root / UFCalibrage.pas @ 3
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (14,822 ko)
1 | 3 | avalancogn | unit UFCalibrage;
2 | |||
3 | interface
4 | |||
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Forms, Classes, Controls, StdCtrls, Buttons, dmath; |
7 | |||
8 | type
9 | TFCalibrage = class(TForm)
10 | BBOk: TBitBtn; |
11 | LTitle: TLabel; |
12 | LMethod: TLabel; |
13 | LTime: TLabel; |
14 | ETime: TEdit; |
15 | LPV: TLabel; |
16 | LP2: TLabel; |
17 | EPVRSD: TEdit; |
18 | EP2RSD: TEdit; |
19 | EPVR2: TEdit; |
20 | LInitial: TLabel; |
21 | LFinal: TLabel; |
22 | ECoefEntGestInitial: TEdit; |
23 | LStDev: TLabel; |
24 | LCoefEntGest: TLabel; |
25 | LCoefEntLact: TLabel; |
26 | LRatioLipProt: TLabel; |
27 | LInfo: TLabel; |
28 | ECoefEntLactInitial: TEdit; |
29 | ERatioLipProtInitial: TEdit; |
30 | ECoefEntGestFinal: TEdit; |
31 | ECoefEntLactFinal: TEdit; |
32 | ERatioLipProtFinal: TEdit; |
33 | ECoefEntGestStDev: TEdit; |
34 | ECoefEntLactStDev: TEdit; |
35 | ERatioLipProtStDev: TEdit; |
36 | EMethod: TEdit; |
37 | GBParam: TGroupBox; |
38 | GBVariables: TGroupBox; |
39 | EP2R2: TEdit; |
40 | EPVVar: TEdit; |
41 | EP2Var: TEdit; |
42 | LR2: TLabel; |
43 | LRSD: TLabel; |
44 | LVar: TLabel; |
45 | Lw: TLabel; |
46 | EwP2: TEdit; |
47 | EwPds: TEdit; |
48 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
49 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
50 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
51 | private
52 | { D?clarations priv?es }
53 | Pds, P2: TVector; |
54 | X, G: TVector; |
55 | H_inv: TMatrix; |
56 | F_min, Det: Float; |
57 | Freq, Start, Stop: Int64; |
58 | MPds, MP2: Extended; |
59 | public
60 | { D?clarations publiques }
61 | end;
62 | |||
63 | var
64 | FCalibrage: TFCalibrage; |
65 | |||
66 | implementation
67 | |||
68 | uses
69 | Graphics, Math, SysUtils, gnugettext, UVariables, UStrings, UFProfilT, |
70 | UCalcSimulT; |
71 | |||
72 | {$R *.dfm}
73 | |||
74 | { Calibration }
75 | |||
76 | const
77 | NVar = 3;
78 | NData = NB_CYCLES + NB_CYCLES - 1;
79 | MaxIter = 100;
80 | Tol = 1.0E-6;
81 | |||
82 | var
83 | wPds, wP2: Extended; |
84 | |||
85 | function Func(X: TVector): Float;
86 | var
87 | cycle, jour: Integer; |
88 | GainProt: double; |
89 | PdsSail, P2Sail, PdsMB, P2MB: array[1..NB_CYCLES] of double; |
90 | begin
91 | PProfilT.CoefEntretienGest := X[1];
92 | PProfilT.CoefEntretienLact := X[2];
93 | PProfilT.RatioLipProt := X[3];
94 | // calcul des CoefNR
95 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
96 | PProfilT.CoefNR[cycle] := 1;
97 | CalcSimulT(-1, -1, 1, 1, 8, 0, PResSimulT); |
98 | GainProt := 0;
99 | for jour := 1 to PResSimulT.NbJSim do |
100 | if PResSimulT.TabResult[3, jour] = 0 |
101 | then // Gestation |
102 | GainProt := GainProt + PResSimulT.TabResult[63, jour]
103 | else
104 | if (PResSimulT.TabResult[3, jour] = 1) and (PResSimulT.TabResult[3, jour - 1] = 0) |
105 | then // Mise bas |
106 | begin
107 | cycle := Round(PResSimulT.TabResult[2, jour]);
108 | with PProfilT.Truies[cycle] do |
109 | PProfilT.CoefNR[cycle] := Math.Max((0.178 * (PdsApMB - PdsSail) - 0.333 * (P2MB - P2Sail)) / (GainProt / 1000), 0); |
110 | GainProt := 0;
111 | end;
112 | // ?valuation du cas
113 | CalcSimulT(-1, -1, 1, 1, 8, 0, PResSimulT); |
114 | FProfilT.PBCoefEntGest.AsFloat := PProfilT.CoefEntretienGest; |
115 | FProfilT.PBCoefEntLact.AsFloat := PProfilT.CoefEntretienLact; |
116 | FProfilT.PBRatioLipProt.AsFloat := 1 - PProfilT.RatioLipProt;
117 | FProfilT.AffGraphCal; |
118 | if FProfilT.GaugeCalibr.Progress < FProfilT.GaugeCalibr.MaxValue
119 | then
120 | FProfilT.GaugeCalibr.AddProgress(1)
121 | else
122 | FProfilT.GaugeCalibr.Progress := 1;
123 | Application.ProcessMessages; |
124 | // poids et ?paisseur de lard apr?s gestation (mise bas)
125 | for jour := 2 to PResSimulT.NbJSim do |
126 | if (PResSimulT.TabResult[3, jour] = 1) and (PResSimulT.TabResult[3, jour - 1] = 0) |
127 | then
128 | begin
129 | cycle := Round(PResSimulT.TabResult[2, jour]);
130 | PdsMB[cycle] := PResSimulT.TabResult[60, jour - 1] + PResSimulT.TabResult[61, jour]; |
131 | P2MB[cycle] := PResSimulT.TabResult[67, jour - 1] + PResSimulT.TabResult[68, jour]; |
132 | end ;
133 | // poids et ?paisseur de lard apr?s lactation (saillie)
134 | for jour := 2 to PResSimulT.NbJSim do |
135 | if (PResSimulT.TabResult[3, jour] = 0) and (PResSimulT.TabResult[3, jour - 1] = 2) |
136 | then
137 | begin
138 | cycle := Round(PResSimulT.TabResult[2, jour]);
139 | PdsSail[cycle] := PResSimulT.TabResult[60, jour - 1] + PResSimulT.TabResult[61, jour]; |
140 | P2Sail[cycle] := PResSimulT.TabResult[67, jour - 1] + PResSimulT.TabResult[68, jour]; |
141 | end;
142 | // ?cart par rapport aux valeurs du profil
143 | Result := 0;
144 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
145 | Result := Result + Power(PdsMB[cycle] - PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsApMB, 2) * wPds;
146 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do |
147 | Result := Result + Power(PdsSail[cycle] - PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsSail, 2) * wPds;
148 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
149 | Result := Result + Power(P2MB[cycle] - PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2MB, 2) * wP2;
150 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do |
151 | Result := Result + Power(P2Sail[cycle] - PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2Sail, 2) * wP2;
152 | end;
153 | |||
154 | // Newton-Raphson method
155 | // procedure HessGrad to compute the gradient G and the hessian H of the function at point X
156 | {$I}
157 | |||
158 | // Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno method
159 | // procedure Gradient to compute the gradient G of the function at point X
160 | {$I}
161 | |||
162 | { TFCalibrage }
163 | |||
164 | procedure TFCalibrage.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
165 | var
166 | cycle: Integer; |
167 | ETPds, ETP2: Extended; |
168 | begin
169 | if Screen.Fonts.IndexOf('Arial Unicode MS') <> -1 |
170 | then
171 | Font.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
172 | TranslateComponent(Self); |
173 | // Initialisation des structures
174 | New(PResSimulT); |
175 | DimVector(X, NVar); |
176 | X[1] := PProfilT.CoefEntretienGest;
177 | X[2] := PProfilT.CoefEntretienLact;
178 | X[3] := PProfilT.RatioLipProt;
179 | DimVector(G, NVar); |
180 | DimMatrix(H_inv, NVar, NVar); |
181 | // Poids : moyenne et ?cart type
182 | DimVector(Pds, 2 * NB_CYCLES);
183 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do |
184 | Pds[cycle] := PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsSail; |
185 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
186 | Pds[NB_CYCLES + cycle] := PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsApMB; |
187 | MPds := dmath.Mean(Pds, 1, NData);
188 | ETPds := dmath.StDev(Pds, 1, NData, MPds);
189 | // Epaisseurs de lard : moyenne et ?cart type
190 | DimVector(P2, 2 * NB_CYCLES);
191 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do |
192 | P2[cycle] := PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2Sail; |
193 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
194 | P2[NB_CYCLES + cycle] := PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2MB; |
195 | MP2 := dmath.Mean(P2, 1, NData);
196 | ETP2 := dmath.StDev(P2, 1, NData, MP2);
197 | // Pond?rations
198 | wPds := 1 ;
199 | wP2 := Power(ETPds, 2) / Power(ETP2, 2); |
200 | // wP2 := StrToFloat(InputBox('Question', 'Pond?ration relative', FloatToStrF(wP2, ffFixed, 15, 2)));
201 | end;
202 | |||
203 | procedure TFCalibrage.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
204 | begin
205 | Dispose(PResSimulT); |
206 | end;
207 | |||
208 | procedure TFCalibrage.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
209 | var
210 | cycle, jour: Integer; |
211 | PdsSail, P2Sail, PdsMB, P2MB: array[1..NB_CYCLES] of double; |
212 | {MPds,} SStPds, SSrPds, {MP2,} SStP2, SSrP2: Float; |
213 | {wM, wSStPds, wSSePds,} wSSrPds, {wSStP2, wSSeP2,} wSSrP2: Float; |
214 | begin
215 | ECoefEntGestInitial.Text := FProfilT.PBCoefEntGest.Text; |
216 | ECoefEntLactInitial.Text := FProfilT.PBCoefEntLact.Text; |
217 | ERatioLipProtInitial.Text := FProfilT.PBRatioLipProt.Text; |
218 | // Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
219 | FProfilT.GaugeCalibr.Progress := 0;
220 | FProfilT.GaugeCalibr.Left := (FProfilT.GraphCalibr.Width - FProfilT.GaugeCalibr.Width) div 2; |
221 | FProfilT.GaugeCalibr.Visible := True; |
222 | Application.ProcessMessages; |
223 | try
224 | if not QueryPerformanceFrequency(Freq) then Freq := 1; |
225 | QueryPerformanceCounter(Start); |
226 | case FProfilT.CBMethod.ItemIndex of |
227 | 0: Newton(Func, HessGrad, X, 1, NVar, MaxIter, Tol, F_min, G, H_inv, Det); |
228 | 1: Marquardt(Func, HessGrad, X, 1, NVar, MaxIter, Tol, F_min, G, H_inv, Det); |
229 | 2: BFGS(Func, Gradient, X, 1, NVar, MaxIter, Tol, F_min, G, H_inv); |
230 | end;
231 | finally
232 | QueryPerformanceCounter(Stop); |
233 | // Screen.Cursor:= crDefault;
234 | FProfilT.GaugeCalibr.Visible := False; |
235 | Application.ProcessMessages; |
236 | end;
237 | // Affichage du r?sultat obtenu
238 | PProfilT.CoefEntretienGest := X[1];
239 | PProfilT.CoefEntretienLact := X[2];
240 | PProfilT.RatioLipProt := X[3];
241 | CalcSimulT(-1, -1, 1, 1, 8, 0, PResSimulT); |
242 | FProfilT.AffGraphCal ; |
243 | FProfilT.PBCoefEntGest.AsFloat := PProfilT.CoefEntretienGest; |
244 | FProfilT.PBCoefEntLact.AsFloat := PProfilT.CoefEntretienLact; |
245 | FProfilT.PBRatioLipProt.AsFloat := 1 -PProfilT.RatioLipProt ;
246 | Application.ProcessMessages; |
247 | EMethod.Text := FProfilT.CBMethod.Text; |
248 | ETime.Text := FloatToStrF((Stop - Start) / Freq, ffFixed, 15, 3); |
249 | ECoefEntGestFinal.Text := FProfilT.PBCoefEntGest.Text; |
250 | if (FProfilT.PBCoefEntGest.AsFloat < FProfilT.PBCoefEntGest.MinValue)
251 | or (FProfilT.PBCoefEntGest.AsFloat > FProfilT.PBCoefEntGest.MaxValue)
252 | then
253 | ECoefEntGestFinal.Font.Color := clRed; |
254 | ECoefEntLactFinal.Text := FProfilT.PBCoefEntLact.Text; |
255 | if (FProfilT.PBCoefEntLact.AsFloat < FProfilT.PBCoefEntLact.MinValue)
256 | or (FProfilT.PBCoefEntLact.AsFloat > FProfilT.PBCoefEntLact.MaxValue)
257 | then
258 | ECoefEntLactFinal.Font.Color := clRed; |
259 | ERatioLipProtFinal.Text := FProfilT.PBRatioLipProt.Text; |
260 | if (FProfilT.PBRatioLipProt.AsFloat < FProfilT.PBRatioLipProt.MinValue)
261 | or (FProfilT.PBRatioLipProt.AsFloat > FProfilT.PBRatioLipProt.MaxValue)
262 | then
263 | ERatioLipProtFinal.Font.Color := clRed; |
264 | // poids et ?paisseur de lard apr?s gestation (mise bas)
265 | for jour := 2 to PResSimulT.NbJSim do |
266 | if (PResSimulT.TabResult[3, jour] = 1) and (PResSimulT.TabResult[3, jour - 1] = 0) |
267 | then
268 | begin
269 | cycle := Round(PResSimulT.TabResult[2, jour]);
270 | PdsMB[cycle] := PResSimulT.TabResult[60, jour - 1] + PResSimulT.TabResult[61, jour]; |
271 | P2MB[cycle] := PResSimulT.TabResult[67, jour - 1] + PResSimulT.TabResult[68, jour]; |
272 | end ;
273 | // poids et ?paisseur de lard apr?s lactation (saillie)
274 | for jour := 2 to PResSimulT.NbJSim do |
275 | if (PResSimulT.TabResult[3, jour] = 0) and (PResSimulT.TabResult[3, jour - 1] = 2) |
276 | then
277 | begin
278 | cycle := Round(PResSimulT.TabResult[2, jour]);
279 | PdsSail[cycle] := PResSimulT.TabResult[60, jour - 1] + PResSimulT.TabResult[61, jour]; |
280 | P2Sail[cycle] := PResSimulT.TabResult[67, jour - 1] + PResSimulT.TabResult[68, jour]; |
281 | end;
282 | {
283 | // Moyennes non pond?r?es
284 | MPds := 0;
285 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do
286 | MPds := MPds + PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsApMB;
287 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do
288 | MPds := MPds + PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsSail;
289 | MPds := MPds / NData;
290 | MP2 := 0;
291 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do
292 | MP2 := MP2 + PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2MB;
293 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do
294 | MP2 := MP2 + PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2Sail;
295 | MP2 := MP2 / NData;
296 | }
297 | // Somme carr?e des ?carts totaux (non pond?r?s)
298 | SStPds := 0;
299 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
300 | SStPds := SStPds + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsApMB - MPds, 2);
301 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do |
302 | SStPds := SStPds + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsSail - MPds, 2);
303 | SStP2 := 0;
304 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
305 | SStP2 := SStP2 + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2MB - MP2, 2);
306 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do |
307 | SStP2 := SStP2 + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2Sail - MP2, 2);
308 | // Somme carr?e des ?carts des r?sidus (non pond?r?s)
309 | SSrPds := 0;
310 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
311 | SSrPds := SSrPds + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsApMB - PdsMB[cycle], 2);
312 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do |
313 | SSrPds := SSrPds + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsSail - PdsSail[cycle], 2);
314 | SSrP2 := 0;
315 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
316 | SSrP2 := SSrP2 + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2MB - P2MB[cycle], 2);
317 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do |
318 | SSrP2 := SSrP2 + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2Sail - P2Sail[cycle], 2);
319 | {
320 | // Moyenne pond?r?e
321 | wM := 0;
322 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do
323 | wM := wM + PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsApMB * wPds;
324 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do
325 | wM := wM + PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsSail * wPds;
326 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do
327 | wM := wM + PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2MB * wP2;
328 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do
329 | wM := wM + PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2Sail * wP2;
330 | wM := wM / (NData * wPds + NData * wP2);
331 | // Somme carr?e des ?carts totaux (pond?r?s)
332 | wSStPds := 0;
333 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do
334 | wSStPds := wSStPds + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsApMB - wM, 2) * wPds;
335 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do
336 | wSStPds := wSStPds + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsSail - wM, 2) * wPds;
337 | wSStP2 := 0;
338 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do
339 | wSStP2 := wSStP2 + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2MB - wM, 2) * wP2;
340 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do
341 | wSStP2 := wSStP2 + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2Sail - wM, 2) * wP2;
342 | // Somme carr?e des ?carts de pr?diction (pond?r?s)
343 | wSSePds := 0;
344 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do
345 | wSSePds := wSSePds + Power(PdsMB[cycle] - wM, 2) * wPds;
346 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do
347 | wSSePds := wSSePds + Power(PdsSail[cycle] - wM, 2) * wPds;
348 | wSSeP2 := 0;
349 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do
350 | wSSeP2 := wSSeP2 + Power(P2MB[cycle] - wM, 2) * wP2;
351 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do
352 | wSSeP2 := wSSeP2 + Power(P2Sail[cycle] - wM, 2) * wP2;
353 | }
354 | // Somme carr?e des ?carts des r?sidus (pond?r?s)
355 | wSSrPds := 0;
356 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
357 | wSSrPds := wSSrPds + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsApMB - PdsMB[cycle], 2) * wPds;
358 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do |
359 | wSSrPds := wSSrPds + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].PdsSail - PdsSail[cycle], 2) * wPds;
360 | wSSrP2 := 0;
361 | for cycle := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
362 | wSSrP2 := wSSrP2 + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2MB - P2MB[cycle], 2) * wP2;
363 | for cycle := 2 to NB_CYCLES do |
364 | wSSrP2 := wSSrP2 + Power(PProfilT.Truies[cycle].P2Sail - P2Sail[cycle], 2) * wP2;
365 | // Affichage des statistiques
366 | EwPds.Text := FloatToStrF(wPds, ffFixed, 15, 0); |
367 | EwP2.Text := FloatToStrF(wP2, ffFixed, 15, 0); |
368 | EPVRSD.Text := Format('%1.1f %s', [Sqrt(SSrPds / (NData - Nvar / 2)), StrKg]); |
369 | EP2RSD.Text := Format('%1.2f %s', [Sqrt(SSrP2 / (NData - Nvar / 2)), StrMM]); |
370 | EPVR2.Text := Format('%1.2f %%', [100 - SSrPds / SStPds * 100]); |
371 | EP2R2.Text := Format('%1.2f %%', [100 - SSrP2 / SStP2 * 100]); |
372 | EPVVar.Text := Format('%1.2f %%', [wSSrPds / (wSSrPds + wSSrP2) * 100]); |
373 | EP2Var.Text := Format('%1.2f %%', [wSSrP2 / (wSSrPds + wSSrP2) * 100]); |
374 | ECoefEntGestStDev.Text := FloatToStrF(Sqrt((wSSrPds + wSSrP2) / (2 * NData - Nvar) * H_inv[1, 1]), ffFixed, 15, 5); |
375 | ECoefEntLactStDev.Text := FloatToStrF(Sqrt((wSSrPds + wSSrP2) / (2 * NData - Nvar) * H_inv[2, 2]), ffFixed, 15, 5); |
376 | ERatioLipProtStDev.Text := FloatToStrF(Sqrt((wSSrPds + wSSrP2) / (2 * NData - Nvar) * H_inv[3, 3]), ffFixed, 15, 5); |
377 | case MathErr of |
378 | OptNonConv: LInfo.Caption := _('Non-convergence');
379 | OptSing: LInfo.Caption := _('Singular Hessian matrix');
380 | OptBigLambda: LInfo.Caption := _('Marquardt parameter too high');
381 | else
382 | if (FProfilT.PBCoefEntGest.AsFloat < FProfilT.PBCoefEntGest.MinValue)
383 | or (FProfilT.PBCoefEntGest.AsFloat > FProfilT.PBCoefEntGest.MaxValue)
384 | or (FProfilT.PBCoefEntLact.AsFloat < FProfilT.PBCoefEntLact.MinValue)
385 | or (FProfilT.PBCoefEntLact.AsFloat > FProfilT.PBCoefEntLact.MaxValue)
386 | or (FProfilT.PBRatioLipProt.AsFloat < FProfilT.PBRatioLipProt.MinValue)
387 | or (FProfilT.PBRatioLipProt.AsFloat > FProfilT.PBRatioLipProt.MaxValue)
388 | then
389 | LInfo.Caption := _('Suspicious result')
390 | else
391 | LInfo.Visible := False; |
392 | end;
393 | end;
394 | |||
395 | end. |