root / UFBesLactE.pas @ 3
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (12,246 ko)
1 | 3 | avalancogn | unit UFBesLactE ;
2 | |||
3 | interface
4 | |||
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Forms, Classes, Controls, StdCtrls, Buttons, UVariables; |
7 | |||
8 | type
9 | TFBesLactE = class(TForm)
10 | GBProfil: TGroupBox; |
11 | CBProfil: TComboBox; |
12 | GBResult: TGroupBox; |
13 | BBRapLact: TBitBtn; |
14 | BBResLact: TBitBtn; |
15 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); |
16 | procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
17 | procedure CBProfilChange(Sender: TObject);
18 | procedure BBResLactClick(Sender: TObject);
19 | procedure BBRapLactClick(Sender: TObject);
20 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
21 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
22 | private
23 | { D?clarations priv?es }
24 | Update, Modal: boolean; |
25 | procedure CalcApport;
26 | procedure CalcResult;
27 | public
28 | { D?clarations publiques }
29 | AppAliTot, AppEDTot, AppEMTot, AppENTot: array[1..NB_CYCLES] of double; |
30 | BesEMTot, BesEMEntTot, BesEMLaitTot: array[1..NB_CYCLES] of double; |
31 | AppAli, AppED, AppEM, AppEN: array[1..NB_CYCLES, 1..28] of double; |
32 | BesEMEnt, BesEMLait, BesP, BesCa: array[1..NB_CYCLES, 1..28] of double; |
33 | AppAA, BesAA, BesAAEnt, BesAALait: array[1..NB_CYCLES, 1..14, 1..28] of double; |
34 | end;
35 | |||
36 | var
37 | FBesLactE: TFBesLactE; |
38 | |||
39 | implementation
40 | |||
41 | uses
42 | Math, gnugettext, UInit, UFindRec, UCalcul, UFResBesLactE, UFRapBesLactE; |
43 | |||
44 | {$R *.dfm}
45 | |||
46 | { TFBesLactE }
47 | |||
48 | procedure TFBesLactE.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
49 | begin
50 | if Screen.Fonts.IndexOf('Arial Unicode MS') <> -1 |
51 | then
52 | Font.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
53 | TranslateComponent(Self); |
54 | Constraints.MinWidth := 296 + (Width - ClientWidth);
55 | Width := Constraints.MinWidth; |
56 | Constraints.MaxWidth := Constraints.MinWidth; |
57 | Constraints.MinHeight := 112 + (Height - ClientHeight);
58 | Height := Constraints.MinHeight; |
59 | Constraints.MaxHeight := Constraints.MinHeight; |
60 | end;
61 | |||
62 | procedure TFBesLactE.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
63 | begin
64 | Modal := False; |
65 | end;
66 | |||
67 | procedure TFBesLactE.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); |
68 | begin
69 | Action := caFree; |
70 | NumWinBesLactE := -1;
71 | end;
72 | |||
73 | procedure TFBesLactE.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
74 | begin
75 | if not Modal |
76 | then
77 | StringsProfilT(CBProfil.Items, False); |
78 | end;
79 | |||
80 | procedure TFBesLactE.CBProfilChange(Sender: TObject);
81 | begin
82 | if CBProfil.ItemIndex = -1 |
83 | then
84 | CBProfil.Hint := ''
85 | else
86 | begin
87 | PProfilT := ListProfilT[FindIdxProfilT (CBProfil.Text)] ; |
88 | CBProfil.Hint := PProfilT.Memo ; |
89 | Update := TRUE ; |
90 | CalcApport ; |
91 | CalcResult ; |
92 | Update := FALSE ; |
93 | BBResLact.Enabled := TRUE ; |
94 | BBRapLact.Enabled := TRUE ; |
95 | end ;
96 | end;
97 | |||
98 | procedure TFBesLactE.CalcApport ;
99 | var
100 | i, Cycle, Jour, AA, Unite : integer ; |
101 | PctAli1, PctAli2, Quantite, Ingere, IngSec1, IngSec2 : double ; |
102 | NumRuleSeqAli, NumRuleRation : integer ; |
103 | RuleSeqAli : array[1..MAX_RULE] of RecRuleSeqAliT ; |
104 | RuleRation : array[1..MAX_RULE] of RecRuleRationT ; |
105 | RuleSeqAliInit, RuleRationInit, Ecart : integer ; |
106 | RecCC1, RecCC2 : CompositionChimique ; |
107 | TabAAtotal1, TabAAtotal2, TabCUDAA1, TabCUDAA2 : array[0..12] of double ; |
108 | ok : boolean ; |
109 | begin
110 | for Cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
111 | begin
112 | PSeqAliT := ListSeqAliT[FindIdxSeqAliT (FindNomSeqAliT (PProfilT.SeqAli))] ; |
113 | for i := 1 to PSeqAliT.NbRuleLact do |
114 | RuleSeqAli[i] := PSeqAliT.RuleLact[i] ; |
115 | NumRuleSeqAli := 1 ;
116 | RuleSeqAliInit := 1 ;
117 | with RuleRation[1] do |
118 | begin
119 | ModeFin := -1 ;
120 | Equation := 3 ; // Curvilin?aire |
121 | a := PProfilT.Lact[Cycle] / 2 ; // Initial |
122 | c := PProfilT.Lact[Cycle] ; // Moyenne
123 | d := PProfilT.DureeLact ; // Dur?e
124 | end ;
125 | Unite := PProfilT.Unite ; |
126 | NumRuleRation := 1 ;
127 | RuleRationInit := 1 ;
128 | // Boucle des jours
129 | for Jour := 1 to PProfilT.DureeLact do |
130 | begin
131 | // Aliment(s) distribu?(s)
132 | repeat
133 | ok := TRUE ; |
134 | with RuleSeqAli[NumRuleSeqAli] do |
135 | if ModeFin = 0 |
136 | then // Dur?e |
137 | if (Jour - RuleSeqAliInit + 1 > ValFin) then ok := FALSE ; |
138 | if not (ok) |
139 | then // Changement de r?gle |
140 | begin
141 | Inc (NumRuleSeqAli) ; |
142 | RuleSeqAliInit := Jour ; |
143 | end ;
144 | until ok ;
145 | with RuleSeqAli[NumRuleSeqAli] do |
146 | begin
147 | // Composition aliment 1
148 | if NumAli1 = -1 |
149 | then
150 | begin
151 | RecCC1 := CCVide ; |
152 | for i := 0 to 12 do |
153 | TabAAtotal1[i] := 0 ;
154 | for i := 0 to 12 do |
155 | TabCUDAA1[i] := 0 ;
156 | end
157 | else
158 | begin
159 | PAliment := ListAliment[FindIdxAliment (FindNomAliment (NumAli1))] ; |
160 | RecCC1 := PAliment.CC ; |
161 | for i := 0 to 12 do |
162 | TabAAtotal1[i] := PAliment.AAtotal[i] ; |
163 | for i := 0 to 12 do |
164 | TabCUDAA1[i] := PAliment.CUDAA[i] ; |
165 | end ;
166 | // Composition aliment 2
167 | if NumAli2 = -1 |
168 | then
169 | begin
170 | RecCC2 := CCVide ; |
171 | for i := 0 to 12 do |
172 | TabAAtotal2[i] := 0 ;
173 | for i := 0 to 12 do |
174 | TabCUDAA2[i] := 0 ;
175 | end
176 | else
177 | begin
178 | PAliment := ListAliment[FindIdxAliment (FindNomAliment (NumAli2))] ; |
179 | RecCC2 := PAliment.CC ; |
180 | for i := 0 to 12 do |
181 | TabAAtotal2[i] := PAliment.AAtotal[i] ; |
182 | for i := 0 to 12 do |
183 | TabCUDAA2[i] := PAliment.CUDAA[i] ; |
184 | end ;
185 | // Calcul des % aliments
186 | if PctAli1Init = PctAli1Fin
187 | then
188 | PctAli1 := PctAli1Init |
189 | else // Transition |
190 | begin
191 | Ecart := PctAli1Fin - PctAli1Init ; |
192 | if ModeFin = 0 |
193 | then // Dur?e |
194 | PctAli1 := PctAli1Init + (Jour - RuleSeqAliInit) * Ecart / ValFin |
195 | else // Fin |
196 | PctAli1 := PctAli1Init + (Jour - RuleSeqAliInit) * Ecart / (PProfilT.DureeLact - RuleSeqAliInit) ; |
197 | end ;
198 | end ;
199 | PctAli2 := 100 - PctAli1 ;
200 | // Quantit?(s) distribu?e(s)
201 | repeat
202 | ok := TRUE ; |
203 | with RuleRation[NumRuleRation] do |
204 | if ModeFin = 0 |
205 | then // Dur?e |
206 | if Jour - RuleRationInit + 1 > ValFin then ok := FALSE ; |
207 | if not (ok) |
208 | then // Changement de r?gle |
209 | begin
210 | Inc (NumRuleRation) ; |
211 | RuleRationInit := Jour ; |
212 | end ;
213 | until ok ;
214 | with RuleRation[NumRuleRation] do |
215 | begin
216 | // Calcul des quantit?s
217 | case Equation of |
218 | 0 : // Constant |
219 | Quantite := a ; |
220 | 1 : // Lin?aire |
221 | Quantite := a + b * (Jour - RuleRationInit) ; |
222 | 2 : // Lin?aire-plateau |
223 | Quantite := LPvaleur (a, b, c, Jour - RuleRationInit + 1, d) ;
224 | 3 : // Curvilin?aire |
225 | Quantite := CLvaleur (a, c, Jour - RuleRationInit + 1, d) ;
226 | else
227 | Quantite := 0 ;
228 | end ;
229 | // Convertion de ED, EM, EN en quantit? si besoin
230 | case Unite of |
231 | 1 : // ED (MJ/j) |
232 | Ingere := Quantite |
233 | / (PctAli1 / 100 * RecCC1.ED_T * RecCC1.MS / 1000 |
234 | + PctAli2 / 100 * RecCC2.ED_T * RecCC2.MS / 1000) ; |
235 | 2 : // EM (MJ/j) |
236 | Ingere := Quantite |
237 | / (PctAli1 / 100 * RecCC1.EM_T * RecCC1.MS / 1000 |
238 | + PctAli2 / 100 * RecCC2.EM_T * RecCC2.MS / 1000) ; |
239 | 3 : // EN (MJ/j) |
240 | Ingere := Quantite |
241 | / (PctAli1 / 100 * RecCC1.EN_T * RecCC1.MS / 1000 |
242 | + PctAli2 / 100 * RecCC2.EN_T * RecCC2.MS / 1000) ; |
243 | 4 : // MS (kg/j) |
244 | Ingere := Quantite |
245 | / (PctAli1 / 100 * RecCC1.MS / 1000 |
246 | + PctAli2 / 100 * RecCC2.MS / 1000) ; |
247 | else // QI (kg/j) |
248 | Ingere := Quantite ; |
249 | end ;
250 | end ;
251 | // Aliment ing?r?
252 | AppAli[Cycle, Jour] := Ingere ; |
253 | IngSec1 := Ingere * PctAli1 / 100 * RecCC1.MS / 1000 ; |
254 | IngSec2 := Ingere * PctAli2 / 100 * RecCC2.MS / 1000 ; |
255 | // Energie ing?r?e
256 | AppED[Cycle, Jour] := IngSec1 * RecCC1.ED_T + IngSec2 * RecCC2.ED_T ; |
257 | AppEM[Cycle, Jour] := IngSec1 * RecCC1.EM_T + IngSec2 * RecCC2.EM_T ; |
258 | AppEN[Cycle, Jour] := IngSec1 * RecCC1.EN_T + IngSec2 * RecCC2.EN_T ; |
259 | // Acides amin?s digestibles
260 | for AA := 1 to 12 do |
261 | AppAA[Cycle, AA, Jour] := IngSec1 * TabAAtotal1[AA] * TabCUDAA1[AA] / 100
262 | + IngSec2 * TabAAtotal2[AA] * TabCUDAA2[AA] / 100 ;
263 | // met+cys
264 | AppAA[Cycle, 13, Jour] := AppAA[Cycle, 2, Jour] + AppAA[Cycle, 3, Jour] ; |
265 | // phe+tyr
266 | AppAA[Cycle, 14, Jour] := AppAA[Cycle, 6, Jour] + AppAA[Cycle, 7, Jour] ; |
267 | end ;
268 | // Totaux
269 | AppAliTot[Cycle] := Sum (Slice (AppAli[Cycle], PProfilT.DureeLact)) ; |
270 | AppEDTot[Cycle] := Sum (Slice (AppED[Cycle], PProfilT.DureeLact)) ; |
271 | AppEMTot[Cycle] := Sum (Slice (AppEM[Cycle], PProfilT.DureeLact)) ; |
272 | AppENTot[Cycle] := Sum (Slice (AppEN[Cycle], PProfilT.DureeLact)) ; |
273 | end ;
274 | end;
275 | |||
276 | procedure TFBesLactE.CalcResult ;
277 | var
278 | Cycle, Jour, AA : integer ; |
279 | GMQPort, RA, NRLait : double ; |
280 | begin
281 | for Cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
282 | begin
283 | // GMQ port?e
284 | GMQPort := (PProfilT.Porcelets[Cycle].PdsSev - PProfilT.Porcelets[Cycle].PdsNais) * PProfilT.Porcelets[Cycle].Sevres / PProfilT.DureeLact ; |
285 | //
286 | // Besoins ?n?rg?tiques
287 | //
288 | // Energie pour l'entretien
289 | BesEMEntTot[Cycle] := Power (PProfilT.Truies[Cycle].PdsApMB, 0.75) * EELact ;
290 | for Jour := 1 to PProfilT.DureeLact do |
291 | BesEMEnt[Cycle, Jour] := BesEMEntTot[Cycle] ; |
292 | // Energie pour la production de lait
293 | RA := 0.0000023096 * Power (PProfilT.DureeLact, 4) - 0.00027619 * Power (PProfilT.DureeLact, 3) + 0.012889 * Power (PProfilT.DureeLact, 2) - 0.28116 * PProfilT.DureeLact + 4.799 ; |
294 | for Jour := 1 to PProfilT.DureeLact do |
295 | BesEMLait[Cycle, Jour] := (20.6 * GMQPort * 1000 - 376 * PProfilT.Porcelets[Cycle].Sevres) * RA * Exp (-0.025 * Jour) * Exp (-Exp (0.5 - 0.1 * Jour)) / 1000 / KL ; |
296 | BesEMLaitTot[Cycle] := Mean (Slice (BesEMLait[Cycle], PProfilT.DureeLact)) ; |
297 | // Besoin total en ?nergie
298 | BesEMTot[Cycle] := BesEMEntTot[Cycle] + BesEMLaitTot[Cycle] ; |
299 | //
300 | // Besoins en acides amin?s
301 | //
302 | for Jour := 1 to PProfilT.DureeLact do |
303 | begin
304 | // Production d'azote dans le lait
305 | NRLait := (0.0257 * GMQPort * 1000 + 0.42 * PProfilT.Porcelets[Cycle].Sevres) * RA * Exp (-0.025 * Jour) * Exp (- Exp (0.5 - 0.1 * Jour)) ; |
306 | // 1) Besoin total
307 | BesAA[Cycle, 1, Jour] := (14.2 + 0.629 * NRLait) / 1.335 ; |
308 | for AA := 2 to 12 do |
309 | BesAA[Cycle, AA, Jour] := BesAA[Cycle, 1, Jour] * ProtIdLact[AA] / 100 ; |
310 | // met+cys
311 | BesAA[Cycle, 13, Jour] := BesAA[Cycle, 1, Jour] * (ProtIdLact[2] + ProtIdLact[3]) / 100 ; |
312 | // phe+tyr
313 | BesAA[Cycle, 14, Jour] := BesAA[Cycle, 1, Jour] * (ProtIdLact[6] + ProtIdLact[7]) / 100 ; |
314 | // 2) Besoin d'entretien
315 | BesAAEnt[Cycle, 1, Jour] := Power (PProfilT.Truies[Cycle].PdsApMB, 0.75) * 0.036 ; |
316 | for AA := 2 to 12 do |
317 | BesAAEnt[Cycle, AA, Jour] := BesAAEnt[Cycle, 1, Jour] * ProtIdEnt[AA] / 100 ; |
318 | // met+cys
319 | BesAAEnt[Cycle, 13, Jour] := BesAAEnt[Cycle, 1, Jour] * (ProtIdEnt[2] + ProtIdEnt[3]) / 100 ; |
320 | // phe+tyr
321 | BesAAEnt[Cycle, 14, Jour] := BesAAEnt[Cycle, 1, Jour] * (ProtIdEnt[6] + ProtIdEnt[7]) / 100 ; |
322 | // 3) Besoin pour la port?e
323 | for AA := 1 to 14 do |
324 | BesAALait[Cycle, AA, Jour] := BesAA[Cycle, AA, Jour] - BesAAEnt[Cycle, AA, Jour] ; |
325 | end ;
326 | //
327 | // Besoins en min?raux
328 | //
329 | for Jour := 1 to PProfilT.DureeLact do |
330 | begin
331 | // Production d'azote dans le lait
332 | NRLait := (0.0257 * GMQPort * 1000 + 0.42 * PProfilT.Porcelets[Cycle].Sevres) * RA * Exp (-0.025 * Jour) * Exp (- Exp (0.5 - 0.1 * Jour)) ; |
333 | // Phosphore digestible
334 | BesP[Cycle, Jour] := 10 * PProfilT.Truies[Cycle].PdsApMB / 1000 |
335 | + NRLait * 6.38 / 0.050 / 1000 * 1.55 ; |
336 | // Calcium total
337 | BesCa[Cycle, Jour] := BesP[Cycle, Jour] * 3.2 ;
338 | end ;
339 | end ;
340 | end;
341 | |||
342 | procedure TFBesLactE.BBResLactClick(Sender: TObject);
343 | begin
344 | Modal := True; |
345 | FResBesLactE := TFResBesLactE.Create (Self) ; |
346 | FResBesLactE.ShowModal ; |
347 | FResBesLactE.Release ; |
348 | Modal := False; |
349 | end;
350 | |||
351 | procedure TFBesLactE.BBRapLactClick(Sender: TObject);
352 | begin
353 | Modal := True; |
354 | FRapBesLactE := TFRapBesLactE.Create(Self); |
355 | FRapBesLactE.QRRapport.PreviewModal ; |
356 | FRapBesLactE.Release; |
357 | Modal := False; |
358 | end;
359 | |||
360 | end. |