Révision 3 UnitDeclaration.pas
UnitDeclaration.pas | ||
42 | 42 |
ClientDataSetInraAfz: TClientDataSet; |
43 | 43 |
ClientDataSetInraAfzId: TAutoIncField; |
44 | 44 |
ClientDataSetInraAfzName: TStringField; |
45 |
ClientDataSetInraAfzComment: TStringField; |
45 | 46 |
ClientDataSetInraAfzSource: TStringField; |
46 | 47 |
ClientDataSetInraAfzClass: TIntegerField; |
47 | 48 |
ClientDataSetInraAfzMS: TFloatField; |
... | ... | |
112 | 113 |
ClientDataSetInraAfzP: TFloatField; |
113 | 114 |
ClientDataSetInraAfzdP: TFloatField; |
114 | 115 |
ClientDataSetInraAfzdPphy: TFloatField; |
116 |
ClientDataSetInraAfzNa: TFloatField; |
117 |
ClientDataSetInraAfzK: TFloatField; |
118 |
ClientDataSetInraAfzCl: TFloatField; |
115 | 119 |
DataSourceInraAfz: TDataSource; |
116 | 120 |
ClientDataSetIngredients: TClientDataSet; |
117 | 121 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsId: TIntegerField; |
... | ... | |
238 | 242 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsP: TFloatField; |
239 | 243 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsdP: TFloatField; |
240 | 244 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsdPphy: TFloatField; |
245 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsNa: TFloatField; |
246 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsK: TFloatField; |
247 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsCl: TFloatField; |
248 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsBE: TFloatField; |
241 | 249 |
DataSourceIngredients: TDataSource; |
242 | 250 |
ClientDataSetComposition: TClientDataSet; |
243 | 251 |
ClientDataSetCompositionFeed: TIntegerField; |
... | ... | |
364 | 372 |
ClientDataSetFeedsLevelSum: TFloatField; |
365 | 373 |
ClientDataSetFeedsTotal: TFloatField; |
366 | 374 |
ClientDataSetFeedsRemain: TFloatField; |
375 |
ClientDataSetFeedsNa: TFloatField; |
376 |
ClientDataSetFeedsK: TFloatField; |
377 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCl: TFloatField; |
378 |
ClientDataSetFeedsBE: TFloatField; |
367 | 379 |
DataSourceFeeds: TDataSource; |
368 |
ClientDataSetInraAfzComment: TStringField; |
369 | 380 |
procedure DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); |
370 | 381 |
procedure DataModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject); |
371 | 382 |
procedure ClientDataSetIngredientsFilterRecord(DataSet: TDataSet; var Accept: Boolean); |
... | ... | |
388 | 399 |
procedure CalcOriginal; |
389 | 400 |
procedure CalcCopy; |
390 | 401 |
procedure CalcFeed; |
402 |
function CalcBilanElectrolytique(Na, K, Cl: Double): Double; |
391 | 403 |
function InputProximal(Value, MS: Double; ExpressionMode, ProximalUnit: Integer): Double; |
392 | 404 |
function InputEnergy(Value, MS: Double; ExpressionMode, EnergyUnit: Integer): Double; |
393 | 405 |
function InputAA(Value, MAT, MS: Double; ExpressionMode, AAUnit: Integer): Double; |
... | ... | |
412 | 424 |
uses |
413 | 425 |
SHFolder, StrUtils, UnitOptions; |
414 | 426 |
427 |
procedure TDataModuleDeclaration.AggregateLevelSumUpdate(Agg: TAggregate); |
428 |
begin |
429 |
if not ClientDataSetFeeds.Eof |
430 |
then |
431 |
begin |
432 |
ClientDataSetFeeds.Edit; |
433 |
if VarIsEmpty(Agg.Value) or VarIsNull(Agg.Value) |
434 |
then |
435 |
ClientDataSetFeedsLevelSum.Clear |
436 |
else |
437 |
ClientDataSetFeedsLevelSum.AsFloat := Agg.Value; |
438 |
ClientDataSetFeeds.Post; |
439 |
end; |
440 |
end; |
441 |
442 |
procedure TDataModuleDeclaration.ClientDataSetFeedsCalcFields(DataSet: TDataSet); |
443 |
begin |
444 |
if ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseIncorporation.IsNull or ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseConcentration.IsNull |
445 |
or (ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseConcentration.Value = 0) |
446 |
then |
447 |
ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseLevel.Clear |
448 |
else |
449 |
ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseLevel.Value := OutputIncorporation(ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseIncorporation.Value / ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseConcentration.Value / 1000, FormOptions.Incorporation); |
450 |
ClientDataSetFeedsTotal.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsLevelSum.Value + ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseLevel.Value; |
451 |
ClientDataSetFeedsRemain.Value := OutputIncorporation(1, FormOptions.Incorporation) - ClientDataSetFeedsTotal.Value; |
452 |
end; |
453 |
454 |
procedure TDataModuleDeclaration.ClientDataSetIngredientsFilterRecord(DataSet: TDataSet; var Accept: Boolean); |
455 |
begin |
456 |
Accept := True; |
457 |
if FilterOnClass and (FilteredClass > 0) |
458 |
then |
459 |
Accept := Accept and (DataSet.FieldByName('Class').AsInteger = FilteredClass); |
460 |
if FilterOnDatabase |
461 |
then |
462 |
case FilteredDatabase of |
463 |
1: // User database |
464 |
Accept := Accept and DataSet.FieldByName('User').AsBoolean; |
465 |
2: // Reference tables |
466 |
Accept := Accept and not DataSet.FieldByName('User').AsBoolean; |
467 |
end; |
468 |
if FilterOnName and (FilteredName <> '') |
469 |
then |
470 |
Accept := Accept and (Pos(FilteredName, DataSet.FieldByName('Name').AsWideString) > 0); |
471 |
end; |
472 |
473 |
procedure TDataModuleDeclaration.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); |
474 |
var |
475 |
i: Integer; |
476 |
ExeDir, DataDir, DataFile: String; |
477 |
Cryptage: TLbBlowfish; |
478 |
FluxClair, FluxCrypte: TMemoryStream; |
479 |
DocumentsPath: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; |
480 |
begin |
481 |
// Classes |
482 |
ClassList := TStringList.Create; |
483 |
ClassList.Add('Cereals'); |
484 |
ClassList.Add('Wheat by-products'); |
485 |
ClassList.Add('Maize by-products'); |
486 |
ClassList.Add('Other cereal by-products'); |
487 |
ClassList.Add('Rice by-products'); |
488 |
ClassList.Add('Legume and oil seeds'); |
489 |
ClassList.Add('Oil seed meals'); |
490 |
ClassList.Add('Starch, roots and tubers'); |
491 |
ClassList.Add('Fruits and vegetables by-products'); |
492 |
ClassList.Add('Molasses and vinasses'); |
493 |
ClassList.Add('Other plant products'); |
494 |
ClassList.Add('Dehydrated forages'); |
495 |
ClassList.Add('Dairy products'); |
496 |
ClassList.Add('Fish meals and solubles'); |
497 |
ClassList.Add('Other animal by-products'); |
498 |
ClassList.Add('Fats and oils'); |
499 |
ClassList.Add('Amino acids'); |
500 |
ClassList.Add('Mineral sources'); |
501 |
ClassList.Add('Not referenced'); |
502 |
ClientDataSetClasses.CreateDataSet; |
503 |
for i := 0 to ClassList.Count - 1 do |
504 |
ClientDataSetClasses.AppendRecord([i + 1, dgettext('InraAfz', ClassList[i])]); |
505 |
// Phytase |
506 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.CreateDataSet; |
507 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([1, 0.60, 0.67]); |
508 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([2, 0.65, 0.76]); |
509 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([3, 0.70, 0.87]); |
510 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([4, 0.75, 1.00]); |
511 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([5, 0.80, 1.15]); |
512 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([6, 0.85, 1.34]); |
513 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([7, 0.90, 1.60]); |
514 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([8, 0.95, 1.98]); |
515 |
// Tables de r?f?rence |
516 |
ExeDir := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName); |
517 |
DataFile := ExeDir + 'EvaPig2020.dat'; |
518 |
if not FileExists(DataFile) |
519 |
then // Erreur |
520 |
begin |
521 |
MessageDlg(_('Reference tables of composition and nutritional values of feed materials for pigs') + sLineBreak |
522 |
+ Format(_('%s: file not found'), [DataFile]), mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
523 |
Application.Terminate; |
524 |
Exit; |
525 |
end; |
526 |
ClientDataSetInraAfz.CreateDataSet; |
527 |
Cryptage := TlbBlowfish.Create(nil); |
528 |
Cryptage.GenerateKey('Tables of Composition and Nutritional Value of Feed Materials'); |
529 |
FluxCrypte := TMemoryStream.Create; |
530 |
FluxClair := TMemoryStream.Create; |
531 |
try |
532 |
FluxCrypte.LoadFromFile(DataFile); |
533 |
FluxCrypte.Position := 0; |
534 |
Cryptage.DecryptStream(FluxCrypte, FluxClair); |
535 |
FluxClair.Position := 0; |
536 |
try |
537 |
ClientDataSetInraAfz.LoadFromStream(FluxClair); |
538 |
except |
539 |
MessageDlg(_('Reference tables of composition and nutritional values of feed materials for pigs') + sLineBreak |
540 |
+ _('Invalid data format'), mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
541 |
Application.Terminate; |
542 |
Exit; |
543 |
end; |
544 |
finally |
545 |
FluxCrypte.Free; |
546 |
FluxClair.Free; |
547 |
Cryptage.Free; |
548 |
end; |
549 |
// Base User.sqb |
550 |
SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_PERSONAL, 0, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, DocumentsPath); |
551 |
DataDir := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(DocumentsPath) + Application.Title); |
552 |
ForceDirectories(DataDir); |
553 |
if not FileExists(ExeDir + 'sqlite3.dll') |
554 |
then // Erreur |
555 |
begin |
556 |
MessageDlg(_('SQLite') + sLineBreak |
557 |
+ Format(_('%s: driver missing'), [ExeDir + 'sqlite3.dll']), mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
558 |
Application.Terminate; |
559 |
Exit; |
560 |
end; |
561 |
DBUser := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(DataDir + 'User.sqb'); |
562 |
if not DBUser.TableExists('Ingredients') |
563 |
then // Cr?ation de la table Ingredients |
564 |
begin |
565 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE Ingredients (' |
566 |
567 |
+ 'Name TEXT, ' |
568 |
+ 'Definition TEXT, ' |
569 |
+ 'Class INTEGER, ' |
570 |
+ 'Model INTEGER, ' |
571 |
+ 'MS REAL, ' |
572 |
+ 'MM REAL, ' |
573 |
+ 'MAT REAL, ' |
574 |
+ 'MG REAL, ' |
575 |
+ 'CB REAL, ' |
576 |
+ 'NDF REAL, ' |
577 |
+ 'ADF REAL, ' |
578 |
+ 'ADL REAL, ' |
579 |
+ 'Amidon REAL, ' |
580 |
+ 'Sucres REAL, ' |
581 |
+ 'EB REAL, ' |
582 |
+ 'Bonus REAL, ' |
583 |
+ 'Lys REAL, ' |
584 |
+ 'Thr REAL, ' |
585 |
+ 'Met REAL, ' |
586 |
+ 'Cys REAL, ' |
587 |
+ 'MetCys REAL, ' |
588 |
+ 'Trp REAL, ' |
589 |
+ 'Ile REAL, ' |
590 |
+ 'Val REAL, ' |
591 |
+ 'Leu REAL, ' |
592 |
+ 'Phe REAL, ' |
593 |
+ 'Tyr REAL, ' |
594 |
+ 'PheTyr REAL, ' |
595 |
+ 'His REAL, ' |
596 |
+ 'Arg REAL, ' |
597 |
+ 'Ala REAL, ' |
598 |
+ 'Asp REAL, ' |
599 |
+ 'Glu REAL, ' |
600 |
+ 'Gly REAL, ' |
601 |
+ 'Ser REAL, ' |
602 |
+ 'Pro REAL, ' |
603 |
+ 'dLys REAL, ' |
604 |
+ 'dThr REAL, ' |
605 |
+ 'dMet REAL, ' |
606 |
+ 'dCys REAL, ' |
607 |
+ 'dMetCys REAL, ' |
608 |
+ 'dTrp REAL, ' |
609 |
+ 'dIle REAL, ' |
610 |
+ 'dVal REAL, ' |
611 |
+ 'dLeu REAL, ' |
612 |
+ 'dPhe REAL, ' |
613 |
+ 'dTyr REAL, ' |
614 |
+ 'dPheTyr REAL, ' |
615 |
+ 'dHis REAL, ' |
616 |
+ 'dArg REAL, ' |
617 |
+ 'dAla REAL, ' |
618 |
+ 'dAsp REAL, ' |
619 |
+ 'dGlu REAL, ' |
620 |
+ 'dGly REAL, ' |
621 |
+ 'dSer REAL, ' |
622 |
+ 'dPro REAL, ' |
623 |
+ 'Ca REAL, ' |
624 |
+ 'P REAL, ' |
625 |
+ 'dP REAL, ' |
626 |
+ 'dPphy REAL)'); |
627 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE INDEX IdxClasses ON Ingredients (Class)'); |
628 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE INDEX IdxModels ON Ingredients (Model)'); |
629 |
end; |
630 |
if not DBUser.TableExists('Feeds') |
631 |
then // Cr?ation de la table Feeds |
632 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE Feeds (' |
633 |
634 |
+ 'Name TEXT, ' |
635 |
+ 'Description TEXT, ' |
636 |
+ 'Presentation INTEGER, ' |
637 |
+ 'BonusC REAL, ' |
638 |
+ 'BonusT REAL, ' |
639 |
+ 'Phytase INTEGER, ' |
640 |
+ 'Concentration REAL, ' |
641 |
+ 'Incorporation REAL)'); |
642 |
if not DBUser.TableExists('Composition') |
643 |
then // Cr?ation de la table Composition |
644 |
begin |
645 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE Composition (' |
646 |
+ 'Feed INTEGER, ' |
647 |
+ 'Ingredient INTEGER, ' |
648 |
+ 'User BOOLEAN, ' |
649 |
+ 'Rank INTEGER, ' |
650 |
+ 'MS REAL, ' |
651 |
+ 'Level REAL)'); |
652 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE INDEX IdxFeeds ON Composition (Feed)'); |
653 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE INDEX IdxIngredients ON Composition (Ingredient)'); |
654 |
end; |
655 |
Application.ProcessMessages; |
656 |
// Liste des mati?res premi?res utilisateur |
657 |
UserList := TStringList.Create; |
658 |
TableIngredients := DBUser.GetTable('SELECT Name FROM Ingredients'); |
659 |
with TableIngredients do |
660 |
try |
661 |
while not Eof do |
662 |
begin |
663 |
UserList.Add(FieldAsString(FieldIndex['Name'])); |
664 |
Next; |
665 |
end; |
666 |
finally |
667 |
Free; |
668 |
end; |
669 |
// Liste des r?gimes |
670 |
FeedList := TStringList.Create; |
671 |
TableFeeds := DBUser.GetTable('SELECT Name FROM Feeds'); |
672 |
with TableFeeds do |
673 |
try |
674 |
while not Eof do |
675 |
begin |
676 |
FeedList.Add(FieldAsString(FieldIndex['Name'])); |
677 |
Next; |
678 |
end; |
679 |
finally |
680 |
Free; |
681 |
end; |
682 |
end; |
683 |
684 |
procedure TDataModuleDeclaration.DataModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject); |
685 |
begin |
686 |
ClientDataSetClasses.Close; |
687 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.Close; |
688 |
ClientDataSetInraAfz.Close; |
689 |
ClassList.Free; |
690 |
UserList.Free; |
691 |
FeedList.Free; |
692 |
Application.ProcessMessages; |
693 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('VACUUM'); // Compacter la base User.sqb |
694 |
DBUser.Free; |
695 |
Application.ProcessMessages; |
696 |
end; |
697 |
415 | 698 |
procedure TDataModuleDeclaration.CalcInraAfz; |
416 | 699 |
// Renseigner l'enregistrement courant de ClientDataSetIngredients |
417 | 700 |
// ? partir de l'enregistrement courant de ClientDataSetInraAfz |
... | ... | |
1013 | 1296 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Clear |
1014 | 1297 |
else |
1015 | 1298 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value := OutputMinerals(ClientDataSetInraAfzP.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals); |
1299 |
if ClientDataSetInraAfzNa.IsNull |
1300 |
then |
1301 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.Clear |
1302 |
else |
1303 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.Value := OutputMinerals(ClientDataSetInraAfzNa.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals); |
1304 |
if ClientDataSetInraAfzK.IsNull |
1305 |
then |
1306 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsK.Clear |
1307 |
else |
1308 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsK.Value := OutputMinerals(ClientDataSetInraAfzK.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals); |
1309 |
if ClientDataSetInraAfzCl.IsNull |
1310 |
then |
1311 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.Clear |
1312 |
else |
1313 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.Value := OutputMinerals(ClientDataSetInraAfzCl.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals); |
1314 |
if ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.IsNull or ClientDataSetIngredientsK.IsNull or ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.IsNull |
1315 |
then |
1316 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Clear |
1317 |
else |
1318 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Value := CalcBilanElectrolytique(InputMinerals(ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals), InputMinerals(ClientDataSetIngredientsK.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals), InputMinerals(ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals)); |
1016 | 1319 |
if ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value = 0 |
1017 | 1320 |
then // En l'absence de P, il n'y a pas de dP |
1018 | 1321 |
begin |
... | ... | |
1997 | 2300 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Clear |
1998 | 2301 |
else |
1999 | 2302 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value := OutputMinerals(TableIngredients.FieldAsDouble(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['P']), RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals); |
2303 |
if TableIngredients.FieldIsNull(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['Na']) |
2304 |
then |
2305 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.Clear |
2306 |
else |
2307 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.Value := OutputMinerals(TableIngredients.FieldAsDouble(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['Na']), RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals); |
2308 |
if TableIngredients.FieldIsNull(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['K']) |
2309 |
then |
2310 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsK.Clear |
2311 |
else |
2312 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsK.Value := OutputMinerals(TableIngredients.FieldAsDouble(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['K']), RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals); |
2313 |
if TableIngredients.FieldIsNull(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['Cl']) |
2314 |
then |
2315 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.Clear |
2316 |
else |
2317 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.Value := OutputMinerals(TableIngredients.FieldAsDouble(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['Cl']), RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals); |
2318 |
if ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.IsNull or ClientDataSetIngredientsK.IsNull or ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.IsNull |
2319 |
then |
2320 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Clear |
2321 |
else |
2322 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Value := CalcBilanElectrolytique(InputMinerals(ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals), InputMinerals(ClientDataSetIngredientsK.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals), InputMinerals(ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals)); |
2000 | 2323 |
if ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value = 0 |
2001 | 2324 |
then // En l'absence de P, il n'y a pas de dP |
2002 | 2325 |
begin |
... | ... | |
3013 | 3336 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value := OutputMinerals(ClientDataSetInraAfzP.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals) |
3014 | 3337 |
else |
3015 | 3338 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value := OutputMinerals(TableIngredients.FieldAsDouble(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['P']), RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals); |
3339 |
if TableIngredients.FieldIsNull(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['Na']) |
3340 |
then |
3341 |
if ClientDataSetInraAfzNa.IsNull |
3342 |
then |
3343 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.Clear |
3344 |
else |
3345 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.Value := OutputMinerals(ClientDataSetInraAfzNa.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals) |
3346 |
else |
3347 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.Value := OutputMinerals(TableIngredients.FieldAsDouble(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['Na']), RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals); |
3348 |
if TableIngredients.FieldIsNull(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['K']) |
3349 |
then |
3350 |
if ClientDataSetInraAfzK.IsNull |
3351 |
then |
3352 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsK.Clear |
3353 |
else |
3354 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsK.Value := OutputMinerals(ClientDataSetInraAfzK.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals) |
3355 |
else |
3356 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsK.Value := OutputMinerals(TableIngredients.FieldAsDouble(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['K']), RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals); |
3357 |
if TableIngredients.FieldIsNull(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['Cl']) |
3358 |
then |
3359 |
if ClientDataSetInraAfzCl.IsNull |
3360 |
then |
3361 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.Clear |
3362 |
else |
3363 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.Value := OutputMinerals(ClientDataSetInraAfzCl.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals) |
3364 |
else |
3365 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.Value := OutputMinerals(TableIngredients.FieldAsDouble(TableIngredients.FieldIndex['Cl']), RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals); |
3366 |
if ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.IsNull or ClientDataSetIngredientsK.IsNull or ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.IsNull |
3367 |
then |
3368 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Clear |
3369 |
else |
3370 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Value := CalcBilanElectrolytique(InputMinerals(ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals), InputMinerals(ClientDataSetIngredientsK.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals), InputMinerals(ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals)); |
3016 | 3371 |
if ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value = 0 |
3017 | 3372 |
then // En l'absence de P, il n'y a pas de dP |
3018 | 3373 |
begin |
... | ... | |
3157 | 3512 |
// Min?raux |
3158 | 3513 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCa.Clear; |
3159 | 3514 |
ClientDataSetFeedsP.Clear; |
3515 |
ClientDataSetFeedsNa.Clear; |
3516 |
ClientDataSetFeedsK.Clear; |
3517 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Clear; |
3160 | 3518 |
ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Clear; |
3161 | 3519 |
end |
3162 | 3520 |
else |
... | ... | |
3228 | 3586 |
// Min?raux |
3229 | 3587 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCa.Value := 0; |
3230 | 3588 |
ClientDataSetFeedsP.Value := 0; |
3589 |
ClientDataSetFeedsNa.Value := 0; |
3590 |
ClientDataSetFeedsK.Value := 0; |
3591 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value := 0; |
3231 | 3592 |
ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value := 0; |
3232 | 3593 |
PdEndo := 0; |
3233 | 3594 |
ClientDataSetComposition.First; |
... | ... | |
3641 | 4002 |
ClientDataSetFeedsP.Clear |
3642 | 4003 |
else |
3643 | 4004 |
ClientDataSetFeedsP.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsP.Value + ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio; |
4005 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsNa.IsNull |
4006 |
then |
4007 |
if ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.IsNull and (ClientDataSetIngredientsMM.Value <> 0) |
4008 |
then |
4009 |
ClientDataSetFeedsNa.Clear |
4010 |
else |
4011 |
ClientDataSetFeedsNa.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsNa.Value + ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.Value * Ratio; |
4012 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsK.IsNull |
4013 |
then |
4014 |
if ClientDataSetIngredientsK.IsNull and (ClientDataSetIngredientsMM.Value <> 0) |
4015 |
then |
4016 |
ClientDataSetFeedsK.Clear |
4017 |
else |
4018 |
ClientDataSetFeedsK.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsK.Value + ClientDataSetIngredientsK.Value * Ratio; |
4019 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsCl.IsNull |
4020 |
then |
4021 |
if ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.IsNull and (ClientDataSetIngredientsMM.Value <> 0) |
4022 |
then |
4023 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Clear |
4024 |
else |
4025 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value + ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.Value * Ratio; |
3644 | 4026 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsPd.IsNull |
3645 | 4027 |
then |
3646 | 4028 |
if ClientDataSetFeedsPresentation.Value = 0 |
... | ... | |
3873 | 4255 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsP.IsNull |
3874 | 4256 |
then |
3875 | 4257 |
ClientDataSetFeedsP.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsP.Value / RapMS; |
4258 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsNa.IsNull |
4259 |
then |
4260 |
ClientDataSetFeedsNa.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsNa.Value / RapMS; |
4261 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsK.IsNull |
4262 |
then |
4263 |
ClientDataSetFeedsK.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsK.Value / RapMS; |
4264 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsCl.IsNull |
4265 |
then |
4266 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value / RapMS; |
3876 | 4267 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsPd.IsNull |
3877 | 4268 |
then |
3878 | 4269 |
ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value / RapMS; |
3879 | 4270 |
end; |
3880 | 4271 |
end; |
4272 |
if ClientDataSetFeedsNa.IsNull or ClientDataSetFeedsK.IsNull or ClientDataSetFeedsCl.IsNull |
4273 |
then |
4274 |
ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Clear |
4275 |
else |
4276 |
ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Value := CalcBilanElectrolytique(InputMinerals(ClientDataSetFeedsNa.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals), InputMinerals(ClientDataSetFeedsK.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals), InputMinerals(ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals)); |
3881 | 4277 |
// Rapports |
3882 | 4278 |
if ClientDataSetFeedsEDc.IsNull or ClientDataSetFeedsEB.IsNull or (ClientDataSetFeedsEB.Value = 0) |
3883 | 4279 |
then |
... | ... | |
4140 | 4536 |
ClientDataSetFeedsProd_Lysd.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsProd.Value / ClientDataSetFeedsLysd.Value * 100; |
4141 | 4537 |
end; |
4142 | 4538 |
4143 |
procedure TDataModuleDeclaration.AggregateLevelSumUpdate(Agg: TAggregate);
4539 |
function TDataModuleDeclaration.CalcBilanElectrolytique(Na, K, Cl: Double): Double;
4144 | 4540 |
begin |
4145 |
if not ClientDataSetFeeds.Eof |
4146 |
then |
4147 |
begin |
4148 |
ClientDataSetFeeds.Edit; |
4149 |
if VarIsEmpty(Agg.Value) or VarIsNull(Agg.Value) |
4150 |
then |
4151 |
ClientDataSetFeedsLevelSum.Clear |
4152 |
else |
4153 |
ClientDataSetFeedsLevelSum.AsFloat := Agg.Value; |
4154 |
ClientDataSetFeeds.Post; |
4155 |
end; |
4541 |
Result := (Na / 23 + K / 39 - Cl / 35.5) * 1000000; |
4542 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
4543 |
then // sur frais |
4544 |
Result := Result * RapMS; |
4156 | 4545 |
end; |
4157 | 4546 |
4158 |
procedure TDataModuleDeclaration.ClientDataSetFeedsCalcFields(DataSet: TDataSet); |
4159 |
begin |
4160 |
if ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseIncorporation.IsNull or ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseConcentration.IsNull |
4161 |
or (ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseConcentration.Value = 0) |
4162 |
then |
4163 |
ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseLevel.Clear |
4164 |
else |
4165 |
ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseLevel.Value := OutputIncorporation(ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseIncorporation.Value / ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseConcentration.Value / 1000, FormOptions.Incorporation); |
4166 |
ClientDataSetFeedsTotal.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsLevelSum.Value + ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseLevel.Value; |
4167 |
ClientDataSetFeedsRemain.Value := OutputIncorporation(1, FormOptions.Incorporation) - ClientDataSetFeedsTotal.Value; |
4168 |
end; |
4169 |
4170 |
procedure TDataModuleDeclaration.ClientDataSetIngredientsFilterRecord(DataSet: TDataSet; var Accept: Boolean); |
4171 |
begin |
4172 |
Accept := True; |
4173 |
if FilterOnClass and (FilteredClass > 0) |
4174 |
then |
4175 |
Accept := Accept and (DataSet.FieldByName('Class').AsInteger = FilteredClass); |
4176 |
if FilterOnDatabase |
4177 |
then |
4178 |
case FilteredDatabase of |
4179 |
1: // User database |
4180 |
Accept := Accept and DataSet.FieldByName('User').AsBoolean; |
4181 |
2: // Reference tables |
4182 |
Accept := Accept and not DataSet.FieldByName('User').AsBoolean; |
4183 |
end; |
4184 |
if FilterOnName and (FilteredName <> '') |
4185 |
then |
4186 |
Accept := Accept and (Pos(FilteredName, DataSet.FieldByName('Name').AsWideString) > 0); |
4187 |
end; |
4188 |
4189 |
procedure TDataModuleDeclaration.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); |
4190 |
var |
4191 |
i: Integer; |
4192 |
ExeDir, DataDir, DataFile: String; |
4193 |
Cryptage: TLbBlowfish; |
4194 |
FluxClair, FluxCrypte: TMemoryStream; |
4195 |
DocumentsPath: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; |
4196 |
begin |
4197 |
// Classes |
4198 |
ClassList := TStringList.Create; |
4199 |
ClassList.Add('Cereals'); |
4200 |
ClassList.Add('Wheat by-products'); |
4201 |
ClassList.Add('Maize by-products'); |
4202 |
ClassList.Add('Other cereal by-products'); |
4203 |
ClassList.Add('Rice by-products'); |
4204 |
ClassList.Add('Legume and oil seeds'); |
4205 |
ClassList.Add('Oil seed meals'); |
4206 |
ClassList.Add('Starch, roots and tubers'); |
4207 |
ClassList.Add('Fruits and vegetables by-products'); |
4208 |
ClassList.Add('Molasses and vinasses'); |
4209 |
ClassList.Add('Other plant products'); |
4210 |
ClassList.Add('Dehydrated forages'); |
4211 |
ClassList.Add('Dairy products'); |
4212 |
ClassList.Add('Fish meals and solubles'); |
4213 |
ClassList.Add('Other animal by-products'); |
4214 |
ClassList.Add('Fats and oils'); |
4215 |
ClassList.Add('Amino acids'); |
4216 |
ClassList.Add('Mineral sources'); |
4217 |
ClassList.Add('Not referenced'); |
4218 |
ClientDataSetClasses.CreateDataSet; |
4219 |
for i := 0 to ClassList.Count - 1 do |
4220 |
ClientDataSetClasses.AppendRecord([i + 1, dgettext('InraAfz', ClassList[i])]); |
4221 |
// Phytase |
4222 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.CreateDataSet; |
4223 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([1, 0.60, 0.67]); |
4224 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([2, 0.65, 0.76]); |
4225 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([3, 0.70, 0.87]); |
4226 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([4, 0.75, 1.00]); |
4227 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([5, 0.80, 1.15]); |
4228 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([6, 0.85, 1.34]); |
4229 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([7, 0.90, 1.60]); |
4230 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.AppendRecord([8, 0.95, 1.98]); |
4231 |
// Tables de r?f?rence |
4232 |
ExeDir := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName); |
4233 |
DataFile := ExeDir + 'EvaPig2020.dat'; |
4234 |
if not FileExists(DataFile) |
4235 |
then // Erreur |
4236 |
begin |
4237 |
MessageDlg(_('Reference tables of composition and nutritional values of feed materials for pigs') + sLineBreak |
4238 |
+ Format(_('%s: file not found'), [DataFile]), mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
4239 |
Application.Terminate; |
4240 |
Exit; |
4241 |
end; |
4242 |
ClientDataSetInraAfz.CreateDataSet; |
4243 |
Cryptage := TlbBlowfish.Create(nil); |
4244 |
Cryptage.GenerateKey('Tables of Composition and Nutritional Value of Feed Materials'); |
4245 |
FluxCrypte := TMemoryStream.Create; |
4246 |
FluxClair := TMemoryStream.Create; |
4247 |
try |
4248 |
FluxCrypte.LoadFromFile(DataFile); |
4249 |
FluxCrypte.Position := 0; |
4250 |
Cryptage.DecryptStream(FluxCrypte, FluxClair); |
4251 |
FluxClair.Position := 0; |
4252 |
try |
4253 |
ClientDataSetInraAfz.LoadFromStream(FluxClair); |
4254 |
except |
4255 |
MessageDlg(_('Reference tables of composition and nutritional values of feed materials for pigs') + sLineBreak |
4256 |
+ _('Invalid data format'), mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
4257 |
Application.Terminate; |
4258 |
Exit; |
4259 |
end; |
4260 |
finally |
4261 |
FluxCrypte.Free; |
4262 |
FluxClair.Free; |
4263 |
Cryptage.Free; |
4264 |
end; |
4265 |
// Base User.sqb |
4266 |
SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_PERSONAL, 0, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, DocumentsPath); |
4267 |
DataDir := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(DocumentsPath) + Application.Title); |
4268 |
ForceDirectories(DataDir); |
4269 |
if not FileExists(ExeDir + 'sqlite3.dll') |
4270 |
then // Erreur |
4271 |
begin |
4272 |
MessageDlg(_('SQLite') + sLineBreak |
4273 |
+ Format(_('%s: driver missing'), [ExeDir + 'sqlite3.dll']), mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
4274 |
Application.Terminate; |
4275 |
Exit; |
4276 |
end; |
4277 |
DBUser := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(DataDir + 'User.sqb'); |
4278 |
if not DBUser.TableExists('Ingredients') |
4279 |
then // Cr?ation de la table Ingredients |
4280 |
begin |
4281 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE Ingredients (' |
4282 |
4283 |
+ 'Name TEXT, ' |
4284 |
+ 'Definition TEXT, ' |
4285 |
+ 'Class INTEGER, ' |
4286 |
+ 'Model INTEGER, ' |
4287 |
+ 'MS REAL, ' |
4288 |
+ 'MM REAL, ' |
4289 |
+ 'MAT REAL, ' |
4290 |
+ 'MG REAL, ' |
4291 |
+ 'CB REAL, ' |
4292 |
+ 'NDF REAL, ' |
4293 |
+ 'ADF REAL, ' |
4294 |
+ 'ADL REAL, ' |
4295 |
+ 'Amidon REAL, ' |
4296 |
+ 'Sucres REAL, ' |
4297 |
+ 'EB REAL, ' |
4298 |
+ 'Bonus REAL, ' |
4299 |
+ 'Lys REAL, ' |
4300 |
+ 'Thr REAL, ' |
4301 |
+ 'Met REAL, ' |
4302 |
+ 'Cys REAL, ' |
4303 |
+ 'MetCys REAL, ' |
4304 |
+ 'Trp REAL, ' |
4305 |
+ 'Ile REAL, ' |
4306 |
+ 'Val REAL, ' |
4307 |
+ 'Leu REAL, ' |
4308 |
+ 'Phe REAL, ' |
4309 |
+ 'Tyr REAL, ' |
4310 |
+ 'PheTyr REAL, ' |
4311 |
+ 'His REAL, ' |
4312 |
+ 'Arg REAL, ' |
4313 |
+ 'Ala REAL, ' |
4314 |
+ 'Asp REAL, ' |
4315 |
+ 'Glu REAL, ' |
4316 |
+ 'Gly REAL, ' |
4317 |
+ 'Ser REAL, ' |
4318 |
+ 'Pro REAL, ' |
4319 |
+ 'dLys REAL, ' |
4320 |
+ 'dThr REAL, ' |
4321 |
+ 'dMet REAL, ' |
4322 |
+ 'dCys REAL, ' |
4323 |
+ 'dMetCys REAL, ' |
4324 |
+ 'dTrp REAL, ' |
4325 |
+ 'dIle REAL, ' |
4326 |
+ 'dVal REAL, ' |
4327 |
+ 'dLeu REAL, ' |
4328 |
+ 'dPhe REAL, ' |
4329 |
+ 'dTyr REAL, ' |
4330 |
+ 'dPheTyr REAL, ' |
4331 |
+ 'dHis REAL, ' |
4332 |
+ 'dArg REAL, ' |
4333 |
+ 'dAla REAL, ' |
4334 |
+ 'dAsp REAL, ' |
4335 |
+ 'dGlu REAL, ' |
4336 |
+ 'dGly REAL, ' |
4337 |
+ 'dSer REAL, ' |
4338 |
+ 'dPro REAL, ' |
4339 |
+ 'Ca REAL, ' |
4340 |
+ 'P REAL, ' |
4341 |
+ 'dP REAL, ' |
4342 |
+ 'dPphy REAL)'); |
4343 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE INDEX IdxClasses ON Ingredients (Class)'); |
4344 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE INDEX IdxModels ON Ingredients (Model)'); |
4345 |
end; |
4346 |
if not DBUser.TableExists('Feeds') |
4347 |
then // Cr?ation de la table Feeds |
4348 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE Feeds (' |
4349 |
4350 |
+ 'Name TEXT, ' |
4351 |
+ 'Description TEXT, ' |
4352 |
+ 'Presentation INTEGER, ' |
4353 |
+ 'BonusC REAL, ' |
4354 |
+ 'BonusT REAL, ' |
4355 |
+ 'Phytase INTEGER, ' |
4356 |
+ 'Concentration REAL, ' |
4357 |
+ 'Incorporation REAL)'); |
4358 |
if not DBUser.TableExists('Composition') |
4359 |
then // Cr?ation de la table Composition |
4360 |
begin |
4361 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE Composition (' |
4362 |
+ 'Feed INTEGER, ' |
4363 |
+ 'Ingredient INTEGER, ' |
4364 |
+ 'User BOOLEAN, ' |
4365 |
+ 'Rank INTEGER, ' |
4366 |
+ 'MS REAL, ' |
4367 |
+ 'Level REAL)'); |
4368 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE INDEX IdxFeeds ON Composition (Feed)'); |
4369 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE INDEX IdxIngredients ON Composition (Ingredient)'); |
4370 |
end; |
4371 |
Application.ProcessMessages; |
4372 |
// Liste des mati?res premi?res utilisateur |
4373 |
UserList := TStringList.Create; |
4374 |
TableIngredients := DBUser.GetTable('SELECT Name FROM Ingredients'); |
4375 |
with TableIngredients do |
4376 |
try |
4377 |
while not Eof do |
4378 |
begin |
4379 |
UserList.Add(FieldAsString(FieldIndex['Name'])); |
4380 |
Next; |
4381 |
end; |
4382 |
finally |
4383 |
Free; |
4384 |
end; |
4385 |
// Liste des r?gimes |
4386 |
FeedList := TStringList.Create; |
4387 |
TableFeeds := DBUser.GetTable('SELECT Name FROM Feeds'); |
4388 |
with TableFeeds do |
4389 |
try |
4390 |
while not Eof do |
4391 |
begin |
4392 |
FeedList.Add(FieldAsString(FieldIndex['Name'])); |
4393 |
Next; |
4394 |
end; |
4395 |
finally |
4396 |
Free; |
4397 |
end; |
4398 |
end; |
4399 |
4400 |
procedure TDataModuleDeclaration.DataModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject); |
4401 |
begin |
4402 |
ClientDataSetClasses.Close; |
4403 |
ClientDataSetPhytase.Close; |
4404 |
ClientDataSetInraAfz.Close; |
4405 |
ClassList.Free; |
4406 |
UserList.Free; |
4407 |
FeedList.Free; |
4408 |
Application.ProcessMessages; |
4409 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('VACUUM'); // Compacter la base User.sqb |
4410 |
DBUser.Free; |
4411 |
Application.ProcessMessages; |
4412 |
end; |
4413 |
4414 | 4547 |
function TDataModuleDeclaration.InputProximal(Value, MS: Double; ExpressionMode, ProximalUnit: Integer): Double; |
4415 | 4548 |
begin |
4416 | 4549 |
if ProximalUnit = 0 |
Formats disponibles : Unified diff