStr(NewName)])
117 | + Format('%s, ', [QuotedStr(NewComment)])
118 | + Format('%d, ', [ClientDataSetFeedsPresentation.Value])
119 | + Format('%.3f, ', [ClientDataSetFeedsBonusC.Value / 100], USFormatSettings) |
120 | + Format('%.3f)', [ClientDataSetFeedsBonusT.Value / 100], USFormatSettings)); |
121 | if not ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseId.IsNull |
122 | then
123 | DBUser.ExecSQL('UPDATE Feeds '
124 | + Format('SET Phytase = %d ', [ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseId.Value])
125 | + Format('WHERE Id = %d', [NewId]));
126 | if not ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseConcentration.IsNull |
127 | then
128 | DBUser.ExecSQL('UPDATE Feeds '
129 | + Format('SET Concentration = %.0f ', [ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseConcentration.Value], USFormatSettings)
130 | + Format('WHERE Id = %d', [NewId]));
131 | if not ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseIncorporation.IsNull |
132 | then
133 | DBUser.ExecSQL('UPDATE Feeds '
134 | + Format('SET Incorporation = %.0f ', [ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseIncorporation.Value], USFormatSettings)
135 | + Format('WHERE Id = %d', [NewId]));
136 | end
137 | else
138 | DBUser.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO Feeds (Id, Name, Description, Presentation, BonusC, BonusT) VALUES ('
139 | + Format('%d, ', [NewId])
140 | + Format('%s, ', [QuotedStr(NewName)])
141 | + Format('%s, ', [QuotedStr(NewComment)])
142 | + '0, '
143 | + '0, '
144 | + '0)');
145 | DBUser.Commit; |
146 | except
147 | DBUser.RollBack; |
148 | MessageDlg(Format(_('Unknown error: %s %s %s'), ['UnitFeedCreation', 'ActionOKExecute', 'DBUser (INSERT INTO Feeds / UPDATE Feeds)']), mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
149 | Exit; |
150 | end;
151 | if CheckBoxModel.Checked
152 | then // Copier la composition du mod?le |
153 | begin
154 | ClientDataSetComposition.Filter := Format('Feed = %d', [ModelId]);
155 | ClientDataSetComposition.Filtered := True; |
156 | DBUser.BeginTransaction; |
157 | try
158 | ClientDataSetComposition.First; |
159 | while not ClientDataSetComposition.Eof do |
160 | begin
161 | ClientDataSetCompositionUser.DisplayValues := DefaultTrueBoolStr + ';' + DefaultFalseBoolStr;
162 | DBUser.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO Composition (Feed, Ingredient, User, Rank, MS, Level) VALUES ('
163 | + Format('%d, ', [NewId])
164 | + Format('%d, ', [ClientDataSetCompositionIngredient.Value])
165 | + Format('''%s'', ', [ClientDataSetCompositionUser.AsString])
166 | + Format('%d, ', [ClientDataSetCompositionRank.Value])
167 | + Format('%.15f, ', [InputProximal(ClientDataSetCompositionMS.Value, 1, 1, FormOptions.Proximal)], USFormatSettings) |
168 | + Format('%.15f)', [InputIncorporation(ClientDataSetCompositionLevel.Value, FormOptions.Incorporation)], USFormatSettings));
169 | ClientDataSetComposition.Next; |
170 | end;
171 | DBUser.Commit; |
172 | except
173 | DBUser.RollBack; |
174 | MessageDlg(Format(_('Unknown error: %s %s %s'), ['UnitFeedCreation', 'ActionOKExecute', 'DBUser (INSERT INTO Composition)']), mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
175 | Exit; |
176 | end;
177 | ClientDataSetComposition.Filtered := False; |
178 | ClientDataSetComposition.Filter := '';
179 | // R?percuter dans ClientDataSetComposition
180 | Application.ProcessMessages; |
181 | TableComposition := DBUser.GetTable('SELECT * FROM Composition '
182 | + Format('WHERE Feed = %d', [NewId]));
183 | while not TableComposition.Eof do |
184 | begin
185 | ClientDataSetComposition.Append; |
186 | try
187 | ClientDataSetCompositionFeed.Value := NewId; |
188 | ClientDataSetCompositionIngredient.Value := TableComposition.FieldAsInteger(TableComposition.FieldIndex['Ingredient']);
189 | ClientDataSetCompositionUser.Value := (TableComposition.FieldAsString(TableComposition.FieldIndex['User']) = DefaultTrueBoolStr);
190 | if ClientDataSetCompositionUser.Value
191 | then
192 | ClientDataSetIngredients.Filter := Format('Id = %d and User', [ClientDataSetCompositionIngredient.Value])
193 | else
194 | ClientDataSetIngredients.Filter := Format('Id = %d and not User', [ClientDataSetCompositionIngredient.Value]);
195 | ClientDataSetIngredients.Filtered := True; |
196 | ClientDataSetCompositionIngredientName.Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsName.Value; |
197 | ClientDataSetIngredients.Filtered := False; |
198 | ClientDataSetIngredients.Filter := '';
199 | ClientDataSetCompositionRank.Value := TableComposition.FieldAsInteger(TableComposition.FieldIndex['Rank']);
200 | ClientDataSetCompositionMS.Value := OutputProximal(TableComposition.FieldAsDouble(TableComposition.FieldIndex['MS']), 1, 0, FormOptions.Proximal); |
201 | ClientDataSetCompositionLevel.Value := OutputIncorporation(TableComposition.FieldAsDouble(TableComposition.FieldIndex['Level']), FormOptions.Incorporation);
202 | ClientDataSetComposition.Post; |
203 | except
204 | ClientDataSetComposition.Cancel; |
205 | MessageDlg(Format(_('Unknown error: %s %s %s'), ['UnitFeedCreation', 'ActionOKExecute', 'ClientDataSetComposition']), mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
206 | Exit; |
207 | end;
208 | TableComposition.Next; |
209 | end;
210 | TableComposition.Free; |
211 | end;
212 | // Ajouter dans ClientDataSetFeeds
213 | Application.ProcessMessages; |
214 | TableFeeds := DBUser.GetTable('SELECT * FROM Feeds '
215 | + Format('WHERE Id = %d', [NewId]));
216 | ClientDataSetComposition.Filter := Format('Feed = %d', [NewId]);
217 | ClientDataSetComposition.Filtered := True; |
218 | ClientDataSetFeeds.Append; |
219 | try
220 | ClientDataSetFeedsId.Value := NewId; |
221 | ClientDataSetFeedsName.Value := NewName; |
222 | ClientDataSetFeedsDescription.Value := NewComment; |
223 | ClientDataSetFeedsPresentation.Value := TableFeeds.FieldAsInteger(TableFeeds.FieldIndex['Presentation']);
224 | ClientDataSetFeedsBonusC.Value := TableFeeds.FieldAsDouble(TableFeeds.FieldIndex['BonusC']) * 100; |
225 | ClientDataSetFeedsBonusT.Value := TableFeeds.FieldAsDouble(TableFeeds.FieldIndex['BonusT']) * 100; |
226 | if not TableFeeds.FieldIsNull(TableFeeds.FieldIndex['Phytase']) |
227 | then
228 | ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseId.Value := TableFeeds.FieldAsInteger(TableFeeds.FieldIndex['Phytase']);
229 | if not TableFeeds.FieldIsNull(TableFeeds.FieldIndex['Concentration']) |
230 | then
231 | ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseConcentration.Value := TableFeeds.FieldAsDouble(TableFeeds.FieldIndex['Concentration']);
232 | if not TableFeeds.FieldIsNull(TableFeeds.FieldIndex['Incorporation']) |
233 | then
234 | ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseIncorporation.Value := TableFeeds.FieldAsDouble(TableFeeds.FieldIndex['Incorporation']);
235 | CalcFeed; |
236 | ClientDataSetFeeds.Post; |
237 | except
238 | ClientDataSetFeeds.Cancel; |
239 | MessageDlg(Format(_('Unknown error: %s %s %s'), ['UnitFeedCreation', 'ActionOKExecute', 'ClientDataSetFeeds']), mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
240 | Exit; |
241 | end;
242 | ClientDataSetComposition.Filtered := False; |
243 | ClientDataSetComposition.Filter := '';
244 | TableFeeds.Free; |
245 | // Ajouter le nom dans la liste des aliments
246 | FeedList.Add(NewName); |
247 | end;
248 | ModalResult := mrOk; |
249 | end;
250 | |||
251 | procedure TFormFeedCreation.CheckBoxModelClick(Sender: TObject);
252 | begin
253 | ComboBoxModel.Enabled := CheckBoxModel.Checked; |
254 | end;
255 | |||
256 | procedure TFormFeedCreation.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
257 | begin
258 | if Screen.Fonts.IndexOf('Arial Unicode MS') <> -1 |
259 | then
260 | Font.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
261 | // PanelButtons.Font.Size := PanelButtons.Font.Size + 2;
262 | PanelButtons.Font.Style := [fsBold]; |
263 | LabelName.Font.Style := [fsBold]; |
264 | EditName.Font.Style := [fsBold]; |
265 | TranslateComponent(Self); |
266 | with DataModuleDeclaration do |
267 | if ClientDataSetFeeds.IsEmpty
268 | then // Table aliment vide |
269 | CheckBoxModel.Enabled := False |
270 | else
271 | begin
272 | ComboBoxModel.Items.Assign(FeedList); |
273 | ComboBoxModel.ItemIndex := ComboBoxModel.Items.IndexOf(ClientDataSetFeedsName.Value); |
274 | end;
275 | end;
276 | |||
277 | end. |