root / InraPorc.drc @ 5
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (160,641 ko)
1 | 1 | avalancogn | /* VER200 |
2 | Generated by the CodeGear Delphi Pascal Compiler |
3 | because -GD or --drc was supplied to the compiler. |
4 | |||
5 | This file contains compiler-generated resources that |
6 | were bound to the executable. |
7 | If this file is empty, then no compiler-generated |
8 | resources were bound to the produced executable. |
9 | */ |
10 | |||
11 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrB4 64208 |
12 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrBA 64209 |
13 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrC0 64210 |
14 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrCA 64211 |
15 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrE4 64212 |
16 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrF0 64213 |
17 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrF1 64214 |
18 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrFF 64215 |
19 | #define JclResources_RsInvalidMMFName 64216 |
20 | #define JclResources_RsInvalidMMFEmpty 64217 |
21 | #define JclResources_RsWin32Error 64218 |
22 | #define JvJCLUtils_RsEPivotLessThanZero 64219 |
23 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr7A 64224 |
24 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr7B 64225 |
25 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr7C 64226 |
26 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr7D 64227 |
27 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr7F 64228 |
28 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr80 64229 |
29 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr82 64230 |
30 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr83 64231 |
31 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr84 64232 |
32 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr85 64233 |
33 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr86 64234 |
34 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr87 64235 |
35 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrB0 64236 |
36 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrB1 64237 |
37 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrB2 64238 |
38 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrB3 64239 |
39 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr57 64240 |
40 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr59 64241 |
41 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr5A 64242 |
42 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr5B 64243 |
43 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr5C 64244 |
44 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr5D 64245 |
45 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr60 64246 |
46 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr66 64247 |
47 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr67 64248 |
48 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr68 64249 |
49 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr70 64250 |
50 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr71 64251 |
51 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr72 64252 |
52 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr73 64253 |
53 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr78 64254 |
54 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr79 64255 |
55 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr45 64256 |
56 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr46 64257 |
57 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr47 64258 |
58 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr48 64259 |
59 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr49 64260 |
60 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr4A 64261 |
61 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr4B 64262 |
62 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr4C 64263 |
63 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr4D 64264 |
64 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr4E 64265 |
65 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr4F 64266 |
66 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr50 64267 |
67 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr51 64268 |
68 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr52 64269 |
69 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr55 64270 |
70 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr56 64271 |
71 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr23 64272 |
72 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr25 64273 |
73 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr29 64274 |
74 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr2C 64275 |
75 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr30 64276 |
76 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr39 64277 |
77 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr3A 64278 |
78 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr3B 64279 |
79 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr3C 64280 |
80 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr3D 64281 |
81 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr3E 64282 |
82 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr40 64283 |
83 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr41 64284 |
84 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr42 64285 |
85 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr43 64286 |
86 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr44 64287 |
87 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr00 64288 |
88 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr01 64289 |
89 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr02 64290 |
90 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr03 64291 |
91 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr04 64292 |
92 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr05 64293 |
93 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr06 64294 |
94 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr08 64295 |
95 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr09 64296 |
96 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr0A 64297 |
97 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr0B 64298 |
98 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr0C 64299 |
99 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr0D 64300 |
100 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr0E 64301 |
101 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr21 64302 |
102 | #define JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr22 64303 |
103 | #define JvResources_RsClInactiveCaptionText 64304 |
104 | #define JvResources_RsClBtnHighlight 64305 |
105 | #define JvResources_RsCl3DDkShadow 64306 |
106 | #define JvResources_RsCl3DLight 64307 |
107 | #define JvResources_RsClInfoText 64308 |
108 | #define JvResources_RsClInfoBk 64309 |
109 | #define JvResources_RsGradientActiveCaption 64310 |
110 | #define JvResources_RsGradientInactiveCaption 64311 |
111 | #define JvResources_RsHotLight 64312 |
112 | #define JvResources_RsMenuBar 64313 |
113 | #define JvResources_RsMenuHighlight 64314 |
114 | #define JvResources_RsEBaseTooBig 64315 |
115 | #define JvResources_RsEBaseTooSmall 64316 |
116 | #define JclResources_RsEReplacementChar 64317 |
117 | #define JclResources_RsArgumentOutOfRange 64318 |
118 | #define JclResources_RsSynchCreateMutex 64319 |
119 | #define JvResources_RsClInactiveCaption 64320 |
120 | #define JvResources_RsClMenu 64321 |
121 | #define JvResources_RsClWindow 64322 |
122 | #define JvResources_RsClWindowFrame 64323 |
123 | #define JvResources_RsClMenuText 64324 |
124 | #define JvResources_RsClWindowText 64325 |
125 | #define JvResources_RsClCaptionText 64326 |
126 | #define JvResources_RsClActiveBorder 64327 |
127 | #define JvResources_RsClInactiveBorder 64328 |
128 | #define JvResources_RsClAppWorkSpace 64329 |
129 | #define JvResources_RsClHighlight 64330 |
130 | #define JvResources_RsClHighlightText 64331 |
131 | #define JvResources_RsClBtnFace 64332 |
132 | #define JvResources_RsClBtnShadow 64333 |
133 | #define JvResources_RsClGrayText 64334 |
134 | #define JvResources_RsClBtnText 64335 |
135 | #define JvResources_RsClPink 64336 |
136 | #define JvResources_RsClGold 64337 |
137 | #define JvResources_RsClBrightGreen 64338 |
138 | #define JvResources_RsClTurquoise 64339 |
139 | #define JvResources_RsClPlum 64340 |
140 | #define JvResources_RsClGray25 64341 |
141 | #define JvResources_RsClRose 64342 |
142 | #define JvResources_RsClTan 64343 |
143 | #define JvResources_RsClLightYellow 64344 |
144 | #define JvResources_RsClLightGreen 64345 |
145 | #define JvResources_RsClLightTurquoise 64346 |
146 | #define JvResources_RsClPaleBlue 64347 |
147 | #define JvResources_RsClLavender 64348 |
148 | #define JvResources_RsClScrollBar 64349 |
149 | #define JvResources_RsClBackground 64350 |
150 | #define JvResources_RsClActiveCaption 64351 |
151 | #define JvResources_RsClOliveGreen 64352 |
152 | #define JvResources_RsClDarkGreen 64353 |
153 | #define JvResources_RsClDarkTeal 64354 |
154 | #define JvResources_RsClDarkBlue 64355 |
155 | #define JvResources_RsClIndigo 64356 |
156 | #define JvResources_RsClGray80 64357 |
157 | #define JvResources_RsClDarkRed 64358 |
158 | #define JvResources_RsClOrange 64359 |
159 | #define JvResources_RsClDarkYellow 64360 |
160 | #define JvResources_RsClBlueGray 64361 |
161 | #define JvResources_RsClGray50 64362 |
162 | #define JvResources_RsClLightOrange 64363 |
163 | #define JvResources_RsClSeaGreen 64364 |
164 | #define JvResources_RsClLightBlue 64365 |
165 | #define JvResources_RsClViolet 64366 |
166 | #define JvResources_RsClGray40 64367 |
167 | #define JvResources_RsClPurple 64368 |
168 | #define JvResources_RsClTeal 64369 |
169 | #define JvResources_RsClGray 64370 |
170 | #define JvResources_RsClSilver 64371 |
171 | #define JvResources_RsClRed 64372 |
172 | #define JvResources_RsClLime 64373 |
173 | #define JvResources_RsClYellow 64374 |
174 | #define JvResources_RsClBlue 64375 |
175 | #define JvResources_RsClFuchsia 64376 |
176 | #define JvResources_RsClAqua 64377 |
177 | #define JvResources_RsClWhite 64378 |
178 | #define JvResources_RsClMoneyGreen 64379 |
179 | #define JvResources_RsClSkyBlue 64380 |
180 | #define JvResources_RsClCream 64381 |
181 | #define JvResources_RsClMedGray 64382 |
182 | #define JvResources_RsClBrown 64383 |
183 | #define JvResources_RsECsvFieldLocationError 64384 |
184 | #define JvResources_RsEFieldNotFound 64385 |
185 | #define JvResources_RsECsvStringTooLong 64386 |
186 | #define JvResources_RsECannotReadCsvFile 64387 |
187 | #define JvResources_RsEInternalLimit 64388 |
188 | #define JvResources_RsETableNameNotSet 64389 |
189 | #define JvResources_RsEGetMode 64390 |
190 | #define JvResources_RsENoTableName 64391 |
191 | #define JvResources_RsETableNameRequired 64392 |
192 | #define JvResources_RsEInternalCompare 64393 |
193 | #define JvResources_RsEInvalidTableName 64394 |
194 | #define JvResources_RsClBlack 64395 |
195 | #define JvResources_RsClMaroon 64396 |
196 | #define JvResources_RsClGreen 64397 |
197 | #define JvResources_RsClOlive 64398 |
198 | #define JvResources_RsClNavy 64399 |
199 | #define JvResources_RsEUnableToLocateCSVFileInfo 64400 |
200 | #define JvResources_RsEPhysicalLocationOfCSVField 64401 |
201 | #define JvResources_RsEInvalidFieldTypeCharacter 64402 |
202 | #define JvResources_RsECsvNoRecord 64403 |
203 | #define JvResources_RsEUnexpectedError 64404 |
204 | #define JvResources_RsEFieldDefinitionError 64405 |
205 | #define JvResources_RsEInvalidCsvKeyDef 64406 |
206 | #define JvResources_RsEInternalErrorParsingCsvKeyDef 64407 |
207 | #define JvResources_RsEContainsField 64408 |
208 | #define JvResources_RsEInsertBlocked 64409 |
209 | #define JvResources_RsEPostingHasBeenBlocked 64410 |
210 | #define JvResources_RsEKeyNotUnique 64411 |
211 | #define JvResources_RsECannotInsertNewRow 64412 |
212 | #define JvResources_RsECannotPost 64413 |
213 | #define JvResources_RsEErrorProcessingFirstLine 64414 |
214 | #define JvResources_RsEFieldInFileButNotInDefinition 64415 |
215 | #define GIFConsts_sProgressOptimizing 64416 |
216 | #define JvResources_RsUndoItem 64417 |
217 | #define JvResources_RsCutItem 64418 |
218 | #define JvResources_RsCopyItem 64419 |
219 | #define JvResources_RsPasteItem 64420 |
220 | #define JvResources_RsDeleteItem 64421 |
221 | #define JvResources_RsSelectAllItem 64422 |
222 | #define JvResources_RsEInvalidCaretOwner 64423 |
223 | #define JvResources_RsErrorRowItem 64424 |
224 | #define JvResources_RsECsvErrFormat 64425 |
225 | #define JvResources_RsECsvErrFormat2 64426 |
226 | #define JvResources_RsECsvInvalidSeparatorFmt 64427 |
227 | #define JvResources_RsEProblemReadingRow 64428 |
228 | #define JvResources_RsENoRecord 64429 |
229 | #define JvResources_RsETimeTConvError 64430 |
230 | #define JvResources_RsEFieldTypeNotHandled 64431 |
231 | #define GIFConsts_sBadPixelCoordinates 64432 |
232 | #define GIFConsts_sInvalidPixelFormat 64433 |
233 | #define GIFConsts_sBadDimension 64434 |
234 | #define GIFConsts_sNoDIB 64435 |
235 | #define GIFConsts_sInvalidStream 64436 |
236 | #define GIFConsts_sInvalidColor 64437 |
237 | #define GIFConsts_sEmptyColorMap 64438 |
238 | #define GIFConsts_sEmptyImage 64439 |
239 | #define GIFConsts_sMultipleGCE 64440 |
240 | #define GIFConsts_sNoPalette 64441 |
241 | #define GIFConsts_sGIFImageFile 64442 |
242 | #define GIFConsts_sProgressLoading 64443 |
243 | #define GIFConsts_sProgressSaving 64444 |
244 | #define GIFConsts_sProgressConverting 64445 |
245 | #define GIFConsts_sProgressRendering 64446 |
246 | #define GIFConsts_sProgressCopying 64447 |
247 | #define GIFConsts_sScreenBadColorSize 64448 |
248 | #define GIFConsts_sImageBadColorSize 64449 |
249 | #define GIFConsts_sUnknownExtension 64450 |
250 | #define GIFConsts_sBadExtensionLabel 64451 |
251 | #define GIFConsts_sOutOfMemDIB 64452 |
252 | #define GIFConsts_sDecodeTooFewBits 64453 |
253 | #define GIFConsts_sDecodeCircular 64454 |
254 | #define GIFConsts_sBadTrailer 64455 |
255 | #define GIFConsts_sBadExtensionInstance 64456 |
256 | #define GIFConsts_sBadBlockSize 64457 |
257 | #define GIFConsts_sBadBlock 64458 |
258 | #define GIFConsts_sUnsupportedClass 64459 |
259 | #define GIFConsts_sInvalidData 64460 |
260 | #define GIFConsts_sBadSize 64461 |
261 | #define GIFConsts_sScreenSizeExceeded 64462 |
262 | #define GIFConsts_sNoColorTable 64463 |
263 | #define UStrings_StrModeFin 64464 |
264 | #define UStrings_StrED_C 64465 |
265 | #define UStrings_StrED_T 64466 |
266 | #define UStrings_StrEM_C 64467 |
267 | #define UStrings_StrEM_T 64468 |
268 | #define UStrings_StrEN_C 64469 |
269 | #define UStrings_StrEN_T 64470 |
270 | #define UStrings_StrTyp0 64471 |
271 | #define UStrings_HintAli1Init 64472 |
272 | #define UStrings_HintAli1Const 64473 |
273 | #define GIFConsts_sOutOfData 64474 |
274 | #define GIFConsts_sTooManyColors 64475 |
275 | #define GIFConsts_sBadColorIndex 64476 |
276 | #define GIFConsts_sBadColorIndexFixed 64477 |
277 | #define GIFConsts_sGIFErrorSaveEmpty 64478 |
278 | #define GIFConsts_sBadSignature 64479 |
279 | #define UStrings_StrLys 64480 |
280 | #define UStrings_StrED 64481 |
281 | #define UStrings_StrEM 64482 |
282 | #define UStrings_StrEN 64483 |
283 | #define UStrings_StrMJ 64484 |
284 | #define UStrings_StrUI 64485 |
285 | #define UStrings_StrGestation 64486 |
286 | #define UStrings_StrLactation 64487 |
287 | #define UStrings_StrISSF 64488 |
288 | #define UStrings_StrDegC 64489 |
289 | #define UStrings_StrMnDebout 64490 |
290 | #define UStrings_StrSaillie 64491 |
291 | #define UStrings_StrMiseBas 64492 |
292 | #define UStrings_StrSevrage 64493 |
293 | #define UStrings_StrPV4Age 64494 |
294 | #define UStrings_StrAge4PV 64495 |
295 | #define UStrings_StrSimulNo 64496 |
296 | #define UStrings_StrVariation 64497 |
297 | #define UStrings_StrRationProfil 64498 |
298 | #define UStrings_StrRationSeqAli 64499 |
299 | #define UStrings_StrDigestStd 64500 |
300 | #define UStrings_StrSaisieManuelle 64501 |
301 | #define UStrings_StrTotal 64502 |
302 | #define UStrings_StrJ 64503 |
303 | #define UStrings_StrG 64504 |
304 | #define UStrings_StrKg 64505 |
305 | #define UStrings_StrMg 64506 |
306 | #define UStrings_StrMm 64507 |
307 | #define UStrings_StrAlimentUnit 64508 |
308 | #define UStrings_StrGMQUnit 64509 |
309 | #define UStrings_StrMS 64510 |
310 | #define UStrings_StrFrais 64511 |
311 | #define UStrings_StrBesoin 64512 |
312 | #define UStrings_StrBesoinMoyen 64513 |
313 | #define UStrings_StrBesoinPopulation 64514 |
314 | #define UStrings_StrReference 64515 |
315 | #define UStrings_Str35j 64516 |
316 | #define UStrings_Str105j 64517 |
317 | #define UStrings_StrAANonLim 64518 |
318 | #define UStrings_StrAAPotLim 64519 |
319 | #define UStrings_StrValCal 64520 |
320 | #define UStrings_StrValSim 64521 |
321 | #define UStrings_StrSimul 64522 |
322 | #define UStrings_StrSimulComp 64523 |
323 | #define UStrings_StrSimulProfil 64524 |
324 | #define UStrings_StrSimulSeqAli 64525 |
325 | #define UStrings_StrSimulRation 64526 |
326 | #define UStrings_StrSimulSens 64527 |
327 | #define UStrings_StrPDMarginal 64528 |
328 | #define UStrings_StrLD 64529 |
329 | #define UStrings_StrLDMarginal 64530 |
330 | #define UStrings_StrPV 64531 |
331 | #define UStrings_StrAge 64532 |
332 | #define UStrings_StrP2 64533 |
333 | #define UStrings_StrTMP 64534 |
334 | #define UStrings_StrP 64535 |
335 | #define UStrings_StrL 64536 |
336 | #define UStrings_StrPVV 64537 |
337 | #define UStrings_StrAdLib 64538 |
338 | #define UStrings_StrPDmax 64539 |
339 | #define UStrings_StrF 64540 |
340 | #define UStrings_StrX 64541 |
341 | #define UStrings_StrAutres 64542 |
342 | #define UStrings_StrApport 64543 |
343 | #define UStrings_MsgNoMat 64544 |
344 | #define UStrings_MsgNoMatSel 64545 |
345 | #define UStrings_MsgNoAli 64546 |
346 | #define UStrings_MsgNoAliSel 64547 |
347 | #define UStrings_MsgNoImp 64548 |
348 | #define UStrings_MsgNoImpSel 64549 |
349 | #define UStrings_MsgKeepValues 64550 |
350 | #define UStrings_MsgExcel 64551 |
351 | #define UStrings_MsgConvert 64552 |
352 | #define UStrings_MsgCheckForUpdates 64553 |
353 | #define UStrings_MsgUpdateFound 64554 |
354 | #define UStrings_MsgLicenseSuccess 64555 |
355 | #define UStrings_MsgServerUnreachable 64556 |
356 | #define UStrings_MsgPDLimit 64557 |
357 | #define UStrings_StrIngere 64558 |
358 | #define UStrings_StrPD 64559 |
359 | #define UStrings_MsgSaveMat 64560 |
360 | #define UStrings_MsgSaveAli 64561 |
361 | #define UStrings_MsgName 64562 |
362 | #define UStrings_MsgNameEmpty 64563 |
363 | #define UStrings_MsgNameTooLarge 64564 |
364 | #define UStrings_MsgNameExists 64565 |
365 | #define UStrings_MsgDel 64566 |
366 | #define UStrings_MsgDelErr 64567 |
367 | #define UStrings_MsgRename 64568 |
368 | #define UStrings_MsgCopy 64569 |
369 | #define UStrings_MsgCalcul 64570 |
370 | #define UStrings_MsgGTTT 64571 |
371 | #define UStrings_MsgCSVError 64572 |
372 | #define UStrings_MsgAli2Mat 64573 |
373 | #define UStrings_MsgMat2Ali 64574 |
374 | #define UStrings_MsgNoCSV 64575 |
375 | #define UStrings_MsgInraAfz 64576 |
376 | #define UStrings_MsgParamCount 64577 |
377 | #define UStrings_MsgFinalDate 64578 |
378 | #define UStrings_MsgFixedDrive 64579 |
379 | #define UStrings_MsgDiskChanged 64580 |
380 | #define UStrings_MsgDataDirectory 64581 |
381 | #define UStrings_MsgTooMuchRecords 64582 |
382 | #define UStrings_MsgRequiredField 64583 |
383 | #define UStrings_MsgMissingMail 64584 |
384 | #define UStrings_MsgMissingAddress 64585 |
385 | #define UStrings_MsgInvalidLicense 64586 |
386 | #define UStrings_MsgReadOnly 64587 |
387 | #define UStrings_MsgFileNotFound 64588 |
388 | #define UStrings_MsgRecordErrors 64589 |
389 | #define UStrings_MsgSave 64590 |
390 | #define UStrings_MsgInvalidData 64591 |
391 | #define UStrings_StrTitreCSV5 64592 |
392 | #define UStrings_StrTitreCSV6 64593 |
393 | #define UStrings_StrTitreCSV7 64594 |
394 | #define UStrings_MsgLicense 64595 |
395 | #define UStrings_MsgCorrCUD 64596 |
396 | #define UStrings_MsgCalcAli 64597 |
397 | #define UStrings_MsgGraphAli 64598 |
398 | #define UStrings_MsgUnitProfilP 64599 |
399 | #define UStrings_MsgPDMoy 64600 |
400 | #define UStrings_MsgPrecocite 64601 |
401 | #define UStrings_MsgEntretien 64602 |
402 | #define UStrings_MsgOptInit 64603 |
403 | #define UStrings_MsgSimulT 64604 |
404 | #define UStrings_MsgBesoin 64605 |
405 | #define UStrings_MsgCalibrAdLib 64606 |
406 | #define UStrings_MsgCalibrOther 64607 |
407 | #define UStrings_StrLicenseType 64608 |
408 | #define UStrings_StrLicenseNum 64609 |
409 | #define UStrings_StrFirstName 64610 |
410 | #define UStrings_StrLastName 64611 |
411 | #define UStrings_StrCompany 64612 |
412 | #define UStrings_StrOrganization 64613 |
413 | #define UStrings_StrEndValidity 64614 |
414 | #define UStrings_StrNoKey 64615 |
415 | #define UStrings_StrInvalidKey 64616 |
416 | #define UStrings_StrSelectDir 64617 |
417 | #define UStrings_StrPage 64618 |
418 | #define UStrings_StrMinimum 64619 |
419 | #define UStrings_StrTitreCSV1 64620 |
420 | #define UStrings_StrTitreCSV2 64621 |
421 | #define UStrings_StrTitreCSV3 64622 |
422 | #define UStrings_StrTitreCSV4 64623 |
423 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIPKU2UCertFailure 64624 |
424 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIMutualAuthFailed 64625 |
425 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIUnknwonError 64626 |
426 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIErrorMsg 64627 |
427 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIInterfaceInitFailed 64628 |
428 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoPkgInfoSpecified 64629 |
429 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoCredentialHandle 64630 |
430 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICanNotChangeCredentials 64631 |
431 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIUnknwonCredentialUse 64632 |
432 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIDoAuquireCredentialHandle 64633 |
433 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICompleteTokenNotSupported 64634 |
434 | #define UStrings_StrVersion 64635 |
435 | #define UStrings_StrComplete 64636 |
436 | #define UStrings_StrEducation 64637 |
437 | #define UStrings_StrEvaluation 64638 |
438 | #define UStrings_StrReadOnly 64639 |
439 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIIssuingCAUntrusted 64640 |
440 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIRevocationOffline 64641 |
441 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIPKInitClientFailure 64642 |
442 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISmartcardExpired 64643 |
443 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoS4UProtSupport 64644 |
444 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICrossRealmDeligationFailure 64645 |
445 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIRevocationOfflineKDC 64646 |
446 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICAUntrustedKDC 64647 |
447 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIKDCCertExpired 64648 |
448 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIKDCCertRevoked 64649 |
449 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISignatureNeeded 64650 |
450 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIInvalidParameter 64651 |
451 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIDeligationPolicy 64652 |
452 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIPolicyNTLMOnly 64653 |
453 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoRenegotiation 64654 |
454 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoContext 64655 |
455 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIKDCReplyTooManyPrincipals 64656 |
456 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoPAData 64657 |
457 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIPKInitNameMismatch 64658 |
458 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISmartcardLogonReq 64659 |
459 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISysShutdownInProg 64660 |
460 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIKDCInvalidRequest 64661 |
461 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIKDCUnableToRefer 64662 |
462 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIKDCETypeUnknown 64663 |
463 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIUnsupPreauth 64664 |
464 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIDeligationReq 64665 |
465 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIBadBindings 64666 |
466 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIMultipleAccounts 64667 |
467 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoKerbKey 64668 |
468 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICertWrongUsage 64669 |
469 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIDowngradeDetected 64670 |
470 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISmartcardCertRevoked 64671 |
471 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIUntrustedRoot 64672 |
472 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIIllegalMessage 64673 |
473 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICertUnknown 64674 |
474 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICertExpired 64675 |
475 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIEncryptionFailure 64676 |
476 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIDecryptionFailure 64677 |
477 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIAlgorithmMismatch 64678 |
478 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISecurityQOSFailure 64679 |
479 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISecCtxWasDelBeforeUpdated 64680 |
480 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIClientNoTGTReply 64681 |
481 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPILocalNoIPAddr 64682 |
482 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIWrongCredHandle 64683 |
483 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICryptoSysInvalid 64684 |
484 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIMaxTicketRef 64685 |
485 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIMustBeKDC 64686 |
486 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIStrongCryptoNotSupported 64687 |
487 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIOutOfSequence 64688 |
488 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoAuthAuthority 64689 |
489 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIContinueNeeded 64690 |
490 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICompleteNeeded 64691 |
491 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICompleteContinueNeeded 64692 |
492 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPILocalLogin 64693 |
493 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIBadPackageID 64694 |
494 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIContextExpired 64695 |
495 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIIncompleteMessage 64696 |
496 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIIncompleteCredentialNotInit 64697 |
497 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIBufferTooSmall 64698 |
498 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIIncompleteCredentialsInit 64699 |
499 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIRengotiate 64700 |
500 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIWrongPrincipal 64701 |
501 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoLSACode 64702 |
502 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPITimeScew 64703 |
503 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINotEnoughMem 64704 |
504 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIInvalidHandle 64705 |
505 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIFuncNotSupported 64706 |
506 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIUnknownTarget 64707 |
507 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIInternalError 64708 |
508 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISecPackageNotFound 64709 |
509 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINotOwner 64710 |
510 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIPackageCannotBeInstalled 64711 |
511 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIInvalidToken 64712 |
512 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICannotPack 64713 |
513 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIQOPNotSupported 64714 |
514 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoImpersonation 64715 |
515 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPILoginDenied 64716 |
516 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIUnknownCredentials 64717 |
517 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoCredentials 64718 |
518 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIMessageAltered 64719 |
519 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLCouldNotLoadSSLLibrary 64720 |
520 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLStatusString 64721 |
521 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLAlert 64722 |
522 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLReadAlert 64723 |
523 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLWriteAlert 64724 |
524 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLAcceptLoop 64725 |
525 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLAcceptError 64726 |
526 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLAcceptFailed 64727 |
527 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLAcceptExit 64728 |
528 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLConnectLoop 64729 |
529 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLConnectError 64730 |
530 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLConnectFailed 64731 |
531 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLConnectExit 64732 |
532 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLHandshakeStart 64733 |
533 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLHandshakeDone 64734 |
534 | #define IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISuccess 64735 |
535 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLConnectError 64736 |
536 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLSettingCipherError 64737 |
537 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLCreatingSessionError 64738 |
538 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLCreatingContextError 64739 |
539 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLLoadingRootCertError 64740 |
540 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLLoadingCertError 64741 |
541 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLLoadingKeyError 64742 |
542 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLLoadingDHParamsError 64743 |
543 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLGetMethodError 64744 |
544 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLFDSetError 64745 |
545 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLDataBindingError 64746 |
546 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLEOFViolation 64747 |
547 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSURINoProto 64748 |
548 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSURINoHost 64749 |
549 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSFailedToLoad 64750 |
550 | #define IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLModeNotSet 64751 |
551 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSMaximumNumberOfCaptureLineExceeded 64752 |
552 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSInterceptIsDifferent 64753 |
553 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSTransparentProxyCannotBind 64754 |
554 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSTransparentProxyCanNotSupportUDP 64755 |
555 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSBufferMissingTerminator 64756 |
556 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSBufferInvalidStartPos 64757 |
557 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSReplyInvalidCode 64758 |
558 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSReplyCodeAlreadyExists 64759 |
559 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSIOHandlerPropInvalid 64760 |
560 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSFIPSAlgorithmNotAllowed 64761 |
561 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSHTTPChunkStarted 64762 |
562 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSHTTPNotAcceptable 64763 |
563 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSHTTPUnknownProtocol 64764 |
564 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSHTTPMethodRequiresVersion 64765 |
565 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSHTTPAuthInvalidHash 64766 |
566 | #define IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLAcceptError 64767 |
567 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerCommandError 64768 |
568 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerAddressError 64769 |
569 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSInterceptCircularLink 64770 |
570 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSNotEnoughDataInBuffer 64771 |
571 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSTooMuchDataInBuffer 64772 |
572 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSFileNotFound 64773 |
573 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSNotConnected 64774 |
574 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSObjectTypeNotSupported 64775 |
575 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSIdNoDataToRead 64776 |
576 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSReadTimeout 64777 |
577 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSReadLnWaitMaxAttemptsExceeded 64778 |
578 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSReadLnMaxLineLengthExceeded 64779 |
579 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSRequiresLargeStream 64780 |
580 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSDataTooLarge 64781 |
581 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSConnectTimeout 64782 |
582 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSAlreadyConnected 64783 |
583 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSPackageSizeTooBig 64784 |
584 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSSetSizeExceeded 64785 |
585 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksUDPNotSupported 64786 |
586 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksRequestFailed 64787 |
587 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksRequestServerFailed 64788 |
588 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksRequestIdentFailed 64789 |
589 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksUnknownError 64790 |
590 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerRespondError 64791 |
591 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksAuthMethodError 64792 |
592 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksAuthError 64793 |
593 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerGeneralError 64794 |
594 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerPermissionError 64795 |
595 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerNetUnreachableError 64796 |
596 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerHostUnreachableError 64797 |
597 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerConnectionRefusedError 64798 |
598 | #define IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerTTLExpiredError 64799 |
599 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEHOSTDOWN 64800 |
600 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEHOSTUNREACH 64801 |
601 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOTEMPTY 64802 |
602 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackHOST_NOT_FOUND 64803 |
603 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackClassUndefined 64804 |
604 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackAlreadyCreated 64805 |
605 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSAntiFreezeOnlyOne 64806 |
606 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSCannotSetIPVersionWhenConnected 64807 |
607 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSCannotBindRange 64808 |
608 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSConnectionClosedGracefully 64809 |
609 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSCouldNotBindSocket 64810 |
610 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidPortRange 64811 |
611 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidServiceName 64812 |
612 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidIPv6Address 64813 |
613 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSIPVersionUnsupported 64814 |
614 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSNotAllBytesSent 64815 |
615 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEADDRINUSE 64816 |
616 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEADDRNOTAVAIL 64817 |
617 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENETDOWN 64818 |
618 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENETUNREACH 64819 |
619 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENETRESET 64820 |
620 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackECONNABORTED 64821 |
621 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackECONNRESET 64822 |
622 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOBUFS 64823 |
623 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEISCONN 64824 |
624 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOTCONN 64825 |
625 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackESHUTDOWN 64826 |
626 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackETOOMANYREFS 64827 |
627 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackETIMEDOUT 64828 |
628 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackECONNREFUSED 64829 |
629 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackELOOP 64830 |
630 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENAMETOOLONG 64831 |
631 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEFAULT 64832 |
632 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEINVAL 64833 |
633 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEMFILE 64834 |
634 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEWOULDBLOCK 64835 |
635 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEINPROGRESS 64836 |
636 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEALREADY 64837 |
637 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOTSOCK 64838 |
638 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEDESTADDRREQ 64839 |
639 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEMSGSIZE 64840 |
640 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPROTOTYPE 64841 |
641 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOPROTOOPT 64842 |
642 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPROTONOSUPPORT 64843 |
643 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackESOCKTNOSUPPORT 64844 |
644 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEOPNOTSUPP 64845 |
645 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPFNOSUPPORT 64846 |
646 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEAFNOSUPPORT 64847 |
647 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidCharCount 64848 |
648 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidDestinationIndex 64849 |
649 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidCodePage 64850 |
650 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSFailedTimeZoneInfo 64851 |
651 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSWinsockCallError 64852 |
652 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSWinsockLoadError 64853 |
653 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStatusResolving 64854 |
654 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStatusConnecting 64855 |
655 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStatusConnected 64856 |
656 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStatusDisconnecting 64857 |
657 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStatusDisconnected 64858 |
658 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStatusText 64859 |
659 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackError 64860 |
660 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEINTR 64861 |
661 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEBADF 64862 |
662 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSStackEACCES 64863 |
663 | #define MidConst_SNoConnectToBroker 64864 |
664 | #define MidConst_SNoParentConnection 64865 |
665 | #define MidConst_SInvalidOptParamType 64866 |
666 | #define MidConst_SConstraintFailed 64867 |
667 | #define MidConst_SField 64868 |
668 | #define MidConst_SRecConstFail 64869 |
669 | #define MidConst_SFieldConstFail 64870 |
670 | #define MidConst_SDefExprFail 64871 |
671 | #define MidConst_SNoEditsAllowed 64872 |
672 | #define MidConst_SNoDeletesAllowed 64873 |
673 | #define MidConst_SNoInsertsAllowed 64874 |
674 | #define MidConst_SConnectionMissing 64875 |
675 | #define MidConst_SNoCircularConnection 64876 |
676 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidSourceArray 64877 |
677 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidDestinationArray 64878 |
678 | #define IdResourceStrings_RSCharIndexOutOfBounds 64879 |
679 | #define VDBConsts_SPostEdit 64880 |
680 | #define VDBConsts_SCancelEdit 64881 |
681 | #define VDBConsts_SRefreshRecord 64882 |
682 | #define VDBConsts_SDeleteRecordQuestion 64883 |
683 | #define VDBConsts_SDeleteMultipleRecordsQuestion 64884 |
684 | #define VDBConsts_SDataSourceFixed 64885 |
685 | #define VDBConsts_SNotReplicatable 64886 |
686 | #define VDBConsts_SPropDefByLookup 64887 |
687 | #define VDBConsts_STooManyColumns 64888 |
688 | #define VDBConsts_SRemoteLogin 64889 |
689 | #define MidConst_SNoDataProvider 64890 |
690 | #define MidConst_SInvalidDataPacket 64891 |
691 | #define MidConst_SRefreshError 64892 |
692 | #define MidConst_SNoCircularReference 64893 |
693 | #define MidConst_SErrorLoadingMidas 64894 |
694 | #define MidConst_SCannotCreateDataSet 64895 |
695 | #define bdeconst_SLocalTransDirty 64896 |
696 | #define OleConst_SCannotActivate 64897 |
697 | #define OleConst_SNoWindowHandle 64898 |
698 | #define OleConst_SInvalidLicense 64899 |
699 | #define OleConst_SNotLicensed 64900 |
700 | #define OleConst_sNoRunningObject 64901 |
701 | #define JConsts_sChangeJPGSize 64902 |
702 | #define JConsts_sJPEGError 64903 |
703 | #define JConsts_sJPEGImageFile 64904 |
704 | #define VDBConsts_SFirstRecord 64905 |
705 | #define VDBConsts_SPriorRecord 64906 |
706 | #define VDBConsts_SNextRecord 64907 |
707 | #define VDBConsts_SLastRecord 64908 |
708 | #define VDBConsts_SInsertRecord 64909 |
709 | #define VDBConsts_SDeleteRecord 64910 |
710 | #define VDBConsts_SEditRecord 64911 |
711 | #define bdeconst_SSessionActive 64912 |
712 | #define bdeconst_SHandleError 64913 |
713 | #define bdeconst_SNoReferenceTableName 64914 |
714 | #define bdeconst_SEmptySQLStatement 64915 |
715 | #define bdeconst_SNoParameterValue 64916 |
716 | #define bdeconst_SLoginError 64917 |
717 | #define bdeconst_SInitError 64918 |
718 | #define bdeconst_SIDAPILangID 64919 |
719 | #define bdeconst_SBDEError 64920 |
720 | #define bdeconst_SIndexDoesNotExist 64921 |
721 | #define bdeconst_SNoTableName 64922 |
722 | #define bdeconst_SNoDataSetField 64923 |
723 | #define bdeconst_SNoCachedUpdates 64924 |
724 | #define bdeconst_SInvalidAliasName 64925 |
725 | #define bdeconst_SNoFieldAccess 64926 |
726 | #define bdeconst_SUntitled 64927 |
727 | #define QR5Const_sqrPreviewWindowCaption 64928 |
728 | #define QR5Const_sqrExitButtonCaption 64929 |
729 | #define QR5Const_sqrSearchNoResult 64930 |
730 | #define QR5Const_sqrCancelButtonHint 64931 |
731 | #define QR5Const_sqrCopyButtonHint 64932 |
732 | #define bdeconst_SAutoSessionExclusive 64933 |
733 | #define bdeconst_SAutoSessionExists 64934 |
734 | #define bdeconst_SAutoSessionActive 64935 |
735 | #define bdeconst_SDuplicateDatabaseName 64936 |
736 | #define bdeconst_SDuplicateSessionName 64937 |
737 | #define bdeconst_SInvalidSessionName 64938 |
738 | #define bdeconst_SDatabaseNameMissing 64939 |
739 | #define bdeconst_SSessionNameMissing 64940 |
740 | #define bdeconst_SDatabaseOpen 64941 |
741 | #define bdeconst_SDatabaseClosed 64942 |
742 | #define bdeconst_SDatabaseHandleSet 64943 |
743 | #define QR5Const_SqrConversionError 64944 |
744 | #define QR5Const_SqrDivisionByZero 64945 |
745 | #define QR5Const_SqrInvalidFormatnumeric 64946 |
746 | #define QR5Const_SqrSQRTInvalid 64947 |
747 | #define QR5Const_SqrInvalidNot 64948 |
748 | #define QR5Const_SqrGotoPage 64949 |
749 | #define QR5Const_sqrSearchResults 64950 |
750 | #define QR5Const_sqrThumbNails 64951 |
751 | #define QR5Const_sqrSearchText 64952 |
752 | #define QR5Const_sqrFindCaption 64953 |
753 | #define QR5Const_sqrClosePreview 64954 |
754 | #define QR5Const_sqrPageSelect 64955 |
755 | #define QR5Const_sqrGoPage 64956 |
756 | #define QR5Const_sqrMatchCase 64957 |
757 | #define QR5Const_sqrSearchButtonCaption 64958 |
758 | #define QR5Const_sqrSearchDialogCaption 64959 |
759 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpRecursive 64960 |
760 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpTooManyArgs 64961 |
761 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpWrongArguments 64962 |
762 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpUnknownType 64963 |
763 | #define QR5Const_SqrTrue 64964 |
764 | #define QR5Const_SqrFalse 64965 |
765 | #define QR5Const_SqrEvalNotPrepared 64966 |
766 | #define QR5Const_SqrName 64967 |
767 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpBldNumeric 64968 |
768 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpBldLogical 64969 |
769 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpBldText 64970 |
770 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpBldValue 64971 |
771 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpBldEnterParam 64972 |
772 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpBldError 64973 |
773 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpBldNoError 64974 |
774 | #define QR5Const_SqrMissingArgument 64975 |
775 | #define QR5Const_SqrFormatNumericDesc 64976 |
776 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpCannotOperator 64977 |
777 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpAdd 64978 |
778 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpSubtract 64979 |
779 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpMultiply 64980 |
780 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpDivide 64981 |
781 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpBoolean 64982 |
782 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpString 64983 |
783 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpNumeric 64984 |
784 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpDivideByZero 64985 |
785 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpOperatorNotCompatible 64986 |
786 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpUnknownFieldType 64987 |
787 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpIllegalCharInNumeric 64988 |
788 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpMissing 64989 |
789 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpUnknownFunction 64990 |
790 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpError 64991 |
791 | #define QR5Const_SqrSumDesc 64992 |
792 | #define QR5Const_SqrCopyDesc 64993 |
793 | #define QR5Const_SqrDivDesc 64994 |
794 | #define QR5Const_SqrCountDesc 64995 |
795 | #define QR5Const_SqrMaxDesc 64996 |
796 | #define QR5Const_SqrMinDesc 64997 |
797 | #define QR5Const_SqrAverageDesc 64998 |
798 | #define QR5Const_SqrBoolDesc 64999 |
799 | #define QR5Const_SqrIntDesc 65000 |
800 | #define QR5Const_SqrFracDesc 65001 |
801 | #define QR5Const_SqrSqrtDesc 65002 |
802 | #define QR5Const_SqrTypeofDesc 65003 |
803 | #define QR5Const_SqrNoCircular 65004 |
804 | #define QR5Const_SqrUpperDesc 65005 |
805 | #define QR5Const_SqrLowerDesc 65006 |
806 | #define QR5Const_SqrPrettyDesc 65007 |
807 | #define QR5Const_SqrTime 65008 |
808 | #define QR5Const_SqrDate 65009 |
809 | #define QR5Const_SqrDateTime 65010 |
810 | #define QR5Const_SqrPageNum 65011 |
811 | #define QR5Const_SqrReportTitle 65012 |
812 | #define QR5Const_SqrDetailCount 65013 |
813 | #define QR5Const_SqrDetailNo 65014 |
814 | #define QR5Const_SqrQuSoft 65015 |
815 | #define QR5Const_SqrNone 65016 |
816 | #define QR5Const_SqrFileNotExist 65017 |
817 | #define QR5Const_SqrCompleted 65018 |
818 | #define QR5Const_SqrQRFile 65019 |
819 | #define QR5Const_SqrIfDesc 65020 |
820 | #define QR5Const_SqrStrDesc 65021 |
821 | #define QR5Const_SqrTimeDesc 65022 |
822 | #define QR5Const_SqrDateDesc 65023 |
823 | #define QR5Const_SqrZoomToFit 65024 |
824 | #define QR5Const_SqrZoom100 65025 |
825 | #define QR5Const_SqrZoomToWidth 65026 |
826 | #define QR5Const_SqrFirstPage 65027 |
827 | #define QR5Const_SqrPrevPage 65028 |
828 | #define QR5Const_SqrNextPage 65029 |
829 | #define QR5Const_SqrLastPage 65030 |
830 | #define QR5Const_SqrPrinterSetup 65031 |
831 | #define QR5Const_SqrSaveReport 65032 |
832 | #define QR5Const_SqrLoadReport 65033 |
833 | #define QR5Const_SqrPage 65034 |
834 | #define QR5Const_SqrOf 65035 |
835 | #define QR5Const_SqrIllegalNewPage 65036 |
836 | #define QR5Const_SqrQRPrinterNotReady 65037 |
837 | #define QR5Const_SqrPrint 65038 |
838 | #define QR5Const_SqrExpression 65039 |
839 | #define QR5Const_SqrOverlay 65040 |
840 | #define QR5Const_SqrChild 65041 |
841 | #define QR5Const_SqrWild 65042 |
842 | #define QR5Const_SqrTitleBandName 65043 |
843 | #define QR5Const_SqrPageHeaderBandName 65044 |
844 | #define QR5Const_SqrDetailBandName 65045 |
845 | #define QR5Const_SqrPageFooterBandName 65046 |
846 | #define QR5Const_SqrSummaryBandName 65047 |
847 | #define QR5Const_SqrGroupHeaderBandName 65048 |
848 | #define QR5Const_SqrGroupFooterBandName 65049 |
849 | #define QR5Const_SqrSubDetailBandName 65050 |
850 | #define QR5Const_SqrColumnHeaderBandName 65051 |
851 | #define QR5Const_SqrOverlayBandName 65052 |
852 | #define QR5Const_SqrChildBandName 65053 |
853 | #define QR5Const_SqrWildBandName 65054 |
854 | #define QR5Const_SqrCancel 65055 |
855 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize63 65056 |
856 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize64 65057 |
857 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize65 65058 |
858 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize66 65059 |
859 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize67 65060 |
860 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize68 65061 |
861 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize69 65062 |
862 | #define QR5Const_SqrTitle 65063 |
863 | #define QR5Const_SqrPageHeader 65064 |
864 | #define QR5Const_SqrDetail 65065 |
865 | #define QR5Const_SqrPageFooter 65066 |
866 | #define QR5Const_SqrSummary 65067 |
867 | #define QR5Const_SqrGroupHeader 65068 |
868 | #define QR5Const_SqrGroupFooter 65069 |
869 | #define QR5Const_SqrSubDetail 65070 |
870 | #define QR5Const_SqrColumnHeader 65071 |
871 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize47 65072 |
872 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize48 65073 |
873 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize49 65074 |
874 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize50 65075 |
875 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize51 65076 |
876 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize52 65077 |
877 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize53 65078 |
878 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize54 65079 |
879 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize55 65080 |
880 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize56 65081 |
881 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize57 65082 |
882 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize58 65083 |
883 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize59 65084 |
884 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize60 65085 |
885 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize61 65086 |
886 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize62 65087 |
887 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize31 65088 |
888 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize32 65089 |
889 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize33 65090 |
890 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize34 65091 |
891 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize35 65092 |
892 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize36 65093 |
893 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize37 65094 |
894 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize38 65095 |
895 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize39 65096 |
896 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize40 65097 |
897 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize41 65098 |
898 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize42 65099 |
899 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize43 65100 |
900 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize44 65101 |
901 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize45 65102 |
902 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize46 65103 |
903 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize15 65104 |
904 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize16 65105 |
905 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize17 65106 |
906 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize18 65107 |
907 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize19 65108 |
908 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize20 65109 |
909 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize21 65110 |
910 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize22 65111 |
911 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize23 65112 |
912 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize24 65113 |
913 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize25 65114 |
914 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize26 65115 |
915 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize27 65116 |
916 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize28 65117 |
917 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize29 65118 |
918 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize30 65119 |
919 | 5 | avalancogn | #define ComStrs_sPageIndexError 65120 |
920 | 1 | avalancogn | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize0 65121 |
921 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize1 65122 |
922 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize2 65123 |
923 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize3 65124 |
924 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize4 65125 |
925 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize5 65126 |
926 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize6 65127 |
927 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize7 65128 |
928 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize8 65129 |
929 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize9 65130 |
930 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize10 65131 |
931 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize11 65132 |
932 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize12 65133 |
933 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize13 65134 |
934 | #define QR5Const_SqrPaperSize14 65135 |
935 | 5 | avalancogn | #define HelpIntfs_hNoTableOfContents 65136 |
936 | #define HelpIntfs_hNoTopics 65137 |
937 | #define HelpIntfs_hNothingFound 65138 |
938 | #define ComStrs_sTabFailClear 65139 |
939 | #define ComStrs_sTabFailDelete 65140 |
940 | #define ComStrs_sTabFailRetrieve 65141 |
941 | #define ComStrs_sTabFailGetObject 65142 |
942 | #define ComStrs_sTabFailSet 65143 |
943 | #define ComStrs_sTabFailSetObject 65144 |
944 | #define ComStrs_sTabMustBeMultiLine 65145 |
945 | #define ComStrs_sInvalidIndex 65146 |
946 | #define ComStrs_sInsertError 65147 |
947 | #define ComStrs_sRichEditInsertError 65148 |
948 | #define ComStrs_sRichEditLoadFail 65149 |
949 | #define ComStrs_sRichEditSaveFail 65150 |
950 | #define ComStrs_sUDAssociated 65151 |
951 | #define Consts_SANSIEncoding 65152 |
952 | #define Consts_SASCIIEncoding 65153 |
953 | #define Consts_SUnicodeEncoding 65154 |
954 | #define Consts_SBigEndianEncoding 65155 |
955 | #define Consts_SUTF8Encoding 65156 |
956 | #define Consts_SUTF7Encoding 65157 |
957 | #define Consts_SPageControlNotSet 65158 |
958 | #define Consts_SWindowsVistaRequired 65159 |
959 | #define Consts_SXPThemesRequired 65160 |
960 | #define Consts_STaskDlgButtonCaption 65161 |
961 | #define Consts_STaskDlgRadioButtonCaption 65162 |
962 | #define Consts_SInvalidTaskDlgButtonCaption 65163 |
963 | #define HelpIntfs_hNoContext 65164 |
964 | #define HelpIntfs_hNoContextFound 65165 |
965 | #define HelpIntfs_hNoIndex 65166 |
966 | #define HelpIntfs_hNoSearch 65167 |
967 | #define Consts_SInvalidPrinterOp 65168 |
968 | #define Consts_SNoDefaultPrinter 65169 |
969 | #define Consts_SDuplicateMenus 65170 |
970 | #define Consts_SPictureLabel 65171 |
971 | #define Consts_SPictureDesc 65172 |
972 | #define Consts_SPreviewLabel 65173 |
973 | #define Consts_SDockedCtlNeedsName 65174 |
974 | #define Consts_SDockTreeRemoveError 65175 |
975 | #define Consts_SDockZoneNotFound 65176 |
976 | #define Consts_SDockZoneHasNoCtl 65177 |
977 | #define Consts_SDockZoneVersionConflict 65178 |
978 | #define Consts_SMultiSelectRequired 65179 |
979 | #define Consts_SSeparator 65180 |
980 | #define Consts_SErrorSettingCount 65181 |
981 | #define Consts_SListBoxMustBeVirtual 65182 |
982 | #define Consts_SInvalidPath 65183 |
983 | #define Consts_SmkcRight 65184 |
984 | #define Consts_SmkcDown 65185 |
985 | #define Consts_SmkcIns 65186 |
986 | #define Consts_SmkcDel 65187 |
987 | #define Consts_SmkcShift 65188 |
988 | #define Consts_SmkcCtrl 65189 |
989 | #define Consts_SmkcAlt 65190 |
990 | #define Consts_srNone 65191 |
991 | #define Consts_SOutOfRange 65192 |
992 | #define Consts_sAllFilter 65193 |
993 | #define Consts_SInsertLineError 65194 |
994 | #define Consts_SInvalidClipFmt 65195 |
995 | #define Consts_SIconToClipboard 65196 |
996 | #define Consts_SCannotOpenClipboard 65197 |
997 | #define Consts_SDefault 65198 |
998 | #define Consts_SInvalidMemoSize 65199 |
999 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgIgnore 65200 |
1000 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgAll 65201 |
1001 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgNoToAll 65202 |
1002 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgYesToAll 65203 |
1003 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgClose 65204 |
1004 | #define Consts_SmkcBkSp 65205 |
1005 | #define Consts_SmkcTab 65206 |
1006 | #define Consts_SmkcEsc 65207 |
1007 | #define Consts_SmkcEnter 65208 |
1008 | #define Consts_SmkcSpace 65209 |
1009 | #define Consts_SmkcPgUp 65210 |
1010 | #define Consts_SmkcPgDn 65211 |
1011 | #define Consts_SmkcEnd 65212 |
1012 | #define Consts_SmkcHome 65213 |
1013 | #define Consts_SmkcLeft 65214 |
1014 | #define Consts_SmkcUp 65215 |
1015 | #define Consts_SFixedColTooBig 65216 |
1016 | #define Consts_SFixedRowTooBig 65217 |
1017 | #define Consts_SInvalidStringGridOp 65218 |
1018 | #define Consts_SMaskErr 65219 |
1019 | #define Consts_SMaskEditErr 65220 |
1020 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgWarning 65221 |
1021 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgError 65222 |
1022 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgInformation 65223 |
1023 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgConfirm 65224 |
1024 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgYes 65225 |
1025 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgNo 65226 |
1026 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgOK 65227 |
1027 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgCancel 65228 |
1028 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgHelp 65229 |
1029 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgAbort 65230 |
1030 | #define Consts_SMsgDlgRetry 65231 |
1031 | #define Consts_SYesButton 65232 |
1032 | #define Consts_SNoButton 65233 |
1033 | #define Consts_SHelpButton 65234 |
1034 | #define Consts_SCloseButton 65235 |
1035 | #define Consts_SIgnoreButton 65236 |
1036 | #define Consts_SRetryButton 65237 |
1037 | #define Consts_SAbortButton 65238 |
1038 | #define Consts_SAllButton 65239 |
1039 | #define Consts_SCannotDragForm 65240 |
1040 | #define Consts_SVMetafiles 65241 |
1041 | #define Consts_SVEnhMetafiles 65242 |
1042 | #define Consts_SVIcons 65243 |
1043 | #define Consts_SVBitmaps 65244 |
1044 | #define Consts_SGridTooLarge 65245 |
1045 | #define Consts_STooManyDeleted 65246 |
1046 | #define Consts_SIndexOutOfRange 65247 |
1047 | #define Consts_SScrollBarRange 65248 |
1048 | #define Consts_SPropertyOutOfRange 65249 |
1049 | #define Consts_SMenuIndexError 65250 |
1050 | #define Consts_SMenuReinserted 65251 |
1051 | #define Consts_SMenuNotFound 65252 |
1052 | #define Consts_SNoTimers 65253 |
1053 | #define Consts_SNotPrinting 65254 |
1054 | #define Consts_SPrinting 65255 |
1055 | #define Consts_SPrinterIndexError 65256 |
1056 | #define Consts_SInvalidPrinter 65257 |
1057 | #define Consts_SDeviceOnPort 65258 |
1058 | #define Consts_SGroupIndexTooLow 65259 |
1059 | #define Consts_SNoMDIForm 65260 |
1060 | #define Consts_SControlParentSetToSelf 65261 |
1061 | #define Consts_SOKButton 65262 |
1062 | #define Consts_SCancelButton 65263 |
1063 | #define Consts_SOutOfResources 65264 |
1064 | #define Consts_SNoCanvasHandle 65265 |
1065 | #define Consts_SInvalidImageSize 65266 |
1066 | #define Consts_SInvalidImageList 65267 |
1067 | #define Consts_SReplaceImage 65268 |
1068 | #define Consts_SImageIndexError 65269 |
1069 | #define Consts_SImageReadFail 65270 |
1070 | #define Consts_SImageWriteFail 65271 |
1071 | #define Consts_SWindowDCError 65272 |
1072 | #define Consts_SWindowClass 65273 |
1073 | #define Consts_SCannotFocus 65274 |
1074 | #define Consts_SParentRequired 65275 |
1075 | #define Consts_SParentGivenNotAParent 65276 |
1076 | #define Consts_SMDIChildNotVisible 65277 |
1077 | #define Consts_SVisibleChanged 65278 |
1078 | #define Consts_SCannotShowModal 65279 |
1079 | #define ComConst_SNoMethod 65280 |
1080 | #define ComConst_SVarNotObject 65281 |
1081 | #define ComConst_STooManyParams 65282 |
1082 | #define ComConst_SDCOMNotInstalled 65283 |
1083 | #define Consts_SInvalidTabPosition 65284 |
1084 | #define Consts_SInvalidTabStyle 65285 |
1085 | #define Consts_SInvalidBitmap 65286 |
1086 | #define Consts_SInvalidIcon 65287 |
1087 | #define Consts_SInvalidMetafile 65288 |
1088 | #define Consts_SInvalidPixelFormat 65289 |
1089 | #define Consts_SInvalidImage 65290 |
1090 | #define Consts_SScanLine 65291 |
1091 | #define Consts_SChangeIconSize 65292 |
1092 | #define Consts_SOleGraphic 65293 |
1093 | #define Consts_SUnknownExtension 65294 |
1094 | #define Consts_SUnknownClipboardFormat 65295 |
1095 | 1 | avalancogn | #define DBConsts_SParameterNotFound 65296 |
1096 | #define DBConsts_SInvalidVersion 65297 |
1097 | #define DBConsts_SBadFieldType 65298 |
1098 | #define DBConsts_SAggActive 65299 |
1099 | #define DBConsts_SProviderSQLNotSupported 65300 |
1100 | #define DBConsts_SProviderExecuteNotSupported 65301 |
1101 | #define DBConsts_SExprNoAggOnCalcs 65302 |
1102 | #define DBConsts_SDataSetUnidirectional 65303 |
1103 | #define DBConsts_SUnassignedVar 65304 |
1104 | #define DBConsts_SRecordNotFound 65305 |
1105 | #define DBConsts_SBcdOverflow 65306 |
1106 | #define DBConsts_SInvalidBcdValue 65307 |
1107 | #define DBConsts_SInvalidFormatType 65308 |
1108 | #define DBConsts_SCouldNotParseTimeStamp 65309 |
1109 | #define DBConsts_SInvalidSqlTimeStamp 65310 |
1110 | 5 | avalancogn | #define ComConst_SOleError 65311 |
1111 | 1 | avalancogn | #define DBConsts_SExprExpected 65312 |
1112 | #define DBConsts_SExprBadField 65313 |
1113 | #define DBConsts_SExprBadNullTest 65314 |
1114 | #define DBConsts_SExprRangeError 65315 |
1115 | #define DBConsts_SExprIncorrect 65316 |
1116 | #define DBConsts_SExprNothing 65317 |
1117 | #define DBConsts_SExprTypeMis 65318 |
1118 | #define DBConsts_SExprBadScope 65319 |
1119 | #define DBConsts_SExprNoArith 65320 |
1120 | #define DBConsts_SExprNotAgg 65321 |
1121 | #define DBConsts_SExprBadConst 65322 |
1122 | #define DBConsts_SExprNoAggFilter 65323 |
1123 | #define DBConsts_SExprEmptyInList 65324 |
1124 | #define DBConsts_SInvalidKeywordUse 65325 |
1125 | #define DBConsts_STextFalse 65326 |
1126 | #define DBConsts_STextTrue 65327 |
1127 | #define DBConsts_SLookupInfoError 65328 |
1128 | #define DBConsts_SDataSourceChange 65329 |
1129 | #define DBConsts_SNoNestedMasterSource 65330 |
1130 | #define DBConsts_SDataSetOpen 65331 |
1131 | #define DBConsts_SNotEditing 65332 |
1132 | #define DBConsts_SDataSetClosed 65333 |
1133 | #define DBConsts_SDataSetEmpty 65334 |
1134 | #define DBConsts_SDataSetReadOnly 65335 |
1135 | #define DBConsts_SNestedDataSetClass 65336 |
1136 | #define DBConsts_SExprTermination 65337 |
1137 | #define DBConsts_SExprNameError 65338 |
1138 | #define DBConsts_SExprStringError 65339 |
1139 | #define DBConsts_SExprInvalidChar 65340 |
1140 | #define DBConsts_SExprNoLParen 65341 |
1141 | #define DBConsts_SExprNoRParen 65342 |
1142 | #define DBConsts_SExprNoRParenOrComma 65343 |
1143 | #define DBConsts_SFieldTypeMismatch 65344 |
1144 | #define DBConsts_SFieldSizeMismatch 65345 |
1145 | #define DBConsts_SInvalidVarByteArray 65346 |
1146 | #define DBConsts_SFieldOutOfRange 65347 |
1147 | #define DBConsts_SFieldRequired 65348 |
1148 | #define DBConsts_SDataSetMissing 65349 |
1149 | #define DBConsts_SInvalidCalcType 65350 |
1150 | #define DBConsts_SFieldReadOnly 65351 |
1151 | #define DBConsts_SFieldIndexError 65352 |
1152 | #define DBConsts_SNoFieldIndexes 65353 |
1153 | #define DBConsts_SNotIndexField 65354 |
1154 | #define DBConsts_SIndexFieldMissing 65355 |
1155 | #define DBConsts_SNoIndexForFields 65356 |
1156 | #define DBConsts_SIndexNotFound 65357 |
1157 | #define DBConsts_SDBDuplicateName 65358 |
1158 | #define DBConsts_SCircularDataLink 65359 |
1159 | #define RTLConsts_SInvalidInteger 65360 |
1160 | #define RTLConsts_SInvalidTime 65361 |
1161 | #define RTLConsts_STimeEncodeError 65362 |
1162 | #define DBConsts_SInvalidFieldSize 65363 |
1163 | #define DBConsts_SInvalidFieldKind 65364 |
1164 | #define DBConsts_SUnknownFieldType 65365 |
1165 | #define DBConsts_SFieldNameMissing 65366 |
1166 | #define DBConsts_SDuplicateFieldName 65367 |
1167 | #define DBConsts_SFieldNotFound 65368 |
1168 | #define DBConsts_SFieldAccessError 65369 |
1169 | #define DBConsts_SFieldValueError 65370 |
1170 | #define DBConsts_SFieldRangeError 65371 |
1171 | #define DBConsts_SBcdFieldRangeError 65372 |
1172 | #define DBConsts_SInvalidIntegerValue 65373 |
1173 | #define DBConsts_SInvalidBoolValue 65374 |
1174 | #define DBConsts_SInvalidFloatValue 65375 |
1175 | #define RTLConsts_SResNotFound 65376 |
1176 | #define RTLConsts_SSeekNotImplemented 65377 |
1177 | #define RTLConsts_SSortedListError 65378 |
1178 | #define RTLConsts_SUnknownGroup 65379 |
1179 | #define RTLConsts_SUnknownProperty 65380 |
1180 | #define RTLConsts_SWriteError 65381 |
1181 | #define RTLConsts_SThreadCreateError 65382 |
1182 | #define RTLConsts_SThreadError 65383 |
1183 | #define RTLConsts_SThreadExternalTerminate 65384 |
1184 | #define RTLConsts_SThreadExternalWait 65385 |
1185 | #define RTLConsts_hNoFilterViewer 65386 |
1186 | #define RTLConsts_sArgumentOutOfRange_StringIndex 65387 |
1187 | #define RTLConsts_sArgument_InvalidHighSurrogate 65388 |
1188 | #define RTLConsts_sArgument_InvalidLowSurrogate 65389 |
1189 | #define RTLConsts_SInvalidDate 65390 |
1190 | #define RTLConsts_SInvalidDateTime 65391 |
1191 | #define RTLConsts_SInvalidName 65392 |
1192 | #define RTLConsts_SInvalidProperty 65393 |
1193 | #define RTLConsts_SInvalidPropertyElement 65394 |
1194 | #define RTLConsts_SInvalidPropertyPath 65395 |
1195 | #define RTLConsts_SInvalidPropertyType 65396 |
1196 | #define RTLConsts_SInvalidPropertyValue 65397 |
1197 | #define RTLConsts_SInvalidRegType 65398 |
1198 | #define RTLConsts_SListCapacityError 65399 |
1199 | #define RTLConsts_SListCountError 65400 |
1200 | #define RTLConsts_SListIndexError 65401 |
1201 | #define RTLConsts_SMemoryStreamError 65402 |
1202 | #define RTLConsts_SPropertyException 65403 |
1203 | #define RTLConsts_SReadError 65404 |
1204 | #define RTLConsts_SReadOnlyProperty 65405 |
1205 | #define RTLConsts_SRegGetDataFailed 65406 |
1206 | #define RTLConsts_SRegSetDataFailed 65407 |
1207 | #define SysConst_SInvalidCodePage 65408 |
1208 | #define RTLConsts_SAncestorNotFound 65409 |
1209 | #define RTLConsts_SAssignError 65410 |
1210 | #define RTLConsts_SBitsIndexError 65411 |
1211 | #define RTLConsts_SCantWriteResourceStreamError 65412 |
1212 | #define RTLConsts_SCheckSynchronizeError 65413 |
1213 | #define RTLConsts_SClassNotFound 65414 |
1214 | #define RTLConsts_SDuplicateClass 65415 |
1215 | #define RTLConsts_SDuplicateItem 65416 |
1216 | #define RTLConsts_SDuplicateName 65417 |
1217 | #define RTLConsts_SDuplicateString 65418 |
1218 | #define RTLConsts_SFCreateErrorEx 65419 |
1219 | #define RTLConsts_SFOpenErrorEx 65420 |
1220 | #define RTLConsts_SIniFileWriteError 65421 |
1221 | #define RTLConsts_SInvalidFileName 65422 |
1222 | #define RTLConsts_SInvalidImage 65423 |
1223 | #define SysConst_SShortDayNameFri 65424 |
1224 | #define SysConst_SShortDayNameSat 65425 |
1225 | #define SysConst_SLongDayNameSun 65426 |
1226 | #define SysConst_SLongDayNameMon 65427 |
1227 | #define SysConst_SLongDayNameTue 65428 |
1228 | #define SysConst_SLongDayNameWed 65429 |
1229 | #define SysConst_SLongDayNameThu 65430 |
1230 | #define SysConst_SLongDayNameFri 65431 |
1231 | #define SysConst_SLongDayNameSat 65432 |
1232 | #define SysConst_SCannotCreateDir 65433 |
1233 | #define SysConst_SInvalidSourceArray 65434 |
1234 | #define SysConst_SInvalidDestinationArray 65435 |
1235 | #define SysConst_SCharIndexOutOfBounds 65436 |
1236 | #define SysConst_SByteIndexOutOfBounds 65437 |
1237 | #define SysConst_SInvalidCharCount 65438 |
1238 | #define SysConst_SInvalidDestinationIndex 65439 |
1239 | #define SysConst_SLongMonthNameFeb 65440 |
1240 | #define SysConst_SLongMonthNameMar 65441 |
1241 | #define SysConst_SLongMonthNameApr 65442 |
1242 | #define SysConst_SLongMonthNameMay 65443 |
1243 | #define SysConst_SLongMonthNameJun 65444 |
1244 | #define SysConst_SLongMonthNameJul 65445 |
1245 | #define SysConst_SLongMonthNameAug 65446 |
1246 | #define SysConst_SLongMonthNameSep 65447 |
1247 | #define SysConst_SLongMonthNameOct 65448 |
1248 | #define SysConst_SLongMonthNameNov 65449 |
1249 | #define SysConst_SLongMonthNameDec 65450 |
1250 | #define SysConst_SShortDayNameSun 65451 |
1251 | #define SysConst_SShortDayNameMon 65452 |
1252 | #define SysConst_SShortDayNameTue 65453 |
1253 | #define SysConst_SShortDayNameWed 65454 |
1254 | #define SysConst_SShortDayNameThu 65455 |
1255 | #define SysConst_SOSError 65456 |
1256 | #define SysConst_SUnkOSError 65457 |
1257 | #define SysConst_SNL 65458 |
1258 | #define SysConst_SShortMonthNameJan 65459 |
1259 | #define SysConst_SShortMonthNameFeb 65460 |
1260 | #define SysConst_SShortMonthNameMar 65461 |
1261 | #define SysConst_SShortMonthNameApr 65462 |
1262 | #define SysConst_SShortMonthNameMay 65463 |
1263 | #define SysConst_SShortMonthNameJun 65464 |
1264 | #define SysConst_SShortMonthNameJul 65465 |
1265 | #define SysConst_SShortMonthNameAug 65466 |
1266 | #define SysConst_SShortMonthNameSep 65467 |
1267 | #define SysConst_SShortMonthNameOct 65468 |
1268 | #define SysConst_SShortMonthNameNov 65469 |
1269 | #define SysConst_SShortMonthNameDec 65470 |
1270 | #define SysConst_SLongMonthNameJan 65471 |
1271 | #define SysConst_SVarTypeCouldNotConvert 65472 |
1272 | #define SysConst_SVarTypeConvertOverflow 65473 |
1273 | #define SysConst_SVarOverflow 65474 |
1274 | #define SysConst_SVarInvalid 65475 |
1275 | #define SysConst_SVarBadType 65476 |
1276 | #define SysConst_SVarNotImplemented 65477 |
1277 | #define SysConst_SVarUnexpected 65478 |
1278 | #define SysConst_SExternalException 65479 |
1279 | #define SysConst_SAssertionFailed 65480 |
1280 | #define SysConst_SIntfCastError 65481 |
1281 | #define SysConst_SSafecallException 65482 |
1282 | #define SysConst_SMonitorLockException 65483 |
1283 | #define SysConst_SNoMonitorSupportException 65484 |
1284 | #define SysConst_SAssertError 65485 |
1285 | #define SysConst_SAbstractError 65486 |
1286 | #define SysConst_SModuleAccessViolation 65487 |
1287 | #define SysConst_SDispatchError 65488 |
1288 | #define SysConst_SReadAccess 65489 |
1289 | #define SysConst_SWriteAccess 65490 |
1290 | #define SysConst_SFormatTooLong 65491 |
1291 | #define SysConst_SVarArrayCreate 65492 |
1292 | #define SysConst_SVarArrayBounds 65493 |
1293 | #define SysConst_SVarArrayLocked 65494 |
1294 | #define SysConst_SVarArrayWithHResult 65495 |
1295 | #define SysConst_SInvalidVarCast 65496 |
1296 | #define SysConst_SInvalidVarOp 65497 |
1297 | #define SysConst_SInvalidVarNullOp 65498 |
1298 | #define SysConst_SInvalidVarOpWithHResultWithPrefix 65499 |
1299 | #define SysConst_SVarTypeOutOfRangeWithPrefix 65500 |
1300 | #define SysConst_SVarTypeAlreadyUsedWithPrefix 65501 |
1301 | #define SysConst_SVarTypeNotUsableWithPrefix 65502 |
1302 | #define SysConst_SVarTypeTooManyCustom 65503 |
1303 | #define SysConst_SInvalidOp 65504 |
1304 | #define SysConst_SZeroDivide 65505 |
1305 | #define SysConst_SOverflow 65506 |
1306 | #define SysConst_SUnderflow 65507 |
1307 | #define SysConst_SInvalidPointer 65508 |
1308 | #define SysConst_SInvalidCast 65509 |
1309 | #define SysConst_SAccessViolationArg3 65510 |
1310 | #define SysConst_SAccessViolationNoArg 65511 |
1311 | #define SysConst_SStackOverflow 65512 |
1312 | #define SysConst_SControlC 65513 |
1313 | #define SysConst_SPrivilege 65514 |
1314 | #define SysConst_SOperationAborted 65515 |
1315 | #define SysConst_SException 65516 |
1316 | #define SysConst_SExceptTitle 65517 |
1317 | #define SysConst_SInvalidFormat 65518 |
1318 | #define SysConst_SArgumentMissing 65519 |
1319 | #define SysConst_SInvalidFloat 65520 |
1320 | #define SysConst_SInvalidTimeStamp 65521 |
1321 | #define SysConst_SInvalidGUID 65522 |
1322 | #define SysConst_SInvalidBoolean 65523 |
1323 | #define SysConst_SDateEncodeError 65524 |
1324 | #define SysConst_SOutOfMemory 65525 |
1325 | #define SysConst_SInOutError 65526 |
1326 | #define SysConst_SFileNotFound 65527 |
1327 | #define SysConst_STooManyOpenFiles 65528 |
1328 | #define SysConst_SAccessDenied 65529 |
1329 | #define SysConst_SEndOfFile 65530 |
1330 | #define SysConst_SDiskFull 65531 |
1331 | #define SysConst_SInvalidInput 65532 |
1332 | #define SysConst_SDivByZero 65533 |
1333 | #define SysConst_SRangeError 65534 |
1334 | #define SysConst_SIntOverflow 65535 |
1336 | BEGIN |
1337 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrB4, "Data TLB1: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 256 entries" |
1338 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrBA, "Data TLB1: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries" |
1339 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrC0, "Data TLB: 4 KByte and 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 8 entries" |
1340 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrCA, "Shared 2nd-Level TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way associative, 512 entries" |
1341 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrE4, "3rd-level cache: 8 MByte, 16-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1342 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrF0, "64-Byte Prefetching" |
1343 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrF1, "128-Byte Prefetching" |
1344 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrFF, "CPUID leaf 2 does not report cache descriptor information, use CPUID leaf 4 to query cache parameters" |
1345 | JclResources_RsInvalidMMFName, "Invalid MMF name \"%s\"" |
1346 | JclResources_RsInvalidMMFEmpty, "The MMF named \"%s\" cannot be created empty" |
1347 | JclResources_RsWin32Error, "Win32 error: %s (%u)%s%s" |
1348 | JvJCLUtils_RsEPivotLessThanZero, "JvJCLUtils.MakeYear4Digit: Pivot < 0" |
1349 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr7A, "2nd-level cache: 256 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 bytes line size, 2 lines per sector" |
1350 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr7B, "2nd-level cache: 512 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 bytes line size, 2 lines per sector" |
1351 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr7C, "2nd-level cache: 1 MBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 bytes line size, 2 lines per sector" |
1352 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr7D, "2nd-level cache: 2 MBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1353 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr7F, "2nd-level cache: 512 KBytes, 2-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1354 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr80, "2nd-level cache: 512 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1355 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr82, "2nd-level cache: 256 KBytes, 8-way associative, 32 byte line size" |
1356 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr83, "2nd-level cache: 512 KBytes, 8-way associative, 32 byte line size" |
1357 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr84, "2nd-level cache: 1 MBytes, 8-way associative, 32 byte line size" |
1358 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr85, "2nd-level cache: 2 MBytes, 8-way associative, 32 byte line size" |
1359 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr86, "2nd-level cache: 512 KByte, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1360 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr87, "2nd-level cache: 1 MByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1361 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrB0, "Instruction TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 128 entries" |
1362 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrB1, "Instruction TLB: 2 MByte pages, 4-way, 8 entries or 4 MByte pages, 4-way, 4 entries" |
1363 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrB2, "Instruction TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries" |
1364 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescrB3, "Data TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 128 entries" |
1365 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr57, "Data TLB0: 4 KByte pages, 4-way associative, 16 entries" |
1366 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr59, "Data TLB0: 4 KByte pages, fully associative, 16 entries" |
1367 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr5A, "Data TLB0: 2 MByte or 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries" |
1368 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr5B, "Data TLB: 4 KByte and 4 MByte pages, 64 Entries" |
1369 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr5C, "Data TLB: 4 KByte and 4 MByte pages, 128 Entries" |
1370 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr5D, "Data TLB: 4 KByte and 4 MByte pages, 256 Entries" |
1371 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr60, "1st-level data cache: 16 KByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1372 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr66, "1st-level data cache: 8 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1373 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr67, "1st-level data cache: 16 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1374 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr68, "1st-level data cache: 32 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1375 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr70, "Trace cache: 12 K-Ops, 8-way set associative" |
1376 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr71, "Trace cache: 16 K-Ops, 8-way set associative" |
1377 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr72, "Trace cache: 32 K-Ops, 8-way set associative" |
1378 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr73, "Trace cache: 64 K-Ops, 8-way set associative" |
1379 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr78, "2nd-level cache: 1 MBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 bytes line size" |
1380 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr79, "2nd-level cache: 128 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 bytes line size, 2 lines per sector" |
1381 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr45, "2nd-level cache: 2 MBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" |
1382 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr46, "3rd-level cache: 4 MBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1383 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr47, "3rd-level cache: 8 MBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1384 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr48, "3rd-level cache: 8 MByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1385 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr49, "2nd-level cache: 4 MBytes, 16-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1386 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr4A, "3rd-level cache: 6MByte, 12-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1387 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr4B, "3rd-level cache: 8MByte, 16-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1388 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr4C, "3rd-level cache: 12MByte, 12-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1389 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr4D, "3rd-level cache: 16MByte, 16-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1390 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr4E, "2nd-level cache: 6MByte, 24-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1391 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr4F, "Instruction TLB: 4 KByte pages, 32 Entries" |
1392 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr50, "Instruction TLB: 4 KByte and 2 MByte or 4 MByte pages, 64 Entries" |
1393 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr51, "Instruction TLB: 4 KByte and 2 MByte or 4 MByte pages, 128 Entries" |
1394 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr52, "Instruction TLB: 4 KByte and 2 MByte or 4 MByte pages, 256 Entries" |
1395 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr55, "Instruction TLB: 2-MByte or 4-MByte pages, fully associative, 7 entries" |
1396 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr56, "Data TLB0: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 16 entries" |
1397 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr23, "3rd level cache: 1 MBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector" |
1398 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr25, "3rd level cache: 2 MBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector" |
1399 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr29, "3rd level cache: 4 MBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector" |
1400 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr2C, "1st level data cache: 32 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1401 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr30, "1st level instruction cache: 32 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1402 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr39, "2nd-level cache: 128 KBytes, 4-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size" |
1403 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr3A, "2nd-level cache: 192 KBytes, 6-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size" |
1404 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr3B, "2nd-level cache: 128 KBytes, 2-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size" |
1405 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr3C, "2nd-level cache: 256 KBytes, 4-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size" |
1406 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr3D, "2nd-level cache: 384 KBytes, 6-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size" |
1407 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr3E, "2nd-level cache: 512 KBytes, 4-way set associative, sectored cache, 64-byte line size" |
1408 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr40, "No 2nd-level cache or, if processor contains a valid 2nd-level cache, no 3rd-level cache" |
1409 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr41, "2nd-level cache: 128 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" |
1410 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr42, "2nd-level cache: 256 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" |
1411 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr43, "2nd-level cache: 512 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" |
1412 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr44, "2nd-level cache: 1 MBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" |
1413 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr00, "Null descriptor" |
1414 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr01, "Instruction TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries" |
1415 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr02, "Instruction TLB: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 2 entries" |
1416 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr03, "Data TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries" |
1417 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr04, "Data TLB: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 8 entries" |
1418 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr05, "Data TLB1: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries" |
1419 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr06, "1st level instruction cache: 8 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" |
1420 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr08, "1st level instruction cache: 16 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" |
1421 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr09, "1st level instruction cache: 32 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1422 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr0A, "1st level data cache: 8 KBytes, 2-way set associative, 32 byte line size" |
1423 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr0B, "Instruction TLB: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 4 entries" |
1424 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr0C, "1st level data cache: 16 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" |
1425 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr0D, "1st level data cache: 16 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1426 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr0E, "1st level data cache: 24 KBytes, 6-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1427 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr21, "2nd level cache: 256 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size" |
1428 | JclResources_RsIntelCacheDescr22, "3rd level cache: 512 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector" |
1429 | JvResources_RsClInactiveCaptionText, "Inactive window title bar text" |
1430 | JvResources_RsClBtnHighlight, "Button highlight" |
1431 | JvResources_RsCl3DDkShadow, "Dark shadow 3D elements" |
1432 | JvResources_RsCl3DLight, "Highlight 3D elements" |
1433 | JvResources_RsClInfoText, "Tooltip text" |
1434 | JvResources_RsClInfoBk, "Tooltip background" |
1435 | JvResources_RsGradientActiveCaption, "Gradient Active Caption" |
1436 | JvResources_RsGradientInactiveCaption, "Gradient Inactive Caption" |
1437 | JvResources_RsHotLight, "Hot Light" |
1438 | JvResources_RsMenuBar, "Menu Bar" |
1439 | JvResources_RsMenuHighlight, "Menu Highlight" |
1440 | JvResources_RsEBaseTooBig, "Base > 36 not supported" |
1441 | JvResources_RsEBaseTooSmall, "Base must be greater than 1" |
1442 | JclResources_RsEReplacementChar, "Failed to get ANSI replacement character" |
1443 | JclResources_RsArgumentOutOfRange, "Argument out of range" |
1444 | JclResources_RsSynchCreateMutex, "Failed to create mutex" |
1445 | JvResources_RsClInactiveCaption, "Inactive window title bar" |
1446 | JvResources_RsClMenu, "Menu background" |
1447 | JvResources_RsClWindow, "Window background" |
1448 | JvResources_RsClWindowFrame, "Window frame" |
1449 | JvResources_RsClMenuText, "Menu text" |
1450 | JvResources_RsClWindowText, "Window text" |
1451 | JvResources_RsClCaptionText, "Active window title bar text" |
1452 | JvResources_RsClActiveBorder, "Active window border" |
1453 | JvResources_RsClInactiveBorder, "Inactive window border" |
1454 | JvResources_RsClAppWorkSpace, "Application workspace" |
1455 | JvResources_RsClHighlight, "Selection background" |
1456 | JvResources_RsClHighlightText, "Selection text" |
1457 | JvResources_RsClBtnFace, "Button face" |
1458 | JvResources_RsClBtnShadow, "Button shadow" |
1459 | JvResources_RsClGrayText, "Dimmed text" |
1460 | JvResources_RsClBtnText, "Button text" |
1461 | JvResources_RsClPink, "Pink" |
1462 | JvResources_RsClGold, "Gold" |
1463 | JvResources_RsClBrightGreen, "Bright Green" |
1464 | JvResources_RsClTurquoise, "Turquoise" |
1465 | JvResources_RsClPlum, "Plum" |
1466 | JvResources_RsClGray25, "Gray 25%" |
1467 | JvResources_RsClRose, "Rose" |
1468 | JvResources_RsClTan, "Tan" |
1469 | JvResources_RsClLightYellow, "Light Yellow" |
1470 | JvResources_RsClLightGreen, "Light Green" |
1471 | JvResources_RsClLightTurquoise, "Light Turquoise" |
1472 | JvResources_RsClPaleBlue, "Pale Blue" |
1473 | JvResources_RsClLavender, "Lavender" |
1474 | JvResources_RsClScrollBar, "Scrollbar" |
1475 | JvResources_RsClBackground, "Desktop background" |
1476 | JvResources_RsClActiveCaption, "Active window title bar" |
1477 | JvResources_RsClOliveGreen, "Olive Green" |
1478 | JvResources_RsClDarkGreen, "Dark Green" |
1479 | JvResources_RsClDarkTeal, "Dark Teal" |
1480 | JvResources_RsClDarkBlue, "Dark Blue" |
1481 | JvResources_RsClIndigo, "Indigo" |
1482 | JvResources_RsClGray80, "Gray 80%" |
1483 | JvResources_RsClDarkRed, "Dark Red" |
1484 | JvResources_RsClOrange, "Orange" |
1485 | JvResources_RsClDarkYellow, "Dark Yellow" |
1486 | JvResources_RsClBlueGray, "Blue Gray" |
1487 | JvResources_RsClGray50, "Gray 50%" |
1488 | JvResources_RsClLightOrange, "Light Orange" |
1489 | JvResources_RsClSeaGreen, "Sea Green" |
1490 | JvResources_RsClLightBlue, "Light Blue" |
1491 | JvResources_RsClViolet, "Violet" |
1492 | JvResources_RsClGray40, "Gray 40%" |
1493 | JvResources_RsClPurple, "Purple" |
1494 | JvResources_RsClTeal, "Teal" |
1495 | JvResources_RsClGray, "Gray" |
1496 | JvResources_RsClSilver, "Silver" |
1497 | JvResources_RsClRed, "Red" |
1498 | JvResources_RsClLime, "Lime" |
1499 | JvResources_RsClYellow, "Yellow" |
1500 | JvResources_RsClBlue, "Blue" |
1501 | JvResources_RsClFuchsia, "Fuchsia" |
1502 | JvResources_RsClAqua, "Aqua" |
1503 | JvResources_RsClWhite, "White" |
1504 | JvResources_RsClMoneyGreen, "Money green" |
1505 | JvResources_RsClSkyBlue, "Sky blue" |
1506 | JvResources_RsClCream, "Cream" |
1507 | JvResources_RsClMedGray, "Medium gray" |
1508 | JvResources_RsClBrown, "Brown" |
1509 | JvResources_RsECsvFieldLocationError, "CSV field location error: %s" |
1510 | JvResources_RsEFieldNotFound, "Field %s not found in the data file" |
1511 | JvResources_RsECsvStringTooLong, "CSV string is too long: %s..." |
1512 | JvResources_RsECannotReadCsvFile, "Can't read CSV file %s" |
1513 | JvResources_RsEInternalLimit, "JvCsvData - Internal Limit of MAXCOLUMNS (%d) reached. CSV Data has too many columns" |
1514 | JvResources_RsETableNameNotSet, "TableName not specified" |
1515 | JvResources_RsEGetMode, "Invalid option to GetMode" |
1516 | JvResources_RsENoTableName, "TableName not specified" |
1517 | JvResources_RsETableNameRequired, "LoadFromFile = True, so a TableName is required" |
1518 | JvResources_RsEInternalCompare, "InternalCompare. Nil value detected" |
1519 | JvResources_RsEInvalidTableName, "TJvCustomCsvDataSet.GetFileName - TableName property is not set" |
1520 | JvResources_RsClBlack, "Black" |
1521 | JvResources_RsClMaroon, "Maroon" |
1522 | JvResources_RsClGreen, "Green" |
1523 | JvResources_RsClOlive, "Olive green" |
1524 | JvResources_RsClNavy, "Navy blue" |
1525 | JvResources_RsEUnableToLocateCSVFileInfo, "Unable to locate CSV file information for field %s" |
1526 | JvResources_RsEPhysicalLocationOfCSVField, "Physical location of CSV field %s unknown" |
1527 | JvResources_RsEInvalidFieldTypeCharacter, "Invalid field type character: %s" |
1528 | JvResources_RsECsvNoRecord, "No database record" |
1529 | JvResources_RsEUnexpectedError, "Unexpected error parsing CSV Field Definitions" |
1530 | JvResources_RsEFieldDefinitionError, "Field Definition Error. CsvFieldDef, FieldDefs, and file contents must match" |
1531 | JvResources_RsEInvalidCsvKeyDef, "Invalid CsvKeyDef property. InternalInitFieldDefs failed" |
1532 | JvResources_RsEInternalErrorParsingCsvKeyDef, "Internal Error parsing CsvKeyDef. InternalInitFieldDefs failed" |
1533 | JvResources_RsEContainsField, "CsvKeyDef contains field '%s' which is not defined. InternalInitFieldDefs failed" |
1534 | JvResources_RsEInsertBlocked, "InternalAddRecord cannot Add. Insert blocked" |
1535 | JvResources_RsEPostingHasBeenBlocked, "Posting to this database has been blocked" |
1536 | JvResources_RsEKeyNotUnique, "%s - Key is not unique " |
1537 | JvResources_RsECannotInsertNewRow, "Cannot insert new row. Insert blocked" |
1538 | JvResources_RsECannotPost, "Cannot post. Not in dsEdit or dsInsert mode" |
1539 | JvResources_RsEErrorProcessingFirstLine, "Error processing first line of CSV file" |
1540 | JvResources_RsEFieldInFileButNotInDefinition, "ProcessCsvHeaderRow: Field %s found in file, but not in field definitions" |
1541 | GIFConsts_sProgressOptimizing, "Optimizing" |
1542 | JvResources_RsUndoItem, "&Undo" |
1543 | JvResources_RsCutItem, "Cu&t" |
1544 | JvResources_RsCopyItem, "&Copy" |
1545 | JvResources_RsPasteItem, "&Paste" |
1546 | JvResources_RsDeleteItem, "&Delete" |
1547 | JvResources_RsSelectAllItem, "Select &All" |
1548 | JvResources_RsEInvalidCaretOwner, "%s: cannot be created without a valid Owner" |
1549 | JvResources_RsErrorRowItem, "<ERROR>" |
1550 | JvResources_RsECsvErrFormat, "%0:s: %1:s" |
1551 | JvResources_RsECsvErrFormat2, "%0:s: %1:s (%2:d)" |
1552 | JvResources_RsECsvInvalidSeparatorFmt, "Invalid separator character (%s)" |
1553 | JvResources_RsEProblemReadingRow, "Problem reading row %d" |
1554 | JvResources_RsENoRecord, "No records" |
1555 | JvResources_RsETimeTConvError, "SetFieldData Error - TimeT-to-DateTime conversion error" |
1556 | JvResources_RsEFieldTypeNotHandled, "SetFieldData Error - Field type not handled" |
1557 | GIFConsts_sBadPixelCoordinates, "Invalid pixel coordinates" |
1558 | GIFConsts_sInvalidPixelFormat, "Unsupported PixelFormat" |
1559 | GIFConsts_sBadDimension, "Invalid image dimensions" |
1560 | GIFConsts_sNoDIB, "Image has no DIB" |
1561 | GIFConsts_sInvalidStream, "Invalid stream operation" |
1562 | GIFConsts_sInvalidColor, "Color not in color table" |
1563 | GIFConsts_sEmptyColorMap, "Color table is empty" |
1564 | GIFConsts_sEmptyImage, "Image is empty" |
1565 | GIFConsts_sMultipleGCE, "Frame contains multiple Graphic Control Extension blocks" |
1566 | GIFConsts_sNoPalette, "Missing, invalid or empty palette" |
1567 | GIFConsts_sGIFImageFile, "GIF Image" |
1568 | GIFConsts_sProgressLoading, "Loading" |
1569 | GIFConsts_sProgressSaving, "Saving" |
1570 | GIFConsts_sProgressConverting, "Converting" |
1571 | GIFConsts_sProgressRendering, "Rendering" |
1572 | GIFConsts_sProgressCopying, "Copying" |
1573 | GIFConsts_sScreenBadColorSize, "Invalid number of colors specified in Screen Descriptor" |
1574 | GIFConsts_sImageBadColorSize, "Invalid number of colors specified in Image Descriptor" |
1575 | GIFConsts_sUnknownExtension, "Unknown extension type" |
1576 | GIFConsts_sBadExtensionLabel, "Invalid extension introducer" |
1577 | GIFConsts_sOutOfMemDIB, "Failed to allocate memory for GIF DIB" |
1578 | GIFConsts_sDecodeTooFewBits, "Decoder bit buffer under-run" |
1579 | GIFConsts_sDecodeCircular, "Circular decoder table entry" |
1580 | GIFConsts_sBadTrailer, "Invalid Image trailer" |
1581 | GIFConsts_sBadExtensionInstance, "Internal error: Extension Instance does not match Extension Label" |
1582 | GIFConsts_sBadBlockSize, "Unsupported Application Extension block size" |
1583 | GIFConsts_sBadBlock, "Unknown GIF block type" |
1584 | GIFConsts_sUnsupportedClass, "Object type not supported for operation" |
1585 | GIFConsts_sInvalidData, "Invalid GIF data" |
1586 | GIFConsts_sBadSize, "Invalid image size" |
1587 | GIFConsts_sScreenSizeExceeded, "Image exceeds Logical Screen size" |
1588 | GIFConsts_sNoColorTable, "No global or local color table defined" |
1589 | UStrings_StrModeFin, "Termination condition" |
1590 | UStrings_StrED_C, "Digestible energy growing pigs" |
1591 | UStrings_StrED_T, "Digestible energy sows" |
1592 | UStrings_StrEM_C, "Metabolizable energy growing pigs" |
1593 | UStrings_StrEM_T, "Metabolizable energy sows" |
1594 | UStrings_StrEN_C, "Net energy growing pigs" |
1595 | UStrings_StrEN_T, "Net energy sows" |
1596 | UStrings_StrTyp0, "Type of feed not specified" |
1597 | UStrings_HintAli1Init, "Percentage of feed 1 in the ration at the beginning of the selected rule" |
1598 | UStrings_HintAli1Const, "Percentage of feed 1 in the ration during the selected rule" |
1599 | GIFConsts_sOutOfData, "Premature end of data" |
1600 | GIFConsts_sTooManyColors, "Color table overflow" |
1601 | GIFConsts_sBadColorIndex, "Invalid color index" |
1602 | GIFConsts_sBadColorIndexFixed, "Invalid color index - color map expanded" |
1603 | GIFConsts_sGIFErrorSaveEmpty, "Cannot save empty GIF" |
1604 | GIFConsts_sBadSignature, "Invalid GIF signature" |
1605 | UStrings_StrLys, "Lys" |
1606 | UStrings_StrED, "DE" |
1607 | UStrings_StrEM, "ME" |
1608 | UStrings_StrEN, "NE" |
1609 | UStrings_StrMJ, "MJ" |
1610 | UStrings_StrUI, "IU" |
1611 | UStrings_StrGestation, "Gestation" |
1612 | UStrings_StrLactation, "Lactation" |
1613 | UStrings_StrISSF, "IWC" |
1614 | UStrings_StrDegC, "?C" |
1615 | UStrings_StrMnDebout, "min standing" |
1616 | UStrings_StrSaillie, "Service" |
1617 | UStrings_StrMiseBas, "Farrowing" |
1618 | UStrings_StrSevrage, "Weaning" |
1619 | UStrings_StrPV4Age, "Proposed body weight at %d d: %3.1f kg" |
1620 | UStrings_StrAge4PV, "Proposed age for %3.1f kg: %d d" |
1621 | UStrings_StrSimulNo, "Simulation %d" |
1622 | UStrings_StrVariation, "%s: %1.0f%%" |
1623 | UStrings_StrRationProfil, "Animal profile \"%s\"" |
1624 | UStrings_StrRationSeqAli, "Feed sequence plan \"%s\"" |
1625 | UStrings_StrDigestStd, "Standardized digestible" |
1626 | UStrings_StrSaisieManuelle, "(Manual entry)" |
1627 | UStrings_StrTotal, "Total" |
1628 | UStrings_StrJ, "d" |
1629 | UStrings_StrG, "g" |
1630 | UStrings_StrKg, "kg" |
1631 | UStrings_StrMg, "mg" |
1632 | UStrings_StrMm, "mm" |
1633 | UStrings_StrAlimentUnit, "feed" |
1634 | UStrings_StrGMQUnit, "gain" |
1635 | UStrings_StrMS, "DM" |
1636 | UStrings_StrFrais, "as-fed" |
1637 | UStrings_StrBesoin, "Requirement" |
1638 | UStrings_StrBesoinMoyen, "Requirement (average animal)" |
1639 | UStrings_StrBesoinPopulation, "Requirement (population)" |
1640 | UStrings_StrReference, "Reference" |
1641 | UStrings_Str35j, "Start" |
1642 | UStrings_Str105j, "End" |
1643 | UStrings_StrAANonLim, "Amino acids non limiting" |
1644 | UStrings_StrAAPotLim, "Amino acids potentially limiting" |
1645 | UStrings_StrValCal, "Calculated value" |
1646 | UStrings_StrValSim, "Simulated value" |
1647 | UStrings_StrSimul, "%s: animal profile \"%s\" - feed sequence plan \"%s\" - feed rationing plan \"%s\"" |
1648 | UStrings_StrSimulComp, "Simulation %d: \"%s\"" |
1649 | UStrings_StrSimulProfil, "Simulation %d: \"%s\" - animal profile \"%s\"" |
1650 | UStrings_StrSimulSeqAli, "Simulation %d: \"%s\" - feed sequence plan \"%s\"" |
1651 | UStrings_StrSimulRation, "Simulation %d: \"%s\" - feed rationing plan \"%s\"" |
1652 | UStrings_StrSimulSens, "Variation \"%s\": \"%s\"" |
1653 | UStrings_StrPDMarginal, "Marginal PD" |
1654 | UStrings_StrLD, "LD" |
1655 | UStrings_StrLDMarginal, "Marginal LD" |
1656 | UStrings_StrPV, "BW" |
1657 | UStrings_StrAge, "Age" |
1658 | UStrings_StrP2, "Backfat" |
1659 | UStrings_StrTMP, "Lean meat" |
1660 | UStrings_StrP, "P" |
1661 | UStrings_StrL, "L" |
1662 | UStrings_StrPVV, "eBW" |
1663 | UStrings_StrAdLib, "Ad libitum" |
1664 | UStrings_StrPDmax, "PDmax" |
1665 | UStrings_StrF, "F" |
1666 | UStrings_StrX, "X" |
1667 | UStrings_StrAutres, "Others" |
1668 | UStrings_StrApport, "Supply" |
1669 | UStrings_MsgNoMat, "No feed ingredients to export.\r\nAs the INRA/AFZ feed ingredients cannot be exported, they do not appear in the list." |
1670 | UStrings_MsgNoMatSel, "Select first the feed ingredients to export." |
1671 | UStrings_MsgNoAli, "No feeds to export." |
1672 | UStrings_MsgNoAliSel, "Select first the feeds to export." |
1673 | UStrings_MsgNoImp, "No elements to import." |
1674 | UStrings_MsgNoImpSel, "Select first the elements to import." |
1675 | UStrings_MsgKeepValues, "Do you want to keep the modified values in the profile?" |
1676 | UStrings_MsgExcel, "Impossible to connect to Excel" |
1677 | UStrings_MsgConvert, "The user data need to be upgraded in order to be used by the new version of InraPorc.\r\nThe converted data cannot be used by previous versions of the program.\r\nContinue?" |
1678 | UStrings_MsgCheckForUpdates, "Automatically check for updates?\r\n(this may not work if you have a firewall installed)" |
1679 | UStrings_MsgUpdateFound, "A new version of InraPorc (%s) is available.\r\nDo you want to download it now?" |
1680 | UStrings_MsgLicenseSuccess, "Your request has been registered.\r\nAfter verification of the information, a license activation file (which includes the license activation key) will be sent to you by e-mail." |
1681 | UStrings_MsgServerUnreachable, "The server is unreachable.\r\nCheck your network connection." |
1682 | UStrings_MsgPDLimit, "An amino acid limits protein deposition" |
1683 | UStrings_StrIngere, "Intake" |
1684 | UStrings_StrPD, "PD" |
1685 | UStrings_MsgSaveMat, "Save the feed ingredients?" |
1686 | UStrings_MsgSaveAli, "Save the feeds?" |
1687 | UStrings_MsgName, "New name of the entry:" |
1688 | UStrings_MsgNameEmpty, "Enter a name or click on <Cancel>" |
1689 | UStrings_MsgNameTooLarge, "This name is too long (maximum %d characters)." |
1690 | UStrings_MsgNameExists, "An entry already exists with this name." |
1691 | UStrings_MsgDel, "Delete the entry?" |
1692 | UStrings_MsgDelErr, "Impossible to delete; the entry is used." |
1693 | UStrings_MsgRename, "New name of the entry:" |
1694 | UStrings_MsgCopy, "Copy the current values?" |
1695 | UStrings_MsgCalcul, "The data of the chemical composition will be overwritten\r\nContinue?" |
1696 | UStrings_MsgGTTT, "The data of \"Sows\", \"Piglets\" and \"Feeding\" will be overwritten.\r\nContinue?" |
1697 | UStrings_MsgCSVError, "Error reading the CSV file\r\nline %d\r\ncolumn %d" |
1698 | UStrings_MsgAli2Mat, "%s is a feed...\r\nImport in the list of feed ingredients." |
1699 | UStrings_MsgMat2Ali, "%s is a feed ingredient...\r\nImport in the list of feeds." |
1700 | UStrings_MsgNoCSV, "It is necessary to open a file before carrying out this operation." |
1701 | UStrings_MsgInraAfz, "Errors were found in the links between the feed composition file and the file containing the Inra-AFZ feed ingredients. To solve this issue, reinstall InraPorc or download the file InraAfz.rec from the website and save it in the InraPorc program directory '(by default C:\\Program Files\\InraPorc)." |
1702 | UStrings_MsgParamCount, "Illegal parameters number (%d)\r\nCommand: %s\r\nUsage: %s <data folder>" |
1703 | UStrings_MsgFinalDate, "The license activation key has expired." |
1704 | UStrings_MsgFixedDrive, "The complete version has to been installed on a local hard drive." |
1705 | UStrings_MsgDiskChanged, "The disk drive has been reformatted or the program has been moved to another disk (or partition); the license activation key is not valid." |
1706 | UStrings_MsgDataDirectory, "Data directory %s not found." |
1707 | UStrings_MsgTooMuchRecords, "The number of data entries exceeds the authorized maximum; the software will function in read-only mode." |
1708 | UStrings_MsgRequiredField, "The \"%s\" field is empty; it is required for this type of license." |
1709 | UStrings_MsgMissingMail, "An e-mail address is required to receive a license activation key." |
1710 | UStrings_MsgMissingAddress, "A postal address is required" |
1711 | UStrings_MsgInvalidLicense, "The license activation key is absent, has expired or does not correspond to the information provided." |
1712 | UStrings_MsgReadOnly, "Awaiting a valid license activation key, the software will function in read only mode." |
1713 | UStrings_MsgFileNotFound, "The file %s is missing" |
1714 | UStrings_MsgRecordErrors, "The error report has been saved in the file %s\r\n(directory %s)" |
1715 | UStrings_MsgSave, "Save the modications?" |
1716 | UStrings_MsgInvalidData, "%s: %s\r\nThe information you saved is incomplete.\r\nYou will have to complete it before it can be used." |
1717 | UStrings_StrTitreCSV5, "C6-10:0;C12:0;C14:0;C16:0;C16:1;C18:0;C18:1;C18:2;C18:3;C18:4;C20:0;C20:1;C20:4;C20:5;C22:0;C22:1;C22:5;C22:6;C24:0;FA/lipid;" |
1718 | UStrings_StrTitreCSV6, "CF;Dig. CF S;Dig. CF G;Residue;Dig. residu S;Dig. residue G;NDF;ADF;ADL;TDF;" |
1719 | UStrings_StrTitreCSV7, "Lys;Met;Cys;Trp;Thr;Phe;Tyr;Leu;Ile;Val;His;Arg;Dig. N;Dig. Lys;Dig. Met;Dig. Cys;Dig. Trp;Dig. Thr;Dig. Phe;Dig. Tyr;Dig. Leu;Dig. Ile;Dig. Val;Dig. His;Dig. Arg" |
1720 | UStrings_MsgLicense, "Three versions of InraPorc are available: \r\n- Evaluation \r\n Free \r\n Does not require a license activation key \r\n Limited functionality \r\n- Education \r\n Free \r\n Reserved for educational purposes \r\n Requires a license activation key \r\n Limited number of entries can be saved \r\n- Complete \r\n Purchase required (500 euros) \r\n Requires a license activation key \r\n No limitation \r\n\r\nIn case of an error (e.g., exceeding the number of data entries that can be saved or invalid license activation key), the software will work in read-only mode. \r\n\r\nTo obtain a license activation key, use the following procedure: \r\n1. Install InraPorc on the computer on which it will be used and start InraPorc from that computer. \r\n2. Fill out all the requested information in the right-hand panel (do not forget to indicate the requested license type). \r\n3. You have two options to request a license activation key: automatically and manually. An internet connection is required to request the license activation key automatically. When you click on the \"Automatic\" button, the information from the license window will be sent to our server. We will then process your request, which may take a few days. If you prefer to request the license activation key manually, a license activation file will be created when you click on the \"Manual\" button and you will have to upload (manually) this file to our server ( \r\n4. After having received your request, we will generate a license activation key. We will include this key in the license activation file InraPorc.lic and we will send this file to you by e-mail. Copy this file to a location of your choice. To validate you license, start InraPorc and open the license windows again. Click on the \"Import\" button and indicate where the license activation file InraPorc.lic is located. \r\n\r\nTo obtain a license activation key for the complete version, you must first fill out a purchase order of the InraPorc web site. A license number will be sent to you with the order confirmation." |
1721 | UStrings_MsgCorrCUD, "In InraPorc, a strict relation is maintained between digestible nutrients and energy values. Although it is possible to calculate energy values from digestible nutrients, the reverse is not true (i.e., it is not possible to calculate the contribution of starch, protein from a single energy value). It is therefore recommended that feeds and feed ingredients are characterized by their chemical composition and fecal digestibility; the energy values are then calculated from this information.\r\n\r\nBy checking the checkbox, a known energy value may be used to adjust the fecal digestibilities. Before using this option, it is important to ensure that the values for chemical composition and digestibility are realistic." |
1722 | UStrings_MsgCalcAli, "The feed ingredient composition is optional and can be used to calculate the chemical composition of the feed. As this information is not linked dynamically to the chemical composition, the contribution of feed ingredients to the chemical composition will be not correct when the latter is changed manually." |
1723 | UStrings_MsgGraphAli, "The contribution of feed ingredients to the chemical composition of the feed shown in these graphs is based on the composition of the feed ingredients and not on the composition of the feed (which may have been modified manually)." |
1724 | UStrings_MsgUnitProfilP, "The mechanisms that regulate voluntary feed intake are not fully understood. If gut capacity is limiting, feed intake may be regulated on a dry matter (or 'bulk') basis. However, if gut capacity is not limiting intake, an energetic regulation of intake may be more likely.\r\nIt is left to the user to express the mode of regulation of ad libitum feed intake (i.e., DM, DE, ME or ME). The choice of expressing ad libitum feed intake has consequences on the way the model predicts the response of feeding a high energy diet. For example, if ad libitum feed intake capacity is expressed on a DM basis, feeding a high energy diet will improve performance. If intake capacity is expressed on a NE basis, pigs fed a high energy diet will reduce their DM intake (to maintain an equal NE intake) without affecting performance." |
1725 | UStrings_MsgPDMoy, "By changing this parameter, the average protein deposition over the simulation period is adjusted. It is recommended adjusting this parameter so that the predicted average daily gain corresponds to the observed value." |
1726 | UStrings_MsgPrecocite, "This parameter determines the shape of the Gompertz function, which is used to describe protein deposition. Increasing its value results in an early-maturing animal while (approximately) maintaining the average daily gain. A low value of 'precocity' results in a late-maturing animal. In the absence of information, it is recommended not to change the value.\r\nInformation such as average daily gain during the growing and finishing phase may be used to adjust this parameter (i.e., change 'Graph type' to 'View per period' and 'X-axis' to 'Feed sequence rule')." |
1727 | UStrings_MsgEntretien, "The parameter 'maintenance' allows changing the maintenance energy requirements relative to the default function (i.e., a function of body weight and feed intake). Changing this parameter will change the lipid deposition, but not (or little) the protein deposition. Together with the lipid deposition, lean percentage and backfat thickness are modified when maintenance is changed. However, the equations used may be little precise and can be modified in the configuration menu of InraPorc.\r\nIt is recommended to change this value only when information on the actual lipid deposition is available. It is not recommended to change the default value of 'maintenance' only on the basis of known lean percentage and/or backfat thickness." |
1728 | UStrings_MsgOptInit, "It is recommended to use this option with caution; deviations may occur if several successive cycles are simulated." |
1729 | UStrings_MsgSimulT, "In the current version of the software, production performance data (litter size, piglet weight, milk production) are considered user inputs and are therefore not sensitive to the nutrient supply." |
1730 | UStrings_MsgBesoin, "Nutrient requirements given by InraPorc for growing pigs are probably lower than what you think.\r\nIn InraPorc, nutrient requirements are given for a single, average pig. If you would feed your herd according to this requirement, the average performance of your herd would be lower than the performance of this average pig. The reason for this is that approximately half of your herd has a nutrient requirement lower than the average pig, whereas the other half has a requirement greater than the average pig. If you feed your herd as an average pig, only pigs with a nutrient requirement lower than average would be able to express their potential, whereas those with a requirement greater than average would be penalized. Studies in our laboratory show that the nutrient requirement of the herd is 10-15% higher than the requirement of the average animal. See the publications on the InraPorc website for more information on this topic." |
1731 | UStrings_MsgCalibrAdLib, "The feed rationing plan that you provide does not contain a period in which pigs are offered feed (a percentage of) ad libitum. The calibration procedure can only be used if feed is feed ad libitum during at least one period." |
1732 | UStrings_MsgCalibrOther, "In the current feed rationing plan, pigs are not offered feed ad libitum (or a percentage thereof) throughout the simulation. Because model parameters describe the ad libitum feed intake and corresponding growth, the accuracy of parameter estimation depends on the duration during which feed was offered ad libitum. For example, the ad libitum feed intake curve requires 2 parameters. In order to obtain reliable estimates of these 2 parameters, the period of ad libitum feeding should cover at least 2 data points for the cumulative feed usage." |
1733 | UStrings_StrLicenseType, "License type: %s" |
1734 | UStrings_StrLicenseNum, "License number: %d" |
1735 | UStrings_StrFirstName, "First name: %s" |
1736 | UStrings_StrLastName, "Last name: %s" |
1737 | UStrings_StrCompany, "Company: %s" |
1738 | UStrings_StrOrganization, "University: %s" |
1739 | UStrings_StrEndValidity, "License activation key valid until %s" |
1740 | UStrings_StrNoKey, "No license activation key found" |
1741 | UStrings_StrInvalidKey, "Incorrect license activation key" |
1742 | UStrings_StrSelectDir, "Select a data directory" |
1743 | UStrings_StrPage, "Page %d / %d" |
1744 | UStrings_StrMinimum, "Minimum" |
1745 | UStrings_StrTitreCSV1, "Name;Comment;Type;" |
1746 | UStrings_StrTitreCSV2, "DM;Ash;OM;Fat;CP;Starch;Sugars;Dig. OM S;Dig. OM G;Dig. fat S;Dig. fat G;Dig. CP S;Dig. CP G;" |
1747 | UStrings_StrTitreCSV3, "GE;DE S;DE G;ME S;ME G;NE S;NE G;" |
1748 | UStrings_StrTitreCSV4, "Ca;P;Na;K;Mg;Cl;S;Cu;Zn;Mn;Fe;Se;Co;Mo;I;Dig. P (pellets);Dig. P (mash);Phytate P;Endogenous phytase act.;Microbial phytase act.;" |
1749 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIPKU2UCertFailure, "The PKU2U protocol encountered an error while attempting to utilize the associated certificates." |
1750 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIMutualAuthFailed, "The identity of the server computer could not be verified." |
1751 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIUnknwonError, "Unknown error" |
1752 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIErrorMsg, "SSPI %s returns error #%d(0x%x): %s" |
1753 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIInterfaceInitFailed, "SSPI interface has failed to initialise properly" |
1754 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoPkgInfoSpecified, "No PSecPkgInfo specified" |
1755 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoCredentialHandle, "No credential handle acquired" |
1756 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICanNotChangeCredentials, "Can not change credentials after handle aquired. Use Release first" |
1757 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIUnknwonCredentialUse, "Unknown credentials use" |
1758 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIDoAuquireCredentialHandle, "Do AcquireCredentialsHandle first" |
1759 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICompleteTokenNotSupported, "CompleteAuthToken is not supported" |
1760 | UStrings_StrVersion, "Incorrect version number (%d.%d.%d.%d)" |
1761 | UStrings_StrComplete, "Complete" |
1762 | UStrings_StrEducation, "Education" |
1763 | UStrings_StrEvaluation, "Evaluation" |
1764 | UStrings_StrReadOnly, "Read only" |
1765 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIIssuingCAUntrusted, "An untrusted certificate authority was detected While processing the smartcard certificate used for authentication. Please contact your system administrator." |
1766 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIRevocationOffline, "The revocation status of the smartcard certificate used for authentication could not be determined. Please contact your system administrator." |
1767 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIPKInitClientFailure, "The smartcard certificate used for authentication was not trusted. Please contact your system administrator." |
1768 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISmartcardExpired, "The smartcard certificate used for authentication has expired. Please contact your system administrator." |
1769 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoS4UProtSupport, "The Kerberos subsystem encountered an error. A service for user protocol request was made against a domain controller which does not support service for user." |
1770 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICrossRealmDeligationFailure, "An attempt was made by this server to make a Kerberos constrained delegation request for a target outside of the server's realm. This is not supported, and indicates a misconfiguration on this server's allowed to delegate to list. Please contact your administrator." |
1771 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIRevocationOfflineKDC, "The revocation status of the domain controller certificate used for smartcard authentication could not be determined. There is additional information in the system event log. Please contact your system administrator." |
1772 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICAUntrustedKDC, "An untrusted certificate authority was detected while processing the domain controller certificate used for authentication. There is additional information in the system event log. Please contact your system administrator." |
1773 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIKDCCertExpired, "The domain controller certificate used for smartcard logon has expired. Please contact your system administrator with the contents of your system event log." |
1774 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIKDCCertRevoked, "The domain controller certificate used for smartcard logon has been revoked. Please contact your system administrator with the contents of your system event log." |
1775 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISignatureNeeded, "A signature operation must be performed before the user can authenticate." |
1776 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIInvalidParameter, "One or more of the parameters passed to the function was invalid." |
1777 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIDeligationPolicy, "Client policy does not allow credential delegation to target server." |
1778 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIPolicyNTLMOnly, "Client policy does not allow credential delegation to target server with NLTM only authentication." |
1779 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoRenegotiation, "The recipient rejected the renegotiation request." |
1780 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoContext, "The required security context does not exist." |
1781 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIKDCReplyTooManyPrincipals, "The KDC reply contained more than one principal name." |
1782 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoPAData, "Expected to find PA data for a hint of what etype to use, but it was not found." |
1783 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIPKInitNameMismatch, "The client certificate does not contain a valid UPN, or does not match the client name in the logon request. Please contact your administrator." |
1784 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISmartcardLogonReq, "Smartcard logon is required and was not used." |
1785 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISysShutdownInProg, "A system shutdown is in progress." |
1786 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIKDCInvalidRequest, "An invalid request was sent to the KDC." |
1787 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIKDCUnableToRefer, "The KDC was unable to generate a referral for the service requested." |
1788 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIKDCETypeUnknown, "The encryption type requested is not supported by the KDC." |
1789 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIUnsupPreauth, "An unsupported preauthentication mechanism was presented to the Kerberos package." |
1790 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIDeligationReq, "The requested operation cannot be completed. The computer must be trusted for delegation and the current user account must be configured to allow delegation." |
1791 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIBadBindings, "Client's supplied SSPI channel bindings were incorrect." |
1792 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIMultipleAccounts, "The received certificate was mapped to multiple accounts." |
1793 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoKerbKey, "SEC_E_NO_KERB_KEY" |
1794 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICertWrongUsage, "The certificate is not valid for the requested usage." |
1795 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIDowngradeDetected, "The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Please ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you." |
1796 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISmartcardCertRevoked, "The smartcard certificate used for authentication has been revoked. Please contact your system administrator. There may be additional information in the event log." |
1797 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIUntrustedRoot, "The certificate chain was issued by an untrusted authority." |
1798 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIIllegalMessage, "The message received was unexpected or badly formatted." |
1799 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICertUnknown, "An unknown error occurred while processing the certificate." |
1800 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICertExpired, "The received certificate has expired." |
1801 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIEncryptionFailure, "The specified data could not be encrypted." |
1802 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIDecryptionFailure, "The specified data could not be decrypted." |
1803 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIAlgorithmMismatch, "The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm." |
1804 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISecurityQOSFailure, "The security context could not be established due to a failure in the requested quality of service (e.g. mutual authentication or delegation)." |
1805 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISecCtxWasDelBeforeUpdated, "A security context was deleted before the context was completed. This is considered a logon failure." |
1806 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIClientNoTGTReply, "The client is trying to negotiate a context and the server requires user-to-user but didn't send a TGT reply." |
1807 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPILocalNoIPAddr, "Unable to accomplish the requested task because the local machine does not have any IP addresses." |
1808 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIWrongCredHandle, "The supplied credential handle does not match the credential associated with the security context." |
1809 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICryptoSysInvalid, "The crypto system or checksum function is invalid because a required function is unavailable." |
1810 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIMaxTicketRef, "The number of maximum ticket referrals has been exceeded." |
1811 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIMustBeKDC, "The local machine must be a Kerberos KDC (domain controller) and it is not." |
1812 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIStrongCryptoNotSupported, "The other end of the security negotiation is requires strong crypto but it is not supported on the local machine." |
1813 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIOutOfSequence, "The message supplied for verification is out of sequence" |
1814 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoAuthAuthority, "No authority could be contacted for authentication." |
1815 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIContinueNeeded, "The function completed successfully, but must be called again to complete the context" |
1816 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICompleteNeeded, "The function completed successfully, but CompleteToken must be called" |
1817 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICompleteContinueNeeded, "The function completed successfully, but both CompleteToken and this function must be called to complete the context" |
1818 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPILocalLogin, "The logon was completed, but no network authority was available. The logon was made using locally known information" |
1819 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIBadPackageID, "The requested security package does not exist" |
1820 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIContextExpired, "The context has expired and can no longer be used." |
1821 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIIncompleteMessage, "The supplied message is incomplete. The signature was not verified." |
1822 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIIncompleteCredentialNotInit, "The credentials supplied were not complete, and could not be verified. The context could not be initialized." |
1823 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIBufferTooSmall, "The buffers supplied to a function was too small." |
1824 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIIncompleteCredentialsInit, "The credentials supplied were not complete, and could not be verified. Additional information can be returned from the context." |
1825 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIRengotiate, "The context data must be renegotiated with the peer." |
1826 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIWrongPrincipal, "The target principal name is incorrect." |
1827 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoLSACode, "There is no LSA mode context associated with this context." |
1828 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPITimeScew, "The clocks on the client and server machines are skewed." |
1829 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINotEnoughMem, "Not enough memory is available to complete this request" |
1830 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIInvalidHandle, "The handle specified is invalid" |
1831 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIFuncNotSupported, "The function requested is not supported" |
1832 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIUnknownTarget, "The specified target is unknown or unreachable" |
1833 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIInternalError, "The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted" |
1834 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISecPackageNotFound, "The requested security package does not exist" |
1835 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINotOwner, "The caller is not the owner of the desired credentials" |
1836 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIPackageCannotBeInstalled, "The security package failed to initialize, and cannot be installed" |
1837 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIInvalidToken, "The token supplied to the function is invalid" |
1838 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPICannotPack, "The security package is not able to marshall the logon buffer, so the logon attempt has failed" |
1839 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIQOPNotSupported, "The per-message Quality of Protection is not supported by the security package" |
1840 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoImpersonation, "The security context does not allow impersonation of the client" |
1841 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPILoginDenied, "The logon attempt failed" |
1842 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIUnknownCredentials, "The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized" |
1843 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPINoCredentials, "No credentials are available in the security package" |
1844 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPIMessageAltered, "The message or signature supplied for verification has been altered" |
1845 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLCouldNotLoadSSLLibrary, "Could not load SSL library." |
1846 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLStatusString, "SSL status: \"%s\"" |
1847 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLAlert, "%s Alert" |
1848 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLReadAlert, "%s Read Alert" |
1849 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLWriteAlert, "%s Write Alert" |
1850 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLAcceptLoop, "Accept Loop" |
1851 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLAcceptError, "Accept Error" |
1852 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLAcceptFailed, "Accept Failed" |
1853 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLAcceptExit, "Accept Exit" |
1854 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLConnectLoop, "Connect Loop" |
1855 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLConnectError, "Connect Error" |
1856 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLConnectFailed, "Connect Failed" |
1857 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLConnectExit, "Connect Exit" |
1858 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLHandshakeStart, "Handshake Start" |
1859 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLHandshakeDone, "Handshake Done" |
1860 | IdResourceStringsSSPI_RSHTTPSSPISuccess, "Successfull API call" |
1861 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLConnectError, "Error connecting with SSL." |
1862 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLSettingCipherError, "SetCipher failed." |
1863 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLCreatingSessionError, "Error creating SSL session." |
1864 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLCreatingContextError, "Error creating SSL context." |
1865 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLLoadingRootCertError, "Could not load root certificate." |
1866 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLLoadingCertError, "Could not load certificate." |
1867 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLLoadingKeyError, "Could not load key, check password." |
1868 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLLoadingDHParamsError, "Could not load DH Parameters." |
1869 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLGetMethodError, "Error getting SSL method." |
1870 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLFDSetError, "Error setting File Descriptor for SSL" |
1871 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLDataBindingError, "Error binding data to SSL socket." |
1872 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLEOFViolation, "EOF was observed that violates the protocol" |
1873 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSURINoProto, "Protocol field is empty" |
1874 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSURINoHost, "Host field is empty" |
1875 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSFailedToLoad, "Failed to load %s." |
1876 | IdResourceStringsOpenSSL_RSOSSLModeNotSet, "Mode has not been set." |
1877 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSMaximumNumberOfCaptureLineExceeded, "Maximum number of line allowed exceeded" |
1878 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSInterceptIsDifferent, "The IOHandler already has a different Intercept assigned" |
1879 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSTransparentProxyCannotBind, "Transparent proxy cannot bind." |
1880 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSTransparentProxyCanNotSupportUDP, "UDP Not supported by this proxy." |
1881 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSBufferMissingTerminator, "Buffer terminator must be specified." |
1882 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSBufferInvalidStartPos, "Buffer start position is invalid." |
1883 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSReplyInvalidCode, "Reply Code is not valid: %s" |
1884 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSReplyCodeAlreadyExists, "Reply Code already exists: %s" |
1885 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSIOHandlerPropInvalid, "IOHandler value is not valid" |
1886 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSFIPSAlgorithmNotAllowed, "Algorithm %s not permitted in FIPS mode" |
1887 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSHTTPChunkStarted, "Chunk Started" |
1888 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSHTTPNotAcceptable, "Not Acceptable" |
1889 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSHTTPUnknownProtocol, "Unknown Protocol" |
1890 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSHTTPMethodRequiresVersion, "Request method requires HTTP version 1.1" |
1891 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSHTTPAuthInvalidHash, "Unsupported hash algorithm. This implementation supports only MD5 encoding." |
1892 | IdResourceStringsProtocols_RSSSLAcceptError, "Error accepting connection with SSL." |
1893 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerCommandError, "Command not supported." |
1894 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerAddressError, "Address type not supported." |
1895 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSInterceptCircularLink, "%s: Circular links are not allowed" |
1896 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSNotEnoughDataInBuffer, "Not enough data in buffer. (%d/%d)" |
1897 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSTooMuchDataInBuffer, "Too much data in buffer." |
1898 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSFileNotFound, "File \"%s\" not found" |
1899 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSNotConnected, "Not Connected" |
1900 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSObjectTypeNotSupported, "Object type not supported." |
1901 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSIdNoDataToRead, "No data to read." |
1902 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSReadTimeout, "Read timed out." |
1903 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSReadLnWaitMaxAttemptsExceeded, "Max line read attempts exceeded." |
1904 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSReadLnMaxLineLengthExceeded, "Max line length exceeded." |
1905 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSRequiresLargeStream, "Set LargeStream to True to send streams greater than 2GB" |
1906 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSDataTooLarge, "Data is too large for stream" |
1907 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSConnectTimeout, "Connect timed out." |
1908 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSAlreadyConnected, "Already connected." |
1909 | IdResourceStrings_RSPackageSizeTooBig, "Package Size Too Big." |
1910 | IdResourceStrings_RSSetSizeExceeded, "Set Size Exceeded." |
1911 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksUDPNotSupported, "UDP is not support in this SOCKS version." |
1912 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksRequestFailed, "Request rejected or failed." |
1913 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksRequestServerFailed, "Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect." |
1914 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksRequestIdentFailed, "Request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids." |
1915 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksUnknownError, "Unknown socks error." |
1916 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerRespondError, "Socks server did not respond." |
1917 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksAuthMethodError, "Invalid socks authentication method." |
1918 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksAuthError, "Authentication error to socks server." |
1919 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerGeneralError, "General SOCKS server failure." |
1920 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerPermissionError, "Connection not allowed by ruleset." |
1921 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerNetUnreachableError, "Network unreachable." |
1922 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerHostUnreachableError, "Host unreachable." |
1923 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerConnectionRefusedError, "Connection refused." |
1924 | IdResourceStringsCore_RSSocksServerTTLExpiredError, "TTL expired." |
1925 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEHOSTDOWN, "Host is down." |
1926 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEHOSTUNREACH, "No route to host." |
1927 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOTEMPTY, "Directory not empty" |
1928 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackHOST_NOT_FOUND, "Host not found." |
1929 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackClassUndefined, "Stack Class is undefined." |
1930 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackAlreadyCreated, "Stack already created." |
1931 | IdResourceStrings_RSAntiFreezeOnlyOne, "Only one TIdAntiFreeze can exist per application." |
1932 | IdResourceStrings_RSCannotSetIPVersionWhenConnected, "Cannot change IPVersion when connected" |
1933 | IdResourceStrings_RSCannotBindRange, "Can not bind in port range (%d - %d)" |
1934 | IdResourceStrings_RSConnectionClosedGracefully, "Connection Closed Gracefully." |
1935 | IdResourceStrings_RSCouldNotBindSocket, "Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use." |
1936 | IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidPortRange, "Invalid Port Range (%d - %d)" |
1937 | IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidServiceName, "%s is not a valid service." |
1938 | IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidIPv6Address, "%s is not a valid IPv6 address" |
1939 | IdResourceStrings_RSIPVersionUnsupported, "The requested IPVersion / Address family is not supported." |
1940 | IdResourceStrings_RSNotAllBytesSent, "Not all bytes sent." |
1941 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEADDRINUSE, "Address already in use." |
1942 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEADDRNOTAVAIL, "Cannot assign requested address." |
1943 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackENETDOWN, "Network is down." |
1944 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackENETUNREACH, "Network is unreachable." |
1945 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackENETRESET, "Net dropped connection or reset." |
1946 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackECONNABORTED, "Software caused connection abort." |
1947 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackECONNRESET, "Connection reset by peer." |
1948 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOBUFS, "No buffer space available." |
1949 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEISCONN, "Socket is already connected." |
1950 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOTCONN, "Socket is not connected." |
1951 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackESHUTDOWN, "Cannot send or receive after socket is closed." |
1952 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackETOOMANYREFS, "Too many references, cannot splice." |
1953 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackETIMEDOUT, "Connection timed out." |
1954 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackECONNREFUSED, "Connection refused." |
1955 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackELOOP, "Too many levels of symbolic links." |
1956 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackENAMETOOLONG, "File name too long." |
1957 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEFAULT, "Buffer fault." |
1958 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEINVAL, "Invalid argument." |
1959 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEMFILE, "Too many open files." |
1960 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEWOULDBLOCK, "Operation would block." |
1961 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEINPROGRESS, "Operation now in progress." |
1962 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEALREADY, "Operation already in progress." |
1963 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOTSOCK, "Socket operation on non-socket." |
1964 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEDESTADDRREQ, "Destination address required." |
1965 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEMSGSIZE, "Message too long." |
1966 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPROTOTYPE, "Protocol wrong type for socket." |
1967 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackENOPROTOOPT, "Bad protocol option." |
1968 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPROTONOSUPPORT, "Protocol not supported." |
1969 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackESOCKTNOSUPPORT, "Socket type not supported." |
1970 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEOPNOTSUPP, "Operation not supported on socket." |
1971 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEPFNOSUPPORT, "Protocol family not supported." |
1972 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEAFNOSUPPORT, "Address family not supported by protocol family." |
1973 | IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidCharCount, "Invalid count (%d)" |
1974 | IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidDestinationIndex, "Invalid destination index (%d)" |
1975 | IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidCodePage, "Invalid codepage (%d)" |
1976 | IdResourceStrings_RSFailedTimeZoneInfo, "Failed attempting to retrieve time zone information." |
1977 | IdResourceStrings_RSWinsockCallError, "Error on call to Winsock2 library function %s" |
1978 | IdResourceStrings_RSWinsockLoadError, "Error on loading Winsock2 library (%s)" |
1979 | IdResourceStrings_RSStatusResolving, "Resolving hostname %s." |
1980 | IdResourceStrings_RSStatusConnecting, "Connecting to %s." |
1981 | IdResourceStrings_RSStatusConnected, "Connected." |
1982 | IdResourceStrings_RSStatusDisconnecting, "Disconnecting." |
1983 | IdResourceStrings_RSStatusDisconnected, "Disconnected." |
1984 | IdResourceStrings_RSStatusText, "%s" |
1985 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackError, "Socket Error # %d\r\n%s" |
1986 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEINTR, "Interrupted system call." |
1987 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEBADF, "Bad file number." |
1988 | IdResourceStrings_RSStackEACCES, "Access denied." |
1989 | MidConst_SNoConnectToBroker, "Connection not allowed to TConnectionBroker" |
1990 | MidConst_SNoParentConnection, "ParentConnection is not assigned" |
1991 | MidConst_SInvalidOptParamType, "Value cannot be stored in an optional parameter" |
1992 | MidConst_SConstraintFailed, "Record or field constraint failed." |
1993 | MidConst_SField, "Field" |
1994 | MidConst_SRecConstFail, "Preparation of record constraint failed with error \"%s\"" |
1995 | MidConst_SFieldConstFail, "Preparation of field constraint failed with error \"%s\"" |
1996 | MidConst_SDefExprFail, "Preparation of default expression failed with error \"%s\"" |
1997 | MidConst_SNoEditsAllowed, "Modifications are not allowed" |
1998 | MidConst_SNoDeletesAllowed, "Deletes are not allowed" |
1999 | MidConst_SNoInsertsAllowed, "Inserts are not allowed" |
2000 | MidConst_SConnectionMissing, "Requires Connection before opening" |
2001 | MidConst_SNoCircularConnection, "Circular reference to Connection not allowed" |
2002 | IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidSourceArray, "Invalid source array" |
2003 | IdResourceStrings_RSInvalidDestinationArray, "Invalid destination array" |
2004 | IdResourceStrings_RSCharIndexOutOfBounds, "Character index out of bounds (%d)" |
2005 | VDBConsts_SPostEdit, "Post edit" |
2006 | VDBConsts_SCancelEdit, "Cancel edit" |
2007 | VDBConsts_SRefreshRecord, "Refresh data" |
2008 | VDBConsts_SDeleteRecordQuestion, "Delete record?" |
2009 | VDBConsts_SDeleteMultipleRecordsQuestion, "Delete all selected records?" |
2010 | VDBConsts_SDataSourceFixed, "Operation not allowed in a DBCtrlGrid" |
2011 | VDBConsts_SNotReplicatable, "Control cannot be used in a DBCtrlGrid" |
2012 | VDBConsts_SPropDefByLookup, "Property already defined by lookup field" |
2013 | VDBConsts_STooManyColumns, "Grid requested to display more than 256 columns" |
2014 | VDBConsts_SRemoteLogin, "Remote Login" |
2015 | MidConst_SNoDataProvider, "Missing data provider or data packet" |
2016 | MidConst_SInvalidDataPacket, "Invalid data packet" |
2017 | MidConst_SRefreshError, "Must apply updates before refreshing data" |
2018 | MidConst_SNoCircularReference, "Circular provider references not allowed" |
2019 | MidConst_SErrorLoadingMidas, "Error loading MIDAS.DLL" |
2020 | MidConst_SCannotCreateDataSet, "No fields defined. Cannot create dataset" |
2021 | bdeconst_SLocalTransDirty, "The transaction isolation level must be dirty read for local databases" |
2022 | OleConst_SCannotActivate, "OLE control activation failed" |
2023 | OleConst_SNoWindowHandle, "Could not obtain OLE control window handle" |
2024 | OleConst_SInvalidLicense, "License information for %s is invalid" |
2025 | OleConst_SNotLicensed, "License information for %s not found. You cannot use this control in design mode" |
2026 | OleConst_sNoRunningObject, "Unable to retrieve a pointer to a running object registered with OLE for %s/%s" |
2027 | JConsts_sChangeJPGSize, "Cannot change the size of a JPEG image" |
2028 | JConsts_sJPEGError, "JPEG error #%d" |
2029 | JConsts_sJPEGImageFile, "JPEG Image File" |
2030 | VDBConsts_SFirstRecord, "First record" |
2031 | VDBConsts_SPriorRecord, "Prior record" |
2032 | VDBConsts_SNextRecord, "Next record" |
2033 | VDBConsts_SLastRecord, "Last record" |
2034 | VDBConsts_SInsertRecord, "Insert record" |
2035 | VDBConsts_SDeleteRecord, "Delete record" |
2036 | VDBConsts_SEditRecord, "Edit record" |
2037 | bdeconst_SSessionActive, "Cannot perform this operation on an active session" |
2038 | bdeconst_SHandleError, "Error creating cursor handle" |
2039 | bdeconst_SNoReferenceTableName, "ReferenceTableName not specified for field '%s'" |
2040 | bdeconst_SEmptySQLStatement, "No SQL statement available" |
2041 | bdeconst_SNoParameterValue, "No value for parameter '%s'" |
2042 | bdeconst_SLoginError, "Cannot connect to database '%s'" |
2043 | bdeconst_SInitError, "An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (error $%.4x)" |
2044 | bdeconst_SIDAPILangID, "0009" |
2045 | bdeconst_SBDEError, "BDE error $%.4x" |
2046 | bdeconst_SIndexDoesNotExist, "Index does not exist. Index: %s" |
2047 | bdeconst_SNoTableName, "Missing TableName property" |
2048 | bdeconst_SNoDataSetField, "Missing DataSetField property" |
2049 | bdeconst_SNoCachedUpdates, "Not in cached update mode" |
2050 | bdeconst_SInvalidAliasName, "Invalid alias name %s" |
2051 | bdeconst_SNoFieldAccess, "Cannot access field '%s' in a filter" |
2052 | bdeconst_SUntitled, "Untitled Application" |
2053 | QR5Const_sqrPreviewWindowCaption, "Report Preview : " |
2054 | QR5Const_sqrExitButtonCaption, "&Close" |
2055 | QR5Const_sqrSearchNoResult, "No matching text" |
2056 | QR5Const_sqrCancelButtonHint, "Cancel the report" |
2057 | QR5Const_sqrCopyButtonHint, "Copy page to clipboard" |
2058 | bdeconst_SAutoSessionExclusive, "Cannot enable AutoSessionName property with more than one session on a form or data-module" |
2059 | bdeconst_SAutoSessionExists, "Cannot add a session to the form or data-module while session '%s' has AutoSessionName enabled" |
2060 | bdeconst_SAutoSessionActive, "Cannot modify SessionName while AutoSessionName is enabled" |
2061 | bdeconst_SDuplicateDatabaseName, "Duplicate database name '%s'" |
2062 | bdeconst_SDuplicateSessionName, "Duplicate session name '%s'" |
2063 | bdeconst_SInvalidSessionName, "Invalid session name %s" |
2064 | bdeconst_SDatabaseNameMissing, "Database name missing" |
2065 | bdeconst_SSessionNameMissing, "Session name missing" |
2066 | bdeconst_SDatabaseOpen, "Cannot perform this operation on an open database" |
2067 | bdeconst_SDatabaseClosed, "Cannot perform this operation on a closed database" |
2068 | bdeconst_SDatabaseHandleSet, "Database handle owned by a different session" |
2069 | QR5Const_SqrConversionError, "Conversion error" |
2070 | QR5Const_SqrDivisionByZero, "Division by Zero" |
2071 | QR5Const_SqrInvalidFormatnumeric, "Invalid format or value specified" |
2072 | QR5Const_SqrSQRTInvalid, "Invalid argument to SQRT function" |
2073 | QR5Const_SqrInvalidNot, "Invalid use of NOT" |
2074 | QR5Const_SqrGotoPage, "Select a page from 1 to %d" |
2075 | QR5Const_sqrSearchResults, "Search Results" |
2076 | QR5Const_sqrThumbNails, "ThumbNails" |
2077 | QR5Const_sqrSearchText, "Search Text" |
2078 | QR5Const_sqrFindCaption, "Search for Text" |
2079 | QR5Const_sqrClosePreview, "Close Preview" |
2080 | QR5Const_sqrPageSelect, "Select a Page" |
2081 | QR5Const_sqrGoPage, "Enter page number" |
2082 | QR5Const_sqrMatchCase, "Match case" |
2083 | QR5Const_sqrSearchButtonCaption, "Search" |
2084 | QR5Const_sqrSearchDialogCaption, "Search for Text" |
2085 | QR5Const_SqrExpRecursive, "Recursive calls not allowed" |
2086 | QR5Const_SqrExpTooManyArgs, "Too many arguments" |
2087 | QR5Const_SqrExpWrongArguments, "Wrong arguments for %s" |
2088 | QR5Const_SqrExpUnknownType, "Unknown type" |
2089 | QR5Const_SqrTrue, "True" |
2090 | QR5Const_SqrFalse, "False" |
2091 | QR5Const_SqrEvalNotPrepared, "Evaluator not prepared" |
2092 | QR5Const_SqrName, "Name" |
2093 | QR5Const_SqrExpBldNumeric, "Argument %d - numeric value" |
2094 | QR5Const_SqrExpBldLogical, "Argument %d - logical value" |
2095 | QR5Const_SqrExpBldText, "Argument %d - text Value" |
2096 | QR5Const_SqrExpBldValue, "Argument %d - value" |
2097 | QR5Const_SqrExpBldEnterParam, "Enter %d. parameter for %s" |
2098 | QR5Const_SqrExpBldError, "ERROR: " |
2099 | QR5Const_SqrExpBldNoError, "There are no errors. The result is : " |
2100 | QR5Const_SqrMissingArgument, "Missing argument for %s" |
2101 | QR5Const_SqrFormatNumericDesc, "Formats numeric <N> using the mask in <F>" |
2102 | QR5Const_SqrExpCannotOperator, "Cannot %s %s expressions" |
2103 | QR5Const_SqrExpAdd, "add" |
2104 | QR5Const_SqrExpSubtract, "subtract" |
2105 | QR5Const_SqrExpMultiply, "multiply" |
2106 | QR5Const_SqrExpDivide, "divide" |
2107 | QR5Const_SqrExpBoolean, "boolean" |
2108 | QR5Const_SqrExpString, "string" |
2109 | QR5Const_SqrExpNumeric, "numeric" |
2110 | QR5Const_SqrExpDivideByZero, "Cannot divide by 0" |
2111 | QR5Const_SqrExpOperatorNotCompatible, "Operator %s is not compatible with %s expressions" |
2112 | QR5Const_SqrExpUnknownFieldType, "Field %s is of unknown type" |
2113 | QR5Const_SqrExpIllegalCharInNumeric, "Illegal character in numeric contant \"%s\"" |
2114 | QR5Const_SqrExpMissing, "Missing %s" |
2115 | QR5Const_SqrExpUnknownFunction, "Unknown function : %s" |
2116 | QR5Const_SqrExpError, "Error in expression : %s" |
2117 | QR5Const_SqrSumDesc, "Sums the numeric <X>" |
2118 | QR5Const_SqrCopyDesc, "Returns a substring of string X" |
2119 | QR5Const_SqrDivDesc, "Integer division of <X> by <Y>" |
2120 | QR5Const_SqrCountDesc, "Increments for each iteration" |
2121 | QR5Const_SqrMaxDesc, "Returns the highest <X>" |
2122 | QR5Const_SqrMinDesc, "Returns the lowest <X>" |
2123 | QR5Const_SqrAverageDesc, "Returns the average of numeric <X>" |
2124 | QR5Const_SqrBoolDesc, "boolean value" |
2125 | QR5Const_SqrIntDesc, "Returns the integer part of <X>" |
2126 | QR5Const_SqrFracDesc, "Returns the fractional part of <X>" |
2127 | QR5Const_SqrSqrtDesc, "Returns square root of <X>" |
2128 | QR5Const_SqrTypeofDesc, "Returns the data type of <Exp>" |
2129 | QR5Const_SqrNoCircular, "Circular linking not allowed" |
2130 | QR5Const_SqrUpperDesc, "Converts a string to upper case letters" |
2131 | QR5Const_SqrLowerDesc, "Converts a string to lower case letters" |
2132 | QR5Const_SqrPrettyDesc, "Makes the first character upper case and the rest lower case" |
2133 | QR5Const_SqrTime, "Time" |
2134 | QR5Const_SqrDate, "Date" |
2135 | QR5Const_SqrDateTime, "Date/Time" |
2136 | QR5Const_SqrPageNum, "Page#" |
2137 | QR5Const_SqrReportTitle, "Report title" |
2138 | QR5Const_SqrDetailCount, "Detail count" |
2139 | QR5Const_SqrDetailNo, "Detail no" |
2140 | QR5Const_SqrQuSoft, "QBS Software" |
2141 | QR5Const_SqrNone, "none" |
2142 | QR5Const_SqrFileNotExist, "File does not exist" |
2143 | QR5Const_SqrCompleted, " Completed" |
2144 | QR5Const_SqrQRFile, "QuickReport file" |
2145 | QR5Const_SqrIfDesc, "Returns <X> or <Y> depending on the boolean expression <Exp>" |
2146 | QR5Const_SqrStrDesc, "Convert a numeric <X> to a string" |
2147 | QR5Const_SqrTimeDesc, "Return current time as a string" |
2148 | QR5Const_SqrDateDesc, "Return current date as a string" |
2149 | QR5Const_SqrZoomToFit, "Zoom to fit" |
2150 | QR5Const_SqrZoom100, "100% Size" |
2151 | QR5Const_SqrZoomToWidth, "Zoom to width" |
2152 | QR5Const_SqrFirstPage, "First page" |
2153 | QR5Const_SqrPrevPage, "Previous page" |
2154 | QR5Const_SqrNextPage, "Next page" |
2155 | QR5Const_SqrLastPage, "Last page" |
2156 | QR5Const_SqrPrinterSetup, "Printer setup" |
2157 | QR5Const_SqrSaveReport, "Save report" |
2158 | QR5Const_SqrLoadReport, "Load report" |
2159 | QR5Const_SqrPage, "Page" |
2160 | QR5Const_SqrOf, "of" |
2161 | QR5Const_SqrIllegalNewPage, "Illegal call to NewPage" |
2162 | QR5Const_SqrQRPrinterNotReady, "QRPrinter not ready" |
2163 | QR5Const_SqrPrint, "Print" |
2164 | QR5Const_SqrExpression, "Expression" |
2165 | QR5Const_SqrOverlay, "Overlay" |
2166 | QR5Const_SqrChild, "Child" |
2167 | QR5Const_SqrWild, "Wild" |
2168 | QR5Const_SqrTitleBandName, "TitleBand" |
2169 | QR5Const_SqrPageHeaderBandName, "PageHeaderBand" |
2170 | QR5Const_SqrDetailBandName, "DetailBand" |
2171 | QR5Const_SqrPageFooterBandName, "PageFooterBand" |
2172 | QR5Const_SqrSummaryBandName, "SummaryBand" |
2173 | QR5Const_SqrGroupHeaderBandName, "GroupHeaderBand" |
2174 | QR5Const_SqrGroupFooterBandName, "GroupFooterBand" |
2175 | QR5Const_SqrSubDetailBandName, "SubDetailBand" |
2176 | QR5Const_SqrColumnHeaderBandName, "ColumnHeaderBand" |
2177 | QR5Const_SqrOverlayBandName, "OverlayBand" |
2178 | QR5Const_SqrChildBandName, "ChildBand" |
2179 | QR5Const_SqrWildBandName, "WildBand" |
2180 | QR5Const_SqrCancel, "Cancel" |
2181 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize63, "A3 Extra 322 x 445 mm" |
2182 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize64, "A5 Extra 174 x 235 mm" |
2183 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize65, "B5 (ISO) Extra 201 x 276 mm" |
2184 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize66, "A2 420 x 594 mm" |
2185 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize67, "A3 Transverse 420 z 297 mm" |
2186 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize68, "A3 Extra Transverse 445 z 322 mm" |
2187 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize69, "Custom Size" |
2188 | QR5Const_SqrTitle, "Title" |
2189 | QR5Const_SqrPageHeader, "Page Header" |
2190 | QR5Const_SqrDetail, "Detail" |
2191 | QR5Const_SqrPageFooter, "Page Footer" |
2192 | QR5Const_SqrSummary, "Summary" |
2193 | QR5Const_SqrGroupHeader, "Group Header" |
2194 | QR5Const_SqrGroupFooter, "Group Footer" |
2195 | QR5Const_SqrSubDetail, "Sub Detail" |
2196 | QR5Const_SqrColumnHeader, "Column Header" |
2197 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize47, "Envelope Invite 220 x 220 mm" |
2198 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize48, "RESERVED--DO NOT USE" |
2199 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize49, "RESERVED--DO NOT USE" |
2200 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize50, "Letter Extra 9 1/2 x 12 in" |
2201 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize51, "Legal Extra 9 1/2 x 15 in" |
2202 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize52, "Tabloid Extra 11.69 x 18 in" |
2203 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize53, "A4 Extra 236 x 322 mm" |
2204 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize54, "Letter Transverse 11 x 8 1/2 in" |
2205 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize55, "A4 Transverse 297 z 210 mm" |
2206 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize56, "Letter Extra Transverse 12 x 9 1/2 in" |
2207 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize57, "SuperASuperAA4 227 x 356 mm" |
2208 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize58, "SuperBSuperBA3 305 x 487 mm" |
2209 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize59, "Letter Plus 8.5 x 12.69 in" |
2210 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize60, "A4 Plus 210 x 330 mm" |
2211 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize61, "A5 Transverse 210 x 148 mm" |
2212 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize62, "B5 (JIS) Transverse 257 x 182 mm" |
2213 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize31, "Envelope C6 114 x 162 mm" |
2214 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize32, "Envelope C65 114 x 229 mm" |
2215 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize33, "Envelope B4 (JIS) 250 x 353 mm" |
2216 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize34, "Envelope B5 (JIS) 176 x 250 mm" |
2217 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize35, "Envelope B6 176 x 125 mm" |
2218 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize36, "Envelope 110 x 230 mm" |
2219 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize37, "Envelope Monarch 3.875 x 7.5 in" |
2220 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize38, "6 3/4 Envelope 3 5/8 x 6 1/2 in" |
2221 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize39, "US Std Fanfold 14 7/8 x 11 in" |
2222 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize40, "German Std Fanfold 8 1/2 x 12 in" |
2223 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize41, "German Legal Fanfold 8 1/2 x 13 in" |
2224 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize42, "B4 (ISO) 250 x 353 mm" |
2225 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize43, "Japanese Postcard 100 x 148 mm" |
2226 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize44, "9 x 11 in" |
2227 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize45, "10 x 11 in" |
2228 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize46, "15 x 11 in" |
2229 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize15, "Quarto 215 x 275 mm" |
2230 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize16, "10 x 14 in" |
2231 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize17, "11 x 17 in" |
2232 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize18, "Note 8 1/2 x 11 in" |
2233 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize19, "Envelope #9 3 7/8 x 8 7/8" |
2234 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize20, "Envelope #10 4 1/8 x 9 1/2" |
2235 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize21, "Envelope #11 4 1/2 x 10 3/8" |
2236 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize22, "Envelope #12 4 3/4 x 11" |
2237 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize23, "Envelope #14 5 x 11 1/2" |
2238 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize24, "C sheet 17 x 22 in" |
2239 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize25, "D sheet 22 x 34 in" |
2240 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize26, "E sheet 34 x 44 in" |
2241 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize27, "Envelope DL 110 x 220 mm" |
2242 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize28, "Envelope C5 162 x 229 mm" |
2243 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize29, "Envelope C3 324 x 458 mm" |
2244 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize30, "Envelope C4 229 x 324 mm" |
2245 | 5 | avalancogn | ComStrs_sPageIndexError, "%d is an invalid PageIndex value. PageIndex must be between 0 and %d" |
2246 | 1 | avalancogn | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize0, "Default size" |
2247 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize1, "Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in" |
2248 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize2, "Letter Small 8 1/2 x 11 in" |
2249 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize3, "Tabloid 11 x 17 in" |
2250 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize4, "Ledger 17 x 11 in" |
2251 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize5, "Legal 8 1/2 x 14 in" |
2252 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize6, "Statement 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 in" |
2253 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize7, "Executive 7 1/2 x 10 in" |
2254 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize8, "A3 297 x 420 mm" |
2255 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize9, "A4 210 x 297 mm" |
2256 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize10, "A4 Small 210 x 297 mm" |
2257 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize11, "A5 148 x 210 mm" |
2258 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize12, "B4 250 x 354 mm" |
2259 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize13, "B5 182 x 257 mm" |
2260 | QR5Const_SqrPaperSize14, "Folio 8 1/2 x 13 in" |
2261 | 5 | avalancogn | HelpIntfs_hNoTableOfContents, "Unable to find a Table of Contents" |
2262 | HelpIntfs_hNoTopics, "No topic-based help system installed" |
2263 | HelpIntfs_hNothingFound, "No help found for %s" |
2264 | ComStrs_sTabFailClear, "Failed to clear tab control" |
2265 | ComStrs_sTabFailDelete, "Failed to delete tab at index %d" |
2266 | 1 | avalancogn | ComStrs_sTabFailRetrieve, "Failed to retrieve tab at index %d" |
2267 | ComStrs_sTabFailGetObject, "Failed to get object at index %d" |
2268 | ComStrs_sTabFailSet, "Failed to set tab \"%s\" at index %d" |
2269 | ComStrs_sTabFailSetObject, "Failed to set object at index %d" |
2270 | ComStrs_sTabMustBeMultiLine, "MultiLine must be True when TabPosition is tpLeft or tpRight" |
2271 | ComStrs_sInvalidIndex, "Invalid index" |
2272 | ComStrs_sInsertError, "Unable to insert an item" |
2273 | ComStrs_sRichEditInsertError, "RichEdit line insertion error" |
2274 | ComStrs_sRichEditLoadFail, "Failed to Load Stream" |
2275 | ComStrs_sRichEditSaveFail, "Failed to Save Stream" |
2276 | ComStrs_sUDAssociated, "%s is already associated with %s" |
2277 | 5 | avalancogn | Consts_SANSIEncoding, "ANSI" |
2278 | Consts_SASCIIEncoding, "ASCII" |
2279 | Consts_SUnicodeEncoding, "Unicode" |
2280 | Consts_SBigEndianEncoding, "Big Endian Unicode" |
2281 | Consts_SUTF8Encoding, "UTF-8" |
2282 | 1 | avalancogn | Consts_SUTF7Encoding, "UTF-7" |
2283 | Consts_SPageControlNotSet, "PageControl must first be assigned" |
2284 | Consts_SWindowsVistaRequired, "%s requires Windows Vista or later" |
2285 | Consts_SXPThemesRequired, "%s requires themes to be enabled" |
2286 | Consts_STaskDlgButtonCaption, "Button%d" |
2287 | Consts_STaskDlgRadioButtonCaption, "RadioButton%d" |
2288 | Consts_SInvalidTaskDlgButtonCaption, "Caption cannot be empty" |
2289 | HelpIntfs_hNoContext, "No context-sensitive help installed" |
2290 | HelpIntfs_hNoContextFound, "No help found for context" |
2291 | HelpIntfs_hNoIndex, "Unable to open Index" |
2292 | HelpIntfs_hNoSearch, "Unable to open Search" |
2293 | 5 | avalancogn | Consts_SInvalidPrinterOp, "Operation not supported on selected printer" |
2294 | Consts_SNoDefaultPrinter, "There is no default printer currently selected" |
2295 | Consts_SDuplicateMenus, "Menu '%s' is already being used by another form" |
2296 | Consts_SPictureLabel, "Picture:" |
2297 | Consts_SPictureDesc, " (%dx%d)" |
2298 | 1 | avalancogn | Consts_SPreviewLabel, "Preview" |
2299 | Consts_SDockedCtlNeedsName, "Docked control must have a name" |
2300 | Consts_SDockTreeRemoveError, "Error removing control from dock tree" |
2301 | Consts_SDockZoneNotFound, " - Dock zone not found" |
2302 | Consts_SDockZoneHasNoCtl, " - Dock zone has no control" |
2303 | Consts_SDockZoneVersionConflict, "Error loading dock zone from the stream. Expecting version %d, but found %d." |
2304 | Consts_SMultiSelectRequired, "Multiselect mode must be on for this feature" |
2305 | Consts_SSeparator, "Separator" |
2306 | Consts_SErrorSettingCount, "Error setting %s.Count" |
2307 | Consts_SListBoxMustBeVirtual, "Listbox (%s) style must be virtual in order to set Count" |
2308 | Consts_SInvalidPath, "\"%s\" is an invalid path" |
2309 | 5 | avalancogn | Consts_SmkcRight, "Right" |
2310 | Consts_SmkcDown, "Down" |
2311 | Consts_SmkcIns, "Ins" |
2312 | Consts_SmkcDel, "Del" |
2313 | Consts_SmkcShift, "Shift+" |
2314 | 1 | avalancogn | Consts_SmkcCtrl, "Ctrl+" |
2315 | Consts_SmkcAlt, "Alt+" |
2316 | Consts_srNone, "(None)" |
2317 | Consts_SOutOfRange, "Value must be between %d and %d" |
2318 | Consts_sAllFilter, "All" |
2319 | Consts_SInsertLineError, "Unable to insert a line" |
2320 | Consts_SInvalidClipFmt, "Invalid clipboard format" |
2321 | Consts_SIconToClipboard, "Clipboard does not support Icons" |
2322 | Consts_SCannotOpenClipboard, "Cannot open clipboard: %s" |
2323 | Consts_SDefault, "Default" |
2324 | Consts_SInvalidMemoSize, "Text exceeds memo capacity" |
2325 | 5 | avalancogn | Consts_SMsgDlgIgnore, "&Ignore" |
2326 | Consts_SMsgDlgAll, "&All" |
2327 | Consts_SMsgDlgNoToAll, "N&o to All" |
2328 | Consts_SMsgDlgYesToAll, "Yes to &All" |
2329 | Consts_SMsgDlgClose, "&Close" |
2330 | 1 | avalancogn | Consts_SmkcBkSp, "BkSp" |
2331 | Consts_SmkcTab, "Tab" |
2332 | Consts_SmkcEsc, "Esc" |
2333 | Consts_SmkcEnter, "Enter" |
2334 | Consts_SmkcSpace, "Space" |
2335 | Consts_SmkcPgUp, "PgUp" |
2336 | Consts_SmkcPgDn, "PgDn" |
2337 | Consts_SmkcEnd, "End" |
2338 | Consts_SmkcHome, "Home" |
2339 | Consts_SmkcLeft, "Left" |
2340 | Consts_SmkcUp, "Up" |
2341 | 5 | avalancogn | Consts_SFixedColTooBig, "Fixed column count must be less than column count" |
2342 | Consts_SFixedRowTooBig, "Fixed row count must be less than row count" |
2343 | Consts_SInvalidStringGridOp, "Cannot insert or delete rows from grid" |
2344 | Consts_SMaskErr, "Invalid input value" |
2345 | Consts_SMaskEditErr, "Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes" |
2346 | 1 | avalancogn | Consts_SMsgDlgWarning, "Warning" |
2347 | Consts_SMsgDlgError, "Error" |
2348 | Consts_SMsgDlgInformation, "Information" |
2349 | Consts_SMsgDlgConfirm, "Confirm" |
2350 | Consts_SMsgDlgYes, "&Yes" |
2351 | Consts_SMsgDlgNo, "&No" |
2352 | Consts_SMsgDlgOK, "OK" |
2353 | Consts_SMsgDlgCancel, "Cancel" |
2354 | Consts_SMsgDlgHelp, "&Help" |
2355 | Consts_SMsgDlgAbort, "&Abort" |
2356 | Consts_SMsgDlgRetry, "&Retry" |
2357 | 5 | avalancogn | Consts_SYesButton, "&Yes" |
2358 | Consts_SNoButton, "&No" |
2359 | Consts_SHelpButton, "&Help" |
2360 | Consts_SCloseButton, "&Close" |
2361 | Consts_SIgnoreButton, "&Ignore" |
2362 | 1 | avalancogn | Consts_SRetryButton, "&Retry" |
2363 | Consts_SAbortButton, "Abort" |
2364 | Consts_SAllButton, "&All" |
2365 | Consts_SCannotDragForm, "Cannot drag a form" |
2366 | Consts_SVMetafiles, "Metafiles" |
2367 | Consts_SVEnhMetafiles, "Enhanced Metafiles" |
2368 | Consts_SVIcons, "Icons" |
2369 | Consts_SVBitmaps, "Bitmaps" |
2370 | Consts_SGridTooLarge, "Grid too large for operation" |
2371 | Consts_STooManyDeleted, "Too many rows or columns deleted" |
2372 | Consts_SIndexOutOfRange, "Grid index out of range" |
2373 | 5 | avalancogn | Consts_SScrollBarRange, "Scrollbar property out of range" |
2374 | Consts_SPropertyOutOfRange, "%s property out of range" |
2375 | Consts_SMenuIndexError, "Menu index out of range" |
2376 | Consts_SMenuReinserted, "Menu inserted twice" |
2377 | Consts_SMenuNotFound, "Sub-menu is not in menu" |
2378 | 1 | avalancogn | Consts_SNoTimers, "Not enough timers available" |
2379 | Consts_SNotPrinting, "Printer is not currently printing" |
2380 | Consts_SPrinting, "Printing in progress" |
2381 | Consts_SPrinterIndexError, "Printer index out of range" |
2382 | Consts_SInvalidPrinter, "Printer selected is not valid" |
2383 | Consts_SDeviceOnPort, "%s on %s" |
2384 | Consts_SGroupIndexTooLow, "GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex" |
2385 | Consts_SNoMDIForm, "Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active" |
2386 | Consts_SControlParentSetToSelf, "A control cannot have itself as its parent" |
2387 | Consts_SOKButton, "OK" |
2388 | Consts_SCancelButton, "Cancel" |
2389 | 5 | avalancogn | Consts_SOutOfResources, "Out of system resources" |
2390 | Consts_SNoCanvasHandle, "Canvas does not allow drawing" |
2391 | Consts_SInvalidImageSize, "Invalid image size" |
2392 | Consts_SInvalidImageList, "Invalid ImageList" |
2393 | Consts_SReplaceImage, "Unable to Replace Image" |
2394 | 1 | avalancogn | Consts_SImageIndexError, "Invalid ImageList Index" |
2395 | Consts_SImageReadFail, "Failed to read ImageList data from stream" |
2396 | Consts_SImageWriteFail, "Failed to write ImageList data to stream" |
2397 | Consts_SWindowDCError, "Error creating window device context" |
2398 | Consts_SWindowClass, "Error creating window class" |
2399 | Consts_SCannotFocus, "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" |
2400 | Consts_SParentRequired, "Control '%s' has no parent window" |
2401 | Consts_SParentGivenNotAParent, "Parent given is not a parent of '%s'" |
2402 | Consts_SMDIChildNotVisible, "Cannot hide an MDI Child Form" |
2403 | Consts_SVisibleChanged, "Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide" |
2404 | Consts_SCannotShowModal, "Cannot make a visible window modal" |
2405 | 5 | avalancogn | ComConst_SNoMethod, "Method '%s' not supported by automation object" |
2406 | ComConst_SVarNotObject, "Variant does not reference an automation object" |
2407 | ComConst_STooManyParams, "Dispatch methods do not support more than 64 parameters" |
2408 | ComConst_SDCOMNotInstalled, "DCOM not installed" |
2409 | Consts_SInvalidTabPosition, "Tab position incompatible with current tab style" |
2410 | 1 | avalancogn | Consts_SInvalidTabStyle, "Tab style incompatible with current tab position" |
2411 | Consts_SInvalidBitmap, "Bitmap image is not valid" |
2412 | Consts_SInvalidIcon, "Icon image is not valid" |
2413 | Consts_SInvalidMetafile, "Metafile is not valid" |
2414 | Consts_SInvalidPixelFormat, "Invalid pixel format" |
2415 | Consts_SInvalidImage, "Invalid image" |
2416 | Consts_SScanLine, "Scan line index out of range" |
2417 | Consts_SChangeIconSize, "Cannot change the size of an icon" |
2418 | Consts_SOleGraphic, "Invalid operation on TOleGraphic" |
2419 | Consts_SUnknownExtension, "Unknown picture file extension (.%s)" |
2420 | Consts_SUnknownClipboardFormat, "Unsupported clipboard format" |
2421 | DBConsts_SParameterNotFound, "Parameter '%s' not found" |
2422 | DBConsts_SInvalidVersion, "Unable to load bind parameters" |
2423 | DBConsts_SBadFieldType, "Field '%s' is of an unsupported type" |
2424 | DBConsts_SAggActive, "Property may not be modified while aggregate is active" |
2425 | DBConsts_SProviderSQLNotSupported, "SQL not supported" |
2426 | DBConsts_SProviderExecuteNotSupported, "Execute not supported" |
2427 | DBConsts_SExprNoAggOnCalcs, "Field '%s' is not the correct type of calculated field to be used in an aggregate, use an internalcalc" |
2428 | DBConsts_SDataSetUnidirectional, "Operation not allowed on a unidirectional dataset" |
2429 | DBConsts_SUnassignedVar, "Unassigned variant value" |
2430 | DBConsts_SRecordNotFound, "Record not found" |
2431 | DBConsts_SBcdOverflow, "BCD overflow" |
2432 | DBConsts_SInvalidBcdValue, "%s is not a valid BCD value" |
2433 | DBConsts_SInvalidFormatType, "Invalid format type for BCD" |
2434 | DBConsts_SCouldNotParseTimeStamp, "Could not parse SQL TimeStamp string" |
2435 | DBConsts_SInvalidSqlTimeStamp, "Invalid SQL date/time values" |
2436 | 5 | avalancogn | ComConst_SOleError, "OLE error %.8x" |
2437 | 1 | avalancogn | DBConsts_SExprExpected, "Expression expected but %s found" |
2438 | DBConsts_SExprBadField, "Field '%s' cannot be used in a filter expression" |
2439 | DBConsts_SExprBadNullTest, "NULL only allowed with '=' and '<>'" |
2440 | DBConsts_SExprRangeError, "Constant out of range" |
2441 | DBConsts_SExprIncorrect, "Incorrectly formed filter expression" |
2442 | DBConsts_SExprNothing, "nothing" |
2443 | DBConsts_SExprTypeMis, "Type mismatch in expression" |
2444 | DBConsts_SExprBadScope, "Operation cannot mix aggregate value with record-varying value" |
2445 | DBConsts_SExprNoArith, "Arithmetic in filter expressions not supported" |
2446 | DBConsts_SExprNotAgg, "Expression is not an aggregate expression" |
2447 | DBConsts_SExprBadConst, "Constant is not correct type %s" |
2448 | DBConsts_SExprNoAggFilter, "Aggregate expressions not allowed in filters" |
2449 | DBConsts_SExprEmptyInList, "IN predicate list may not be empty" |
2450 | DBConsts_SInvalidKeywordUse, "Invalid use of keyword" |
2451 | DBConsts_STextFalse, "False" |
2452 | DBConsts_STextTrue, "True" |
2453 | DBConsts_SLookupInfoError, "Lookup information for field '%s' is incomplete" |
2454 | DBConsts_SDataSourceChange, "DataSource cannot be changed" |
2455 | DBConsts_SNoNestedMasterSource, "Nested datasets cannot have a MasterSource" |
2456 | DBConsts_SDataSetOpen, "Cannot perform this operation on an open dataset" |
2457 | DBConsts_SNotEditing, "Dataset not in edit or insert mode" |
2458 | DBConsts_SDataSetClosed, "Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset" |
2459 | DBConsts_SDataSetEmpty, "Cannot perform this operation on an empty dataset" |
2460 | DBConsts_SDataSetReadOnly, "Cannot modify a read-only dataset" |
2461 | DBConsts_SNestedDataSetClass, "Nested dataset must inherit from %s" |
2462 | DBConsts_SExprTermination, "Filter expression incorrectly terminated" |
2463 | DBConsts_SExprNameError, "Unterminated field name" |
2464 | DBConsts_SExprStringError, "Unterminated string constant" |
2465 | DBConsts_SExprInvalidChar, "Invalid filter expression character: '%s'" |
2466 | DBConsts_SExprNoLParen, "'(' expected but %s found" |
2467 | DBConsts_SExprNoRParen, "')' expected but %s found" |
2468 | DBConsts_SExprNoRParenOrComma, "')' or ',' expected but %s found" |
2469 | DBConsts_SFieldTypeMismatch, "Type mismatch for field '%s', expecting: %s actual: %s" |
2470 | DBConsts_SFieldSizeMismatch, "Size mismatch for field '%s', expecting: %d actual: %d" |
2471 | DBConsts_SInvalidVarByteArray, "Invalid variant type or size for field '%s'" |
2472 | DBConsts_SFieldOutOfRange, "Value of field '%s' is out of range" |
2473 | DBConsts_SFieldRequired, "Field '%s' must have a value" |
2474 | DBConsts_SDataSetMissing, "Field '%s' has no dataset" |
2475 | DBConsts_SInvalidCalcType, "Field '%s' cannot be a calculated or lookup field" |
2476 | DBConsts_SFieldReadOnly, "Field '%s' cannot be modified" |
2477 | DBConsts_SFieldIndexError, "Field index out of range" |
2478 | DBConsts_SNoFieldIndexes, "No index currently active" |
2479 | DBConsts_SNotIndexField, "Field '%s' is not indexed and cannot be modified" |
2480 | DBConsts_SIndexFieldMissing, "Cannot access index field '%s'" |
2481 | DBConsts_SNoIndexForFields, "No index for fields '%s'" |
2482 | DBConsts_SIndexNotFound, "Index '%s' not found" |
2483 | DBConsts_SDBDuplicateName, "Duplicate name '%s' in %s" |
2484 | DBConsts_SCircularDataLink, "Circular datalinks are not allowed" |
2485 | RTLConsts_SInvalidInteger, "''%s'' is not a valid integer value" |
2486 | RTLConsts_SInvalidTime, "''%s'' is not a valid time" |
2487 | RTLConsts_STimeEncodeError, "Invalid argument to time encode" |
2488 | DBConsts_SInvalidFieldSize, "Invalid field size" |
2489 | DBConsts_SInvalidFieldKind, "Invalid FieldKind" |
2490 | DBConsts_SUnknownFieldType, "Field '%s' is of an unknown type" |
2491 | DBConsts_SFieldNameMissing, "Field name missing" |
2492 | DBConsts_SDuplicateFieldName, "Duplicate field name '%s'" |
2493 | DBConsts_SFieldNotFound, "Field '%s' not found" |
2494 | DBConsts_SFieldAccessError, "Cannot access field '%s' as type %s" |
2495 | DBConsts_SFieldValueError, "Invalid value for field '%s'" |
2496 | DBConsts_SFieldRangeError, "%g is not a valid value for field '%s'. The allowed range is %g to %g" |
2497 | DBConsts_SBcdFieldRangeError, "%s is not a valid value for field '%s'. The allowed range is %s to %s" |
2498 | DBConsts_SInvalidIntegerValue, "'%s' is not a valid integer value for field '%s'" |
2499 | DBConsts_SInvalidBoolValue, "'%s' is not a valid boolean value for field '%s'" |
2500 | DBConsts_SInvalidFloatValue, "'%s' is not a valid floating point value for field '%s'" |
2501 | RTLConsts_SResNotFound, "Resource %s not found" |
2502 | RTLConsts_SSeekNotImplemented, "%s.Seek not implemented" |
2503 | RTLConsts_SSortedListError, "Operation not allowed on sorted list" |
2504 | RTLConsts_SUnknownGroup, "%s not in a class registration group" |
2505 | RTLConsts_SUnknownProperty, "Property %s does not exist" |
2506 | RTLConsts_SWriteError, "Stream write error" |
2507 | RTLConsts_SThreadCreateError, "Thread creation error: %s" |
2508 | RTLConsts_SThreadError, "Thread Error: %s (%d)" |
2509 | RTLConsts_SThreadExternalTerminate, "Cannot terminate an externally created thread" |
2510 | RTLConsts_SThreadExternalWait, "Cannot wait for an externally created thread" |
2511 | RTLConsts_hNoFilterViewer, "No help viewer that supports filters" |
2512 | RTLConsts_sArgumentOutOfRange_StringIndex, "String index out of range (%d). Must be >= 1 and <= %d" |
2513 | RTLConsts_sArgument_InvalidHighSurrogate, "High surrogate char without a following low surrogate char at index: %d. Check that the string is encoded properly" |
2514 | RTLConsts_sArgument_InvalidLowSurrogate, "Low surrogate char without a preceding high surrogate char at index: %d. Check that the string is encoded properly" |
2515 | RTLConsts_SInvalidDate, "''%s'' is not a valid date" |
2516 | RTLConsts_SInvalidDateTime, "''%s'' is not a valid date and time" |
2517 | RTLConsts_SInvalidName, "''%s'' is not a valid component name" |
2518 | RTLConsts_SInvalidProperty, "Invalid property value" |
2519 | RTLConsts_SInvalidPropertyElement, "Invalid property element: %s" |
2520 | RTLConsts_SInvalidPropertyPath, "Invalid property path" |
2521 | RTLConsts_SInvalidPropertyType, "Invalid property type: %s" |
2522 | RTLConsts_SInvalidPropertyValue, "Invalid property value" |
2523 | RTLConsts_SInvalidRegType, "Invalid data type for '%s'" |
2524 | RTLConsts_SListCapacityError, "List capacity out of bounds (%d)" |
2525 | RTLConsts_SListCountError, "List count out of bounds (%d)" |
2526 | RTLConsts_SListIndexError, "List index out of bounds (%d)" |
2527 | RTLConsts_SMemoryStreamError, "Out of memory while expanding memory stream" |
2528 | RTLConsts_SPropertyException, "Error reading %s%s%s: %s" |
2529 | RTLConsts_SReadError, "Stream read error" |
2530 | RTLConsts_SReadOnlyProperty, "Property is read-only" |
2531 | RTLConsts_SRegGetDataFailed, "Failed to get data for '%s'" |
2532 | RTLConsts_SRegSetDataFailed, "Failed to set data for '%s'" |
2533 | SysConst_SInvalidCodePage, "Invalid code page" |
2534 | RTLConsts_SAncestorNotFound, "Ancestor for '%s' not found" |
2535 | RTLConsts_SAssignError, "Cannot assign a %s to a %s" |
2536 | RTLConsts_SBitsIndexError, "Bits index out of range" |
2537 | RTLConsts_SCantWriteResourceStreamError, "Can't write to a read-only resource stream" |
2538 | RTLConsts_SCheckSynchronizeError, "CheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread" |
2539 | RTLConsts_SClassNotFound, "Class %s not found" |
2540 | RTLConsts_SDuplicateClass, "A class named %s already exists" |
2541 | RTLConsts_SDuplicateItem, "List does not allow duplicates ($0%x)" |
2542 | RTLConsts_SDuplicateName, "A component named %s already exists" |
2543 | RTLConsts_SDuplicateString, "String list does not allow duplicates" |
2544 | RTLConsts_SFCreateErrorEx, "Cannot create file \"%s\". %s" |
2545 | RTLConsts_SFOpenErrorEx, "Cannot open file \"%s\". %s" |
2546 | RTLConsts_SIniFileWriteError, "Unable to write to %s" |
2547 | RTLConsts_SInvalidFileName, "Invalid file name - %s" |
2548 | RTLConsts_SInvalidImage, "Invalid stream format" |
2549 | SysConst_SShortDayNameFri, "Fri" |
2550 | SysConst_SShortDayNameSat, "Sat" |
2551 | SysConst_SLongDayNameSun, "Sunday" |
2552 | SysConst_SLongDayNameMon, "Monday" |
2553 | SysConst_SLongDayNameTue, "Tuesday" |
2554 | SysConst_SLongDayNameWed, "Wednesday" |
2555 | SysConst_SLongDayNameThu, "Thursday" |
2556 | SysConst_SLongDayNameFri, "Friday" |
2557 | SysConst_SLongDayNameSat, "Saturday" |
2558 | SysConst_SCannotCreateDir, "Unable to create directory" |
2559 | SysConst_SInvalidSourceArray, "Invalid source array" |
2560 | SysConst_SInvalidDestinationArray, "Invalid destination array" |
2561 | SysConst_SCharIndexOutOfBounds, "Character index out of bounds (%d)" |
2562 | SysConst_SByteIndexOutOfBounds, "Start index out of bounds (%d)" |
2563 | SysConst_SInvalidCharCount, "Invalid count (%d)" |
2564 | SysConst_SInvalidDestinationIndex, "Invalid destination index (%d)" |
2565 | SysConst_SLongMonthNameFeb, "February" |
2566 | SysConst_SLongMonthNameMar, "March" |
2567 | SysConst_SLongMonthNameApr, "April" |
2568 | SysConst_SLongMonthNameMay, "May" |
2569 | SysConst_SLongMonthNameJun, "June" |
2570 | SysConst_SLongMonthNameJul, "July" |
2571 | SysConst_SLongMonthNameAug, "August" |
2572 | SysConst_SLongMonthNameSep, "September" |
2573 | SysConst_SLongMonthNameOct, "October" |
2574 | SysConst_SLongMonthNameNov, "November" |
2575 | SysConst_SLongMonthNameDec, "December" |
2576 | SysConst_SShortDayNameSun, "Sun" |
2577 | SysConst_SShortDayNameMon, "Mon" |
2578 | SysConst_SShortDayNameTue, "Tue" |
2579 | SysConst_SShortDayNameWed, "Wed" |
2580 | SysConst_SShortDayNameThu, "Thu" |
2581 | SysConst_SOSError, "System Error. Code: %d.\r\n%s" |
2582 | SysConst_SUnkOSError, "A call to an OS function failed" |
2583 | SysConst_SNL, "Application is not licensed to use this feature" |
2584 | SysConst_SShortMonthNameJan, "Jan" |
2585 | SysConst_SShortMonthNameFeb, "Feb" |
2586 | SysConst_SShortMonthNameMar, "Mar" |
2587 | SysConst_SShortMonthNameApr, "Apr" |
2588 | SysConst_SShortMonthNameMay, "May" |
2589 | SysConst_SShortMonthNameJun, "Jun" |
2590 | SysConst_SShortMonthNameJul, "Jul" |
2591 | SysConst_SShortMonthNameAug, "Aug" |
2592 | SysConst_SShortMonthNameSep, "Sep" |
2593 | SysConst_SShortMonthNameOct, "Oct" |
2594 | SysConst_SShortMonthNameNov, "Nov" |
2595 | SysConst_SShortMonthNameDec, "Dec" |
2596 | SysConst_SLongMonthNameJan, "January" |
2597 | SysConst_SVarTypeCouldNotConvert, "Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s)" |
2598 | SysConst_SVarTypeConvertOverflow, "Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s)" |
2599 | SysConst_SVarOverflow, "Variant overflow" |
2600 | SysConst_SVarInvalid, "Invalid argument" |
2601 | SysConst_SVarBadType, "Invalid variant type" |
2602 | SysConst_SVarNotImplemented, "Operation not supported" |
2603 | SysConst_SVarUnexpected, "Unexpected variant error" |
2604 | SysConst_SExternalException, "External exception %x" |
2605 | SysConst_SAssertionFailed, "Assertion failed" |
2606 | SysConst_SIntfCastError, "Interface not supported" |
2607 | SysConst_SSafecallException, "Exception in safecall method" |
2608 | SysConst_SMonitorLockException, "Object lock not owned" |
2609 | SysConst_SNoMonitorSupportException, "Monitor support function not initialized" |
2610 | SysConst_SAssertError, "%s (%s, line %d)" |
2611 | SysConst_SAbstractError, "Abstract Error" |
2612 | SysConst_SModuleAccessViolation, "Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p" |
2613 | SysConst_SDispatchError, "Variant method calls not supported" |
2614 | SysConst_SReadAccess, "Read" |
2615 | SysConst_SWriteAccess, "Write" |
2616 | SysConst_SFormatTooLong, "Format string too long" |
2617 | SysConst_SVarArrayCreate, "Error creating variant or safe array" |
2618 | SysConst_SVarArrayBounds, "Variant or safe array index out of bounds" |
2619 | SysConst_SVarArrayLocked, "Variant or safe array is locked" |
2620 | SysConst_SVarArrayWithHResult, "Unexpected variant or safe array error: %s%.8x" |
2621 | SysConst_SInvalidVarCast, "Invalid variant type conversion" |
2622 | SysConst_SInvalidVarOp, "Invalid variant operation" |
2623 | SysConst_SInvalidVarNullOp, "Invalid NULL variant operation" |
2624 | SysConst_SInvalidVarOpWithHResultWithPrefix, "Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)\n%s" |
2625 | SysConst_SVarTypeOutOfRangeWithPrefix, "Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is out of range" |
2626 | SysConst_SVarTypeAlreadyUsedWithPrefix, "Custom variant type (%s%.4x) already used by %s" |
2627 | SysConst_SVarTypeNotUsableWithPrefix, "Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not usable" |
2628 | SysConst_SVarTypeTooManyCustom, "Too many custom variant types have been registered" |
2629 | SysConst_SInvalidOp, "Invalid floating point operation" |
2630 | SysConst_SZeroDivide, "Floating point division by zero" |
2631 | SysConst_SOverflow, "Floating point overflow" |
2632 | SysConst_SUnderflow, "Floating point underflow" |
2633 | SysConst_SInvalidPointer, "Invalid pointer operation" |
2634 | SysConst_SInvalidCast, "Invalid class typecast" |
2635 | SysConst_SAccessViolationArg3, "Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p" |
2636 | SysConst_SAccessViolationNoArg, "Access violation" |
2637 | SysConst_SStackOverflow, "Stack overflow" |
2638 | SysConst_SControlC, "Control-C hit" |
2639 | SysConst_SPrivilege, "Privileged instruction" |
2640 | SysConst_SOperationAborted, "Operation aborted" |
2641 | SysConst_SException, "Exception %s in module %s at %p.\r\n%s%s\r\n" |
2642 | SysConst_SExceptTitle, "Application Error" |
2643 | SysConst_SInvalidFormat, "Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument" |
2644 | SysConst_SArgumentMissing, "No argument for format '%s'" |
2645 | SysConst_SInvalidFloat, "'%s' is not a valid floating point value" |
2646 | SysConst_SInvalidTimeStamp, "'%d.%d' is not a valid timestamp" |
2647 | SysConst_SInvalidGUID, "'%s' is not a valid GUID value" |
2648 | SysConst_SInvalidBoolean, "'%s' is not a valid boolean value" |
2649 | SysConst_SDateEncodeError, "Invalid argument to date encode" |
2650 | SysConst_SOutOfMemory, "Out of memory" |
2651 | SysConst_SInOutError, "I/O error %d" |
2652 | SysConst_SFileNotFound, "File not found" |
2653 | SysConst_STooManyOpenFiles, "Too many open files" |
2654 | SysConst_SAccessDenied, "File access denied" |
2655 | SysConst_SEndOfFile, "Read beyond end of file" |
2656 | SysConst_SDiskFull, "Disk full" |
2657 | SysConst_SInvalidInput, "Invalid numeric input" |
2658 | SysConst_SDivByZero, "Division by zero" |
2659 | SysConst_SRangeError, "Range check error" |
2660 | SysConst_SIntOverflow, "Integer overflow" |
2661 | END |
2662 | |||
2663 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\character.res */ |
2664 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\Controls.res */ |
2665 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\Buttons.res */ |
2666 | 5 | avalancogn | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\RaveReports\Lib\RpFormStatus.dfm */ |
2667 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\RaveReports\Lib\RpFormSetup.dfm */ |
2668 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\RaveReports\Lib\RpFormPreview.dfm */ |
2669 | 1 | avalancogn | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\QuickReport\QREnvEd.DFM */ |
2670 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\QuickReport\QRAbout.DFM */ |
2671 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\QuickReport\QRXSearchFrm.dfm */ |
2672 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\QuickReport\QRLablEd.DFM */ |
2673 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\QuickReport\QRExprEd.DFM */ |
2674 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\QuickReport\QRXBrowser.DFM */ |
2675 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\QuickReport\QRSearchDlg.dfm */ |
2676 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\QuickReport\QRPrev.DFM */ |
2677 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\QuickReport\QRPrgres.DFM */ |
2678 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\QuickReport\QRCompEd.DFM */ |
2679 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\QuickReport\QRExpBld.DFM */ |
2680 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\QuickReport\QUICKRPT.RES */ |
2681 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\DBPWDlg.dfm */ |
2682 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\DBLogDlg.dfm */ |
2683 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\DBCtrls.res */ |
2684 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\DBGrids.res */ |
2685 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\WindowsXP.res */ |
2686 | /* UFWarning.dfm */ |
2687 | /* UFError.dfm */ |
2688 | /* UFAbout.dfm */ |
2689 | /* UFIntro.dfm */ |
2690 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\jvcl\resources\JvEnterTab.res */ |
2691 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\SPIN.RES */ |
2692 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\midas.res */ |
2693 | /* UFPrevRap.dfm */ |
2694 | /* UFRapSensSimulP.dfm */ |
2695 | /* UFRapCompSimulP.dfm */ |
2696 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeResou.res */ |
2697 | /* UFPrevGraph.dfm */ |
2698 | /* UFCompSimulP.dfm */ |
2699 | /* UFRapSimulP.dfm */ |
2700 | /* UFResSimulP.dfm */ |
2701 | /* UFComment.dfm */ |
2702 | /* UFSimulP.dfm */ |
2703 | /* UFCalibrProfilP.dfm */ |
2704 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\jcl\lib\d12\JclUnicode.res */ |
2705 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\jvcl\resources\JvConsts.res */ |
2706 | /* UFObservProfilP.dfm */ |
2707 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\jvcl\resources\JvxSlider.res */ |
2708 | /* UFGraph3D.dfm */ |
2709 | /* UFRapProfilP.dfm */ |
2710 | /* UFProfilP.dfm */ |
2711 | /* UFRapRationP.dfm */ |
2712 | /* UFRationP.dfm */ |
2713 | /* UFRapSeqAliP.dfm */ |
2714 | /* UFSeqAliP.dfm */ |
2715 | /* UFRapBesLactE.dfm */ |
2716 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeNavig.res */ |
2717 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeePrevi.DFM */ |
2718 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\ExtDlgs.res */ |
2719 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeePenDlg.DFM */ |
2720 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeBmps.res */ |
2721 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeSourceEdit.DFM */ |
2722 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeMargins.DFM */ |
2723 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeFiltersEditor.DFM */ |
2724 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeBrushDlg.DFM */ |
2725 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeBrushes.res */ |
2726 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeBackImage.DFM */ |
2727 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeShadowEditor.DFM */ |
2728 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEdiGrad.DFM */ |
2729 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEdiFont.DFM */ |
2730 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeCustomShapeEditor.DFM */ |
2731 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeFormatting.DFM */ |
2732 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeePoEdi.DFM */ |
2733 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeAxisIncr.DFM */ |
2734 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeSelectList.DFM */ |
2735 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeGalleryAlternate.DFM */ |
2736 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeGally.DFM */ |
2737 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeBaseFuncEdit.DFM */ |
2738 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEdiPeri.DFM */ |
2739 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeFuncEdit.DFM */ |
2740 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEdiSeri.DFM */ |
2741 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeAbout.DFM */ |
2742 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeToolsGallery.DFM */ |
2743 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeTools.res */ |
2744 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEditTools.DFM */ |
2745 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEdi3D.DFM */ |
2746 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEdiGene.DFM */ |
2747 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEdiPage.DFM */ |
2748 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEdiWall.DFM */ |
2749 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeStringsEditor.DFM */ |
2750 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEdiTitl.DFM */ |
2751 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEdiPane.DFM */ |
2752 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeSymbolEditor.DFM */ |
2753 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEdiLege.DFM */ |
2754 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeAxMaxMin.DFM */ |
2755 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEdiAxis.DFM */ |
2756 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeBmpOptions.DFM */ |
2757 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEmfOptions.DFM */ |
2758 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeExport.DFM */ |
2759 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeExport.DFM */ |
2760 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeEditCha.DFM */ |
2761 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeBubbleEdit.dfm */ |
2762 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeArrowEdi.DFM */ |
2763 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeGanttEdi.DFM */ |
2764 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeAvgFuncEditor.dfm */ |
2765 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeCustomFuncEditor.dfm */ |
2766 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeShapeEdi.DFM */ |
2767 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeFLineEdi.DFM */ |
2768 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeCircledEdit.DFM */ |
2769 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeePieEdit.DFM */ |
2770 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeStackBarEdit.DFM */ |
2771 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeBarEdit.DFM */ |
2772 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeAreaEdit.dfm */ |
2773 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro 8.08 Full Source Code\Sources\Compiled\Delphi12\Lib\TeeCustEdit.DFM */ |
2774 | /* UFResBesLactE.dfm */ |
2775 | /* UFBesLactE.dfm */ |
2776 | /* UFRapBesLactT.dfm */ |
2777 | /* UFResBesLactT.dfm */ |
2778 | /* UFBesLactT.dfm */ |
2779 | /* UFRapBesGestE.dfm */ |
2780 | /* UFResBesGestE.dfm */ |
2781 | /* UFBesGestE.dfm */ |
2782 | /* UFRapBesGestT.dfm */ |
2783 | /* UFResBesGestT.dfm */ |
2784 | /* UFBesGestT.dfm */ |
2785 | /* UFCompSimulT.dfm */ |
2786 | /* UFRapSimulT.dfm */ |
2787 | /* UFResSimulT.dfm */ |
2788 | /* UFSimulT.dfm */ |
2789 | /* UFCalibrage.dfm */ |
2790 | /* UFRapProfilT.dfm */ |
2791 | /* UFProfilT.dfm */ |
2792 | /* UFRapLogeT.dfm */ |
2793 | /* UFLogeT.dfm */ |
2794 | /* UFRapRationT.dfm */ |
2795 | /* UFRationT.dfm */ |
2796 | /* UFRapSeqAliT.dfm */ |
2797 | /* UFSeqAliT.dfm */ |
2798 | /* c:\program files (x86)\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\FileCtrl.res */ |
2799 | /* C:\Program Files (x86)\jvcl\resources\JvToolEdit.res */ |
2800 | /* UFUserEquation.dfm */ |
2801 | /* UFConfig.dfm */ |
2802 | /* UFImpExp.dfm */ |
2803 | /* UFTarif.dfm */ |
2804 | /* UFRapAliMat.dfm */ |
2805 | /* UFRapAliMin.dfm */ |
2806 | /* UFRapAliAG.dfm */ |
2807 | /* UFRapAliAA.dfm */ |
2808 | /* UFRapAliElem.dfm */ |
2809 | /* UFRapportAli.dfm */ |
2810 | /* UFGraphAli.dfm */ |
2811 | /* UFCommentAli.dfm */ |
2812 | /* UFAliment.dfm */ |
2813 | /* UFRapMatMin.dfm */ |
2814 | /* UFRapMatAG.dfm */ |
2815 | /* UFRapMatAA.dfm */ |
2816 | /* UFRapMatElem.dfm */ |
2817 | /* UFRapportMat.dfm */ |
2818 | /* UFCommentMat.dfm */ |
2819 | /* UFMatiere.dfm */ |
2820 | /* UFLicense.dfm */ |
2821 | /* UFMenu.dfm */ |
2822 | /* UFLoader.dfm */ |
2823 | /* C:\Users\Alain VALANCOGNE\Documents\RAD Studio\Projects\InraPorc\InraPorc.RES */ |
2824 | /* C:\Users\Alain VALANCOGNE\Documents\RAD Studio\Projects\InraPorc\Resources\Resources.res */ |
2825 | /* C:\Users\Alain VALANCOGNE\Documents\RAD Studio\Projects\InraPorc\InraPorc.drf */ |