root / UFLicense.pas @ 3
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (15,905 ko)
1 | 3 | avalancogn | unit UFLicense;
2 | |||
3 | interface
4 | |||
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Forms, Classes, Controls, Messages, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, |
7 | ComCtrls, PBNumEdit, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, |
8 | IdTCPClient, IdHTTP, Dialogs, WinInet, IdIOHandler, IdIOHandlerSocket, |
9 | IdIOHandlerStack, IdSSL, IdSSLOpenSSL; |
10 | |||
11 | type
12 | TFLicense = class(TForm)
13 | LLastName: TLabel; |
14 | LCompany: TLabel; |
15 | ELastName: TEdit; |
16 | ECompany: TEdit; |
17 | LFirstName: TLabel; |
18 | EFirstName: TEdit; |
19 | LMail: TLabel; |
20 | EMail: TEdit; |
21 | RBEvaluation: TRadioButton; |
22 | RBEducation: TRadioButton; |
23 | RBComplete: TRadioButton; |
24 | GBLicenseType: TGroupBox; |
25 | GBAddress: TGroupBox; |
26 | EAddress1: TEdit; |
27 | EAddress2: TEdit; |
28 | EPostalCode: TEdit; |
29 | LPostalCode: TLabel; |
30 | ECity: TEdit; |
31 | LCity: TLabel; |
32 | ECountry: TEdit; |
33 | LCountry: TLabel; |
34 | LFax: TLabel; |
35 | EFax: TEdit; |
36 | LPhone: TLabel; |
37 | EPhone: TEdit; |
38 | PLicense: TPanel; |
39 | BBOk: TBitBtn; |
40 | BBCancel: TBitBtn; |
41 | PInfo: TPanel; |
42 | LOrganisation: TLabel; |
43 | LLicenseNumber: TLabel; |
44 | PBLicenseNumber: TPBNumEdit; |
45 | PComplete: TPanel; |
46 | PEducation: TPanel; |
47 | LCourse: TLabel; |
48 | ECourse: TEdit; |
49 | REHelp: TRichEdit; |
50 | BBHelp: TBitBtn; |
51 | GBExport: TGroupBox; |
52 | GBImport: TGroupBox; |
53 | BBAutomatic: TBitBtn; |
54 | BBImport: TBitBtn; |
55 | SaveDialogLicFile: TSaveDialog; |
56 | OpenDialogLicFile: TOpenDialog; |
57 | IdHTTPLicense: TIdHTTP; |
58 | BBManual: TBitBtn; |
59 | IdSSL: TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL; |
60 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
61 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
62 | procedure RBLicenseTypeClick(Sender: TObject);
63 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); |
64 | procedure BBHelpClick(Sender: TObject);
65 | procedure WMSysCommand(var Message: TWMSysCommand); message WM_SYSCOMMAND; |
66 | procedure BBAutomaticClick(Sender: TObject);
67 | procedure BBImportClick(Sender: TObject);
68 | procedure ECourseChange(Sender: TObject);
69 | procedure PBLicenseNumberChange(Sender: TObject);
70 | procedure EFirstNameChange(Sender: TObject);
71 | procedure ELastNameChange(Sender: TObject);
72 | procedure ECompanyChange(Sender: TObject);
73 | procedure EAddress1Change(Sender: TObject);
74 | procedure EAddress2Change(Sender: TObject);
75 | procedure EPostalCodeChange(Sender: TObject);
76 | procedure ECityChange(Sender: TObject);
77 | procedure ECountryChange(Sender: TObject);
78 | procedure EPhoneChange(Sender: TObject);
79 | procedure EFaxChange(Sender: TObject);
80 | procedure EMailChange(Sender: TObject);
81 | procedure BBManualClick(Sender: TObject);
82 | private
83 | { Private declarations }
84 | procedure DisplayLicense;
85 | function LicenseIsValid: Boolean;
86 | public
87 | { Public declarations }
88 | end;
89 | |||
90 | var
91 | FLicense: TFLicense; |
92 | |||
93 | implementation
94 | |||
95 | uses
96 | ShellAPI, SHFolder, ShlObj, SysUtils, gnugettext, UVariables, UInit, UStrings, |
97 | UUtil, UFIntro; |
98 | |||
99 | {$R *.dfm}
100 | |||
101 | procedure TFLicense.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
102 | begin
103 | if Screen.Fonts.IndexOf('Arial Unicode MS') <> -1 |
104 | then
105 | Font.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
106 | TranslateComponent(Self); |
107 | Constraints.MinWidth := 816 + (Width - ClientWidth);
108 | Width := Constraints.MinWidth; |
109 | Constraints.MinHeight := 568 + (Height - ClientHeight);
110 | Height := Constraints.MinHeight; |
111 | end;
112 | |||
113 | procedure TFLicense.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
114 | begin
115 | {
116 | ResName := UpperCase('License');
117 | Stream := TResourceStream.Create(ResInstance, ResName, 'TEXT');
118 | try
119 | REHelp.Lines.LoadFromStream(Stream);
120 | finally
121 | Stream.Free;
122 | end;
123 | }
124 | REHelp.Lines.Add(MsgLicense); |
125 | DisplayLicense; |
126 | end;
127 | |||
128 | procedure TFLicense.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); |
129 | var
130 | s: String;
131 | Ok: Boolean; |
132 | begin
133 | if ModalResult = mrCancel
134 | then
135 | begin
136 | LoadLicense; |
137 | Exit; |
138 | end;
139 | if not LicenseIsValid |
140 | then
141 | begin
142 | Action := caNone; |
143 | Exit; |
144 | end;
145 | case LicenseType of |
146 | 1: s := 'AcceptEducation'; |
147 | 2: s := 'AcceptComplete'; |
148 | else s := 'AcceptEvaluation'; |
149 | end;
150 | if not BdRReadBoolean('\Software\InraPorc', s, False) |
151 | then
152 | begin
153 | FIntro := TFIntro.Create(Self); |
154 | Ok := FIntro.ShowModal = mrOk; |
155 | FIntro.Release; |
156 | if Ok
157 | then // Accepter |
158 | BdRWriteBoolean('\Software\InraPorc', s, True)
159 | else // Refuser |
160 | begin
161 | Action := caNone; |
162 | Exit; |
163 | end;
164 | end;
165 | SaveLicense; |
166 | if (RBComplete.Checked and not IsComplete) |
167 | or (RBEducation.Checked and not IsEducation) |
168 | then // Licence incorrecte |
169 | MessageDlg (MsgInvalidLicense + sLineBreak + MsgReadOnly, mtWarning, [mbOk], 0)
170 | else
171 | if (RBEvaluation.Checked or RBEducation.Checked) and TooMuchRecords |
172 | then // Trop d'enregistrements |
173 | MessageDlg(MsgTooMuchRecords, mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
174 | end;
175 | |||
176 | procedure TFLicense.RBLicenseTypeClick(Sender: TObject);
177 | begin
178 | if RBComplete.Checked
179 | then // Compl?te |
180 | LicenseType := 2
181 | else
182 | if RBEducation.Checked
183 | then // Education |
184 | LicenseType := 1
185 | else // Evaluation |
186 | LicenseType := 0;
187 | // PEducation.Visible := RBEducation.Checked;
188 | LCourse.Enabled := RBEducation.Checked; |
189 | ECourse.Enabled := RBEducation.Checked; |
190 | // PComplete.Visible := RBComplete.Checked;
191 | LLicenseNumber.Enabled := RBComplete.Checked; |
192 | PBLicenseNumber.Enabled := RBComplete.Checked; |
193 | PInfo.Enabled := RBComplete.Checked or RBEducation.Checked;
194 | EFirstName.Enabled := PInfo.Enabled; |
195 | ELastName.Enabled := PInfo.Enabled; |
196 | LOrganisation.Visible := RBEducation.Checked; |
197 | LCompany.Visible := not LOrganisation.Visible;
198 | ECompany.Enabled := PInfo.Enabled; |
199 | EAddress1.Enabled := PInfo.Enabled; |
200 | EAddress2.Enabled := PInfo.Enabled; |
201 | EPostalCode.Enabled := PInfo.Enabled; |
202 | ECity.Enabled := PInfo.Enabled; |
203 | ECountry.Enabled := PInfo.Enabled; |
204 | EPhone.Enabled := PInfo.Enabled; |
205 | EFax.Enabled := PInfo.Enabled; |
206 | EMail.Enabled := PInfo.Enabled; |
207 | GBExport.Enabled := PInfo.Enabled; |
208 | end;
209 | |||
210 | procedure TFLicense.BBAutomaticClick(Sender: TObject);
211 | {
212 | const
213 | bSSL = True;
214 | sServer = '';
215 | sScript = '/inraporc/SoftwareEnableKey.php';
216 | sMethod = 'POST';
217 | accept: packed array[0..1] of LPWSTR = (PChar('*/*'), nil);
218 | header: string = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
219 | }
220 | var
221 | ParamList: TStringList; |
222 | ResultString: string;
223 | {
224 | rbsParams: RawByteString;
225 | hInet, hConnect, hRequest: HINTERNET;
226 | port: Word;
227 | flag: DWORD;
228 | i: Integer;
229 | }
230 | begin
231 | if not LicenseIsValid |
232 | then
233 | Exit; |
234 | BBAutomatic.Enabled := False; |
235 | Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; |
236 | ParamList := TStringList.Create; |
237 | try
238 | ParamList.Add(Format('Language=%s', [UpperCase(Copy(LanguageCode, 1, 2))])); |
239 | ParamList.Add(Format('LicenseType=%d', [LicenseType]));
240 | ParamList.Add(Format('LicenseNumber=%d', [LicenseNumber]));
241 | ParamList.Add(Format('Version=%s', [VersionString]));
242 | ParamList.Add(Format('FirstName=%s', [FirstName]));
243 | ParamList.Add(Format('LastName=%s', [LastName]));
244 | ParamList.Add(Format('Company=%s', [Company]));
245 | ParamList.Add(Format('Address1=%s', [Address1]));
246 | ParamList.Add(Format('Address2=%s', [Address2]));
247 | ParamList.Add(Format('PostalCode=%s', [PostalCode]));
248 | ParamList.Add(Format('City=%s', [City]));
249 | ParamList.Add(Format('Country=%s', [Country]));
250 | ParamList.Add(Format('Phone=%s', [Phone]));
251 | ParamList.Add(Format('Fax=%s', [Fax]));
252 | ParamList.Add(Format('Mail=%s', [Mail]));
253 | ParamList.Add(Format('Course=%s', [Course]));
254 | ParamList.Add(Format('VolumeSerialNumber=%s', [Volume]));
255 | ParamList.Add(Format('FinalDate=%s', [FinalDate]));
256 | ParamList.Add(Format('SoftwareEnableKey=%s', [SoftwareEnableKey]));
257 | {
258 | // M?thode plus propre, mais qui n'enregistre pas les param?tre sans valeur
259 | ParamList.Values['Language'] := UpperCase(Copy(LanguageCode, 1, 2));
260 | ParamList.Values['LicenseType'] := IntToStr(LicenseType);
261 | ParamList.Values['LicenseNumber'] := IntToStr(LicenseNumber);
262 | ParamList.Values['Version'] := VersionString;
263 | ParamList.Values['FirstName'] := FirstName;
264 | ParamList.Values['LastName'] := LastName;
265 | ParamList.Values['Company'] := Company;
266 | ParamList.Values['Address1'] := Address1;
267 | ParamList.Values['Address2'] := Address2;
268 | ParamList.Values['PostalCode'] := PostalCode;
269 | ParamList.Values['City'] := City;
270 | ParamList.Values['Country'] := Country;
271 | ParamList.Values['Phone'] := Phone;
272 | ParamList.Values['Fax'] := Fax;
273 | ParamList.Values['Mail'] := Mail;
274 | ParamList.Values['Course'] := Course;
275 | ParamList.Values['VolumeSerialNumber'] := Volume;
276 | ParamList.Values['FinalDate'] := FinalDate;
277 | ParamList.Values['SoftwareEnableKey'] := SoftwareEnableKey;
278 | }
279 | try
280 | IdHTTPLicense.ConnectTimeout := 10000;
281 | ResultString := IdHTTPLicense.Post(URL_HTTPS + 'SoftwareEnableKey.php', ParamList);
282 | if ResultString <> '' |
283 | then // Erreur PHP |
284 | MessageDlg(ResultString, mtError, [mbOk], 0)
285 | else // Enregistrement effectu? |
286 | MessageDlg(MsgLicenseSuccess, mtConfirmation, [mbOk], 0);
287 | except
288 | // Exception Delphi (Indy HTTP)
289 | MessageDlg(MsgServerUnreachable, mtError, [mbOk], 0);
290 | end;
291 | {
292 | for i := 0 to ParamList.Count - 1 do
293 | if i = 0 then
294 | rbsParams := utf8encode(ParamList[i])
295 | else
296 | rbsParams := rbsParams + '&' + utf8encode(ParamList[i]);
297 | hInet := InternetOpen('InraPorc', INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, nil, nil, 0);
298 | if not Assigned(hInet) then
299 | MessageDlg(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError), mtError, [mbOk], 0)
300 | else try
301 | if bSSL then
303 | else
306 | hConnect := InternetConnect(hInet, PWideChar(sServer), port, nil, nil, flag, 0, 0);
307 | if not Assigned(hConnect) then
308 | MessageDlg(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError), mtError, [mbOk], 0)
309 | else try
310 | if bSSL then
312 | hRequest := HttpOpenRequest(hConnect, PWideChar(sMethod), PWideChar(sScript), nil, nil, @accept, flag, 0);
313 | if not Assigned(hRequest) then
314 | MessageDlg(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError), mtError, [mbOk], 0)
315 | else try
316 | flag := HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD;
317 | HttpAddRequestHeaders(hRequest, Pointer(header), ByteLength(header), flag);
318 | if not HttpSendRequest(hRequest, nil, 0, Pointer(rbsParams), Length(rbsParams)) then
319 | MessageDlg(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError), mtError, [mbOk], 0)
320 | else
321 | MessageDlg(MsgLicenseSuccess, mtConfirmation, [mbOk], 0);
322 | finally
323 | InternetCloseHandle(hRequest);
324 | end;
325 | finally
326 | InternetCloseHandle(hConnect);
327 | end;
328 | finally
329 | InternetCloseHandle(hInet);
330 | end;
331 | }
332 | finally
333 | ParamList.Free; |
334 | Screen.Cursor:= crDefault; |
335 | BBAutomatic.Enabled := True; |
336 | end;
337 | end;
338 | |||
339 | procedure TFLicense.BBHelpClick(Sender: TObject);
340 | begin
341 | Application.HelpCommand(HELP_CONTEXT, HelpContext); |
342 | end;
343 | |||
344 | procedure TFLicense.BBImportClick(Sender: TObject);
345 | var
346 | DesktopPath: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; |
347 | begin
348 | OpenDialogLicFile.FileName := 'InraPorc.lic';
349 | SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, DesktopPath); |
350 | OpenDialogLicFile.InitialDir := DesktopPath; |
351 | if OpenDialogLicFile.Execute
352 | then // Importer les informations |
353 | begin
354 | LoadLicFile(OpenDialogLicFile.FileName); |
355 | DisplayLicense; |
356 | end;
357 | end;
358 | |||
359 | procedure TFLicense.BBManualClick(Sender: TObject);
360 | var
361 | DesktopPath: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; |
362 | begin
363 | if not LicenseIsValid |
364 | then
365 | Exit; |
366 | SaveDialogLicFile.FileName := 'InraPorc.lic';
367 | SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, DesktopPath); |
368 | SaveDialogLicFile.InitialDir := DesktopPath; |
369 | if SaveDialogLicFile.Execute
370 | then // Exporter les informations |
371 | begin
372 | SaveLicFile(SaveDialogLicFile.FileName); |
373 | if Copy(LanguageCode, 1, 2) = 'fr' |
374 | then
375 | ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(URL_HTTPS + 'key_fr.html'), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL) |
376 | else
377 | ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(URL_HTTPS + 'key_en.html'), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); |
378 | end;
379 | end;
380 | |||
381 | procedure TFLicense.PBLicenseNumberChange(Sender: TObject);
382 | begin
383 | LicenseNumber := PBLicenseNumber.AsInteger; |
384 | end;
385 | |||
386 | procedure TFLicense.DisplayLicense;
387 | begin
388 | case LicenseType of |
389 | 2: // Compl?te |
390 | RBComplete.Checked := True; |
391 | 1: // Education |
392 | RBEducation.Checked := True; |
393 | else // Evaluation |
394 | RBEvaluation.Checked := True; |
395 | end;
396 | PBLicenseNumber.AsInteger := LicenseNumber; |
397 | ECourse.Text := Course; |
398 | EFirstName.Text := FirstName; |
399 | ELastName.Text := LastName; |
400 | ECompany.Text := Company; |
401 | EAddress1.Text := Address1; |
402 | EAddress2.Text := Address2; |
403 | EPostalCode.Text := PostalCode; |
404 | ECity.Text := City; |
405 | ECountry.Text := Country; |
406 | EPhone.Text := Phone; |
407 | EFax.Text := Fax; |
408 | EMail.Text := Mail; |
409 | end;
410 | |||
411 | function TFLicense.LicenseIsValid: Boolean;
412 | begin
413 | Result := False; |
414 | if RBComplete.Checked and (DriveType(Drive) <> DRIVE_FIXED) |
415 | then // La version compl?te doit ?tre install?e sur un disque fixe |
416 | begin
417 | MessageDlg(MsgFixedDrive, mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
418 | ActiveControl := RBComplete; |
419 | Exit; |
420 | end;
421 | if RBComplete.Checked and (LicenseNumber = 0) |
422 | then // Num?ro de licence non renseign? |
423 | begin
424 | MessageDlg(Format(MsgRequiredField, [LLicenseNumber.Caption]), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
425 | ActiveControl := PBLicenseNumber; |
426 | Exit; |
427 | end;
428 | if (RBEducation.Checked or RBComplete.Checked) and (Length(FirstName) = 0) |
429 | then // Pr?nom non renseign? |
430 | begin
431 | MessageDlg(Format(MsgRequiredField, [LFirstName.Caption]), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
432 | ActiveControl := EFirstName; |
433 | Exit; |
434 | end;
435 | if (RBEducation.Checked or RBComplete.Checked) and (Length(LastName) = 0) |
436 | then // Nom de famille non renseign? |
437 | begin
438 | MessageDlg(Format(MsgRequiredField, [LLastName.Caption]), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
439 | ActiveControl := ELastName; |
440 | Exit; |
441 | end;
442 | if RBEducation.Checked and (Length(Company) = 0) |
443 | then // Etablissement non renseign? |
444 | begin
445 | MessageDlg(Format(MsgRequiredField, [LOrganisation.Caption]), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
446 | ActiveControl := ECompany; |
447 | Exit; |
448 | end;
449 | if (RBEducation.Checked or RBComplete.Checked) and (Length(Mail) = 0) |
450 | then // Mail non renseign? |
451 | begin
452 | MessageDlg(MsgMissingMail, mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
453 | ActiveControl := EMail; |
454 | Exit; |
455 | end;
456 | if RBComplete.Checked and ((Length(Address1) = 0) or (Length(City) = 0) or (Length(Country) = 0)) |
457 | then // Adresse non renseign?e |
458 | begin
459 | MessageDlg(MsgMissingAddress, mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
460 | ActiveControl := EAddress1; |
461 | Exit; |
462 | end;
463 | Result := True; |
464 | end;
465 | |||
466 | procedure TFLicense.EAddress1Change(Sender: TObject);
467 | begin
468 | Address1 := EAddress1.Text; |
469 | end;
470 | |||
471 | procedure TFLicense.EAddress2Change(Sender: TObject);
472 | begin
473 | Address2 := EAddress2.Text; |
474 | end;
475 | |||
476 | procedure TFLicense.ECityChange(Sender: TObject);
477 | begin
478 | City := ECity.Text; |
479 | end;
480 | |||
481 | procedure TFLicense.ECompanyChange(Sender: TObject);
482 | begin
483 | Company := ECompany.Text; |
484 | end;
485 | |||
486 | procedure TFLicense.ECountryChange(Sender: TObject);
487 | begin
488 | Country := ECountry.Text; |
489 | end;
490 | |||
491 | procedure TFLicense.ECourseChange(Sender: TObject);
492 | begin
493 | Course :=ECourse.Text; |
494 | end;
495 | |||
496 | procedure TFLicense.EFaxChange(Sender: TObject);
497 | begin
498 | Fax := EFax.Text; |
499 | end;
500 | |||
501 | procedure TFLicense.EFirstNameChange(Sender: TObject);
502 | begin
503 | FirstName := EFirstName.Text; |
504 | end;
505 | |||
506 | procedure TFLicense.ELastNameChange(Sender: TObject);
507 | begin
508 | LastName := ELastName.Text; |
509 | end;
510 | |||
511 | procedure TFLicense.EMailChange(Sender: TObject);
512 | begin
513 | Mail := EMail.Text; |
514 | end;
515 | |||
516 | procedure TFLicense.EPhoneChange(Sender: TObject);
517 | begin
518 | Phone := EPhone.Text; |
519 | end;
520 | |||
521 | procedure TFLicense.EPostalCodeChange(Sender: TObject);
522 | begin
523 | PostalCode := EPostalCode.Text; |
524 | end;
525 | |||
526 | procedure TFLicense.WMSysCommand(var Message: TWMSysCommand); |
527 | begin
528 | if Message.CmdType = SC_MINIMIZE
529 | then
530 | Application.Minimize |
531 | else
532 | inherited;
533 | end;
534 | |||
535 | end. |