root / UFRapLogeT.pas
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (3,156 ko)
1 | 3 | avalancogn | unit UFRapLogeT ;
2 | |||
3 | interface
4 | |||
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, |
7 | Dialogs, OleCtrls, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, DB, DBClient, ExtCtrls, QRCtrls, |
8 | QuickRpt, QRPrntr, MidasLib, UVariables, gnugettext; |
9 | |||
10 | type
11 | TFRapLogeT = class(TForm)
12 | QRRapport: TQuickRep; |
13 | PHBRapport: TQRBand; |
14 | DBRapport: TQRBand; |
15 | QRLInraPorc: TQRLabel; |
16 | QRLTitre: TQRLabel; |
17 | CDSRapport: TClientDataSet; |
18 | SFLoge: TStringField; |
19 | PFBRapport: TQRBand; |
20 | QRLUser: TQRLabel; |
21 | QRLWarning: TQRLabel; |
22 | QRLLoge: TQRLabel; |
23 | QRDBTLoge: TQRDBText; |
24 | QRLMemo: TQRLabel; |
25 | QRMMemo: TQRMemo; |
26 | QRSDDate: TQRSysData; |
27 | QRSEntete: TQRShape; |
28 | DSRelation: TDataSource; |
29 | CDSRegles: TClientDataSet; |
30 | SFLogeKey: TStringField; |
31 | IFNo: TIntegerField; |
32 | SFModeFin: TStringField; |
33 | SFAliment: TStringField; |
34 | QRLRegles: TQRLabel; |
35 | QRLNo: TQRLabel; |
36 | QRDBTNo: TQRDBText; |
37 | QRShape2: TQRShape; |
38 | QRLModeFin: TQRLabel; |
39 | QRDBTModeFin: TQRDBText; |
40 | QRSDRegles: TQRSubDetail; |
41 | TBRapport: TQRBand; |
42 | QRDBTEtat: TQRDBText; |
43 | IFEtatKey: TIntegerField; |
44 | IFEtat: TIntegerField; |
45 | SFStrEtat: TStringField; |
46 | QRIInraPorc: TQRImage; |
47 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
48 | private
49 | { D?clarations priv?es }
50 | public
51 | { D?clarations publiques }
52 | end;
53 | |||
54 | var
55 | FRapLogeT: TFRapLogeT; |
56 | |||
57 | implementation
58 | |||
59 | uses
60 | UStrings, UUtil, UFLogeT, UFPrevRap ; |
61 | |||
62 | {$R *.dfm}
63 | |||
64 | { TFRapLogeT }
65 | |||
66 | procedure TFRapLogeT.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
67 | var
68 | etat, regle, nb : integer; |
69 | begin
70 | if Screen.Fonts.IndexOf('Arial Unicode MS') <> -1 |
71 | then
72 | Font.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
73 | TranslateComponent(Self); |
74 | // Licence
75 | if IsEducation and (Length (Course) > 0) |
76 | then
77 | QRLUSer.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [Course, Company])
78 | else
79 | if IsComplete or IsEducation |
80 | then
81 | QRLUSer.Caption := Format('%s %s (%s)', [FirstName, LastName, Company])
82 | else
83 | if IsEvaluation
84 | then
85 | QRLUSer.Caption := StrEvaluation |
86 | else
87 | begin
88 | QRLUSer.Caption := StrReadOnly; |
89 | QRLUser.Font.Color := clRed; |
90 | end;
91 | with CDSRapport do |
92 | begin
93 | CreateDataSet; |
94 | for etat := 0 to 2 do |
95 | begin
96 | Append; |
97 | FieldValues['_Loge_'] := FLogeT.CBLoge.Text;
98 | FieldValues['_Etat_'] := etat;
99 | FieldValues['_StrEtat_'] := FLogeT.TC.Tabs[etat];
100 | Post; |
101 | end;
102 | end;
103 | QRMMemo.Lines.Add(FLogeT.CBLoge.Hint); |
104 | with CDSRegles do |
105 | begin
106 | CreateDataSet; |
107 | for etat := 0 to 2 do |
108 | begin
109 | case etat of |
110 | 0 : // Gestation |
111 | nb := PLogeT.NbRuleGest; |
112 | 1 : // Lactation |
113 | nb := PLogeT.NbRuleLact; |
114 | else // I.S.S.F. |
115 | nb := PLogeT.NbRuleISSF; |
116 | end;
117 | for regle := 1 to nb do |
118 | begin
119 | Append; |
120 | FieldValues['_Loge_'] := FLogeT.CBLoge.Text;
121 | FieldValues['_Etat_'] := etat;
122 | FieldValues['_No_'] := regle;
123 | FieldValues['_ModeFin_'] := FLogeT.StrModeFin(etat, regle);
124 | Post; |
125 | end;
126 | end;
127 | end;
128 | RegisterPreviewClass(TQRPrevRapInterface); |
129 | // QRRapport.PreviewModal;
130 | // RegisterPreviewClass(TQRStandardPreviewInterface);
131 | end;
132 | |||
133 | end. |