root / UStrings.pas
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (18,602 ko)
1 | 3 | avalancogn | unit UStrings;
2 | |||
3 | interface
4 | |||
5 | uses
6 | UVariables; |
7 | |||
8 | resourcestring
9 | StrInraPorc = 'InraPorc';
10 | StrVersion = 'Incorrect version number (%d.%d.%d.%d)';
11 | StrComplete = 'Complete';
12 | StrEducation = 'Education';
13 | StrEvaluation = 'Evaluation';
14 | StrReadOnly = 'Read only';
15 | StrLicenseType = 'License type: %s';
16 | StrLicenseNum = 'License number: %d';
17 | StrFirstName = 'First name: %s';
18 | StrLastName = 'Last name: %s';
19 | StrCompany = 'Company: %s';
20 | StrOrganization = 'University: %s';
21 | StrEndValidity = 'License activation key valid until %s';
22 | StrNoKey = 'No license activation key found';
23 | StrInvalidKey = 'Incorrect license activation key';
24 | StrSelectDir = 'Select a data directory';
25 | StrPage = 'Page %d / %d';
26 | StrMinimum = 'Minimum';
27 | StrTitreCSV1 = 'Name;Comment;Type;';
28 | StrTitreCSV2 = 'DM;Ash;OM;Fat;CP;Starch;Sugars;Dig. OM S;Dig. OM G;Dig. fat S;Dig. fat G;Dig. CP S;Dig. CP G;';
29 | StrTitreCSV3 = 'GE;DE S;DE G;ME S;ME G;NE S;NE G;';
30 | StrTitreCSV4 = 'Ca;P;Na;K;Mg;Cl;S;Cu;Zn;Mn;Fe;Se;Co;Mo;I;Dig. P (pellets);Dig. P (mash);Phytate P;Endogenous phytase act.;Microbial phytase act.;';
31 | StrTitreCSV5 = 'C6-10:0;C12:0;C14:0;C16:0;C16:1;C18:0;C18:1;C18:2;C18:3;C18:4;C20:0;C20:1;C20:4;C20:5;C22:0;C22:1;C22:5;C22:6;C24:0;FA/lipid;';
32 | StrTitreCSV6 = 'CF;Dig. CF S;Dig. CF G;Residue;Dig. residu S;Dig. residue G;NDF;ADF;ADL;TDF;';
33 | StrTitreCSV7 = 'Lys;Met;Cys;Trp;Thr;Phe;Tyr;Leu;Ile;Val;His;Arg;Dig. N;Dig. Lys;Dig. Met;Dig. Cys;Dig. Trp;Dig. Thr;Dig. Phe;Dig. Tyr;Dig. Leu;Dig. Ile;Dig. Val;Dig. His;Dig. Arg';
34 | // Messages (Dialogs)
35 | MsgLicense = 'Three versions of InraPorc are available: ' + sLineBreak
36 | + '- Evaluation ' + sLineBreak
37 | + #9 + ' Free ' + sLineBreak |
38 | + #9 + ' Does not require a license activation key ' + sLineBreak |
39 | + #9 + ' Limited functionality ' + sLineBreak |
40 | + '- Education ' + sLineBreak
41 | + #9 + ' Free ' + sLineBreak |
42 | + #9 + ' Reserved for educational purposes ' + sLineBreak |
43 | + #9 + ' Requires a license activation key ' + sLineBreak |
44 | + #9 + ' Limited number of entries can be saved ' + sLineBreak |
45 | + '- Complete ' + sLineBreak
46 | + #9 + ' Purchase required (500 euros) ' + sLineBreak |
47 | + #9 + ' Requires a license activation key ' + sLineBreak |
48 | + #9 + ' No limitation ' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak |
49 | + 'In case of an error (e.g., exceeding the number of data entries that can be saved or invalid license activation key), the software will work in read-only mode. ' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
50 | + 'To obtain a license activation key, use the following procedure: ' + sLineBreak
51 | + '1. Install InraPorc on the computer on which it will be used and start InraPorc from that computer. ' + sLineBreak
52 | + '2. Fill out all the requested information in the right-hand panel (do not forget to indicate the requested license type). ' + sLineBreak
53 | + '3. You have two options to request a license activation key: automatically and manually. An internet connection is required to request the license activation key automatically. When you click on the "Automatic" button, the information from the license wi'
54 | + 'ndow will be sent to our server. We will then process your request, which may take a few days. If you prefer to request the license activation key manually, a license activation file will be created when you click on the "Manual" button and you will have'
55 | + ' to upload (manually) this file to our server ( ' + sLineBreak
56 | + '4. After having received your request, we will generate a license activation key. We will include this key in the license activation file InraPorc.lic and we will send this file to you by e-mail. Copy this file to a location of your choice. To validate y'
57 | + 'ou license, start InraPorc and open the license windows again. Click on the "Import" button and indicate where the license activation file InraPorc.lic is located. ' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
58 | + 'To obtain a license activation key for the complete version, you must first fill out a purchase order of the InraPorc web site. A license number will be sent to you with the order confirmation.';
59 | MsgCorrCUD = 'In InraPorc, a strict relation is maintained between digestible nutrients and energy values. Although it is possible to calculate energy values from digestible nutrients, the reverse is not true (i.e., it is not possible to calculate the contribution of '
60 | + 'starch, protein from a single energy value). It is therefore recommended that feeds and feed ingredients are characterized by their chemical composition and fecal digestibility; the energy values are then calculated from this information.' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak
61 | + 'By checking the checkbox, a known energy value may be used to adjust the fecal digestibilities. Before using this option, it is important to ensure that the values for chemical composition and digestibility are realistic.';
62 | MsgCalcAli = 'The feed ingredient composition is optional and can be used to calculate the chemical composition of the feed. As this information is not linked dynamically to the chemical composition, the contribution of feed ingredients to the chemical composition wil'
63 | + 'l be not correct when the latter is changed manually.';
64 | MsgGraphAli = 'The contribution of feed ingredients to the chemical composition of the feed shown in these graphs is based on the composition of the feed ingredients and not on the composition of the feed (which may have been modified manually).';
65 | MsgUnitProfilP = 'The mechanisms that regulate voluntary feed intake are not fully understood. If gut capacity is limiting, feed intake may be regulated on a dry matter (or ''bulk'') basis. However, if gut capacity is not limiting intake, an energetic regulation of intake'
66 | + ' may be more likely.' + sLineBreak
67 | + 'It is left to the user to express the mode of regulation of ad libitum feed intake (i.e., DM, DE, ME or ME). The choice of expressing ad libitum feed intake has consequences on the way the model predicts the response of feeding a high energy diet. For ex'
68 | +'ample, if ad libitum feed intake capacity is expressed on a DM basis, feeding a high energy diet will improve performance. If intake capacity is expressed on a NE basis, pigs fed a high energy diet will reduce their DM intake (to maintain an equal NE inta'
69 | + 'ke) without affecting performance.';
70 | MsgPDMoy = 'By changing this parameter, the average protein deposition over the simulation period is adjusted. It is recommended adjusting this parameter so that the predicted average daily gain corresponds to the observed value.';
71 | MsgPrecocite = 'This parameter determines the shape of the Gompertz function, which is used to describe protein deposition. Increasing its value results in an early-maturing animal while (approximately) maintaining the average daily gain. A low value of ''precocity'' re'
72 | + 'sults in a late-maturing animal. In the absence of information, it is recommended not to change the value.' + sLineBreak
73 | + 'Information such as average daily gain during the growing and finishing phase may be used to adjust this parameter (i.e., change ''Graph type'' to ''View per period'' and ''X-axis'' to ''Feed sequence rule'').';
74 | MsgEntretien = 'The parameter ''maintenance'' allows changing the maintenance energy requirements relative to the default function (i.e., a function of body weight and feed intake). Changing this parameter will change the lipid deposition, but not (or little) the protei'
75 | + 'n deposition. Together with the lipid deposition, lean percentage and backfat thickness are modified when maintenance is changed. However, the equations used may be little precise and can be modified in the configuration menu of InraPorc.' + sLineBreak
76 | + 'It is recommended to change this value only when information on the actual lipid deposition is available. It is not recommended to change the default value of ''maintenance'' only on the basis of known lean percentage and/or backfat thickness.';
77 | MsgOptInit = 'It is recommended to use this option with caution; deviations may occur if several successive cycles are simulated.';
78 | MsgSimulT = 'In the current version of the software, production performance data (litter size, piglet weight, milk production) are considered user inputs and are therefore not sensitive to the nutrient supply.';
79 | MsgBesoin = 'Nutrient requirements given by InraPorc for growing pigs are probably lower than what you think.' + sLineBreak
80 | + 'In InraPorc, nutrient requirements are given for a single, average pig. If you would feed your herd according to this requireme'
81 | + 'nt, the average performance of your herd would be lower than the performance of this average pig. The reason for this is that approximately half of your herd has a nutrient requirement lower than the average pig, whereas the other half has a requirement '
82 | + 'greater than the average pig. If you feed your herd as an average pig, only pigs with a nutrient requirement lower than average would be able to express their potential, whereas those with a requirement greater than average would be penalized. Studies in'
83 | + ' our laboratory show that the nutrient requirement of the herd is 10-15% higher than the requirement of the average animal. See the publications on the InraPorc website for more information on this topic.';
84 | MsgCalibrAdLib = 'The feed rationing plan that you provide does not contain a period in which pigs are offered feed (a percentage of) ad libitum. The calibration procedure can only be used if feed is feed ad libitum during at least one period.';
85 | MsgCalibrOther = 'In the current feed rationing plan, pigs are not offered feed ad libitum (or a percentage thereof) throughout the simulation. Because model parameters describe the ad libitum feed intake and corresponding growth, the accuracy of parameter estimation depe'
86 | + 'nds on the duration during which feed was offered ad libitum. For example, the ad libitum feed intake curve requires 2 parameters. In order to obtain reliable estimates of these 2 parameters, the period of ad libitum feeding should cover at least 2 data '
87 | + 'points for the cumulative feed usage.';
88 | MsgInraAfz = 'Errors were found in the links between the feed composition file and the file containing the Inra-AFZ feed ingredients. To solve this issue, reinstall InraPorc or download the file InraAfz.rec from the website and save it in the InraPorc program director'
89 | + 'y ''(by default C:\Program Files\InraPorc).';
90 | MsgParamCount = 'Illegal parameters number (%d)' + sLineBreak
91 | + 'Command: %s' + sLineBreak
92 | + 'Usage: %s <data folder>';
93 | MsgFinalDate = 'The license activation key has expired.';
94 | MsgFixedDrive = 'The complete version has to been installed on a local hard drive.';
95 | MsgDiskChanged = 'The disk drive has been reformatted or the program has been moved to another disk (or partition); the license activation key is not valid.';
96 | MsgDataDirectory = 'Data directory %s not found.';
97 | MsgTooMuchRecords = 'The number of data entries exceeds the authorized maximum; the software will function in read-only mode.';
98 | MsgRequiredField = 'The "%s" field is empty; it is required for this type of license.';
99 | MsgMissingMail = 'An e-mail address is required to receive a license activation key.';
100 | MsgMissingAddress = 'A postal address is required';
101 | MsgInvalidLicense = 'The license activation key is absent, has expired or does not correspond to the information provided.';
102 | MsgReadOnly = 'Awaiting a valid license activation key, the software will function in read only mode.';
103 | MsgFileNotFound = 'The file %s is missing';
104 | MsgRecordErrors = 'The error report has been saved in the file %s' + sLineBreak
105 | + '(directory %s)';
106 | MsgConfig = 'Save the configuration?';
107 | MsgSave = 'Save the modications?';
108 | MsgInvalidData = '%s: %s' + sLineBreak
109 | + 'The information you saved is incomplete.' + sLineBreak
110 | + 'You will have to complete it before it can be used.';
111 | MsgSaveMat = 'Save the feed ingredients?';
112 | MsgSaveAli = 'Save the feeds?';
113 | MsgName = 'New name of the entry:';
114 | MsgNameEmpty = 'Enter a name or click on <Cancel>';
115 | MsgNameTooLarge = 'This name is too long (maximum %d characters).';
116 | MsgNameExists = 'An entry already exists with this name.';
117 | MsgDel = 'Delete the entry?';
118 | MsgDelErr = 'Impossible to delete; the entry is used.';
119 | MsgRename = 'New name of the entry:';
120 | MsgCopy = 'Copy the current values?';
121 | MsgSimulErr = 'An error occurred during the simulation.';
122 | MsgCalcul = 'The data of the chemical composition will be overwritten' + sLineBreak
123 | + 'Continue?';
124 | MsgGTTT = 'The data of "Sows", "Piglets" and "Feeding" will be overwritten.' + sLineBreak
125 | + 'Continue?';
126 | MsgCSVError = 'Error reading the CSV file' + sLineBreak
127 | + 'line %d' + sLineBreak
128 | + 'column %d';
129 | MsgAli2Mat = '%s is a feed...' + sLineBreak
130 | + 'Import in the list of feed ingredients.';
131 | MsgMat2Ali = '%s is a feed ingredient...' + sLineBreak
132 | + 'Import in the list of feeds.';
133 | MsgNoCSV = 'It is necessary to open a file before carrying out this operation.';
134 | MsgNoMat = 'No feed ingredients to export.' + sLineBreak
135 | + 'As the INRA/AFZ feed ingredients cannot be exported, they do not appear in the list.';
136 | MsgNoMatSel = 'Select first the feed ingredients to export.';
137 | MsgNoAli = 'No feeds to export.';
138 | MsgNoAliSel = 'Select first the feeds to export.';
139 | MsgNoImp = 'No elements to import.';
140 | MsgNoImpSel = 'Select first the elements to import.';
141 | MsgKeepValues = 'Do you want to keep the modified values in the profile?';
142 | MsgExcel = 'Impossible to connect to Excel';
143 | MsgConvert = 'The user data need to be upgraded in order to be used by the new version of InraPorc.' + sLineBreak
144 | + 'The converted data cannot be used by previous versions of the program.' + sLineBreak
145 | + 'Continue?';
146 | MsgCheckForUpdates = 'Automatically check for updates?' + sLineBreak
147 | + '(this may not work if you have a firewall installed)';
148 | MsgUpdateFound = 'A new version of InraPorc (%s) is available.' + sLineBreak
149 | + 'Do you want to download it now?';
150 | MsgLicenseSuccess = 'Your request has been registered.' + sLineBreak
151 | + 'After verification of the information, a license activation file (which includes the license activation key) will be sent to you by e-mail.';
152 | MsgServerUnreachable = 'The server is unreachable.' + sLineBreak
153 | + 'Check your network connection.';
154 | MsgPDLimit = 'An amino acid limits protein deposition';
155 | // Titres de tableaux (StringGrids)
156 | StrGMQ = 'Gain';
157 | StrIngere = 'Intake';
158 | StrFeedUW = 'Feed usage (wastage)';
159 | StrIC = 'F:G';
160 | StrEA = 'G:F';
161 | StrPD = 'PD';
162 | StrPDMarginal = 'Marginal PD';
163 | StrLD = 'LD';
164 | StrLDMarginal = 'Marginal LD';
165 | StrPV = 'BW';
166 | StrAge = 'Age';
167 | StrP2 = 'Backfat';
168 | StrTMP = 'Lean meat';
169 | StrP = 'P';
170 | StrL = 'L';
171 | StrPVV = 'eBW';
172 | StrAdLib = 'Ad libitum';
173 | StrRapport = 'Ratio';
174 | StrPDmax = 'PDmax';
175 | StrF = 'F';
176 | StrX = 'X';
177 | // Axes (TeeCharts)
178 | StrAutres = 'Others';
179 | StrApport = 'Supply';
180 | StrBesoin = 'Requirement';
181 | StrBesoinMoyen = 'Requirement (average animal)';
182 | StrBesoinPopulation = 'Requirement (population)';
183 | StrReference = 'Reference';
184 | StrDeficit = 'Deficiency';
185 | Str35j = 'Start';
186 | Str105j = 'End';
187 | StrAANonLim = 'Amino acids non limiting';
188 | StrAAPotLim = 'Amino acids potentially limiting';
189 | StrValCal = 'Calculated value';
190 | StrValSim = 'Simulated value';
191 | StrSimul = '%s: animal profile "%s" - feed sequence plan "%s" - feed rationing plan "%s"';
192 | StrSimulComp = 'Simulation %d: "%s"';
193 | StrSimulProfil = 'Simulation %d: "%s" - animal profile "%s"';
194 | StrSimulSeqAli = 'Simulation %d: "%s" - feed sequence plan "%s"';
195 | StrSimulRation = 'Simulation %d: "%s" - feed rationing plan "%s"';
196 | StrSimulSens = 'Variation "%s": "%s"';
197 | StrSimulNo = 'Simulation %d';
198 | StrVariation = '%s: %1.0f%%';
199 | StrRationProfil = 'Animal profile "%s"';
200 | StrRationSeqAli = 'Feed sequence plan "%s"';
201 | StrRationRation = 'Feed rationing plan "%s"';
202 | StrDigestStd = 'Standardized digestible';
203 | // Param?tres (ComboBoxes)
204 | StrSaisieManuelle = '(Manual entry)';
205 | StrTotal = 'Total';
206 | StrJ = 'd';
207 | StrG = 'g';
208 | StrKg = 'kg';
209 | StrMg = 'mg';
210 | StrMm = 'mm';
211 | StrAlimentUnit = 'feed';
212 | StrGMQUnit = 'gain';
213 | StrMS = 'DM';
214 | StrFrais = 'as-fed';
215 | StrLys = 'Lys';
216 | StrED = 'DE';
217 | StrEM = 'ME';
218 | StrEN = 'NE';
219 | StrMJ = 'MJ';
220 | StrUI = 'IU';
221 | StrEntretien = 'maintenance';
222 | StrGestation = 'Gestation';
223 | StrLactation = 'Lactation';
224 | StrISSF = 'IWC';
225 | StrDegC = '?C';
226 | StrMnDebout = 'min standing';
227 | // Intitul? (Labels)
228 | StrSaillie = 'Service';
229 | StrMiseBas = 'Farrowing';
230 | StrSevrage = 'Weaning';
231 | StrPV4Age = 'Proposed body weight at %d d: %3.1f kg';
232 | StrAge4PV = 'Proposed age for %3.1f kg: %d d';
233 | StrModeFin = 'Termination condition';
234 | // Astuces (Hints)
235 | StrED_C = 'Digestible energy growing pigs';
236 | StrED_T = 'Digestible energy sows';
237 | StrEM_C = 'Metabolizable energy growing pigs';
238 | StrEM_T = 'Metabolizable energy sows';
239 | StrEN_C = 'Net energy growing pigs';
240 | StrEN_T = 'Net energy sows';
241 | StrTyp0 = 'Type of feed not specified';
242 | HintAli1Init = 'Percentage of feed 1 in the ration at the beginning of the selected rule';
243 | HintAli1Const = 'Percentage of feed 1 in the ration during the selected rule';
244 | |||
245 | implementation
246 | |||
247 | end. |