root / ReInit.pas
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (3,553 ko)
1 | 3 | avalancogn | unit reinit;
2 | |||
3 | interface
4 | |||
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms; |
7 | |||
8 | procedure ReinitializeForms;
9 | function LoadNewResourceModule(Locale: LCID): Longint;
10 | |||
11 | implementation
12 | |||
13 | type
14 | TAsInheritedReader = class(TReader)
15 | public
16 | procedure ReadPrefix(var Flags: TFilerFlags; var AChildPos: Integer); override; |
17 | end;
18 | |||
19 | procedure TAsInheritedReader.ReadPrefix(var Flags: TFilerFlags; var AChildPos: Integer); |
20 | begin
21 | inherited ReadPrefix(Flags, AChildPos);
22 | Include(Flags, ffInherited); |
23 | end;
24 | |||
25 | function SetResourceHInstance(NewInstance: Longint): Longint;
26 | var
27 | CurModule: PLibModule; |
28 | begin
29 | CurModule := LibModuleList; |
30 | Result := 0;
31 | while CurModule <> nil do |
32 | begin
33 | if CurModule.Instance = HInstance then |
34 | begin
35 | if CurModule.ResInstance <> CurModule.Instance then |
36 | FreeLibrary(CurModule.ResInstance); |
37 | CurModule.ResInstance := NewInstance; |
38 | Result := NewInstance; |
39 | Exit; |
40 | end;
41 | CurModule := CurModule.Next; |
42 | end;
43 | end;
44 | |||
45 | function LoadNewResourceModule(Locale: LCID): Longint;
46 | var
47 | FileName: array [0..260] of char; |
48 | P: PChar; |
49 | LocaleName: array[0..4] of Char; |
50 | NewInst: Longint; |
51 | begin
52 | GetModuleFileName(HInstance, FileName, SizeOf(FileName)); |
53 | GetLocaleInfo(Locale, LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, LocaleName, SizeOf(LocaleName)); |
54 | P := PChar(@FileName) + lstrlen(FileName); |
55 | while (P^ <> '.') and (P <> @FileName) do Dec(P); |
56 | NewInst := 0;
57 | Result := 0;
58 | if P <> @FileName then |
59 | begin
60 | Inc(P); |
61 | if LocaleName[0] <> #0 then |
62 | begin
63 | // Then look for a potential language/country translation
64 | lstrcpy(P, LocaleName); |
65 | NewInst := LoadLibraryEx(FileName, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);
66 | if NewInst = 0 then |
67 | begin
68 | // Finally look for a language only translation
69 | LocaleName[2] := #0; |
70 | lstrcpy(P, LocaleName); |
71 | NewInst := LoadLibraryEx(FileName, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);
72 | end;
73 | end;
74 | end;
75 | if NewInst <> 0 then |
76 | Result := SetResourceHInstance(NewInst) |
77 | end;
78 | |||
79 | function InternalReloadComponentRes(const ResName: string; HInst: THandle; var Instance: TComponent): Boolean; |
80 | var
81 | HRsrc: THandle; |
82 | ResStream: TResourceStream; |
83 | AsInheritedReader: TAsInheritedReader; |
84 | begin { avoid possible EResNotFound exception } |
85 | if HInst = 0 then HInst := HInstance; |
86 | HRsrc := FindResource(HInst, PChar(ResName), RT_RCDATA); |
87 | Result := HRsrc <> 0;
88 | if not Result then Exit; |
89 | ResStream := TResourceStream.Create(HInst, ResName, RT_RCDATA); |
90 | try
91 | AsInheritedReader := TAsInheritedReader.Create(ResStream, 4096);
92 | try
93 | Instance := AsInheritedReader.ReadRootComponent(Instance); |
94 | finally
95 | AsInheritedReader.Free; |
96 | end;
97 | finally
98 | ResStream.Free; |
99 | end;
100 | Result := True; |
101 | end;
102 | |||
103 | function ReloadInheritedComponent(Instance: TComponent; RootAncestor: TClass): Boolean;
104 | |||
105 | function InitComponent(ClassType: TClass): Boolean;
106 | begin
107 | Result := False; |
108 | if (ClassType = TComponent) or (ClassType = RootAncestor) then Exit; |
109 | Result := InitComponent(ClassType.ClassParent); |
110 | Result := InternalReloadComponentRes(ClassType.ClassName, FindResourceHInstance( |
111 | FindClassHInstance(ClassType)), Instance) or Result;
112 | end;
113 | |||
114 | begin
115 | Result := InitComponent(Instance.ClassType); |
116 | end;
117 | |||
118 | procedure ReinitializeForms;
119 | var
120 | Count: Integer; |
121 | I: Integer; |
122 | Form: TTntForm; |
123 | begin
124 | Count := Screen.FormCount; |
125 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do |
126 | begin
127 | Form := Screen.Forms[I]; |
128 | ReloadInheritedComponent(Form, TForm); |
129 | end;
130 | end;
131 | |||
132 | end. |