root / InraAfz / UFInraAfz.pas @ 1
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (10,381 ko)
1 | 1 | avalancogn | unit UFInraAfz;
2 | |||
3 | interface
4 | |||
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, |
7 | Dialogs, Grids, StdCtrls; |
8 | |||
9 | type
10 | TFInraAfz = class(TForm)
11 | ODInraAfz: TOpenDialog; |
12 | SGInraAfz: TStringGrid; |
13 | LBInraAfz: TListBox; |
14 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
15 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); |
16 | private
17 | { D?clarations priv?es }
18 | public
19 | { D?clarations publiques }
20 | end;
21 | |||
22 | var
23 | FInraAfz: TFInraAfz; |
24 | |||
25 | implementation
26 | |||
27 | {$R *.dfm}
28 | |||
29 | const
30 | NFicMatInraAfz = 'InraAfz.rec';
31 | MAX_MP = 50;
32 | |||
33 | type
34 | CompositionChimique = record
35 | MS, MM, MO, Lip, MAT, Amidon, Sucres, |
36 | dMO_T, dMO_C, dLip_T, dLip_C, dMAT_T, dMAT_C, |
37 | EB, ED_T, ED_C, EM_T, EM_C, EN_T, EN_C, |
38 | Ca, P, Na, K, Cl, Mg, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, S, Se, Co, Mb, I, |
39 | Phytase, ActPhytE, ActPhytM, PdigG, PdigF, |
40 | C6C8C10, C12_0, C14_0, C16_0, C16_1, C18_0, C18_1, C18_2, C18_3, C18_4, |
41 | C20_0, C20_1, C20_4, C20_5, C22_0, C22_1, C22_5, C22_6, C24_0, AGsLip, |
42 | CB, dCB_T, dCB_C, Residu, dResidu_T, dResidu_C, |
43 | NDF, ADF, ADL, Parois: Double; |
44 | end;
45 | RecMatiere = record
46 | Num: Integer; |
47 | Nom: string[35]; |
48 | Memo: string[255]; |
49 | Typ: Integer; |
50 | CC: CompositionChimique; |
51 | AAtotal, CUDAA: array[0..12] of Double; |
52 | end;
53 | PRecMatiere = ^RecMatiere; |
54 | |||
55 | var
56 | PMatiere: PRecMatiere; |
57 | ListMatiere: TList; |
58 | |||
59 | procedure TFInraAfz.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
60 | var
61 | i, lig, col: Integer; |
62 | ok: Boolean; |
63 | s: string;
64 | sep: Char; |
65 | F: TextFile; |
66 | |||
67 | function GetInteger(var I: Integer; var Ch: Char): Boolean; |
68 | var
69 | S: string;
70 | Fin: boolean; |
71 | begin
72 | S := '';
73 | Read(F, Ch);
74 | Fin := (Ch = ';') or (Ch = Chr(13)) or (Ch = Chr(26)); |
75 | while not Fin do |
76 | begin
77 | S := S + Ch; |
78 | Read(F, Ch);
79 | Fin := (Ch = ';') or (Ch = Chr(13)) or (Ch = Chr(26)); |
80 | end ;
81 | S := Trim(S); |
82 | result := TRUE ; |
83 | if Length(S) = 0 |
84 | then
85 | I := 0
86 | else
87 | try
88 | I := StrToInt(S); |
89 | except
90 | result := FALSE; |
91 | end;
92 | end;
93 | |||
94 | function GetDouble(var D: Double; var Ch: Char): Boolean; |
95 | var
96 | S: string;
97 | Fin: boolean; |
98 | begin
99 | S := '';
100 | Read(F, Ch);
101 | Fin := (Ch = ';') or (Ch = Chr(13)) or (Ch = Chr(26)); |
102 | while not Fin do |
103 | begin
104 | S := S + Ch; |
105 | Read(F, Ch);
106 | Fin := (Ch = ';') or (Ch = Chr(13)) or (Ch = Chr(26)); |
107 | end ;
108 | S := Trim(S); |
109 | result := TRUE; |
110 | if Length(S) = 0 |
111 | then
112 | D := 0
113 | else
114 | try
115 | D := StrToFloat(S); |
116 | except
117 | result := FALSE; |
118 | end;
119 | end;
120 | |||
121 | function GetString(var S: string; var Ch: Char): Boolean; |
122 | var
123 | Fin, Quoted: boolean; |
124 | begin
125 | S := '';
126 | Read(F, Ch);
127 | Fin := (Ch = ';') or (Ch = Chr(13)) or (Ch = Chr(26)); |
128 | Quoted := (Ch = '"');
129 | if Quoted
130 | then
131 | begin
132 | Read(F, Ch);
133 | Fin := (Ch = Chr(26));
134 | while not Fin do |
135 | begin
136 | if (Ch = '"') |
137 | then
138 | begin
139 | Read (F, Ch);
140 | Fin := (Ch <> '"');
141 | Quoted := not ((Ch = ';') or (Ch = Chr(13)) or (Ch = Chr(26))); |
142 | end;
143 | if not Fin |
144 | then
145 | begin
146 | S := S + Ch; |
147 | Read(F, Ch);
148 | Fin := (Ch = Chr(26));
149 | end;
150 | end;
151 | end
152 | else
153 | while not Fin do |
154 | begin
155 | S := S + Ch; |
156 | Read(F, Ch);
157 | Fin := (Ch = ';') or (Ch = Chr(13)) or (Ch = Chr(26)); |
158 | end;
159 | result := not Quoted;
160 | end;
161 | |||
162 | // FormShow
163 | begin
164 | ListMatiere := TList.Create; |
165 | SetCurrentDir(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)); |
166 | ODInraAfz.InitialDir := GetCurrentDir; |
167 | ODInraAfz.FileName := ChangeFileExt(NFicMatInraAfz, '.csv');
168 | {
169 | SGInraAfz.ColCount := LBInraAfz.Count;
170 | for i := 0 to LBInraAfz.Count - 1 do
171 | SGInraAfz.Cells[i, 0] := LBInraAfz.Items[i];
172 | }
173 | SGInraAfz.Cells[0, 0] := 'N?'; |
174 | SGInraAfz.Cells[1, 0] := 'Nom'; |
175 | if ODInraAfz.Execute
176 | then
177 | begin
178 | AssignFile(F, ODInraAfz.FileName); |
179 | Reset(F); |
180 | if Eof(F)
181 | then // Le fichier est vide |
182 | begin
183 | CloseFile(F); |
184 | Exit; |
185 | end;
186 | Readln(F, s); // Lecture de la ligne de titre
187 | if Eof(F)
188 | then // Il n'y a pas d'enregistrement |
189 | begin
190 | CloseFile(F); |
191 | Exit; |
192 | end;
193 | lig := 1;
194 | col := 1;
195 | New(PMatiere); |
196 | repeat
197 | ok := TRUE; |
198 | case col of |
199 | 1: // Nom |
200 | begin
201 | ok := GetString(s, sep); |
202 | if ok then PMatiere.Nom := Trim(s); |
203 | end;
204 | 2: // Commentaire |
205 | begin
206 | ok := GetString(s, sep); |
207 | if ok then PMatiere.Memo := s; |
208 | end ;
209 | 3: ok := GetInteger(PMatiere.Typ, sep);
210 | 4: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.MS, sep);
211 | 5: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.MM, sep);
212 | 6: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.MO, sep);
213 | 7: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Lip, sep);
214 | 8: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.MAT, sep);
215 | 9: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Amidon, sep);
216 | 10: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Sucres, sep);
217 | 11: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.dMO_T, sep);
218 | 12: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.dMO_C, sep);
219 | 13: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.dLip_T, sep);
220 | 14: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.dLip_C, sep);
221 | 15: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.dMAT_T, sep);
222 | 16: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.dMAT_C, sep);
223 | 17: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.EB, sep);
224 | 18: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.ED_T, sep);
225 | 19: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.ED_C, sep);
226 | 20: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.EM_T, sep);
227 | 21: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.EM_C, sep);
228 | 22: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.EN_T, sep);
229 | 23: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.EN_C, sep);
230 | 24: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Ca, sep);
231 | 25: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.P, sep);
232 | 26: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Na, sep);
233 | 27: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.K, sep);
234 | 28: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Mg, sep);
235 | 29: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Cl, sep);
236 | 30: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.S, sep);
237 | 31: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Cu, sep);
238 | 32: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Zn, sep);
239 | 33: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Mn, sep);
240 | 34: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Fe, sep);
241 | 35: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Se, sep);
242 | 36: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Co, sep);
243 | 37: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Mb, sep);
244 | 38: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.I, sep);
245 | 39: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.PdigG, sep);
246 | 40: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.PdigF, sep);
247 | 41: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Phytase, sep);
248 | 42: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.ActPhytE, sep);
249 | 43: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.ActPhytM, sep);
250 | 44: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C6C8C10, sep);
251 | 45: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C12_0, sep);
252 | 46: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C14_0, sep);
253 | 47: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C16_0, sep);
254 | 48: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C16_1, sep);
255 | 49: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C18_0, sep);
256 | 50: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C18_1, sep);
257 | 51: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C18_2, sep);
258 | 52: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C18_3, sep);
259 | 53: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C18_4, sep);
260 | 54: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C20_0, sep);
261 | 55: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C20_1, sep);
262 | 56: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C20_4, sep);
263 | 57: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C20_5, sep);
264 | 58: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C22_0, sep);
265 | 59: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C22_1, sep);
266 | 60: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C22_5, sep);
267 | 61: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C22_6, sep);
268 | 62: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.C24_0, sep);
269 | 63: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.AGsLip, sep);
270 | 64: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.CB, sep);
271 | 65: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.dCB_T, sep);
272 | 66: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.dCB_C, sep);
273 | 67: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Residu, sep);
274 | 68: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.dResidu_T, sep);
275 | 69: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.dResidu_C, sep);
276 | 70: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.NDF, sep);
277 | 71: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.ADF, sep);
278 | 72: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.ADL, sep);
279 | 73: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CC.Parois, sep);
280 | 74..85: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.AAtotal[col - 73], sep); |
281 | 86..98: ok := GetDouble(PMatiere.CUDAA[col - 86], sep); |
282 | end;
283 | if not ok then Break; |
284 | if (col = 98) or ((col = 1) and (Length(PMatiere.Nom) = 0)) |
285 | then // Dernier champs ou ligne vide |
286 | ok := (sep = Chr(13)) or (sep = Chr(26)) |
287 | else
288 | ok := (sep = ';');
289 | if not ok then Break; |
290 | if sep = Chr(13) then Read(F, sep); // Chr (10) |
291 | if col = 98 |
292 | then // Passage ? la ligne suivante |
293 | begin
294 | PMatiere.AAtotal[0] := PMatiere.CC.MAT;
295 | ListMatiere.Add(PMatiere); |
296 | PMatiere.Num := - ListMatiere.Count; |
297 | New(PMatiere); |
298 | Inc(lig); |
299 | col := 1;
300 | end
301 | else
302 | if (col > 1) or (Length(PMatiere.Nom) > 0) |
303 | then // Passage au champs suivant |
304 | Inc(col); |
305 | until sep = Chr(26); // Eof (f) |
306 | Dispose(PMatiere); |
307 | CloseFile(F); |
308 | if not ok |
309 | then // erreur de lecture |
310 | MessageDlg(Format('Erreur ! (%d, %d)', [col, lig]), mtError, [mbOk], 0) |
311 | else // affichage du tableau |
312 | begin
313 | SGInraAfz.RowCount := ListMatiere.Count + 2;
314 | for i := 1 to ListMatiere.Count do |
315 | begin
316 | PMatiere := ListMatiere.Items[i - 1];
317 | SGInraAfz.Cells[0, i] := IntToStr(PMatiere.Num);
318 | SGInraAfz.Cells[1, i] := PMatiere.Nom;
319 | end;
320 | end;
321 | end;
322 | end;
323 | |||
324 | procedure TFInraAfz.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); |
325 | var
326 | i: Integer; |
327 | fic: file of RecMatiere; |
328 | begin
329 | if SGInraAfz.RowCount > 2 |
330 | then // Enregistrement(s) pr?sent(s) |
331 | if MessageDlg('Enregistrer ?', mtWarning, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes |
332 | then // Sauvegarder |
333 | begin
334 | AssignFile(fic, NFicMatInraAfz); |
335 | Rewrite(fic); |
336 | for i := 0 to ListMatiere.Count - 1 do |
337 | begin
338 | PMatiere := ListMatiere[i]; |
339 | Write(fic, PMatiere^);
340 | end ;
341 | CloseFile(fic); |
342 | end;
343 | if ListMatiere.Count > 0 |
344 | then
345 | for i := 0 to ListMatiere.Count - 1 do |
346 | begin
347 | PMatiere := ListMatiere[i]; |
348 | Dispose(PMatiere); |
349 | end;
350 | ListMatiere.Free; |
351 | end;
352 | |||
353 | end. |