Révision 5
UnitFeedsCharts.dfm | ||
222 | 222 |
'Sodium' |
223 | 223 |
'Potassium' |
224 | 224 |
'Chlorine' |
225 |
'Digestible phosphorus') |
225 |
'Digestible phosphorus' |
226 |
'Electrolyte balance') |
226 | 227 |
end |
227 | 228 |
object ComboBoxProximal0: TComboBox |
228 | 229 |
Left = 224 |
... | ... | |
508 | 509 |
'Sodium' |
509 | 510 |
'Potassium' |
510 | 511 |
'Chlorine' |
511 |
'Digestible phosphorus') |
512 |
'Digestible phosphorus' |
513 |
'Electrolyte balance') |
512 | 514 |
end |
513 | 515 |
object ComboBoxProximal: TComboBox |
514 | 516 |
Left = 224 |
... | ... | |
533 | 535 |
'Sugars') |
534 | 536 |
end |
535 | 537 |
object ComboBoxType: TComboBox |
536 |
Left = 16
538 |
Left = 18
537 | 539 |
Top = 16 |
538 | 540 |
Width = 200 |
539 | 541 |
Height = 21 |
... | ... | |
958 | 960 |
Left = 8 |
959 | 961 |
Top = 640 |
960 | 962 |
Bitmap = { |
961 |
963 |
962 | 964 |
0000000000003600000028000000800000002000000001002000000000000040 |
963 | 965 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
964 | 966 |
UnitFeedsList.pas | ||
42 | 42 |
JvImgBtnView: TJvImgBtn; |
43 | 43 |
JvImgBtnEval: TJvImgBtn; |
44 | 44 |
JvImgBtnGraphs: TJvImgBtn; |
45 |
TabSheetBE: TTabSheet; |
46 |
DBGridBE: TDBGrid; |
45 | 47 |
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); |
46 | 48 |
procedure DBGridFeedsDrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; |
47 | 49 |
DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); |
... | ... | |
367 | 369 |
MineralsUnit := Format('%s %s', [ComboBoxMinerals.Items[Minerals], _('DM')]); |
368 | 370 |
end; |
369 | 371 |
with FormOptions do |
370 |
TabSheetMS.Caption := TabSheetMS.Caption + Format(' (%s)', [ComboBoxProximal.Items[Proximal]]); |
371 |
TabSheetProximal.Caption := TabSheetProximal.Caption + Format(' (%s)', [ProximalUnit]); |
372 |
TabSheetEnergy.Caption := TabSheetEnergy.Caption + Format(' (%s)', [EnergyUnit]); |
373 |
TabSheetEnergyUtilization.Caption := TabSheetEnergyUtilization.Caption + ' (%)'; |
374 |
TabSheetAATot.Caption := TabSheetAATot.Caption + Format(' (%s)', [AAUnit]); |
375 |
TabSheetAADig.Caption := TabSheetAADig.Caption + Format(' (%s)', [AAUnit]); |
376 |
TabSheetMinerals.Caption := TabSheetMinerals.Caption + Format(' (%s)', [MineralsUnit]); |
372 |
TabSheetMS.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [TabSheetMS.Caption, ComboBoxProximal.Items[Proximal]]); |
373 |
TabSheetProximal.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [TabSheetProximal.Caption, ProximalUnit]); |
374 |
TabSheetEnergy.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [TabSheetEnergy.Caption, EnergyUnit]); |
375 |
TabSheetEnergyUtilization.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [TabSheetEnergyUtilization.Caption]); |
376 |
TabSheetAATot.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [TabSheetAATot.Caption, AAUnit]); |
377 |
TabSheetAADig.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [TabSheetAADig.Caption, AAUnit]); |
378 |
TabSheetMinerals.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [TabSheetMinerals.Caption, MineralsUnit]); |
379 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
380 |
then // sur frais |
381 |
TabSheetBE.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [TabSheetBE.Caption, _('mEq/kg')]) |
382 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
383 |
TabSheetBE.Caption := Format('%s (%s %s)', [TabSheetBE.Caption, _('mEq/kg'), _('DM')]); |
377 | 384 |
// Sauvegarder la WndProc actuelle du DBGrid |
378 | 385 |
DBGridNameOldWindowProc := DBGridName.WindowProc; |
379 | 386 |
DBGridMSOldWindowProc := DBGridMS.WindowProc; |
UnitMain.pas | ||
653 | 653 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsNa.DisplayFormat := MineralsFormat; |
654 | 654 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsK.DisplayFormat := MineralsFormat; |
655 | 655 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.DisplayFormat := MineralsFormat; |
656 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.DisplayFormat := DecimalFormat(2);
656 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.DisplayFormat := DecimalFormat(1);
657 | 657 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsdP.DisplayFormat := DecimalFormat(1); |
658 | 658 |
ClientDataSetIngredientsdPphy.DisplayFormat := DecimalFormat(1); |
659 | 659 |
end; |
... | ... | |
903 | 903 |
ClientDataSetFeedsNa.DisplayFormat := MineralsFormat; |
904 | 904 |
ClientDataSetFeedsK.DisplayFormat := MineralsFormat; |
905 | 905 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCl.DisplayFormat := MineralsFormat; |
906 |
ClientDataSetFeedsBE.DisplayFormat := DecimalFormat(2);
906 |
ClientDataSetFeedsBE.DisplayFormat := DecimalFormat(1);
907 | 907 |
ClientDataSetFeedsPd.DisplayFormat := MineralsFormat; |
908 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCa_Pd.DisplayFormat := DecimalFormat(1);
908 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCa_Pd.DisplayFormat := DecimalFormat(2);
909 | 909 |
ClientDataSetFeedsPd_ENc.DisplayFormat := DecimalFormat(2); |
910 | 910 |
ClientDataSetFeedsPd_ENt.DisplayFormat := DecimalFormat(2); |
911 | 911 |
ClientDataSetFeedsPhytaseConcentration.DisplayFormat := DecimalFormat(0); |
UnitFeedDetail.pas | ||
211 | 211 |
DBEditK: TDBEdit; |
212 | 212 |
DBEditCl: TDBEdit; |
213 | 213 |
DBEditBE: TDBEdit; |
214 |
LabelBEUnit: TLabel; |
214 | 215 |
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); |
215 | 216 |
procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); |
216 | 217 |
procedure ActionModifyExecute(Sender: TObject); |
... | ... | |
317 | 318 |
CellData(Row, FloatToStrF(ClientDataSetFeeds.Fields[i].AsFloat, ffFixed, 15, FormOptions.EnergyDecimals, USFormatSettings), 'Number') |
318 | 319 |
else |
319 | 320 |
CellData(Row, '', 'String'); |
320 |
4, 5, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30..34, 103:
321 |
4, 5, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30..34, 101:
321 | 322 |
if not ClientDataSetFeeds.Fields[i].IsNull |
322 | 323 |
then |
323 | 324 |
CellData(Row, FloatToStrF(ClientDataSetFeeds.Fields[i].AsFloat, ffFixed, 15, 1, USFormatSettings), 'Number') |
... | ... | |
329 | 330 |
CellData(Row, FloatToStrF(ClientDataSetFeeds.Fields[i].AsFloat, ffFixed, 15, FormOptions.AADecimals, USFormatSettings), 'Number') |
330 | 331 |
else |
331 | 332 |
CellData(Row, '', 'String'); |
332 |
75..76, 104..105:
333 |
75..76, 103..105:
333 | 334 |
if not ClientDataSetFeeds.Fields[i].IsNull |
334 | 335 |
then |
335 | 336 |
CellData(Row, FloatToStrF(ClientDataSetFeeds.Fields[i].AsFloat, ffFixed, 15, 2, USFormatSettings), 'Number') |
... | ... | |
347 | 348 |
CellData(Row, FloatToStrF(ClientDataSetFeeds.Fields[i].AsFloat, ffFixed, 15, FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, USFormatSettings), 'Number') |
348 | 349 |
else |
349 | 350 |
CellData(Row, '', 'String'); |
350 |
101: |
351 |
if not ClientDataSetIngredients.Fields[i].IsNull |
352 |
then |
353 |
CellData(Row, FloatToStrF(ClientDataSetIngredients.Fields[i].AsFloat, ffFixed, 15, 2, USFormatSettings), 'Number') |
354 |
else |
355 |
CellData(Row, '', 'String'); |
356 | 351 |
end; |
357 | 352 |
// Unit |
358 | 353 |
case i of |
... | ... | |
390 | 385 |
CellData(Row, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], 'String') |
391 | 386 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
392 | 387 |
CellData(Row, Format('%s %s', [FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')]), 'String'); |
393 |
101: // %
388 |
101: // Bilan ?lectrolytique
394 | 389 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
395 | 390 |
then // sur frais |
396 | 391 |
CellData(Row, _('mEq/kg'), 'String') |
397 | 392 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
398 | 393 |
CellData(Row, Format('%s %s', [_('mEq/kg'), _('DM')]), 'String'); |
399 |
109: |
394 |
109: // Phytase
400 | 395 |
CellData(Row, _('IU/kg'), 'String'); |
401 | 396 |
end; |
402 | 397 |
end; |
... | ... | |
788 | 783 |
// LabelCa_Pd.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [LabelCa_Pd.Caption]); |
789 | 784 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
790 | 785 |
then // sur frais |
791 |
LabelBE.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [LabelBE.Caption, _('mEq/kg')])
786 |
LabelBEUnit.Caption := Format('(%s)', [_('mEq/kg')])
792 | 787 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
793 |
LabelBE.Caption := Format('%s (%s %s)', [LabelBE.Caption, _('mEq/kg'), _('DM')]);
788 |
LabelBEUnit.Caption := Format('(%s %s)', [_('mEq/kg'), _('DM')]);
794 | 789 |
// GroupBoxAzote.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [GroupBoxAzote.Caption]); |
795 | 790 |
LabeldN.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [LabeldN.Caption]); |
796 | 791 |
if FormOptions.Energy = 0 |
UnitFeedCharts.dfm | ||
107 | 107 |
'Sodium' |
108 | 108 |
'Potassium' |
109 | 109 |
'Chlorine' |
110 |
'Digestible phosphorus') |
110 |
'Digestible phosphorus' |
111 |
'Electrolyte balance') |
111 | 112 |
end |
112 | 113 |
object ComboBoxProximal0: TComboBox |
113 | 114 |
Left = 224 |
... | ... | |
398 | 399 |
'Sodium' |
399 | 400 |
'Potassium' |
400 | 401 |
'Chlorine' |
401 |
'Digestible phosphorus') |
402 |
'Digestible phosphorus' |
403 |
'Electrolyte balance') |
402 | 404 |
end |
403 | 405 |
object ComboBoxProximal1: TComboBox |
404 | 406 |
Left = 224 |
... | ... | |
523 | 525 |
'Sodium' |
524 | 526 |
'Potassium' |
525 | 527 |
'Chlorine' |
526 |
'Digestible phosphorus') |
528 |
'Digestible phosphorus' |
529 |
'Electrolyte balance') |
527 | 530 |
end |
528 | 531 |
object ComboBoxProximal2: TComboBox |
529 | 532 |
Left = 224 |
... | ... | |
716 | 719 |
'Sodium' |
717 | 720 |
'Potassium' |
718 | 721 |
'Chlorine' |
719 |
'Digestible phosphorus') |
722 |
'Digestible phosphorus' |
723 |
'Electrolyte balance') |
720 | 724 |
end |
721 | 725 |
object ComboBoxProximal3: TComboBox |
722 | 726 |
Left = 224 |
... | ... | |
909 | 913 |
'Sodium' |
910 | 914 |
'Potassium' |
911 | 915 |
'Chlorine' |
912 |
'Digestible phosphorus') |
916 |
'Digestible phosphorus' |
917 |
'Electrolyte balance') |
913 | 918 |
end |
914 | 919 |
object ComboBoxProximal4: TComboBox |
915 | 920 |
Left = 224 |
... | ... | |
1081 | 1086 |
Left = 8 |
1082 | 1087 |
Top = 640 |
1083 | 1088 |
Bitmap = { |
1084 |
1089 |
1085 | 1090 |
0000000000003600000028000000800000002000000001002000000000000040 |
1086 | 1091 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
1087 | 1092 |
UnitIngredientDetail.dfm | ||
1609 | 1609 |
end |
1610 | 1610 |
object LabelBE: TLabel |
1611 | 1611 |
Left = 8 |
1612 |
Top = 136
1612 |
Top = 140
1613 | 1613 |
Width = 91 |
1614 | 1614 |
Height = 13 |
1615 | 1615 |
Caption = 'Electrolyte balance' |
1616 | 1616 |
Transparent = False |
1617 | 1617 |
end |
1618 |
object LabelBEUnit: TLabel |
1619 |
Left = 24 |
1620 |
Top = 156 |
1621 |
Width = 3 |
1622 |
Height = 13 |
1623 |
Transparent = False |
1624 |
end |
1618 | 1625 |
object DBEditCa: TDBEdit |
1619 | 1626 |
Left = 120 |
1620 | 1627 |
Top = 16 |
... | ... | |
1687 | 1694 |
end |
1688 | 1695 |
object DBEditBE: TDBEdit |
1689 | 1696 |
Left = 120 |
1690 |
Top = 152
1697 |
Top = 144
1691 | 1698 |
Width = 64 |
1692 | 1699 |
Height = 21 |
1693 | 1700 |
DataField = 'BE' |
... | ... | |
6258 | 6265 |
Filter = 'XML files|*.xml' |
6259 | 6266 |
Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofNoChangeDir, ofEnableSizing] |
6260 | 6267 |
Title = 'Export data to Excel' |
6261 |
Left = 568
6262 |
Top = 616
6268 |
Left = 800
6269 |
Top = 8
6263 | 6270 |
end |
6264 | 6271 |
object ActionListButtons: TActionList |
6265 | 6272 |
Images = ImageListIcons |
... | ... | |
6308 | 6315 |
Left = 8 |
6309 | 6316 |
Top = 648 |
6310 | 6317 |
Bitmap = { |
6311 |
6318 |
6312 | 6319 |
0000000000003600000028000000800000004000000001002000000000000080 |
6313 | 6320 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
6314 | 6321 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
UnitFeedsList.dfm | ||
42 | 42 |
OnChange = PageControlListsChange |
43 | 43 |
object TabSheetMS: TTabSheet |
44 | 44 |
Caption = 'Dry matter' |
45 |
ExplicitTop = 24 |
46 |
ExplicitHeight = 610 |
45 | 47 |
object DBGridMS: TDBGrid |
46 | 48 |
Left = 0 |
47 | 49 |
Top = 0 |
48 | 50 |
Width = 621 |
49 |
Height = 610
51 |
Height = 592
50 | 52 |
Align = alClient |
51 | 53 |
Color = clBtnFace |
52 | 54 |
DataSource = DataModuleDeclaration.DataSourceFeeds |
... | ... | |
76 | 78 |
Left = 0 |
77 | 79 |
Top = 0 |
78 | 80 |
Width = 621 |
79 |
Height = 610
81 |
Height = 592
80 | 82 |
Align = alClient |
81 | 83 |
Color = clBtnFace |
82 | 84 |
DataSource = DataModuleDeclaration.DataSourceFeeds |
... | ... | |
159 | 161 |
Left = 0 |
160 | 162 |
Top = 0 |
161 | 163 |
Width = 621 |
162 |
Height = 610
164 |
Height = 592
163 | 165 |
Align = alClient |
164 | 166 |
Color = clBtnFace |
165 | 167 |
DataSource = DataModuleDeclaration.DataSourceFeeds |
... | ... | |
237 | 239 |
Left = 0 |
238 | 240 |
Top = 0 |
239 | 241 |
Width = 621 |
240 |
Height = 610
242 |
Height = 592
241 | 243 |
Align = alClient |
242 | 244 |
Color = clBtnFace |
243 | 245 |
DataSource = DataModuleDeclaration.DataSourceFeeds |
... | ... | |
303 | 305 |
Left = 0 |
304 | 306 |
Top = 0 |
305 | 307 |
Width = 621 |
306 |
Height = 610
308 |
Height = 592
307 | 309 |
Align = alClient |
308 | 310 |
Color = clBtnFace |
309 | 311 |
DataSource = DataModuleDeclaration.DataSourceFeeds |
... | ... | |
447 | 449 |
Left = 0 |
448 | 450 |
Top = 0 |
449 | 451 |
Width = 621 |
450 |
Height = 610
452 |
Height = 592
451 | 453 |
Align = alClient |
452 | 454 |
Color = clBtnFace |
453 | 455 |
DataSource = DataModuleDeclaration.DataSourceFeeds |
... | ... | |
611 | 613 |
Left = 0 |
612 | 614 |
Top = 0 |
613 | 615 |
Width = 621 |
614 |
Height = 610
616 |
Height = 592
615 | 617 |
Align = alClient |
616 | 618 |
Color = clBtnFace |
617 | 619 |
DataSource = DataModuleDeclaration.DataSourceFeeds |
... | ... | |
666 | 668 |
end> |
667 | 669 |
end |
668 | 670 |
end |
671 |
object TabSheetBE: TTabSheet |
672 |
Caption = 'Electrolyte balance' |
673 |
ImageIndex = 7 |
674 |
object DBGridBE: TDBGrid |
675 |
Left = 0 |
676 |
Top = 0 |
677 |
Width = 621 |
678 |
Height = 592 |
679 |
Align = alClient |
680 |
Color = clBtnFace |
681 |
DataSource = DataModuleDeclaration.DataSourceFeeds |
682 |
Options = [dgTitles, dgColLines, dgRowLines, dgTabs, dgRowSelect, dgAlwaysShowSelection, dgConfirmDelete, dgCancelOnExit] |
683 |
ReadOnly = True |
684 |
TabOrder = 0 |
685 |
TitleFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
686 |
TitleFont.Color = clWindowText |
687 |
TitleFont.Height = -11 |
688 |
TitleFont.Name = 'Tahoma' |
689 |
TitleFont.Style = [] |
690 |
OnDrawColumnCell = DBGridFeedsDrawColumnCell |
691 |
OnDblClick = DBGridFeedsDblClick |
692 |
OnTitleClick = DBGridFeedsTitleClick |
693 |
Columns = < |
694 |
item |
695 |
Expanded = False |
696 |
FieldName = 'BE' |
697 |
Title.Alignment = taCenter |
698 |
Visible = True |
699 |
end> |
700 |
end |
701 |
end |
669 | 702 |
end |
670 | 703 |
object PanelButtons: TPanel |
671 | 704 |
Left = 0 |
... | ... | |
845 | 878 |
Left = 8 |
846 | 879 |
Top = 648 |
847 | 880 |
Bitmap = { |
848 |
881 |
849 | 882 |
0000000000003600000028000000800000004000000001002000000000000080 |
850 | 883 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
851 | 884 |
UnitIngredientsList.pas | ||
559 | 559 |
MineralsUnit := Format('%s %s', [ComboBoxMinerals.Items[Minerals], _('DM')]); |
560 | 560 |
end; |
561 | 561 |
with FormOptions do |
562 |
TabSheetMS.Caption := TabSheetMS.Caption + Format(' (%s)', [ComboBoxProximal.Items[Proximal]]);
563 |
TabSheetProximal.Caption := TabSheetProximal.Caption + Format(' (%s)', [ProximalUnit]);
564 |
TabSheetEnergy.Caption := TabSheetEnergy.Caption + Format(' (%s)', [EnergyUnit]);
565 |
TabSheetEnergyUtilization.Caption := TabSheetEnergyUtilization.Caption + ' (%)';
566 |
TabSheetAATot.Caption := TabSheetAATot.Caption + Format(' (%s)', [AAUnit]);
567 |
TabSheetAA_MAT.Caption := TabSheetAA_MAT.Caption + ' (%)';
568 |
TabSheetdAA.Caption := TabSheetdAA.Caption + ' (%)';
569 |
TabSheetAADig.Caption := TabSheetAADig.Caption + Format(' (%s)', [AAUnit]);
570 |
TabSheetMinerals.Caption := TabSheetMinerals.Caption + Format(' (%s)', [MineralsUnit]);
571 |
TabSheetdP.Caption := TabSheetdP.Caption + ' (%)';
562 |
TabSheetMS.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [TabSheetMS.Caption, ComboBoxProximal.Items[Proximal]]);
563 |
TabSheetProximal.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [TabSheetProximal.Caption, ProximalUnit]);
564 |
TabSheetEnergy.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [TabSheetEnergy.Caption, EnergyUnit]);
565 |
TabSheetEnergyUtilization.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [TabSheetEnergyUtilization.Caption]);
566 |
TabSheetAATot.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [TabSheetAATot.Caption, AAUnit]);
567 |
TabSheetAA_MAT.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [TabSheetAA_MAT.Caption]);
568 |
TabSheetdAA.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [TabSheetdAA.Caption]);
569 |
TabSheetAADig.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [TabSheetAADig.Caption, AAUnit]);
570 |
TabSheetMinerals.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [TabSheetMinerals.Caption, MineralsUnit]);
571 |
TabSheetdP.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [TabSheetdP.Caption]);
572 | 572 |
with DataModuleDeclaration do |
573 | 573 |
begin |
574 | 574 |
// Classes |
UnitFeedDetail.dfm | ||
1345 | 1345 |
end |
1346 | 1346 |
object LabelCa_Pd: TLabel |
1347 | 1347 |
Left = 8 |
1348 |
Top = 204
1348 |
Top = 212
1349 | 1349 |
Width = 35 |
1350 | 1350 |
Height = 13 |
1351 | 1351 |
Caption = 'Ca / dP' |
... | ... | |
1377 | 1377 |
end |
1378 | 1378 |
object LabelBE: TLabel |
1379 | 1379 |
Left = 8 |
1380 |
Top = 136
1380 |
Top = 140
1381 | 1381 |
Width = 91 |
1382 | 1382 |
Height = 13 |
1383 | 1383 |
Caption = 'Electrolyte balance' |
1384 | 1384 |
Transparent = False |
1385 | 1385 |
end |
1386 |
object LabelBEUnit: TLabel |
1387 |
Left = 24 |
1388 |
Top = 156 |
1389 |
Width = 3 |
1390 |
Height = 13 |
1391 |
Transparent = False |
1392 |
end |
1386 | 1393 |
object DBEditCa: TDBEdit |
1387 | 1394 |
Left = 120 |
1388 | 1395 |
Top = 16 |
... | ... | |
1415 | 1422 |
end |
1416 | 1423 |
object DBEditCa_Pd: TDBEdit |
1417 | 1424 |
Left = 120 |
1418 |
Top = 200
1425 |
Top = 208
1419 | 1426 |
Width = 64 |
1420 | 1427 |
Height = 21 |
1421 | 1428 |
DataField = 'Ca/Pd' |
... | ... | |
1445 | 1452 |
end |
1446 | 1453 |
object DBEditCl: TDBEdit |
1447 | 1454 |
Left = 120 |
1448 |
Top = 115
1455 |
Top = 112
1449 | 1456 |
Width = 64 |
1450 | 1457 |
Height = 21 |
1451 | 1458 |
DataField = 'Cl' |
... | ... | |
1455 | 1462 |
end |
1456 | 1463 |
object DBEditBE: TDBEdit |
1457 | 1464 |
Left = 120 |
1458 |
Top = 152
1465 |
Top = 144
1459 | 1466 |
Width = 64 |
1460 | 1467 |
Height = 21 |
1461 | 1468 |
DataField = 'BE' |
... | ... | |
1975 | 1982 |
Filter = 'XML files|*.xml' |
1976 | 1983 |
Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofNoChangeDir, ofEnableSizing] |
1977 | 1984 |
Title = 'Export data to Excel' |
1978 |
Left = 608
1979 |
Top = 616
1985 |
Left = 800
1986 |
Top = 8
1980 | 1987 |
end |
1981 | 1988 |
object RvDataSetConnectionComposition: TRvDataSetConnection |
1982 | 1989 |
RuntimeVisibility = rtDeveloper |
... | ... | |
7040 | 7047 |
Left = 8 |
7041 | 7048 |
Top = 648 |
7042 | 7049 |
Bitmap = { |
7043 |
7050 |
7044 | 7051 |
00000000000036000000280000008000000060000000010020000000000000C0 |
7045 | 7052 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
7046 | 7053 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
UnitDeclaration.pas | ||
622 | 622 |
+ 'dPro REAL, ' |
623 | 623 |
+ 'Ca REAL, ' |
624 | 624 |
+ 'P REAL, ' |
625 |
+ 'Na REAL, ' |
626 |
+ 'K REAL, ' |
627 |
+ 'Cl REAL, ' |
625 | 628 |
+ 'dP REAL, ' |
626 | 629 |
+ 'dPphy REAL)'); |
627 | 630 |
DBUser.ExecSQL('CREATE INDEX IdxClasses ON Ingredients (Class)'); |
... | ... | |
3515 | 3518 |
ClientDataSetFeedsNa.Clear; |
3516 | 3519 |
ClientDataSetFeedsK.Clear; |
3517 | 3520 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Clear; |
3521 |
ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Clear; |
3518 | 3522 |
ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Clear; |
3519 | 3523 |
end |
3520 | 3524 |
else |
... | ... | |
4023 | 4027 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Clear |
4024 | 4028 |
else |
4025 | 4029 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value + ClientDataSetIngredientsCl.Value * Ratio; |
4030 |
if ClientDataSetFeedsNa.IsNull or ClientDataSetFeedsK.IsNull or ClientDataSetFeedsCl.IsNull |
4031 |
then |
4032 |
ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Clear |
4033 |
else |
4034 |
ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Value := CalcBilanElectrolytique(InputMinerals(ClientDataSetFeedsNa.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals), InputMinerals(ClientDataSetFeedsK.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals), InputMinerals(ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value, RapMS, FormOptions.Expression, FormOptions.Minerals)); |
4026 | 4035 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsPd.IsNull |
4027 | 4036 |
then |
4028 | 4037 |
if ClientDataSetFeedsPresentation.Value = 0 |
... | ... | |
4264 | 4273 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsCl.IsNull |
4265 | 4274 |
then |
4266 | 4275 |
ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value / RapMS; |
4276 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsEB.IsNull |
4277 |
then |
4278 |
ClientDataSetFeedsEB.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsEB.Value / RapMS; |
4267 | 4279 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsPd.IsNull |
4268 | 4280 |
then |
4269 | 4281 |
ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value := ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value / RapMS; |
UnitIngredientsList.dfm | ||
85 | 85 |
end |
86 | 86 |
object TabSheetProximal: TTabSheet |
87 | 87 |
Caption = 'Proximate analysis' |
88 |
ExplicitLeft = 0 |
89 |
ExplicitTop = 0 |
90 |
ExplicitWidth = 0 |
91 |
ExplicitHeight = 0 |
88 | 92 |
object DBGridProximal: TDBGrid |
89 | 93 |
Left = 0 |
90 | 94 |
Top = 0 |
... | ... | |
168 | 172 |
end |
169 | 173 |
object TabSheetEnergyUtilization: TTabSheet |
170 | 174 |
Caption = 'Energy utilization' |
175 |
ExplicitLeft = 0 |
176 |
ExplicitTop = 0 |
177 |
ExplicitWidth = 0 |
178 |
ExplicitHeight = 0 |
171 | 179 |
object DBGridRatios: TDBGrid |
172 | 180 |
Left = 0 |
173 | 181 |
Top = 0 |
... | ... | |
246 | 254 |
end |
247 | 255 |
object TabSheetEnergy: TTabSheet |
248 | 256 |
Caption = 'Energy values' |
257 |
ExplicitLeft = 0 |
258 |
ExplicitTop = 0 |
259 |
ExplicitWidth = 0 |
260 |
ExplicitHeight = 0 |
249 | 261 |
object DBGridEnergy: TDBGrid |
250 | 262 |
Left = 0 |
251 | 263 |
Top = 0 |
... | ... | |
312 | 324 |
end |
313 | 325 |
object TabSheetAATot: TTabSheet |
314 | 326 |
Caption = 'Total amino acids' |
327 |
ExplicitLeft = 0 |
328 |
ExplicitTop = 0 |
329 |
ExplicitWidth = 0 |
330 |
ExplicitHeight = 0 |
315 | 331 |
object DBGridAATot: TDBGrid |
316 | 332 |
Left = 0 |
317 | 333 |
Top = 0 |
... | ... | |
456 | 472 |
end |
457 | 473 |
object TabSheetAA_MAT: TTabSheet |
458 | 474 |
Caption = 'Total amino acids / crude protein' |
475 |
ExplicitLeft = 0 |
476 |
ExplicitTop = 0 |
477 |
ExplicitWidth = 0 |
478 |
ExplicitHeight = 0 |
459 | 479 |
object DBGridAA_MAT: TDBGrid |
460 | 480 |
Left = 0 |
461 | 481 |
Top = 0 |
... | ... | |
620 | 640 |
end |
621 | 641 |
object TabSheetdAA: TTabSheet |
622 | 642 |
Caption = 'Digestibility of amino acids' |
643 |
ExplicitLeft = 0 |
644 |
ExplicitTop = 0 |
645 |
ExplicitWidth = 0 |
646 |
ExplicitHeight = 0 |
623 | 647 |
object DBGriddAA: TDBGrid |
624 | 648 |
Left = 0 |
625 | 649 |
Top = 0 |
... | ... | |
784 | 808 |
end |
785 | 809 |
object TabSheetAADig: TTabSheet |
786 | 810 |
Caption = 'Digestible amino acids' |
811 |
ExplicitLeft = 0 |
812 |
ExplicitTop = 0 |
813 |
ExplicitWidth = 0 |
814 |
ExplicitHeight = 0 |
787 | 815 |
object DBGridAADig: TDBGrid |
788 | 816 |
Left = 0 |
789 | 817 |
Top = 0 |
... | ... | |
948 | 976 |
end |
949 | 977 |
object TabSheetMinerals: TTabSheet |
950 | 978 |
Caption = 'Minerals' |
979 |
ExplicitLeft = 0 |
980 |
ExplicitTop = 0 |
981 |
ExplicitWidth = 0 |
982 |
ExplicitHeight = 0 |
951 | 983 |
object DBGridMinerals: TDBGrid |
952 | 984 |
Left = 0 |
953 | 985 |
Top = 0 |
... | ... | |
1002 | 1034 |
end |
1003 | 1035 |
object TabSheetdP: TTabSheet |
1004 | 1036 |
Caption = 'Phosphorus digestibility' |
1037 |
ExplicitLeft = 0 |
1038 |
ExplicitTop = 0 |
1039 |
ExplicitWidth = 0 |
1040 |
ExplicitHeight = 0 |
1005 | 1041 |
object DBGriddP: TDBGrid |
1006 | 1042 |
Left = 0 |
1007 | 1043 |
Top = 0 |
... | ... | |
1271 | 1307 |
Left = 8 |
1272 | 1308 |
Top = 648 |
1273 | 1309 |
Bitmap = { |
1274 |
1310 |
1275 | 1311 |
0000000000003600000028000000800000004000000001002000000000000080 |
1276 | 1312 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
1277 | 1313 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
UnitFeedsCharts.pas | ||
130 | 130 |
procedure AddBarValue; |
131 | 131 |
begin |
132 | 132 |
with DataModuleDeclaration do |
133 |
begin |
133 | 134 |
case ComboBoxType0.ItemIndex of |
134 | 135 |
0: // Analyse proximale |
135 | 136 |
case ComboBoxProximal0.ItemIndex of |
... | ... | |
499 | 500 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsPd.IsNull |
500 | 501 |
then SeriesBar.AddBar(ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value, s, clTeeColor) |
501 | 502 |
else SeriesBar.AddNull(s); |
503 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
504 |
if not ClientDataSetFeedsBE.IsNull |
505 |
then SeriesBar.AddBar(ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Value, s, clTeeColor) |
506 |
else SeriesBar.AddNull(s); |
502 | 507 |
end; |
503 | 508 |
end; |
509 |
end; |
504 | 510 |
end; |
505 | 511 |
506 | 512 |
begin |
... | ... | |
551 | 557 |
5: // Profils acides amin?s |
552 | 558 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add('%'); |
553 | 559 |
6: // Min?raux |
554 |
with FormOptions do |
555 |
if Expression = 0 |
556 |
then // sur frais |
557 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add(ComboBoxMinerals.Items[Minerals]) |
558 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
559 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %s', [ComboBoxMinerals.Items[Minerals], _('DM')])); |
560 |
if ComboBoxMinerals0.ItemIndex = 6 |
561 |
then // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
562 |
with FormOptions do |
563 |
if Expression = 0 |
564 |
then // sur frais |
565 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add(_('mEq/kg')) |
566 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
567 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %s', [_('mEq/kg'), _('DM')])) |
568 |
else |
569 |
with FormOptions do |
570 |
if Expression = 0 |
571 |
then // sur frais |
572 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add(ComboBoxMinerals.Items[Minerals]) |
573 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
574 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %s', [ComboBoxMinerals.Items[Minerals], _('DM')])); |
560 | 575 |
end; |
561 | 576 |
case ComboBoxType0.ItemIndex of |
562 | 577 |
0: // Analyse proximale |
... | ... | |
570 | 585 |
5: // Profils acides amin?s |
571 | 586 |
Chart0.LeftAxis.AxisValuesFormat := FormOptions.DecimalFormat(0); |
572 | 587 |
6: // Min?raux |
573 |
Chart0.LeftAxis.AxisValuesFormat := FormOptions.MineralsFormat; |
588 |
if ComboBoxMinerals0.ItemIndex = 6 |
589 |
then // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
590 |
Chart0.LeftAxis.AxisValuesFormat := FormOptions.DecimalFormat(1) |
591 |
else |
592 |
Chart0.LeftAxis.AxisValuesFormat := FormOptions.MineralsFormat; |
574 | 593 |
end; |
575 | 594 |
SeriesBar.Clear; |
576 | 595 |
SeriesBar.ValueFormat := Chart0.LeftAxis.AxisValuesFormat; |
... | ... | |
811 | 830 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value; |
812 | 831 |
5: // Phosphore digestible |
813 | 832 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value; |
833 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
834 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Value; |
814 | 835 |
else |
815 | 836 |
Cumul := 0; |
816 | 837 |
end; |
... | ... | |
997 | 1018 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdPphy.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio |
998 | 1019 |
else // Granul?s (dP) |
999 | 1020 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdP.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio; |
1021 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
1022 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Value * Ratio; |
1000 | 1023 |
else |
1001 | 1024 |
Value := 0; |
1002 | 1025 |
end; |
... | ... | |
1127 | 1150 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1128 | 1151 |
ChartFeed1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.AADecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxAA.Items[FormOptions.AA], _('DM')])); |
1129 | 1152 |
4: // Min?raux |
1130 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
1131 |
then // sur frais |
1132 |
ChartFeed1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
1133 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1134 |
ChartFeed1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
1153 |
if ComboBoxMinerals.ItemIndex = 6 |
1154 |
then // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
1155 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
1156 |
then // sur frais |
1157 |
ChartFeed1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg')])) |
1158 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1159 |
ChartFeed1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg'), _('DM')])); |
1160 |
else |
1161 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
1162 |
then // sur frais |
1163 |
ChartFeed1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
1164 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1165 |
ChartFeed1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
1135 | 1166 |
end; |
1136 | 1167 |
ClientDataSetComposition.Filtered := False; |
1137 | 1168 |
ClientDataSetComposition.Filter := ''; |
... | ... | |
1319 | 1350 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value; |
1320 | 1351 |
5: // Phosphore digestible |
1321 | 1352 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value; |
1353 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
1354 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Value; |
1322 | 1355 |
else |
1323 | 1356 |
Cumul := 0; |
1324 | 1357 |
end; |
... | ... | |
1505 | 1538 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdPphy.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio |
1506 | 1539 |
else // Granul?s (dP) |
1507 | 1540 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdP.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio; |
1541 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
1542 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Value * Ratio; |
1508 | 1543 |
else |
1509 | 1544 |
Value := 0; |
1510 | 1545 |
end; |
... | ... | |
1635 | 1670 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1636 | 1671 |
ChartFeed2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.AADecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxAA.Items[FormOptions.AA], _('DM')])); |
1637 | 1672 |
4: // Min?raux |
1638 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
1639 |
then // sur frais |
1640 |
ChartFeed2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
1641 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1642 |
ChartFeed2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
1673 |
if ComboBoxMinerals.ItemIndex = 6 |
1674 |
then // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
1675 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
1676 |
then // sur frais |
1677 |
ChartFeed2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg')])) |
1678 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1679 |
ChartFeed2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg'), _('DM')])); |
1680 |
else |
1681 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
1682 |
then // sur frais |
1683 |
ChartFeed2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
1684 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1685 |
ChartFeed2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
1643 | 1686 |
end; |
1644 | 1687 |
ClientDataSetComposition.Filtered := False; |
1645 | 1688 |
ClientDataSetComposition.Filter := ''; |
... | ... | |
1827 | 1870 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value; |
1828 | 1871 |
5: // Phosphore digestible |
1829 | 1872 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value; |
1873 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
1874 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Value; |
1830 | 1875 |
else |
1831 | 1876 |
Cumul := 0; |
1832 | 1877 |
end; |
... | ... | |
2013 | 2058 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdPphy.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio |
2014 | 2059 |
else // Granul?s (dP) |
2015 | 2060 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdP.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio; |
2061 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
2062 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Value * Ratio; |
2016 | 2063 |
else |
2017 | 2064 |
Value := 0; |
2018 | 2065 |
end; |
... | ... | |
2143 | 2190 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
2144 | 2191 |
ChartFeed3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.AADecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxAA.Items[FormOptions.AA], _('DM')])); |
2145 | 2192 |
4: // Min?raux |
2146 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
2147 |
then // sur frais |
2148 |
ChartFeed3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
2149 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
2150 |
ChartFeed3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
2193 |
if ComboBoxMinerals.ItemIndex = 6 |
2194 |
then // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
2195 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
2196 |
then // sur frais |
2197 |
ChartFeed3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg')])) |
2198 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
2199 |
ChartFeed3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg'), _('DM')])); |
2200 |
else |
2201 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
2202 |
then // sur frais |
2203 |
ChartFeed3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
2204 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
2205 |
ChartFeed3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
2151 | 2206 |
end; |
2152 | 2207 |
ClientDataSetComposition.Filtered := False; |
2153 | 2208 |
ClientDataSetComposition.Filter := ''; |
... | ... | |
2335 | 2390 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value; |
2336 | 2391 |
5: // Phosphore digestible |
2337 | 2392 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value; |
2393 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
2394 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Value; |
2338 | 2395 |
else |
2339 | 2396 |
Cumul := 0; |
2340 | 2397 |
end; |
... | ... | |
2521 | 2578 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdPphy.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio |
2522 | 2579 |
else // Granul?s (dP) |
2523 | 2580 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdP.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio; |
2581 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
2582 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Value * Ratio; |
2524 | 2583 |
else |
2525 | 2584 |
Value := 0; |
2526 | 2585 |
end; |
... | ... | |
2651 | 2710 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
2652 | 2711 |
ChartFeed4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.AADecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxAA.Items[FormOptions.AA], _('DM')])); |
2653 | 2712 |
4: // Min?raux |
2654 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
2655 |
then // sur frais |
2656 |
ChartFeed4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
2657 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
2658 |
ChartFeed4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
2713 |
if ComboBoxMinerals.ItemIndex = 6 |
2714 |
then // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
2715 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
2716 |
then // sur frais |
2717 |
ChartFeed4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg')])) |
2718 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
2719 |
ChartFeed4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg'), _('DM')])); |
2720 |
else |
2721 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
2722 |
then // sur frais |
2723 |
ChartFeed4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
2724 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
2725 |
ChartFeed4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
2659 | 2726 |
end; |
2660 | 2727 |
ClientDataSetComposition.Filtered := False; |
2661 | 2728 |
ClientDataSetComposition.Filter := ''; |
UnitFeedCharts.pas | ||
318 | 318 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdPphy.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio |
319 | 319 |
else // Granul?s (dP) |
320 | 320 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdP.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio; |
321 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
322 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Value * Ratio; |
321 | 323 |
else |
322 | 324 |
Value := 0; |
323 | 325 |
end; |
... | ... | |
414 | 416 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
415 | 417 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.AADecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxAA.Items[FormOptions.AA], _('DM')])); |
416 | 418 |
4: // Min?raux |
417 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
418 |
then // sur frais |
419 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
420 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
421 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
419 |
if ComboBoxMinerals0.ItemIndex = 6 |
420 |
then // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
421 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
422 |
then // sur frais |
423 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg')])) |
424 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
425 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg'), _('DM')])) |
426 |
else |
427 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
428 |
then // sur frais |
429 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
430 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
431 |
Chart0.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
422 | 432 |
end; |
423 | 433 |
end; |
424 | 434 |
... | ... | |
597 | 607 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value; |
598 | 608 |
5: // Phosphore digestible |
599 | 609 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value; |
610 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
611 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Value; |
600 | 612 |
else |
601 | 613 |
Cumul := 0; |
602 | 614 |
end; |
... | ... | |
781 | 793 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdPphy.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio |
782 | 794 |
else // Granul?s (dP) |
783 | 795 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdP.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio; |
796 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
797 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Value * Ratio; |
784 | 798 |
else |
785 | 799 |
Value := 0; |
786 | 800 |
end; |
... | ... | |
911 | 925 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
912 | 926 |
Chart1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.AADecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxAA.Items[FormOptions.AA], _('DM')])); |
913 | 927 |
4: // Min?raux |
914 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
915 |
then // sur frais |
916 |
Chart1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
917 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
918 |
Chart1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
928 |
if ComboBoxMinerals1.ItemIndex = 6 |
929 |
then // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
930 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
931 |
then // sur frais |
932 |
Chart1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg')])) |
933 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
934 |
Chart1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg'), _('DM')])) |
935 |
else |
936 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
937 |
then // sur frais |
938 |
Chart1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
939 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
940 |
Chart1.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
919 | 941 |
end; |
920 | 942 |
end; |
921 | 943 |
end; |
... | ... | |
1095 | 1117 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value; |
1096 | 1118 |
5: // Phosphore digestible |
1097 | 1119 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value; |
1120 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
1121 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Value; |
1098 | 1122 |
else |
1099 | 1123 |
Cumul := 0; |
1100 | 1124 |
end; |
... | ... | |
1279 | 1303 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdPphy.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio |
1280 | 1304 |
else // Granul?s (dP) |
1281 | 1305 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdP.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio; |
1306 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
1307 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Value * Ratio; |
1282 | 1308 |
else |
1283 | 1309 |
Value := 0; |
1284 | 1310 |
end; |
... | ... | |
1409 | 1435 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1410 | 1436 |
Chart2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.AADecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxAA.Items[FormOptions.AA], _('DM')])); |
1411 | 1437 |
4: // Min?raux |
1412 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
1413 |
then // sur frais |
1414 |
Chart2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
1415 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1416 |
Chart2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
1438 |
if ComboBoxMinerals2.ItemIndex = 6 |
1439 |
then // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
1440 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
1441 |
then // sur frais |
1442 |
Chart2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg')])) |
1443 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1444 |
Chart2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg'), _('DM')])) |
1445 |
else |
1446 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
1447 |
then // sur frais |
1448 |
Chart2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
1449 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1450 |
Chart2.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
1417 | 1451 |
end; |
1418 | 1452 |
end; |
1419 | 1453 |
end; |
... | ... | |
1593 | 1627 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value; |
1594 | 1628 |
5: // Phosphore digestible |
1595 | 1629 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value; |
1630 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
1631 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Value; |
1596 | 1632 |
else |
1597 | 1633 |
Cumul := 0; |
1598 | 1634 |
end; |
... | ... | |
1777 | 1813 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdPphy.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio |
1778 | 1814 |
else // Granul?s (dP) |
1779 | 1815 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdP.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio; |
1816 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
1817 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Value * Ratio; |
1780 | 1818 |
else |
1781 | 1819 |
Value := 0; |
1782 | 1820 |
end; |
... | ... | |
1907 | 1945 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1908 | 1946 |
Chart3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.AADecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxAA.Items[FormOptions.AA], _('DM')])); |
1909 | 1947 |
4: // Min?raux |
1910 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
1911 |
then // sur frais |
1912 |
Chart3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
1913 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1914 |
Chart3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
1948 |
if ComboBoxMinerals3.ItemIndex = 6 |
1949 |
then // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
1950 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
1951 |
then // sur frais |
1952 |
Chart3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg')])) |
1953 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1954 |
Chart3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg'), _('DM')])) |
1955 |
else |
1956 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
1957 |
then // sur frais |
1958 |
Chart3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
1959 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
1960 |
Chart3.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
1915 | 1961 |
end; |
1916 | 1962 |
end; |
1917 | 1963 |
end; |
... | ... | |
2091 | 2137 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsCl.Value; |
2092 | 2138 |
5: // Phosphore digestible |
2093 | 2139 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsPd.Value; |
2140 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
2141 |
Cumul := ClientDataSetFeedsBE.Value; |
2094 | 2142 |
else |
2095 | 2143 |
Cumul := 0; |
2096 | 2144 |
end; |
... | ... | |
2275 | 2323 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdPphy.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio |
2276 | 2324 |
else // Granul?s (dP) |
2277 | 2325 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsdP.Value / 100 * ClientDataSetIngredientsP.Value * Ratio; |
2326 |
6: // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
2327 |
Value := ClientDataSetIngredientsBE.Value * Ratio; |
2278 | 2328 |
else |
2279 | 2329 |
Value := 0; |
2280 | 2330 |
end; |
... | ... | |
2405 | 2455 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
2406 | 2456 |
Chart4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.AADecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxAA.Items[FormOptions.AA], _('DM')])); |
2407 | 2457 |
4: // Min?raux |
2408 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
2409 |
then // sur frais |
2410 |
Chart4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
2411 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
2412 |
Chart4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
2458 |
if ComboBoxMinerals4.ItemIndex = 6 |
2459 |
then // Bilan ?lectrolytique |
2460 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
2461 |
then // sur frais |
2462 |
Chart4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg')])) |
2463 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
2464 |
Chart4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), 1, Total, _('mEq/kg'), _('DM')])) |
2465 |
else |
2466 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
2467 |
then // sur frais |
2468 |
Chart4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals]])) |
2469 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
2470 |
Chart4.SubTitle.Text.Add(Format('%s %1.*f %s %s', [_('Total:'), FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, Total, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')])); |
2413 | 2471 |
end; |
2414 | 2472 |
end; |
2415 | 2473 |
end; |
UnitIngredientDetail.pas | ||
209 | 209 |
LabelCl: TLabel; |
210 | 210 |
DBEditBE: TDBEdit; |
211 | 211 |
LabelBE: TLabel; |
212 |
LabelBEUnit: TLabel; |
212 | 213 |
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); |
213 | 214 |
procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); |
214 | 215 |
procedure ActionModifyExecute(Sender: TObject); |
... | ... | |
333 | 334 |
CellData(Row, FloatToStrF(ClientDataSetIngredients.Fields[i].AsFloat, ffFixed, 15, FormOptions.MineralsDecimals, USFormatSettings), 'Number') |
334 | 335 |
else |
335 | 336 |
CellData(Row, '', 'String'); |
336 |
125: |
337 |
337 | 338 |
if not ClientDataSetIngredients.Fields[i].IsNull |
338 | 339 |
then |
339 |
CellData(Row, FloatToStrF(ClientDataSetIngredients.Fields[i].AsFloat, ffFixed, 15, 2, USFormatSettings), 'Number') |
340 |
else |
341 |
CellData(Row, '', 'String'); |
342 |
126..127: |
343 |
if not ClientDataSetIngredients.Fields[i].IsNull |
344 |
then |
345 | 340 |
CellData(Row, FloatToStrF(ClientDataSetIngredients.Fields[i].AsFloat, ffFixed, 15, 1, USFormatSettings), 'Number') |
346 | 341 |
else |
347 | 342 |
CellData(Row, '', 'String'); |
... | ... | |
382 | 377 |
CellData(Row, FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], 'String') |
383 | 378 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
384 | 379 |
CellData(Row, Format('%s %s', [FormOptions.ComboBoxMinerals.Items[FormOptions.Minerals], _('DM')]), 'String'); |
385 |
125: // %
380 |
125: // Bilan ?lectrolytique
386 | 381 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
387 | 382 |
then // sur frais |
388 | 383 |
CellData(Row, _('mEq/kg'), 'String') |
... | ... | |
848 | 843 |
GroupBoxMinerals.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [GroupBoxMinerals.Caption, MineralsUnit]); |
849 | 844 |
if FormOptions.Expression = 0 |
850 | 845 |
then // sur frais |
851 |
LabelBE.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [LabelBE.Caption, _('mEq/kg')])
846 |
LabelBEUnit.Caption := Format('(%s)', [_('mEq/kg')])
852 | 847 |
else // sur mati?re s?che |
853 |
LabelBE.Caption := Format('%s (%s %s)', [LabelBE.Caption, _('mEq/kg'), _('DM')]);
848 |
LabelBEUnit.Caption := Format('(%s %s)', [_('mEq/kg'), _('DM')]);
854 | 849 |
LabelDigP.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [LabelDigP.Caption]); |
855 | 850 |
GroupBoxEnergy.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [GroupBoxEnergy.Caption, EnergyUnit]); |
856 | 851 |
LabelRatio.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [LabelRatio.Caption]); |
Formats disponibles : Unified diff