Révision 11
UnitPredictionDetail.dfm | ||
731 | 731 |
Left = 400 |
732 | 732 |
Top = 8 |
733 | 733 |
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734 |
734 |
735 | 735 |
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736 | 736 |
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737 | 737 |
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... | ... | |
748 | 748 |
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749 | 749 |
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750 | 750 |
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751 |
751 |
752 | 752 |
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753 | 753 |
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754 | 754 |
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... | ... | |
767 | 767 |
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768 | 768 |
6100720061006D00650074006500720073000A506172616D657465727308BFED |
769 | 769 |
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770 |
770 |
771 | 771 |
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772 | 772 |
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773 | 773 |
6E08BFED84B01A43006F006D00700069006C0065004E00650065006400650064 |
... | ... | |
1779 | 1779 |
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1780 | 1780 |
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1781 | 1781 |
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1782 |
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1783 |
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1784 |
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1785 |
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1786 |
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1787 |
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1788 |
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1789 |
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1790 |
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1791 |
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1792 |
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1793 |
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1794 |
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1795 |
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1796 |
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1797 |
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1798 |
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1799 |
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1800 |
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1801 |
65007800740055006E006900740045006E00650072006700790043000F546578 |
1802 |
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1803 |
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1804 |
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1805 |
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1806 |
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1807 |
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1808 |
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1809 |
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1810 |
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1811 |
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1812 |
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1813 |
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1814 |
00610076006500540065007800740009545261766554657874BFED84B01E5400 |
1815 |
65007800740055006E006900740045006E00650072006700790054000F546578 |
1816 |
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1817 |
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1818 |
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1819 |
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1820 |
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1821 |
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1822 |
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1823 |
4A007500730074006900660079000B466F6E744A75737469667900BFED84B010 |
1824 |
70006A00430065006E0074006500720008706A43656E746572BFED84B0084C00 |
1825 |
650066007400044C6566740500000000000000900140BFED84B00654006F0070 |
1826 |
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1827 |
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1828 |
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1829 |
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1830 |
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1782 |
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1783 |
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1784 |
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1785 |
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1786 |
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1787 |
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1788 |
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1831 | 1789 |
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1832 | 1790 |
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1833 | 1791 |
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... | ... | |
1836 | 1794 |
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1837 | 1795 |
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1838 | 1796 |
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1839 |
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1797 |
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1798 |
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1799 |
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1800 |
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1801 |
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1802 |
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1803 |
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1804 |
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1805 |
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1806 |
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1807 |
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1808 |
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1809 |
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1810 |
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1811 |
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1812 |
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1813 |
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1814 |
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1815 |
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1816 |
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1817 |
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1818 |
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1819 |
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1820 |
6C00200055006E00690063006F006400650020004D00530010417269616C2055 |
1821 |
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1822 |
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1823 |
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1824 |
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1825 |
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1840 | 1826 |
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1841 | 1827 |
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1842 | 1828 |
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1843 |
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1844 |
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1829 |
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1830 |
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1831 |
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1832 |
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1833 |
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1834 |
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1835 |
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1836 |
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1837 |
ED84B00000BFED84B00000BFED84B01646006F006E0074004A00750073007400 |
1838 |
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1839 |
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1840 |
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1841 |
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1842 |
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1843 |
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1844 |
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1845 |
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1846 |
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1847 |
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1848 |
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1849 |
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1850 |
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1851 |
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1852 |
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1853 |
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1854 |
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1855 |
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1856 |
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1857 |
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1858 |
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1859 |
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1860 |
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1861 |
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1862 |
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1863 |
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1864 |
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1865 |
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1866 |
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1867 |
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1868 |
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1869 |
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1870 |
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1871 |
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1872 |
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1873 |
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1874 |
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1875 |
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1876 |
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1877 |
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1878 |
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1879 |
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1880 |
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1881 |
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1882 |
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1883 |
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1884 |
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1885 |
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1886 |
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1887 |
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1888 |
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1889 |
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1890 |
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1891 |
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1892 |
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1845 | 1893 |
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1846 | 1894 |
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1847 | 1895 |
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1848 | 1896 |
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1849 |
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1850 |
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1851 |
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1852 |
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1853 |
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1854 |
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1855 |
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1856 |
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1857 |
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1858 |
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1859 |
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1860 |
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1861 |
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1862 |
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1863 |
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1864 |
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1865 |
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1866 |
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1867 |
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1868 |
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1869 |
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1870 |
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1871 |
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1872 |
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1873 |
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1874 |
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1875 |
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1876 |
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1877 |
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1897 |
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1898 |
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1899 |
74006900660079000B466F6E744A75737469667900BFED84B00C70006A004C00 |
1900 |
65006600740006706A4C656674BFED84B0084C00650066007400044C65667405 |
1901 |
0000000000000080FF3FBFED84B0085400650078007400045465787406BFED84 |
1902 |
B0044E006400024E64BFED84B00654006F00700003546F700500383333333333 |
1903 |
8B0240BFED84B00A570069006400740068000557696474680500000000000000 |
1904 |
800040BFED84B000000000BFED84B01254005200610076006500540065007800 |
1905 |
740009545261766554657874BFED84B00A540065007800740031000554657874 |
1906 |
3108BFED84B00846006F006E00740004466F6E7408BFED84B00E430068006100 |
1878 | 1907 |
720073006500740007436861727365740100BFED84B00A43006F006C006F0072 |
1879 | 1908 |
0005436F6C6F720100BFED84B0084E0061006D006500044E616D6506BFED84B0 |
1880 | 1909 |
2041007200690061006C00200055006E00690063006F006400650020004D0053 |
1881 | 1910 |
0010417269616C20556E69636F6465204D53BFED84B008530069007A00650004 |
1882 |
53697A65010ABFED84B00A5300740079006C006500055374796C6507BFED84B0 |
1883 |
0000BFED84B00000BFED84B01646006F006E0074004A00750073007400690066 |
1884 |
0079000B466F6E744A75737469667900BFED84B01070006A00430065006E0074 |
1885 |
006500720008706A43656E746572BFED84B0084C00650066007400044C656674 |
1886 |
0500000000000000900140BFED84B0085400650078007400045465787406BFED |
1887 |
84B0124100640075006C0074002000700069006700094164756C7420706967BF |
1888 |
ED84B00654006F00700003546F700500D0CCCCCCCCCC840240BFED84B00A5700 |
1889 |
69006400740068000557696474680500000000000000C0FF3FBFED84B0000000 |
1890 |
00BFED84B0125400520061007600650054006500780074000954526176655465 |
1891 |
7874BFED84B00C540065007800740064004E000654657874644E08BFED84B008 |
1892 |
46006F006E00740004466F6E7408BFED84B00E43006800610072007300650074 |
1893 |
0007436861727365740100BFED84B00A43006F006C006F00720005436F6C6F72 |
1894 |
0100BFED84B0084E0061006D006500044E616D6506BFED84B020410072006900 |
1895 |
61006C00200055006E00690063006F006400650020004D00530010417269616C |
1896 |
20556E69636F6465204D53BFED84B008530069007A0065000453697A65010ABF |
1897 |
ED84B00A5300740079006C006500055374796C6507BFED84B00000BFED84B000 |
1898 |
00BFED84B01646006F006E0074004A007500730074006900660079000B466F6E |
1899 |
744A75737469667900BFED84B00C70006A004C0065006600740006706A4C6566 |
1900 |
74BFED84B0084C00650066007400044C656674050000000000000080FF3FBFED |
1901 |
84B0085400650078007400045465787406BFED84B0044E006400024E64BFED84 |
1902 |
B00654006F00700003546F7005003833333333338B0240BFED84B00A57006900 |
1903 |
6400740068000557696474680500000000000000800040BFED84B000000000BF |
1904 |
ED84B01254005200610076006500540065007800740009545261766554657874 |
1905 |
BFED84B00A5400650078007400310005546578743108BFED84B00846006F006E |
1906 |
00740004466F6E7408BFED84B00E430068006100720073006500740007436861 |
1907 |
727365740100BFED84B00A43006F006C006F00720005436F6C6F720100BFED84 |
1908 |
B0084E0061006D006500044E616D6506BFED84B02041007200690061006C0020 |
1909 |
0055006E00690063006F006400650020004D00530010417269616C20556E6963 |
1910 |
6F6465204D53BFED84B008530069007A0065000453697A650110BFED84B00A53 |
1911 |
00740079006C006500055374796C6507BFED84B00C6600730042006F006C0064 |
1912 |
00066673426F6C64BFED84B00000BFED84B00000BFED84B01646006F006E0074 |
1913 |
004A007500730074006900660079000B466F6E744A75737469667900BFED84B0 |
1914 |
1070006A00430065006E0074006500720008706A43656E746572BFED84B0084C |
1915 |
00650066007400044C656674050000000000000080FE3FBFED84B00854006500 |
1916 |
78007400045465787406BFED84B02245006E0065007200670079002000630061 |
1917 |
006C00630075006C00610074006F00720011456E657267792063616C63756C61 |
1918 |
746F72BFED84B00654006F00700003546F70050000000000000080FE3FBFED84 |
1919 |
B00A570069006400740068000557696474680500000000000000E00140BFED84 |
1920 |
B000000000BFED84B0145400520061007600650048004C0069006E0065000A54 |
1921 |
52617665484C696E65BFED84B00C48004C0069006E006500310006484C696E65 |
1922 |
3108BFED84B00C48006500690067006800740006486569676874050000000000 |
1923 |
0000000000BFED84B0084C00650066007400044C6566740500000000000000C0 |
1924 |
0040BFED84B0124C0069006E00650057006900640074006800094C696E655769 |
1925 |
6474680500000000000000800040BFED84B0084E00450053005700044E455357 |
1926 |
00BFED84B00A460061006C00730065000546616C7365BFED84B00654006F0070 |
1927 |
0003546F700500606666666666A60040BFED84B00A5700690064007400680005 |
1928 |
57696474680500000000000000C0FF3FBFED84B000000000BFED84B014540052 |
1929 |
0061007600650048004C0069006E0065000A5452617665484C696E65BFED84B0 |
1930 |
0C48004C0069006E006500320006484C696E653208BFED84B00C480065006900 |
1931 |
670068007400064865696768740500000000000000000000BFED84B0084C0065 |
1932 |
0066007400044C6566740500000000000000C00040BFED84B0124C0069006E00 |
1933 |
650057006900640074006800094C696E65576964746805000000000000008000 |
1934 |
40BFED84B0084E00450053005700044E45535700BFED84B00A460061006C0073 |
1935 |
0065000546616C7365BFED84B00654006F00700003546F700500C8CCCCCCCCCC |
1936 |
AC0140BFED84B00A570069006400740068000557696474680500000000000000 |
1937 |
900140BFED84B000000000BFED84B0145400520061007600650048004C006900 |
1938 |
6E0065000A5452617665484C696E65BFED84B00C48004C0069006E0065003300 |
1939 |
06484C696E653308BFED84B00C48006500690067006800740006486569676874 |
1940 |
0500000000000000000000BFED84B0084C00650066007400044C656674050000 |
1941 |
0000000000C00040BFED84B0124C0069006E0065005700690064007400680009 |
1942 |
4C696E6557696474680500000000000000800040BFED84B0084E004500530057 |
1943 |
00044E45535700BFED84B00A460061006C00730065000546616C7365BFED84B0 |
1944 |
0654006F00700003546F700500000000000000E00140BFED84B00A5700690064 |
1945 |
00740068000557696474680500000000000000C00040BFED84B000000000BFED |
1946 |
84B0145400520061007600650048004C0069006E0065000A5452617665484C69 |
1947 |
6E65BFED84B00C48004C0069006E006500340006484C696E653408BFED84B00C |
1948 |
480065006900670068007400064865696768740500000000000000000000BFED |
1949 |
84B0084C00650066007400044C6566740500000000000000C00040BFED84B012 |
1950 |
4C0069006E00650057006900640074006800094C696E65576964746805000000 |
1951 |
00000000800040BFED84B0084E00450053005700044E45535700BFED84B00A46 |
1952 |
0061006C00730065000546616C7365BFED84B00654006F00700003546F700500 |
1953 |
989999999999890240BFED84B00A570069006400740068000557696474680500 |
1954 |
000000000000C00040BFED84B000000000BFED84B01454005200610076006500 |
1955 |
56004C0069006E0065000A5452617665564C696E65BFED84B00C56004C006900 |
1956 |
6E006500310006564C696E653108BFED84B00C48006500690067006800740006 |
1957 |
4865696768740500C0CCCCCCCCCCCCFF3FBFED84B0084C00650066007400044C |
1958 |
6566740500000000000000900140BFED84B0124C0069006E0065005700690064 |
1911 |
53697A650110BFED84B00A5300740079006C006500055374796C6507BFED84B0 |
1912 |
0C6600730042006F006C006400066673426F6C64BFED84B00000BFED84B00000 |
1913 |
BFED84B01646006F006E0074004A007500730074006900660079000B466F6E74 |
1914 |
4A75737469667900BFED84B01070006A00430065006E0074006500720008706A |
1915 |
43656E746572BFED84B0084C00650066007400044C6566740500000000000000 |
1916 |
80FE3FBFED84B0085400650078007400045465787406BFED84B02245006E0065 |
1917 |
007200670079002000630061006C00630075006C00610074006F00720011456E |
1918 |
657267792063616C63756C61746F72BFED84B00654006F00700003546F700500 |
1919 |
00000000000080FE3FBFED84B00A570069006400740068000557696474680500 |
1920 |
000000000000E00140BFED84B000000000BFED84B01454005200610076006500 |
1921 |
48004C0069006E0065000A5452617665484C696E65BFED84B00C48004C006900 |
1922 |
6E006500310006484C696E653108BFED84B00C48006500690067006800740006 |
1923 |
4865696768740500000000000000000000BFED84B0084C00650066007400044C |
1924 |
6566740500000000000000C00040BFED84B0124C0069006E0065005700690064 |
1959 | 1925 |
0074006800094C696E6557696474680500000000000000800040BFED84B0084E |
1960 | 1926 |
00450053005700044E45535700BFED84B00A460061006C00730065000546616C |
1961 |
1962 |
1963 |
1964 |
1965 |
1966 |
1927 |
1928 |
1929 |
1930 |
1931 |
1932 |
1967 | 1933 |
40BFED84B0124C0069006E00650057006900640074006800094C696E65576964 |
1968 | 1934 |
74680500000000000000800040BFED84B0084E00450053005700044E45535700 |
1969 | 1935 |
BFED84B00A460061006C00730065000546616C7365BFED84B00654006F007000 |
1970 |
1971 |
1972 |
1973 |
1974 |
1975 |
1936 |
1937 |
1938 |
1939 |
1940 |
1941 |
1976 | 1942 |
0057006900640074006800094C696E6557696474680500000000000000800040 |
1977 | 1943 |
BFED84B0084E00450053005700044E45535700BFED84B00A460061006C007300 |
1978 |
1979 |
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1944 |
1945 |
1946 |
1947 |
1948 |
1949 |
1950 |
1985 | 1951 |
696E6557696474680500000000000000800040BFED84B0084E00450053005700 |
1986 | 1952 |
044E45535700BFED84B00A460061006C00730065000546616C7365BFED84B006 |
1987 |
54006F00700003546F700500303333333333830240BFED84B00A570069006400 |
1988 |
740068000557696474680500000000000000000000BFED84B0000000} |
1953 |
54006F00700003546F700500989999999999890240BFED84B00A570069006400 |
1954 |
740068000557696474680500000000000000C00040BFED84B000000000BFED84 |
1955 |
B0145400520061007600650056004C0069006E0065000A5452617665564C696E |
1956 |
65BFED84B00C56004C0069006E006500310006564C696E653108BFED84B00C48 |
1957 |
0065006900670068007400064865696768740500C0CCCCCCCCCCCCFF3FBFED84 |
1958 |
B0084C00650066007400044C6566740500000000000000900140BFED84B0124C |
1959 |
0069006E00650057006900640074006800094C696E6557696474680500000000 |
1960 |
000000800040BFED84B0084E00450053005700044E45535700BFED84B00A4600 |
1961 |
61006C00730065000546616C7365BFED84B00654006F00700003546F70050098 |
1962 |
9999999999990140BFED84B00A57006900640074006800055769647468050000 |
1963 |
0000000000000000BFED84B000000000BFED84B0145400520061007600650056 |
1964 |
004C0069006E0065000A5452617665564C696E65BFED84B00C56004C0069006E |
1965 |
006500320006564C696E653208BFED84B00C4800650069006700680074000648 |
1966 |
65696768740500C0CCCCCCCCCCCCFF3FBFED84B0084C00650066007400044C65 |
1967 |
66740500000000000000C00140BFED84B0124C0069006E006500570069006400 |
1968 |
74006800094C696E6557696474680500000000000000800040BFED84B0084E00 |
1969 |
450053005700044E45535700BFED84B00A460061006C00730065000546616C73 |
1970 |
65BFED84B00654006F00700003546F700500989999999999990140BFED84B00A |
1971 |
570069006400740068000557696474680500000000000000000000BFED84B000 |
1972 |
000000BFED84B0145400520061007600650056004C0069006E0065000A545261 |
1973 |
7665564C696E65BFED84B00C56004C0069006E006500330006564C696E653308 |
1974 |
BFED84B00C480065006900670068007400064865696768740500403333333333 |
1975 |
B3FF3FBFED84B0084C00650066007400044C6566740500000000000000900140 |
1976 |
BFED84B0124C0069006E00650057006900640074006800094C696E6557696474 |
1977 |
680500000000000000800040BFED84B0084E00450053005700044E45535700BF |
1978 |
ED84B00A460061006C00730065000546616C7365BFED84B00654006F00700003 |
1979 |
546F700500383333333333D30140BFED84B00A57006900640074006800055769 |
1980 |
6474680500000000000000000000BFED84B000000000BFED84B0145400520061 |
1981 |
007600650056004C0069006E0065000A5452617665564C696E65BFED84B00C56 |
1982 |
004C0069006E006500340006564C696E653408BFED84B00C4800650069006700 |
1983 |
6800740006486569676874050000CDCCCCCCCCCCFE3FBFED84B0084C00650066 |
1984 |
007400044C6566740500000000000000900140BFED84B0124C0069006E006500 |
1985 |
57006900640074006800094C696E6557696474680500000000000000800040BF |
1986 |
ED84B0084E00450053005700044E45535700BFED84B00A460061006C00730065 |
1987 |
000546616C7365BFED84B00654006F00700003546F7005003033333333338302 |
1988 |
40BFED84B00A5700690064007400680005576964746805000000000000000000 |
1989 |
00BFED84B0000000} |
1989 | 1990 |
end |
1990 | 1991 |
object RvSystemReport: TRvSystem |
1991 | 1992 |
TitleSetup = 'Output options' |
... | ... | |
2016 | 2017 |
Left = 8 |
2017 | 2018 |
Top = 400 |
2018 | 2019 |
Bitmap = { |
2019 |
2020 |
2020 | 2021 |
0000000000003600000028000000800000004000000001002000000000000080 |
2021 | 2022 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
2022 | 2023 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
help/alias.h | ||
11 | 11 |
Help=html\Main.htm#3240 |
12 | 12 |
Website=html\Main.htm#3250 |
13 | 13 |
Ingredients=html\Ingredients.htm |
14 |
IngrList=html\Ingredients.htm#3310 |
14 | 15 |
IngrView=html\Ingredients.htm#3320 |
15 | 16 |
IngrCreat=html\Ingredients.htm#3330 |
16 | 17 |
IngrModif=html\Ingredients.htm#3340 |
17 | 18 |
Diets=html\Diets.htm |
19 |
DietList=html\Diets.htm#3410 |
18 | 20 |
DietView=html\Diets.htm#3420 |
19 | 21 |
DietCreat=html\Diets.htm#3430 |
20 | 22 |
DietModif=html\Diets.htm#3440 |
help/map.h | ||
11 | 11 |
#define Help 3240 |
12 | 12 |
#define Website 3250 |
13 | 13 |
#define Ingredients 3300 |
14 |
#define IngrList 3310 |
14 | 15 |
#define IngrView 3320 |
15 | 16 |
#define IngrCreat 3330 |
16 | 17 |
#define IngrModif 3340 |
17 | 18 |
#define Diets 3400 |
19 |
#define DietList 3410 |
18 | 20 |
#define DietView 3420 |
19 | 21 |
#define DietCreat 3430 |
20 | 22 |
#define DietModif 3440 |
help/html/Install.htm | ||
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 |
<body> |
11 | 11 |
<h2><a name="3100" id="3100">Installing and updating EvaPig®</a></h2> |
12 |
<p> EvaPig requires Microsoft Windows (XP and Vista). </p>
13 |
<p> The tutorial requires Microsoft PowerPoint or a PowerPoint viewer. </p>
12 |
<p> EvaPig requires Microsoft Windows. </p> |
13 |
<p>The tutorial requires Microsoft Powerpoint or the free Powerpoint viewer, which is available here <a href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/pptx-viewer/9np64t9094lb">www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/pptx-viewer/9np64t9094lb</a>.</p>
14 | 14 |
<p> To install EvaPig®: </p> |
15 | 15 |
<ul> |
16 |
<li> Download the <span class="Path">EvaPigSetup.exe</span> file from the <a href="http://www.evapig.com/download" target="_blank">www.evapig.com</a> website </li>
17 |
<li> Click on the <span class="Path">EvaPigSetup.exe</span> file </li>
18 |
<li> Follow the instructions. </li>
19 |
<li> You can choose to launch the tutorial right after the installation. It will help you to use EvaPig® later on. </li>
16 |
<li>Download the EvaPigSetup.zip file from <a href="http://www.evapig.com/">www.evapig.com</a></li>
17 |
<li>Double-click on the file to uncompress its content</li>
18 |
<li>Double-click on the resulting EvaPig2020Setup.exe file</li>
19 |
<li>The following message may appear due to security measures introduced in Windows 10:</li>
20 | 20 |
</ul> |
21 |
<p> To update EvaPig®, just download and install the new version (without uninstalling the previous one). Your diets and ingredients will be kept. </p>
22 |
<p> You can check for updates by clicking on the Updates button in the main menu. </p>
23 |
<p> The EvaPig® files are installed in two locations on your computer: </p>
21 |
<p><strong>Figure 2. Windows protection message</strong></p>
22 |
<p><img src="../images/windows_alert.jpg" width="332" height="311" alt=""/></p>
23 |
<p>If this message appears, click on “More info”, and then on “Run anyway”.</p>
24 | 24 |
<ul> |
25 |
<li> The program itself and the tutorial are in <span class="Path">C:\Program files\Evapig</span> </li> |
26 |
<li> If you want to save or transfer your diets and ingredients, the data files are in the following directory, depending on your Windows version:<br> |
27 |
<strong>Vista</strong> : <span class="Path">C:\Users\Yourname\AppData\Roaming\EvaPig</span><br> |
28 |
<strong> XP</strong> : <span class="Path">C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Application Data\EvaPig</span> </li> |
29 |
<ul> |
30 |
<li> Note: this directory is usually hidden by default. </li> |
31 |
</ul> |
25 |
<li>Choose the installation language and follow the instructions.</li> |
26 |
<li>You can choose to launch the tutorial right after the installation. It will help you to use EvaPig® later on.</li> |
32 | 27 |
</ul> |
28 |
<p>You can check for updates by clicking on the <strong>Updates</strong> button in the main menu. </p> |
29 |
<p>The EvaPig® files are installed in two locations on your computer. Depending on your version of Windows, the program itself and the tutorial are in: </p> |
30 |
<ul> |
31 |
<li>Windows 64 bits: C:\Program Files (x86)\EvaPig2020 </li> |
32 |
<li>Windows 32 bits: C:\Program files\Evapig2020 </li> |
33 |
</ul> |
34 |
<p>If you want to save or transfer your diets and ingredients, the data files are in the directory<br> |
35 |
C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\EvaPig2020 </p> |
36 |
<ul> |
37 |
</ul> |
33 | 38 |
</body> |
34 | 39 |
</html> |
help/html/Diets.htm | ||
23 | 23 |
<li> Click on, or scroll to, a diet to select it. </li> |
24 | 24 |
</ul> |
25 | 25 |
<p> The following buttons are available: </p> |
26 |
26 | 27 |
<ul> |
27 |
<li><strong> View</strong> : opens the full list of nutrients for the selected diet. </li> |
28 |
<ul> |
29 |
<li><strong> Double</strong> -<strong>clicking </strong>on the selected diet achieves the same result </li> |
30 |
</ul> |
31 |
<li><strong> Create</strong> : opens the diet creation form. </li> |
32 |
<li><strong> Graphs</strong> : opens the diet comparison graphs. </li> |
33 |
<li><strong> Calculator</strong> : opens the form for calculating diet energy values from chemical composition. </li> |
34 |
<li><strong> Close</strong> : closes the window. </li> |
35 |
<ul> |
36 |
<li> You can also use the <strong>Escape</strong> (Esc) key </li> |
37 |
</ul> |
28 |
<li><strong>View</strong>: opens the full list of nutrients for the selected diet. Double-clicking on the selected diet achieves the same result </li> |
29 |
<li><strong>Create</strong>: opens the diet creation form.</li> |
30 |
<li><strong>Graphs</strong>: opens the diet comparison graphs.</li> |
31 |
<li><strong>Calculator</strong>: opens the form for calculating diet energy values from chemical composition.</li> |
32 |
<li><strong>Close</strong>: closes the window. You can also use the <strong>Escape</strong> (Esc) key</li> |
38 | 33 |
</ul> |
39 | 34 |
<p> By default, the list is sorted by ascending date of creation (the oldest diets on top). Clicking on the header sorts the list by alphabetical order. </p> |
40 | 35 |
<h4><a name="3412" id="3412">Data tabs</a></h4> |
... | ... | |
46 | 41 |
</ul> |
47 | 42 |
<p> The tabs are organised as follows: </p> |
48 | 43 |
<ul> |
49 |
<li><strong> Dry matter</strong> : the dry matter value here is always expressed on the as-fed basis.<strong></strong></li>
50 |
<li><strong> Proximate analysis</strong> : it contains the main chemical nutrients: dry matter, ash, protein, crude fat, crude fibre, the Van Soest fibre analysis (NDF, ADF, ADL), starch and sugars. </li>
51 |
<li><strong> Energy utilization</strong> : ratios of energy values (including energy digestibility) for growing and adult pigs. </li>
44 |
<li><strong> Dry matter</strong>: the dry matter value here is always expressed on the as-fed basis.<strong></strong></li> |
45 |
<li><strong> Proximate analysis</strong>: it contains the main chemical nutrients: dry matter, ash, protein, crude fat, crude fibre, the Van Soest fibre analysis (NDF, ADF, ADL), starch and sugars. </li> |
46 |
<li><strong> Energy utilization</strong>: ratios of energy values (including energy digestibility) for growing and adult pigs. </li> |
52 | 47 |
<ul> |
53 | 48 |
<li> The letters <em>g</em> and <em>a</em> indicate (in DEg for instance) that the value is for <em>growing</em> and <em>adult</em> pigs respectively. </li> |
54 | 49 |
<li> dE is the digestibility of energy </li> |
... | ... | |
57 | 52 |
<li><strong> Energy values</strong> for growing (DEg, MEg, NEg) and adult (DEa, MEa, NEa) pigs. </li> |
58 | 53 |
<li><strong> Total amino acids</strong> expressed as % or g/kg of diet weight<strong></strong></li> |
59 | 54 |
<li><strong> Digestible amino acids</strong> : ileal standardised digestible amino acids </li> |
60 |
<li><strong> Minerals</strong> : total calcium, total phosphorus and digestible phosphorus values </li> |
55 |
<li><strong> Minerals</strong>: total calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chlorine, and digestible phosphorus values </li> |
56 |
<li><strong>Electrolyte balance</strong></li> |
61 | 57 |
</ul> |
62 | 58 |
<h3><a name="3420" id="3420">Diet view</a></h3> |
63 | 59 |
<p> The diet view is called up by selecting a diet in the <strong>list of diets</strong> and then by double-clicking on the selection or clicking on the <strong>View</strong> button. </p> |
... | ... | |
67 | 63 |
<p> In addition to the values shown for the ingredients themselves, it also displays the following information: </p> |
68 | 64 |
<ul> |
69 | 65 |
<li><strong> Physical form</strong> of the diet: pellet or mash </li> |
70 |
<li><strong> Calcium / digestible phosphorus</strong> ratio </li> |
66 |
<li><strong>Macro minerals </strong>with<strong> electrolyte balance</strong></li> |
67 |
<li><strong> Calcium / digestible phosphorus</strong> ratio </li> |
71 | 68 |
<li><strong> Digestible phosphorus / net energy</strong> ratio </li> |
72 | 69 |
<li><strong> Adult / growing pig energy ratios</strong> for DE, ME and NE </li> |
73 | 70 |
<li><strong> Digestible lysine / net energy</strong> ratio </li> |
... | ... | |
75 | 72 |
</ul> |
76 | 73 |
<p> The following buttons are available: </p> |
77 | 74 |
<ul> |
78 |
<li><strong> Modify</strong> : opens the diet modification form. </li> |
79 |
<li><strong> Delete</strong> : deletes the current diet (after asking for confirmation from the user). </li> |
80 |
<li><strong> Graphs</strong> : opens the diet graphs for the current diet. </li> |
81 |
<li><strong> Print</strong> : sends the data to the printer. </li> |
82 |
<li><strong> PDF</strong> : exports the data to a PDF file. </li> |
83 |
<li><strong> CSV</strong> : exports the data to a comma-separated file. </li> |
84 |
<li><strong> Close</strong> : closes the window </li> |
85 |
<ul> |
86 |
<li> You can also use the <strong>Escape</strong> (Esc) key. </li> |
87 |
</ul> |
75 |
<li><strong>Modify</strong>: opens the diet modification form.</li> |
76 |
<li><strong>Delete</strong>: deletes the current diet (after asking for confirmation from the user).</li> |
77 |
<li><strong>Graphs</strong>: opens the diet graphs for the current diet.</li> |
78 |
<li><strong>Print</strong>: sends the data to the printer or to a PDF file.</li> |
79 |
<li><strong>Excel</strong>: exports the data to an Excel file.</li> |
80 |
<li><strong>Close</strong>: closes the window. You can also use the <strong>Escape</strong> (Esc) key.</li> |
88 | 81 |
</ul> |
89 | 82 |
<h3><a name="3430" id="3430">Diet creation</a></h3> |
90 | 83 |
<p> To create a new diet, click on the <strong>Create </strong>button in the <strong>list of diets</strong>. The following form appears: </p> |
91 | 84 |
<p class="Légende"> Figure 16. Diet creation: choosing the name and the template </p> |
92 | 85 |
<img width="604" height="184" src="../images/Figure16.jpg"> |
93 | 86 |
<ul> |
94 |
<li> Name the diet </li>
95 |
<li> If you want to use the ingredient composition of an existing diet as a template, click on the corresponding checkbox and pick a diet in the drop-down list. </li>
96 |
<li> Add a comment (optional) </li>
97 |
<li> Click on the <strong>OK </strong>button to validate or click on <strong>Cancel</strong> to stop the creation. </li>
87 |
<li>Name the diet</li>
88 |
<li>If you want to use the ingredient composition of an existing diet as a template, click on the corresponding checkbox and pick a diet in the drop-down list.</li>
89 |
<li>Add a comment (optional)</li>
90 |
<li>Click on the <strong>OK </strong>button to validate or click on <strong>Cancel</strong> to stop the creation.</li>
98 | 91 |
</ul> |
99 | 92 |
<p> Clicking on the <strong>OK</strong> button opens the <strong>Diet modification </strong>form. </p> |
100 | 93 |
<h3><a name="3440" id="3440">Diet modification</a></h3> |
... | ... | |
212 | 205 |
<tr> |
213 | 206 |
<td width="24" align="center"> </td> |
214 | 207 |
<td width="64" align="center"><img width="30" height="30" src="../images/Button9.jpg"></td> |
215 |
<td>Sends the chart to the printer</td> |
208 |
<td>Sends the chart to the printer or to a PDF file</td>
216 | 209 |
</tr> |
217 | 210 |
<tr> |
218 | 211 |
<td width="24" align="center"> </td> |
219 |
<td width="64" align="center"><img width="30" height="30" src="../images/Button10.jpg"></td> |
220 |
<td>Exports the chart to a PDF file</td> |
221 |
</tr> |
222 |
<tr> |
223 |
<td width="24" align="center"> </td> |
224 | 212 |
<td width="64" height="30" align="center"><strong>Close</strong></td> |
225 | 213 |
<td>Closes the graphs comparison screen</td> |
226 | 214 |
</tr> |
... | ... | |
308 | 296 |
<img width="603" height="459" src="../images/Figure25.jpg"> |
309 | 297 |
<p> The following buttons are available: </p> |
310 | 298 |
<ul> |
311 |
<li><strong> Print</strong> : sends the current ingredient data to the printer. </li> |
312 |
<li><strong> PDF</strong> : exports the data to a PDF file. </li> |
313 |
<li><strong> CSV</strong> : exports the current data to a comma-separated value file. </li> |
299 |
<li><strong> Print</strong>: sends the current ingredient data to the printer or to a PDF file. </li> |
300 |
<li><strong> Excel</strong>: exports the data to an Excel file.</li> |
314 | 301 |
<li><strong> Close</strong> : closes the window and returns to the entry form of the calculator. </li> |
315 | 302 |
<ul> |
316 | 303 |
<li> You can also use the <strong>Escape</strong> (Esc) key. </li> |
help/html/Ingredients.htm | ||
71 | 71 |
<li><strong> Total amino acids</strong> expressed as percentage of the crude protein </li> |
72 | 72 |
<li><strong> Digestible amino acids</strong> : ileal standardised digestible amino acids </li> |
73 | 73 |
<li><strong> Digestibility of amino acids</strong> : ileal standardised digestibility of amino acids </li> |
74 |
<li><strong> Minerals</strong> : total calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) values </li>
74 |
<li><strong> Minerals</strong> : total calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), potassium (K), and electrolyte balance (EB, mEq/kg) values </li>
75 | 75 |
<li><strong> Digestibility of phosphoru</strong> s: digestibility of phosphorus for the mash and pellet form of the ingredient. In the reference table, the digestibility values of mash and pellet are different for soft wheat grain, the by-products of wheat milling and rye. </li> |
76 | 76 |
</ul> |
77 | 77 |
<p> To use the tabs: </p> |
... | ... | |
92 | 92 |
<h4><a name="3321" id="3321">Navigation</a></h4> |
93 | 93 |
<p> The following buttons are available: </p> |
94 | 94 |
<ul> |
95 |
<li><strong> Help</strong> : opens this help file. </li> |
96 |
<li><strong> Modify</strong> : opens the ingredient modification screen (<strong>only for user-defined ingredients</strong>) </li> |
97 |
<li><strong> Delete</strong> : deletes the current ingredient (<strong>only for user-defined ingredients</strong>). </li> |
98 |
<li><strong> Print</strong> : sends the current ingredient data to the printer. </li> |
99 |
<li><strong> PDF</strong> : exports the data to a PDF file. </li> |
100 |
<li><strong> CSV</strong> : exports the current data to a comma-separated value file. </li> |
95 |
<li><strong> Modify</strong>: opens the ingredient modification screen (<strong>only for user-defined ingredients</strong>) </li> |
96 |
<li><strong> Delete</strong>: deletes the current ingredient (<strong>only for user-defined ingredients</strong>). </li> |
97 |
<li><strong> Print</strong>: sends the current ingredient data to the printer or to a PDF file. </li> |
98 |
<li><strong> Excel</strong>: exports the data to an Excel file. </li> |
101 | 99 |
<li><strong> Close</strong> : closes the window </li> |
102 | 100 |
<ul> |
103 | 101 |
<li> You can also use the <strong>Escape</strong> (Esc) key. </li> |
104 | 102 |
</ul> |
105 | 103 |
</ul> |
106 | 104 |
<h4><a name="3322" id="3322">Reference ingredients</a></h4> |
107 |
<p> When the ingredient is a reference ingredient, the <strong>Origin</strong> field contains “Reference tables” and the <strong>Comments</strong> field contains the name of the original reference (usually “INRA-AFZ”). </p> |
108 |
<p><strong> Note that reference ingredients cannot be modified or removed from EvaPig®.</strong> However, you can create a copy of a reference ingredient and change its values: click on the <strong>Create</strong> button, use the reference ingredient as a basis for the new ingredient and then modify the copy. </p> |
105 |
<p> When the ingredient is a reference ingredient, the <strong>Origin</strong> field contains “Reference tables” and the <strong>Comments</strong> field contains the name of the original reference. <strong> Note that reference ingredients cannot be modified or removed from EvaPig®.</strong> However, you can create a copy of a reference ingredient and change its values: click on the <strong>Create</strong> button, use the reference ingredient as a basis for the new ingredient and then modify the copy. </p> |
109 | 106 |
<h4><a name="3323" id="3323">User-defined ingredients</a></h4> |
110 | 107 |
<p> Unlike reference ingredients, user-defined ingredients can be modified (<strong>Modify</strong> button) and deleted (<strong>Delete</strong> button). </p> |
111 | 108 |
<ul> |
... | ... | |
156 | 153 |
</ul> |
157 | 154 |
<p> In the example above, the ash, crude protein and lysine value were changed from the original reference ingredient. </p> |
158 | 155 |
<ul> |
156 |
<li><strong> Rename</strong> : renames the ingredient. </li> |
157 |
<li><strong> Comment</strong> : adds a comment to the ingredient </li> |
159 | 158 |
<li><strong> OK</strong> : validates the changes </li> |
160 | 159 |
<ul> |
161 | 160 |
<li> During the creation of an ingredient, the <strong>OK </strong>button terminates the process </li> |
162 | 161 |
</ul> |
163 |
<li><strong> Rename</strong> : renames the ingredient. </li> |
164 |
<li><strong> Comment</strong> : adds a comment to the ingredient </li> |
165 | 162 |
<li><strong> Cancel</strong> : cancels the current modifications. </li> |
166 | 163 |
<ul> |
167 | 164 |
<li> When an ingredient is being created, using <strong>Cancel</strong> will only cancel the edition of the values and will not cancel the ingredient itself. To delete an ingredient, go back to the list of ingredients, select the ingredient, double-click to see its values and click on the <strong>Delete</strong> button. </li> |
... | ... | |
213 | 210 |
<p> The ingredient modification form is called up by clicking on the <strong>Modify</strong> button in the Ingredient view. The button is only available for user-defined ingredients, as reference ingredients cannot be modified or deleted. </p> |
214 | 211 |
<p class="Légende"> Figure 12. Ingredient modification form for an ingredient derived from a reference ingredient </p> |
215 | 212 |
<img width="604" height="574" src="../images/Figure12.jpg"> |
216 |
<p class="Légende"> Figure 13. Ingredient modification form for an ingredient derived from chemical composition only </p> |
217 |
<img width="604" height="480" src="../images/Figure13.jpg"> |
213 |
218 | 214 |
<p> The form displays the chemical composition and the other modifiable values. </p> |
219 | 215 |
<ul> |
220 | 216 |
<li> To change a value, first click on the checkbox next to the value you want to change and then type the value itself. </li> |
... | ... | |
228 | 224 |
</ul> |
229 | 225 |
<p> The following buttons are available: </p> |
230 | 226 |
<ul> |
231 |
<li><strong> OK</strong> : validates the changes </li> |
232 | 227 |
<li><strong> Rename</strong> : renames the ingredient. </li> |
233 | 228 |
<li><strong> Comment</strong> : adds a comment to the ingredient </li> |
234 |
<li><strong> Cancel</strong> : cancels the current modifications. </li> |
229 |
<li><strong>OK</strong> : validates the changes </li> |
230 |
<li><strong>Cancel</strong> : cancels the current modifications. </li> |
235 | 231 |
</ul> |
236 | 232 |
</body> |
237 | 233 |
</html> |
help/html/Welcome.htm | ||
10 | 10 |
<body> |
11 | 11 |
<h1><a name="1000" id="1000">Welcome to EvaPig®</a></h1> |
12 | 12 |
<h2><a name="1100" id="1100">Introduction</a></h2> |
13 |
<p> EvaPig® is a calculator of energy, amino acid and phosphorus values of ingredients and diets for growing and adult pigs. It includes a database of chemical composition and nutritive values for about 100 reference ingredients, mostly derived from the <em><a href="http://www.evapig.com/documents" target="_blank">INRA-AFZ Tables of chemical composition and nutritive values</a></em> published in 2002-2004. </p>
14 |
<p> Users can create their own ingredients, either by copying and modifying the reference ingredients, or by creating new ingredients using only chemical composition data. EvaPig® uses equations and coefficients that calculate the nutritive values of the new ingredients. </p>
15 |
<p> EvaPig® can create and compare diets created from the reference or user-defined ingredients. It calculates the chemical and nutritional values of the diet by using those of the diet ingredients, with possible corrections for the physical form of the diet and phytase supplementation. It can also calculate the energy values of a diet from its chemical composition only. </p>
13 |
<p>EvaPig® is a calculator of energy, amino acid and phosphorus values of ingredients and diets for growing and adult pigs. EvaPig® Edition 2020 includes a database of chemical composition and nutritive values for more than <strong>250 reference ingredients</strong>. The composition data are derived from the <strong>INRAE-CIRAD-AFZ Tables of chemical composition and nutritive values</strong> (available on the website <a href="https://www.feedtables.com/">Feedtables.com</a>, AFZ, 2017-2021) while the nutritional data were obtained using expertise from INRAE and equations derived from <em>in vivo</em> measurements published in the scientific literature. This new edition of EvaPig® includes twice more ingredients than the first edition, released in 2008, as well as new information such as electrolyte balance values of ingredients and diets.</p>
14 |
<p>Users can create their own ingredients, either by copying and modifying the reference ingredients, or by creating new ingredients using only chemical composition data. EvaPig® uses equations and coefficients that calculate the nutritive values of the new ingredients.</p>
15 |
EvaPig® can create and compare diets created from the reference or user-defined ingredients. It calculates the chemical and nutritional values of the diet by using those of the diet ingredients, with possible corrections for the physical form of the diet and phytase supplementation. EvaPig® can calculate the energy values of a diet from its chemical composition only. EvaPig® also provides graphical representations that allow to visualize and compare diet composition and energy values.</p>
16 | 16 |
<p class="Légende"> Figure 1. EvaPig® main menu </p> |
17 | 17 |
<img width="397" height="311" src="../images/Figure1.jpg"> |
18 | 18 |
<h2><a name="1200" id="1200">Why use EvaPig®?</a></h2> |
19 |
<p> Pig production faces numerous challenges. </p>
20 |
<p> Feeding accounts for more than half of the cost of pig production and heavily impacts upon the technical and economic results of the pig unit. As feed prices change very quickly, optimising diet composition becomes important. Because energy is the main component of the feed cost, it is highly beneficial to use an energy system that matches animal requirements as closely as possible to minimise the feed cost. </p>
21 |
<p> Likewise, the utilization of amino acid and phosphorus values close to animal requirements results in a more efficient use of these nutrients by the animals, lower feed costs and less excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus into the environment. </p>
22 |
<p> Another challenge to pig feeding is the large number of available ingredients. Reference books like the INRA-AFZ Tables provide values for the most common ingredients. However, the values are given for representative ingredients: the nutritional value of actual ingredients may differ significantly due to variation in chemical composition. Tables often include "correction" equations but using them to predict complex nutritional values is not straightforward. For new ingredients that have recently appeared on the feed market, tables offer little or no way to calculate their nutritional values. </p>
23 |
<p> Finally, animals, husbandry conditions and production targets are variable with subsequent variable nutritional requirements and quantities of feed. </p>
24 |
<p> EvaPig® provides several answers to these challenges. </p>
19 |
<p>Pig production faces numerous challenges.</p>
20 |
Feeding accounts for more than half of the cost of pig production and heavily impacts upon the technical and economic results of the pig unit. As feed prices change very quickly, optimising diet composition becomes important. Because energy is the main component of the feed cost, it is highly beneficial to use an energy system that matches animal requirements as closely as possible to minimise the feed cost.</p>
21 |
Likewise, the utilization of amino acid and phosphorus values close to animal requirements results in a more efficient use of these nutrients by the animals, lower feed costs and less excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus into the environment.</p>
22 |
Another challenge to pig feeding is the large number of available ingredients. Reference documents like the INRAE-CIRAD-AFZ Tables provide values for the most common ingredients. However, the values are given for representative ingredients: the nutritional value of actual ingredients may differ significantly due to variation in chemical composition. Tables often include “correction” equations but using them to predict complex nutritional values is not straightforward. For new ingredients that have recently appeared on the feed market, tables offer little or no way to calculate their nutritional values.<br>
23 |
Finally, animals, husbandry conditions and production targets are variable with subsequent variable nutritional requirements and quantities of feed. <br>
24 |
EvaPig® provides several answers to these challenges.</p>
25 | 25 |
<ul> |
26 |
<li> It offers net energy values, ileal standardised amino acid digestibilities and phosphorus digestibilities for ingredients and diets. These are currently the most advanced nutritional systems for pigs. Nutritional values based on former concepts (digestible energy, digestible protein, total amino acids, etc.) are also available. </li>
27 |
<li> It makes it easy to calculate these values as accurately as possible. The energy values for a new ingredient can be derived from the reference ingredient that is biologically and/or botanically closest to it, using ingredient-specific equations that take into account the differences in composition between the reference ingredient and the new one. For ingredients that do not have a reference available, EvaPig® calculates nutritive values using the chemical values provided by the user and generic equations. </li>
28 |
<li> EvaPig® calculates energy values for two stages of pig production: the growing pig and the adult pig. </li>
26 |
<li>It offers net energy values, ileal standardised amino acid digestibilities and phosphorus digestibilities for ingredients and diets. These are currently the most advanced nutritional systems for pigs. Nutritional values based on former concepts (digestible energy, digestible protein, total amino acids, etc.) are also available.</li>
27 |
<li>It makes it easy to calculate these values as accurately as possible. The energy values for a new ingredient can be derived from the reference ingredient that is biologically and/or botanically closest to it, using ingredient-specific equations that consider the differences in composition between the reference ingredient and the new one. For ingredients that do not have a reference available, EvaPig® calculates nutritive values using the chemical values provided by the user and generic equations. </li>
28 |
<li>EvaPig® calculates energy values for two stages of pig production: the growing pig and the adult pig.</li>
29 | 29 |
</ul> |
30 | 30 |
<h2><a name="1300" id="1300">Reference tables</a></h2> |
31 |
<p> Most of the reference values come from the INRA-AFZ Tables published in 2002-2004. These tables are based on the data collected by the French Feed Database of the AFZ since 1989. This database, that includes several hundreds of thousands of samples with chemical and nutritional values, was used to establish the reference ingredients, the representative chemical compositions and then nutritional values consistent with the proposed chemical composition, using equations derived from actual <em>in vivo </em>measurements. </p> |
32 |
<p> The reference values included in EvaPig® may be slightly different from the original INRA-AFZ data. New ingredients have been (and will be) added while others were merged (fats, oils) since they had identical nutritional values for the pig. Also, some values have been updated to take into account data published since 2002. </p> |
33 |
<p> Because pig production is constantly evolving, EvaPig® will be regularly updated to reflect these changes, using newly available <em>in vivo </em>data about ingredients, either from the published literature or sent by the researchers themselves. If you are willing to help in the development of EvaPig® and its reference database, particularly by sharing such data, please contact us through the website <a href="http://www.evapig.com/" target="_blank">www.evapig.com</a>. </p> |
31 |
<p>The data used in EvaPig® were obtained from two sources:</p> |
32 |
<ul> |
33 |
<li>The reference values for chemical composition are derived from the INRAE-CIRAD-AFZ Tables published on the <a href="https://www.feedtables.com/">FeedTables.com</a> website since 2017. These tables are based on the data collected by the French Feed Database of the AFZ since 1989. This database, that includes several hundreds of thousands of samples with chemical and nutritional values, was used to establish a new and longer list of reference ingredients, their updated and representative chemical compositions.</li> |
34 |
<li>The nutritional values for energy, protein, amino acids, and phosphorus, were obtained using expertise from INRAE and equations derived from <em>in vivo </em>measurements published in the scientific literature.</li> |
35 |
</ul> |
36 |
<p>The values included in EvaPig® may be slightly different from the INRAE-CIRAD-AFZ data as the latter tables are updated on a regular basis. A few additional reference ingredients measured at INRAE for their nutritional values have also been included.<br> |
37 |
Because pig production is constantly evolving, EvaPig® will be regularly updated to reflect these changes, using newly available <em>in vivo </em>data about ingredients, either from the published literature or sent by the researchers themselves. If you are willing to help in the development of EvaPig® and its reference database, particularly by sharing such data, please contact us through the website <a href="file:///C:/tempIE/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/OLK10F/www.evapig.com">www.evapig.com</a>.</p> |
34 | 38 |
</body> |
35 | 39 |
</html> |
help/html/Disclaimer.htm | ||
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 |
<body> |
11 | 11 |
<h1><a name="5000" id="5000">Disclaimer</a></h1> |
12 |
<p> Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe, INRA and AFZ shall not be held liable by any person for any direct or indirect damage arising from any use of EvaPig® and/or the data generated by EvaPig®. It is explicitly stated that any financial or commercial loss (for instance: loss of data, loss of customers or of orders, loss of benefit, operating loss, opportunity loss, commercial trouble) or any action directed against EvaPig® by a third party constitutes an indirect damage and is not eligible for compensation of damage by Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe, INRA or AFZ.</p>
12 |
<p>Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe, INRAE and AFZ shall not be held liable by any person for any direct or indirect damage arising from any use of EvaPig® and/or the data generated by EvaPig®. It is explicitly stated that any financial or commercial loss (for instance: loss of data, loss of customers or of orders, loss of benefit, operating loss, opportunity loss, commercial trouble) or any action directed against EvaPig® by a third party constitutes an indirect damage and is not eligible for compensation of damage by Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe, INRAE or AFZ. </p>
13 | 13 |
</body> |
14 | 14 |
</html> |
help/html/Credits.htm | ||
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 |
<body> |
11 | 11 |
<h1><a name="6000" id="6000">Credits</a></h1> |
12 |
<p> EvaPig® was created, designed and developed by Jean Noblet (INRA, UMR1348 PEGASE), Alain Valancogne (INRA, UMR1348 PEGASE), Gilles Tran (AFZ) and Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe</p>
12 |
<p> EvaPig® was created, designed and developed by Jean Noblet (INRAE, UMR1348 PEGASE), Alain Valancogne (INRAE, UMR1348 PEGASE), Gilles Tran (AFZ) and Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe</p>
13 | 13 |
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="8"> |
14 | 14 |
<tr> |
15 |
<td align="center"><img width="162" height="67" src="../images/LogoINRA.gif"></td>
16 |
<td><p align="left"><strong><a href="https://www6.rennes.inra.fr/pegase" target="_blank">INRA, UMR1348 PEGASE (Physiologie, Environnement et Génétique pour l'Animal et les Systèmes d'Élevage)<br>
17 |
</a></strong>Le Clos, 35590 SAINT-GILLES, France</p></td> |
15 |
<td align="center"><img width="180" height="49" src="../images/LogoINRAE.jpg"></td>
16 |
<td><p align="left"><strong><a href="https://www6.rennes.inrae.fr/pegase" target="_blank">INRAE, UMR1348 PEGASE (Physiologie, Environnement et Génétique pour l'Animal et les Systèmes d'Élevage)<br>
17 |
</a></strong>16 Le Clos, 35590 SAINT-GILLES, France</p></td>
18 | 18 |
</tr> |
19 | 19 |
<tr> |
20 | 20 |
<td align="center"><img width="58" height="77" src="../images/LogoAFZ.jpg"></td> |
21 |
<td><p align="left"><strong><a href="http://www.zootechnie.fr" target="_blank">Association Française de Zootechnie (AFZ)<br> |
21 |
<td><p align="left"><strong><a href="https://www.zootechnie.fr" target="_blank">Association Française de Zootechnie (AFZ)<br>
22 | 22 |
</a></strong>16 rue Claude Bernard, 75231 PARIS Cedex 05, France</p></td> |
23 | 23 |
</tr> |
24 | 24 |
<tr> |
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<td align="center"><img width="165" height="72" src="../images/logo_AANE_165x72.png"></td> |
26 |
<td><p align="left"><strong><a href="http://www.ajinomoto-animalnutrition-emea.com" target="_blank">Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe<br> |
26 |
<td><p align="left"><strong><a href="https://www.ajinomoto-animalnutrition-emea.com" target="_blank">Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe<br>
27 | 27 |
</span></a></strong>32, rue Guersant, 75017 PARIS, France</p></td> |
28 | 28 |
</tr> |
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</table> |
30 |
<p> The authors wish to thank the many people from INRA – particularly Jean-Yves Dourmad for his important contribution in the module for taking into account the biological effects of endogenous and exogenous phytase and Jaap Van Milgen, Serge Dubois and Henri Flageul for their advice, encouragement, feedback and contributions. </p> |
31 |
<p> The EvaPig® partners are also grateful to the authors of the INRA-AFZ Tables, and particularly to the editors Daniel Sauvant, Jean-Marc Perez and Gilles Tran for allowing the use of the INRA-AFZ data. Thanks also to Bernard Sève and Catherine Jondreville (INRA), who developed the concepts and data used in the INRA-AFZ Tables and applied in EvaPig® for the amino acid and mineral values. The data for amino acid digestibility in the pig are taken from: AFZ, Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe, Aventis Animal Nutrition, INRA, ITCF, 2000. <em>AmiPig. Standardised Ileal Digestibility of amino acids in feedstuffs for pigs</em>, AFZ, Paris. </p> |
32 |
<p> In addition to INRA and Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe, the following organisations have supported the French Feed Database of the AFZ since 1989 and made possible the INRA-AFZ Tables and subsequent publications, including EvaPig®: Arvalis Institut du Végétal, CCPA, Centralys, CETIOM, CIRAD, Cooperl-Hunaudaye, Désialis, Glon-Sanders, IFIP, INZO°, MG2mix, ONIDOL, Primex, Techna, UNIP, and USICA. </p> |
33 |
<p> Finally, we thank in advance the people who will help to make EvaPig® better and more useful, notably by providing us with nutritional values for new ingredients or more accurate and up to date information. If your organisation is willing to share such data, please send inquiries and suggestions through <a href="http://www.evapig.com/" target="_blank">www.evapig.com</a>. </p> |
30 |
<p>The first edition of EvaPig®, released in 2008, was made possible by the contributions, advice, encouragement, and feedback of many people from INRAE, particularly Jean-Yves Dourmad (biological effects of endogenous and exogenous phytase), Bernard Sève (ileal standardised digestibility of amino acids), Catherine Jondreville (phosphorus digestibility), Jaap Van Milgen, Serge Dubois and Henri Flageul. The chemical data for that version were provided by the editors of the INRA-AFZ tables 2002-2004, Daniel Sauvant, Jean-Marc Perez, and Gilles Tran. </p> |
31 |
<p>The chemical data for EvaPig® 2020 were provided by AFZ, the editor of the INRAE-CIRAD-AFZ Tables (<a href="http://www.feedtables.com">www.feedtables.com</a>, created in 2017). As in the previous version, the nutritional values were obtained using expertise from INRAE and equations derived from <em>in vivo</em> measurements published in the scientific literature. The data for amino acid digestibility were derived from: AFZ, Ajinomoto Eurolysine, Aventis Animal Nutrition, INRA, ITCF, 2000. <em>AmiPig. Standardised Ileal Digestibility of amino acids in feedstuffs for pigs</em>, AFZ, Paris.</p> |
32 |
<p>In addition to INRAE and Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe, the following organisations have supported the French Feed Database of the AFZ since 1989: Arvalis Institut du Végétal, CCPA, Cargill, CIRAD, Cooperl, Désialis, IFIP-Institut du Porc, MG2MIX, MixScience, Techna, Terres Univia, USICA, and Wisium. We thank in advance the people who will help to make EvaPig® better and more useful, notably by providing us with nutritional values for new ingredients, or more accurate and up to date information. If your organisation is willing to share such data, please send inquiries and suggestions through <a href="http://www.evapig.com/">www.evapig.com</a>.</p> |
34 | 33 |
</body> |
35 | 34 |
</html> |
help/html/Concepts.htm | ||
19 | 19 |
<li> Estimation of energy losses from methane and urine and calculation of ME (assuming that nitrogen excretion in urine represents 50% of digestible nitrogen) </li> |
20 | 20 |
<li> Calculation of NE, using equations </li> |
21 | 21 |
</ul> |
22 |
<p> As research from INRA showed that live weight and feeding level influence the digestibility of energy and nutrients, separate values are given for the growing pig (from weaning up to 150 kg) and the adult pig (boar, gestating sow and lactating sow). </p> |
22 |
<p> As research from INRAE showed that live weight and feeding level influence the digestibility of energy and nutrients, separate values are given for the growing pig (from weaning up to 150 kg) and the adult pig (boar, gestating sow and lactating sow). </p>
23 | 23 |
<p> Finally, the contributions of the ingredients are considered to be additive when included in a complete diet, assuming that vitamins and minerals supplements have a zero energy value. </p> |
24 | 24 |
<h3><a name="2120" id="2120">The energy bonus</a></h3> |
25 | 25 |
<p> The energy values provided in the table refer to mashed ingredients. However, technological processes such as intensive grinding, pelleting and extrusion, or the addition of substances such as enzymes, are known to increase energy digestibility. The increase depends on the ingredient and on the nature of the process. It is mostly noticeable in the growing pig and is supposed to be less important in the adult pig (although no literature data is yet available). EvaPig® makes it possible to take into account the effect of technology by applying an “energy bonus” that can add up to 5% to the energy values. This bonus can also be used when the energy value of the reference ingredient seems underestimated. Likewise, a negative value can be used when the reference data seem overestimated. This correction is applied to the DE value and consequently modifies the ME and NE values, both for the growing and the adult pig. </p> |
26 |
<p> Similarly, it is possible to use an “energy bonus” for diets (positive bonus only) that have undergone a technological process. For instance, pelleting increases digestibility by 1 to 3 points for diets based on wheat, corn or soybean meal. In EvaPig®, it is possible to add a different bonus to growing and adult pigs, as the effect of technology is supposed to be small or insignificant in the latter case. Note that one should not use at the same time an energy bonus for a diet and individual energy bonuses for its constitutive ingredients. Also, the energy values for ingredients such as rapeseeds or linseeds are already provided for processed materials since the raw, unprocessed ingredients (and particularly their lipid fraction) have a low digestibility: for those ingredients, adding a bonus to the reference data is not required. </p>
26 |
<p> Similarly, it is possible to use an “energy bonus” for diets (positive bonus only) that have undergone a technological process. For instance, pelleting increases digestibility by 1 to 3 points for diets based on wheat, maize or soybean meal. In EvaPig®, it is possible to add a different bonus to growing and adult pigs, as the effect of technology is supposed to be small or insignificant in the latter case. Note that one should not use at the same time an energy bonus for a diet and individual energy bonuses for its constitutive ingredients. Also, the energy values for ingredients such as rapeseeds or linseeds are already provided for processed materials since the raw, unprocessed ingredients (and particularly their lipid fraction) have a low digestibility: for those ingredients, adding a bonus to the reference data is not required. </p>
27 | 27 |
<h2><a name="2200" id="2200">Protein</a></h2> |
28 | 28 |
<p> Protein value can be assessed through the digestibility of the protein itself or, more accurately, through the digestibility of its individual amino acids. There are several methods to determine these digestibility values: they can be measured at faecal or ileum level, and they can be corrected (standardised, real) or not (apparent) for the different types of endogenous losses. </p> |
29 | 29 |
<h3><a name="2210" id="2210">Ileal standardised digestibility of amino acids</a></h3> |
30 |
<p> EvaPig® provides values of ileal standardised digestibility of amino acids. This system is currently the most elaborate for protein value, with data being available for all common ingredients. The digestible amino acid value is corrected (standardised) for basal endogenous losses of amino acids unrelated to the feed protein and supposed to be proportional to the dry matter intake (<a href="http://www.evapig.com/documents" target="_blank">Noblet et al., 2002; Stein et al., 2007</a>). The standardised ileal amino acid digestibility coefficients for ingredients provided with EvaPig® originate from a series of <em>in vivo</em> experiments carried out in France by INRA, Adisseo, Arvalis (with Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe) in the years 1980-2000. These data were collected and processed into table values, first published as a CD-Rom (<a href="http://www.evapig.com/documents" target="_blank">AmiPig, 2000</a>), and later in the INRA-AFZ tables (Sauvant et al., 2002; 2004). </p> |
30 |
<p> EvaPig® provides values of ileal standardised digestibility of amino acids. This system is currently the most elaborate for protein value, with data being available for all common ingredients. The digestible amino acid value is corrected (standardised) for basal endogenous losses of amino acids unrelated to the feed protein and supposed to be proportional to the dry matter intake (<a href="http://www.evapig.com/documents" target="_blank">Noblet et al., 2002; Stein et al., 2007</a>). The standardised ileal amino acid digestibility coefficients for ingredients provided with EvaPig® originate from a series of <em>in vivo</em> experiments carried out in France by INRAE, Adisseo, Arvalis (with Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe) in the years 1980-2000. These data were collected and processed into table values, first published as a CD-Rom (<a href="http://www.evapig.com/documents" target="_blank">AmiPig, 2000</a>), and later in the INRA-AFZ tables (Sauvant et al., 2002; 2004). </p>
31 | 31 |
<p> The ileal standardised digestibilities of amino acids provided for the reference ingredients in EvaPig® are theoretically independent from the amount of feed protein. The standardised digestible amino acids of diets ingredients are assumed to be additive. Unlike energy digestibility, ileal digestibilities of amino acids are supposed to be identical for all stages of pig production and there is insufficient literature data to take into account the effects of technological processes. </p> |
32 |
<p> For ingredients without known ileal digestibilities of amino acids, missing values have been replaced by average digestibility coefficients obtained by INRA on a large number of diets. </p> |
32 |
<p> For ingredients without known ileal digestibilities of amino acids, missing values have been replaced by average digestibility coefficients obtained by INRAE on a large number of diets. </p>
33 | 33 |
<p> The ideal protein is defined as one that provides the exact balance of amino acids needed for optimum performance. To make the best use of this concept, EvaPig® also expresses digestible amino acids as a percentage of digestible lysine (<a href="http://www.evapig.com/documents" target="_blank">Dourmad et al., 2008; van Milgen et al., 2008</a>). The amino acid balance being a good indicator of the equilibrium between amino acid intake and requirements, digestible amino acid content in diets is also expressed relatively to the content in digestible lysine. </p> |
34 | 34 |
<h3><a name="2220" id="2220">Faecal protein digestibility</a></h3> |
35 | 35 |
<p> EvaPig® provides and calculates the faecal digestibility of nitrogen for ingredients and diets. Though of little interest for assessing the protein value, it is useful for estimating the breakdown of nitrogen output between faecal and urinary pathways. </p> |
36 | 36 |
<h2><a name="2300">Phosphorus</a></h2> |
37 |
<p> EvaPig® contains reference data for total and digestible phosphorus content, mostly derived from the INRA-AFZ Tables. </p> |
37 |
<p> EvaPig® contains reference data for total and digestible phosphorus content, mostly derived from the INRAE-CIRAD-AFZ Tables. </p>
38 | 38 |
<p> When EvaPig® calculates the digestible apparent phosphorus content of a diet, it takes into account the effect of endogenous phytase (if still active in a mash form for instance) and added (exogenous) phytase. The effects of added and endogenous phytase are additive. Endogenous phytase is used in the calculations when the diet includes ingredients with notable phytase activity, such as rye, wheat and their by-products, and when the diet does not undergo a technological process such as pelleting. </p> |
39 | 39 |
<p> The effect of phytase on the release of phytic phosphorus is supposed to be curvilinear, with a marginal effect that decreases when the amount of exogenous phytase increases (<a href="http://www.evapig.com/documents" target="_blank">Jondreville and Dourmad, 2005</a>). The biological activity of the added phytase, calculated as the amount of digestible P released per 500 IU of phytase, is required in the calculations. Typical phytase activity ranges from 0.5 to 0.9 g per 500 IU of phytase. </p> |
40 | 40 |
<h2><a name="2400">Calculations for new ingredients and diets</a></h2> |
41 | 41 |
<p><strong> Note: the equations and coefficients used in EvaPig® will be provided in full detail on the <a href="http://www.evapig.com/documents" target="_blank">EvaPig® website</a>. </strong></p> |
42 |
<p> EvaPig® uses equations to calculate the nutritional values of new ingredients and diets. These equations were obtained through INRA experiments or derived from literature data. </p> |
42 |
<p> EvaPig® uses equations to calculate the nutritional values of new ingredients and diets. These equations were obtained through INRAE experiments or derived from literature data. </p>
43 | 43 |
<p> The main benefit of using equations is that the predicted values are more precise than fixed values. However, this precision depends on many factors, not all of which are known, and users should always exercise caution when using predicted values. </p> |
44 | 44 |
<h3><a name="2410" id="2410">New ingredients derived from reference ingredients</a></h3> |
45 | 45 |
<p> When calculating the energy value or amino acid and phosphorus digestibility of an ingredient that derived from a reference ingredient, EvaPig® uses for the new ingredient a combination of generic equations and specific equations. For instance, gross energy is predicted using a generic equation requiring protein, fat and ash with coefficients that are identical for all ingredients; on the other hand, energy digestibility is predicted from fibre content with coefficients specific to the ingredient (botanical species, type of process…). </p> |
Install/EvaPig2020 for translators.iss | ||
1 |
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2 |
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3 |
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4 |
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5 |
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6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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10 |
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11 |
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12 |
13 |
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14 |
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15 |
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16 |
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17 |
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18 |
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19 |
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20 |
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21 |
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22 |
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23 |
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24 |
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25 |
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26 |
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27 |
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28 |
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29 |
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30 |
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31 |
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32 |
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33 |
34 |
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35 |
36 |
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37 |
38 |
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39 |
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40 |
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41 |
42 |
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43 |
44 |
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45 |
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46 |
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47 |
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48 |
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49 |
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50 |
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51 |
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54 |
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59 |
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61 |
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108 |
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113 |
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114 |
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115 |
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128 |
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129 |
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130 |
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131 |
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132 |
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4595 |
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4596 |
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4597 |
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4598 |
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4599 |
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4603 |
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4605 |
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4606 |
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4581 | 4610 |
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4582 |
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4583 |
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4584 |
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4585 |
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4586 |
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4587 |
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4588 |
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4589 |
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4590 |
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4591 |
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4592 |
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4593 |
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4594 |
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4595 |
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4596 |
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4597 |
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4598 |
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4599 |
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4600 |
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4601 |
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4602 |
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4603 |
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4604 |
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4605 |
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4606 |
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4607 |
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4608 |
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4609 |
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4610 |
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4611 |
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4612 |
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4613 |
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4614 |
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4615 |
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4616 |
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4617 |
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4618 |
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4619 |
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4620 |
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4621 |
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4622 |
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4623 |
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4624 |
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4625 |
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4626 |
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4627 |
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4628 |
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4629 |
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4630 |
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4631 |
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4632 |
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4633 |
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4634 |
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4635 |
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4636 |
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4637 |
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4638 |
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4639 |
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4640 |
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4641 |
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4642 |
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4643 |
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4646 |
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4647 |
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4648 |
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4649 |
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4650 |
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4651 |
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4652 |
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4653 |
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4654 |
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4655 |
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4656 |
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4657 |
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4658 |
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4659 |
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4660 |
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4661 |
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4662 |
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4663 |
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4664 |
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4665 |
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4666 |
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4667 |
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4668 |
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4669 |
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4670 |
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