
EvaPig® creates diets using both the reference ingredients and the user-defined ingredients. The diets are stored in a database and can be compared graphically.

When the ingredients of a diet are unknown, it is possible to calculate the energy values of the diet using its chemical composition. However, diets created that way are not saved in the database.

List of diets

The Diets button in the main menu opens the list of diets below. This list is empty when you use EvaPig® for the first time: diets are created and maintained by the user.

The names of the diets are shown on the left panel while the corresponding values are grouped on the right panel under separate tabs.

Figure 14. List of diets

Navigation and sorting

The following buttons are available:

By default, the list is sorted by ascending date of creation (the oldest diets on top). Clicking on the header sorts the list by alphabetical order.

Data tabs

Each data tab shows a group of related nutrients. The units used are those chosen in the Units preferences screen.

The tabs are organised as follows:

Diet view

The diet view is called up by selecting a diet in the list of diets and then by double-clicking on the selection or clicking on the View button.

Figure 15. Diet view

The diet view shows the chemical and nutritional values of the selected diet, calculated from the values of its ingredients.

In addition to the values shown for the ingredients themselves, it also displays the following information:

The following buttons are available:

Diet creation

To create a new diet, click on the Create button in the list of diets. The following form appears:

Figure 16. Diet creation: choosing the name and the template

Clicking on the OK button opens the Diet modification form.

Diet modification

The diet modification form is called up by clicking on the OK button in the Diet creation form or by clicking on the Modify button in the Diet view.

Figure 17. Diet creation and modification: choosing the ingredients and the incorporation rates

The purpose of this form is to create or modify a diet by adding and removing ingredients, and by setting their incorporation rates.

To add and remove ingredients from the diet, use the horizontal blue arrows as follows:

  Adds the selected ingredient to the diet
  Removes the selected ingredient from the diet
  Replaces the selected ingredient from the diet by the selected ingredient from the full list

To change the order of the diet ingredients, use the vertical blue arrows and the sorting icons as follows:

  Moves the selected ingredient one position up the list
  Moves the selected ingredient one position down the list
  Sorts the list by alphabetical order
  Sorts the list by decreasing incorporation rate

After adding a new ingredient to the diet, you can:

The diet value can be modified by the following elements:

Once the changes are done, click on the OK button to validate, or on the Cancel button to cancel the modifications.

The following buttons are available:

Diets comparison graphs

The diets comparison graphs are called by the Graphs button in the list of diets.

This form lets you compare up to 4 or 6 diets for the same nutrient.

Choose one of the following tabs to create a graph:

Single graph

The single graph displays on a bar chart the values of a single nutrient for 1 to 6 diets.

To create a single graph:

Figure 18. Comparison of the net energy values of 6 diets

The following icons and buttons are available:

  Gives the chart a 3D aspect
  Sends the chart to the printer
  Exports the chart to a PDF file
  Close Closes the graphs comparison screen

Because the bar chart starts at 0 on the Y axis, the chart may not clearly show the differences between diets: to highlight those differences, you can zoom in the chart by holding down the left mouse button (starting from the bottom left corner) and then drawing a rectangle around the area of interest. To zoom out, draw a rectangle starting from the bottom right corner.

Figure 19. Comparison of the net energy values of 6 diets after zooming in

Graphs comparison

The graphs comparison screen displays as bar charts the contributions of ingredients to the same nutrient for up to 4 diets.

To create a graphs comparison:

Note: when longer than 30 characters the names of the ingredients are shortened for legibility.

Figure 20. Contributions of ingredients to the net energy of 4 diets

Diet graphs

The diet graphs are called up by the Graphs button in the Diet View.

This form displays the contributions of the ingredients for a nutrient of the diet or let you compare the contributions of the ingredients for up to 4 nutrients.

Choose one of the following tabs to create a graph:

Single graph

The single graph displays on a pie chart the contributions of the ingredients for a single nutrient of the diet.

To create a single graph:

Figure 21. Contributions of ingredients to the net energy of the diet

Graphs comparison

The graphs comparison screen displays as bar charts the contributions of ingredients for up to 4 nutrients.

To create a graphs comparison:

Note: when longer than 30 characters the names of the ingredients are shortened for legibility.

Figure 22. Contributions of ingredients to the digestible amino acid content of the diet

Energy calculator

The composition of a diet is sometimes unknown. EvaPig® provides a calculator that makes it possible to calculate the energy value of a diet using only its chemical composition. This calculator should not be used for predicting the energy value of ingredients.

The Energy calculator is called up by the Calculator button in the list of diets.

Figure 23. Energy calculator: choosing the dry matter

Creating a diet using chemical composition requires that the user provides a name for the diet and then several values.

Figure 24. Energy calculator: choosing the chemical composition and gross energy

EvaPig® has to know certain values to calculate the energy values:

Step by step, the creation process requires the following values. Unlike ingredient creation, no value is mandatory. However, missing values can seriously limit the calculations and their accuracy.

Figure 25. Energy calculator: results

The following buttons are available: