root / UFRapSensSimulP.pas @ 3
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (13,439 ko)
1 | 3 | avalancogn | unit UFRapSensSimulP ;
2 | |||
3 | interface
4 | |||
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, |
7 | Dialogs, OleCtrls, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, DB, DBClient, ExtCtrls, QRCtrls, |
8 | QuickRpt, QRPrntr, MidasLib, UVariables, gnugettext; |
9 | |||
10 | type
11 | TFRapSensSimulP = class(TForm)
12 | QRRapport: TQuickRep; |
13 | PHBRapport: TQRBand; |
14 | QRLTitre: TQRLabel; |
15 | PFBRapport: TQRBand; |
16 | QRLUser: TQRLabel; |
17 | QRLWarning: TQRLabel; |
18 | QRSDDate: TQRSysData; |
19 | QRSEntete: TQRShape; |
20 | CDSRapport: TClientDataSet; |
21 | IFAgeDeb_1: TIntegerField; |
22 | IFAgeFin_1: TIntegerField; |
23 | FFPoidsDeb_1: TFloatField; |
24 | FFPoidsFin_1: TFloatField; |
25 | FFConso_1: TFloatField; |
26 | FFIngere_1: TFloatField; |
27 | FFTMP_1: TFloatField; |
28 | FFP2_1: TFloatField; |
29 | FFRC_1: TFloatField; |
30 | IFAgeDeb_2: TIntegerField; |
31 | IFAgeFin_2: TIntegerField; |
32 | FFPoidsDeb_2: TFloatField; |
33 | FFPoidsFin_2: TFloatField; |
34 | FFConso_2: TFloatField; |
35 | FFIngere_2: TFloatField; |
36 | FFTMP_2: TFloatField; |
37 | FFP2_2: TFloatField; |
38 | FFRC_2: TFloatField; |
39 | IFAgeDeb_3: TIntegerField; |
40 | IFAgeFin_3: TIntegerField; |
41 | FFPoidsDeb_3: TFloatField; |
42 | FFPoidsFin_3: TFloatField; |
43 | FFConso_3: TFloatField; |
44 | FFIngere_3: TFloatField; |
45 | FFTMP_3: TFloatField; |
46 | FFP2_3: TFloatField; |
47 | FFRC_3: TFloatField; |
48 | IFAgeDeb_4: TIntegerField; |
49 | IFAgeFin_4: TIntegerField; |
50 | FFPoidsDeb_4: TFloatField; |
51 | FFPoidsFin_4: TFloatField; |
52 | FFConso_4: TFloatField; |
53 | FFIngere_4: TFloatField; |
54 | FFTMP_4: TFloatField; |
55 | FFP2_4: TFloatField; |
56 | FFRC_4: TFloatField; |
57 | IFAgeDeb_5: TIntegerField; |
58 | IFAgeFin_5: TIntegerField; |
59 | FFPoidsDeb_5: TFloatField; |
60 | FFPoidsFin_5: TFloatField; |
61 | FFConso_5: TFloatField; |
62 | FFIngere_5: TFloatField; |
63 | FFTMP_5: TFloatField; |
64 | FFP2_5: TFloatField; |
65 | FFRC_5: TFloatField; |
66 | CDSSimul: TClientDataSet; |
67 | SFSimul: TStringField; |
68 | DBRapport: TQRBand; |
69 | QRDBTRC_5: TQRDBText; |
70 | QRDBTP2_5: TQRDBText; |
71 | QRDBTTMP_5: TQRDBText; |
72 | QRDBTAliTot_5: TQRDBText; |
73 | QRDBTAgeFin_5: TQRDBText; |
74 | QRDBTAgeDeb_5: TQRDBText; |
75 | QRDBTPoidsFin_5: TQRDBText; |
76 | QRDBTPoidsDeb_5: TQRDBText; |
77 | QREDuree_5: TQRExpr; |
78 | QREGMQ_5: TQRExpr; |
79 | QREAliMoy_5: TQRExpr; |
80 | QREPD_5: TQRExpr; |
81 | QRELD_5: TQRExpr; |
82 | QREWastage_5: TQRExpr; |
83 | QRDBTRC_4: TQRDBText; |
84 | QRDBTP2_4: TQRDBText; |
85 | QRDBTTMP_4: TQRDBText; |
86 | QRDBTAliTot_4: TQRDBText; |
87 | QRDBTAgeFin_4: TQRDBText; |
88 | QRDBTAgeDeb_4: TQRDBText; |
89 | QRDBTPoidsFin_4: TQRDBText; |
90 | QRDBTPoidsDeb_4: TQRDBText; |
91 | QREDuree_4: TQRExpr; |
92 | QREGMQ_4: TQRExpr; |
93 | QREAliMoy_4: TQRExpr; |
94 | QREPD_4: TQRExpr; |
95 | QRELD_4: TQRExpr; |
96 | QREWastage_4: TQRExpr; |
97 | QRDBTRC_3: TQRDBText; |
98 | QRDBTP2_3: TQRDBText; |
99 | QRDBTTMP_3: TQRDBText; |
100 | QRDBTAliTot_3: TQRDBText; |
101 | QRDBTAgeFin_3: TQRDBText; |
102 | QRDBTAgeDeb_3: TQRDBText; |
103 | QRDBTPoidsFin_3: TQRDBText; |
104 | QRDBTPoidsDeb_3: TQRDBText; |
105 | QREDuree_3: TQRExpr; |
106 | QREGMQ_3: TQRExpr; |
107 | QREAliMoy_3: TQRExpr; |
108 | QREPD_3: TQRExpr; |
109 | QRELD_3: TQRExpr; |
110 | QREWastage_3: TQRExpr; |
111 | QRDBTRC_2: TQRDBText; |
112 | QRDBTP2_2: TQRDBText; |
113 | QRDBTTMP_2: TQRDBText; |
114 | QRDBTAliTot_2: TQRDBText; |
115 | QRDBTAgeFin_2: TQRDBText; |
116 | QRDBTAgeDeb_2: TQRDBText; |
117 | QRDBTPoidsFin_2: TQRDBText; |
118 | QRDBTPoidsDeb_2: TQRDBText; |
119 | QREDuree_2: TQRExpr; |
120 | QREGMQ_2: TQRExpr; |
121 | QREAliMoy_2: TQRExpr; |
122 | QREPD_2: TQRExpr; |
123 | QRELD_2: TQRExpr; |
124 | QREWastage_2: TQRExpr; |
125 | QREWastage_1: TQRExpr; |
126 | QRELD_1: TQRExpr; |
127 | QREPD_1: TQRExpr; |
128 | QREAliMoy_1: TQRExpr; |
129 | QREGMQ_1: TQRExpr; |
130 | QREDuree_1: TQRExpr; |
131 | QRLPerf: TQRLabel; |
132 | QRLPoidsDeb: TQRLabel; |
133 | QRLPoidsFin: TQRLabel; |
134 | QRDBTPoidsDeb_1: TQRDBText; |
135 | QRDBTPoidsFin_1: TQRDBText; |
136 | QRLAgeDeb: TQRLabel; |
137 | QRLAgeFin: TQRLabel; |
138 | QRDBTAgeDeb_1: TQRDBText; |
139 | QRDBTAgeFin_1: TQRDBText; |
140 | QRLDuree: TQRLabel; |
141 | QRLGMQ: TQRLabel; |
142 | QRLPD: TQRLabel; |
143 | QRLLD: TQRLabel; |
144 | QRLAliTot: TQRLabel; |
145 | QRLAliMoy: TQRLabel; |
146 | QRDBTAliTot_1: TQRDBText; |
147 | QRLWastage: TQRLabel; |
148 | QRLFeed: TQRLabel; |
149 | QRLTMP: TQRLabel; |
150 | QRDBTTMP_1: TQRDBText; |
151 | QRLP2: TQRLabel; |
152 | QRDBTP2_1: TQRDBText; |
153 | QRLRC: TQRLabel; |
154 | QRDBTRC_1: TQRDBText; |
155 | QRLCaract: TQRLabel; |
156 | QRLSimulNo: TQRLabel; |
157 | QRLNo1: TQRLabel; |
158 | QRLabel1: TQRLabel; |
159 | QRLabel2: TQRLabel; |
160 | QRLabel3: TQRLabel; |
161 | QRLabel4: TQRLabel; |
162 | QRSDRapport: TQRSubDetail; |
163 | QRDBTProfil: TQRDBText; |
164 | QRLProfil: TQRLabel; |
165 | QRLSeqAli: TQRLabel; |
166 | QRLRation: TQRLabel; |
167 | QRDBTSeqAli: TQRDBText; |
168 | QRDBTRation: TQRDBText; |
169 | QRDBTSimulNo: TQRDBText; |
170 | QRDBTVariation: TQRDBText; |
171 | QRLVariation: TQRLabel; |
172 | SFProfil: TStringField; |
173 | SFSeqAli: TStringField; |
174 | SFRation: TStringField; |
175 | SFVariation: TStringField; |
176 | CDSRapport_Simul_: TStringField; |
177 | QRLSimul: TQRLabel; |
178 | QRDBTSimul: TQRDBText; |
179 | QRLMemo: TQRLabel; |
180 | QRMMemo: TQRMemo; |
181 | QRIInraPorc: TQRImage; |
182 | QRLInraPorc: TQRLabel; |
183 | FFpDeb_1: TFloatField; |
184 | FFpFin_1: TFloatField; |
185 | FFlDeb_1: TFloatField; |
186 | FFlFin_1: TFloatField; |
187 | FFpDeb_2: TFloatField; |
188 | FFpFin_2: TFloatField; |
189 | FFlDeb_2: TFloatField; |
190 | FFlFin_2: TFloatField; |
191 | FFpDeb_3: TFloatField; |
192 | FFpFin_3: TFloatField; |
193 | FFlDeb_3: TFloatField; |
194 | FFlFin_3: TFloatField; |
195 | FFpDeb_4: TFloatField; |
196 | FFpFin_4: TFloatField; |
197 | FFlDeb_4: TFloatField; |
198 | FFlFin_4: TFloatField; |
199 | FFpDeb_5: TFloatField; |
200 | FFpFin_5: TFloatField; |
201 | FFlDeb_5: TFloatField; |
202 | FFlFin_5: TFloatField; |
203 | QREFeed_5: TQRExpr; |
204 | QREFeed_4: TQRExpr; |
205 | QREFeed_3: TQRExpr; |
206 | QREFeed_2: TQRExpr; |
207 | QREFeed_1: TQRExpr; |
208 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
209 | private
210 | { D?clarations priv?es }
211 | public
212 | { D?clarations publiques }
213 | end;
214 | |||
215 | var
216 | FRapSensSimulP: TFRapSensSimulP; |
217 | |||
218 | implementation
219 | |||
220 | uses
221 | UStrings, UFindRec, UCalcul, UUtil, UFSimulP, UFPrevRap ; |
222 | |||
223 | {$R *.dfm}
224 | |||
225 | { TFRapSimulP }
226 | |||
227 | procedure TFRapSensSimulP.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
228 | var
229 | i, k, t: integer; |
230 | c: double; |
231 | begin
232 | if Screen.Fonts.IndexOf('Arial Unicode MS') <> -1 |
233 | then
234 | Font.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
235 | TranslateComponent(Self); |
236 | // Licence
237 | if IsEducation and (Length (Course) > 0) |
238 | then
239 | QRLUSer.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [Course, Company])
240 | else
241 | if IsComplete or IsEducation |
242 | then
243 | QRLUSer.Caption := Format('%s %s (%s)', [FirstName, LastName, Company])
244 | else
245 | if IsEvaluation
246 | then
247 | QRLUSer.Caption := StrEvaluation |
248 | else
249 | begin
250 | QRLUSer.Caption := StrReadOnly; |
251 | QRLUser.Font.Color := clRed; |
252 | end;
253 | with CDSSimul do |
254 | begin
255 | CreateDataSet; |
256 | for k := 1 to 5 do |
257 | begin
258 | Append; |
259 | FieldValues['_Simul_'] := Format (StrSimulNo, [k]);
260 | FieldValues['_Variation_'] := Format (StrVariation, [FSimulP.CBVariable.Items[FSimulP.CBVariable.ItemIndex], TabSimulP[k].Variation * 100]); |
261 | Post; |
262 | end;
263 | end;
264 | with CDSRapport do |
265 | begin
266 | CreateDataSet; |
267 | Append; |
268 | for k := 1 to 5 do |
269 | begin
270 | t := TabSimulP[k].Result.NbJSim; |
271 | PSimulP := ListSimulP[FindIdxSimulP (FSimulP.CBSensSimul.Text)]; |
272 | PProfilP := ListProfilP[FindIdxProfilP (FindNomProfilP (PSimulP.Profil))]; |
273 | FieldValues['_Simul_'] := PSimulP.Nom;
274 | FieldValues['_Profil_'] := FindNomProfilP (PSimulP.Profil);
275 | FieldValues['_SeqAli_'] := FindNomSeqAliP (PSimulP.SeqAli);
276 | FieldValues['_Ration_'] := FindNomRationP (PSimulP.Ration);
277 | FieldValues[Format('_AgeDeb_%d_', [k])] := TabSimulP[k].Result.TabResult[1, 1]; |
278 | FieldValues[Format('_AgeFin_%d_', [k])] := TabSimulP[k].Result.TabResult[1, t] + 1; |
279 | FieldValues[Format('_PoidsDeb_%d_', [k])] := TabSimulP[k].Result.TabResult[2, 1]; |
280 | FieldValues[Format('_PoidsFin_%d_', [k])] := TabSimulP[k].Result.TabResult[2, t] + TabSimulP[k].Result.TabResult[84, t]; |
281 | FieldValues[Format('_pDeb_%d_', [k])] := TabSimulP[k].Result.TabResult[49, 1]; |
282 | FieldValues[Format('_pFin_%d_', [k])] := TabSimulP[k].Result.TabResult[49, t] + TabSimulP[k].Result.TabResult[79, t] / 1000; |
283 | FieldValues[Format('_lDeb_%d_', [k])] := TabSimulP[k].Result.TabResult[50, 1]; |
284 | FieldValues[Format('_lFin_%d_', [k])] := TabSimulP[k].Result.TabResult[50, t] + TabSimulP[k].Result.TabResult[80, t] / 1000; |
285 | c := 0;
286 | for i := 1 to t do |
287 | c := c + TabSimulP[k].Result.TabResult[113, i];
288 | FieldValues[Format('_Conso_%d_', [k])] := c;
289 | c := 0;
290 | for i := 1 to t do |
291 | c := c + TabSimulP[k].Result.TabResult[11, i];
292 | FieldValues[Format('_Ingere_%d_', [k])] := c;
293 | if FatInfo = 0 |
294 | then // P2 |
295 | FieldValues[Format('_P2_%d_', [k])] := CalcP2(FieldValues[Format('_lFin_%d_', [k])]) |
296 | else // User defined |
297 | FieldValues[Format('_P2_%d_', [k])] := CalcUserFat(CalcPVV(FieldValues[Format('_PoidsFin_%d_', [k])]), FieldValues[Format('_pFin_%d_', [k])], FieldValues[Format('_lFin_%d_', [k])]); |
298 | if LeanInfo = 0 |
299 | then // TMP |
300 | FieldValues[Format('_TMP_%d_', [k])] := CalcTMP(CalcPVV(FieldValues[Format('_PoidsFin_%d_', [k])]), FieldValues[Format('_pFin_%d_', [k])], FieldValues[Format('_lFin_%d_', [k])]) |
301 | else // User defined |
302 | FieldValues[Format('_TMP_%d_', [k])] := CalcUserLean(CalcPVV(FieldValues[Format('_PoidsFin_%d_', [k])]), FieldValues[Format('_pFin_%d_', [k])], FieldValues[Format('_lFin_%d_', [k])]); |
303 | FieldValues[Format('_RC_%d_', [k])] := CalcRC(FieldValues[Format('_PoidsFin_%d_', [k])], CalcRCStd(PProfilP.PVFin, PProfilP.Carcasse), FieldValues[Format('_PoidsFin_%d_', [k])]) * 100; |
304 | end;
305 | Post; |
306 | end;
307 | QRMMemo.Lines.Add(FSimulP.CBSensSimul.Hint); |
308 | if FeedInfo = 0 |
309 | then // Indice de consommation |
310 | QREFeed_1.Expression := 'IF(CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_1_ = CDSRapport._PoidsFin_1_, 0, CDSRapport._Conso_1_ / (CDSRapport._PoidsFin_1_ - CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_1_))'
311 | else // Efficacit? alimentaire |
312 | QREFeed_1.Expression := 'IF(CDSRapport._Conso_1_ = 0, 0, (CDSRapport._PoidsFin_1_ - CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_1_) / CDSRapport._Conso_1_)';
313 | if FeedInfo = 0 |
314 | then // Indice de consommation |
315 | QREFeed_2.Expression := 'IF(CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_2_ = CDSRapport._PoidsFin_2_, 0, CDSRapport._Conso_2_ / (CDSRapport._PoidsFin_2_ - CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_2_))'
316 | else // Efficacit? alimentaire |
317 | QREFeed_2.Expression := 'IF(CDSRapport._Conso_2_ = 0, 0, (CDSRapport._PoidsFin_2_ - CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_2_) / CDSRapport._Conso_2_)';
318 | if FeedInfo = 0 |
319 | then // Indice de consommation |
320 | QREFeed_3.Expression := 'IF(CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_3_ = CDSRapport._PoidsFin_3_, 0, CDSRapport._Conso_3_ / (CDSRapport._PoidsFin_3_ - CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_3_))'
321 | else // Efficacit? alimentaire |
322 | QREFeed_3.Expression := 'IF(CDSRapport._Conso_3_ = 0, 0, (CDSRapport._PoidsFin_3_ - CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_3_) / CDSRapport._Conso_3_)';
323 | if FeedInfo = 0 |
324 | then // Indice de consommation |
325 | QREFeed_4.Expression := 'IF(CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_4_ = CDSRapport._PoidsFin_4_, 0, CDSRapport._Conso_4_ / (CDSRapport._PoidsFin_4_ - CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_4_))'
326 | else // Efficacit? alimentaire |
327 | QREFeed_4.Expression := 'IF(CDSRapport._Conso_4_ = 0, 0, (CDSRapport._PoidsFin_4_ - CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_4_) / CDSRapport._Conso_4_)';
328 | if FeedInfo = 0 |
329 | then // Indice de consommation |
330 | QREFeed_5.Expression := 'IF(CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_5_ = CDSRapport._PoidsFin_5_, 0, CDSRapport._Conso_5_ / (CDSRapport._PoidsFin_5_ - CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_5_))'
331 | else // Efficacit? alimentaire |
332 | QREFeed_5.Expression := 'IF(CDSRapport._Conso_5_ = 0, 0, (CDSRapport._PoidsFin_5_ - CDSRapport._PoidsDeb_5_) / CDSRapport._Conso_5_)';
333 | QRLAgeDeb.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [QRLAgeDeb.Caption, _('d')]); |
334 | QRLAgeFin.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [QRLAgeFin.Caption, _('d')]); |
335 | QRLDuree.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [QRLDuree.Caption, _('d')]); |
336 | QRLPoidsDeb.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [QRLPoidsDeb.Caption, _('kg')]); |
337 | QRLPoidsFin.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [QRLPoidsFin.Caption, _('kg')]); |
338 | QRLGMQ.Caption := Format('%s (%s/%s)', [QRLGMQ.Caption, _('g'), _('d')]); |
339 | QRLPD.Caption := Format('%s (%s/%s)', [QRLPD.Caption, _('g'), _('d')]); |
340 | QRLLD.Caption := Format('%s (%s/%s)', [QRLLD.Caption, _('g'), _('d')]); |
341 | QRLAliTot.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [QRLAliTot.Caption, _('kg')]); |
342 | QRLAliMoy.Caption := Format('%s (%s/%s)', [QRLAliMoy.Caption, _('g'), _('d')]); |
343 | QRLWastage.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [QRLWastage.Caption]);
344 | if FeedInfo = 0 |
345 | then // Indice de consommation |
346 | QRLFeed.Caption := Format('%s (%s/%s)', [_('Average feed-to-gain ratio'), _('kg feed'), _('kg gain')]) |
347 | else // Efficacit? alimentaire |
348 | QRLFeed.Caption := Format('%s (%s/%s)', [_('Average gain-to-feed ratio'), _('kg gain'), _('kg feed')]); |
349 | if FatInfo = 0 |
350 | then // P2 |
351 | QRLP2.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [_('Backfat thickness at slaughter'), _('mm')]) |
352 | else // User defined |
353 | if Length(UserFatLongName) = 0 |
354 | then
355 | QRLP2.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [_('User-defined backfat thickness'), _('mm')]) |
356 | else
357 | QRLP2.Caption := Format('%s (%s)', [UserFatLongName, _('mm')]); |
358 | if LeanInfo = 0 |
359 | then // TMP |
360 | QRLTMP.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [_('Lean meat at slaughter')]) |
361 | else // User defined |
362 | if Length(UserLeanLongName) = 0 |
363 | then
364 | QRLTMP.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [_('User-defined lean meat')]) |
365 | else
366 | QRLTMP.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [UserLeanLongName]);
367 | QRLRC.Caption := Format('%s (%%)', [QRLRC.Caption]);
368 | RegisterPreviewClass(TQRPrevRapInterface); |
369 | // QRRapport.PreviewModal;
370 | // RegisterPreviewClass(TQRStandardPreviewInterface);
371 | end;
372 | |||
373 | end. |