root / Resources / License.rtf @ 3
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (1,829 ko)
1 | 3 | avalancogn | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1036\deflangfe1036\deftab708{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} |
2 | {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs16 Three versions of InraPorc are available:\par |
3 | \pard\qj - Evaluation\par |
4 | \pard\fi568\qj Free\par |
5 | Does not require a license key\par |
6 | Limited functionality\par |
7 | \pard\qj - Education\par |
8 | \pard\fi568\qj Free\par |
9 | Reserved for educational purposes\par |
10 | Requires a license key\par |
11 | Limited number of entries can be saved\par |
12 | \pard\qj - Complete\par |
13 | \pard\fi568\qj Purchase required (500 \'80)\par |
14 | Requires a license key\par |
15 | No limitation\par |
16 | \pard\par |
17 | In case of an error (e.g., exceeding the number of data entries that can be saved or invalid license key), the software will work in read-only mode.\par |
18 | \par |
19 | To obtain a license activation key, use the following procedure:\par |
20 | 1. Install InraPorc on the computer on which it will be used and start InraPorc from that computer.\par |
21 | 2. Fill out all the requested information in the right-hand panel (do not forget to indicate the requested license type).\par |
22 | 3. Click on the button "OK" to store this information in the file InraPorc.lic and upload this file using the registration form of the InraPorc web site (\lang2057\lang1033 ).\par |
23 | After processing your request, the completed file will be sent back to you by e-mail. Overwrite the existing InraPorc.lic file by the e-mail attachment.\par |
24 | \par |
25 | If your computer is not connected to the internet, copy the file InraPorc.lic to a computer that is connected and fill in the registration form on the InraPorc web site.\par |
26 | \par |
27 | To obtain a license key for the complete version, you must first fill out a purchase order of the InraPorc web site. A license number will be sent to you with the order confirmation.\par |
28 | } |