root / LicensesMercure / UFMenu.pas @ 5
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (14,261 ko)
1 | 1 | avalancogn | unit UFMenu;
2 | |||
3 | interface
4 | |||
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Forms, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, |
7 | Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, PBNumEdit, DB, DBTables, mysql, LbCipher, |
8 | DateUtils, JvComponent, JvComputerInfoEx, JvComponentBase; |
9 | |||
10 | type
11 | TFMenu = class(TForm)
12 | PBOrders: TPBNumEdit; |
13 | BBOrders: TBitBtn; |
14 | PBAjinomoto: TPBNumEdit; |
15 | BBAjinomoto: TBitBtn; |
16 | PBKeys: TPBNumEdit; |
17 | BBKeys: TBitBtn; |
18 | GBKeys: TGroupBox; |
19 | GBOrders: TGroupBox; |
20 | GBAjinomoto: TGroupBox; |
21 | GBAdmin: TGroupBox; |
22 | MLog: TMemo; |
23 | TOrder: TTable; |
24 | TAjinomoto: TTable; |
25 | TLicense: TTable; |
26 | TOrders: TTable; |
27 | GBINRA: TGroupBox; |
28 | BBINRA: TBitBtn; |
29 | GBInvoices: TGroupBox; |
30 | BBInvoices: TBitBtn; |
31 | TInvoices: TTable; |
32 | TINRA: TTable; |
33 | TLicenses: TTable; |
34 | BBAnnual: TBitBtn; |
35 | TEducation: TTable; |
36 | ComputerInfo: TJvComputerInfoEx; |
37 | TAgreement: TTable; |
38 | GBAgreement: TGroupBox; |
39 | BBAgreement: TBitBtn; |
40 | BBUSB: TBitBtn; |
41 | BBManual: TBitBtn; |
42 | LManual: TLabel; |
43 | LUSB: TLabel; |
44 | LAnnual: TLabel; |
45 | EAdmin: TEdit; |
46 | EUsername: TEdit; |
47 | EPassword: TEdit; |
48 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
49 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
50 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); |
51 | procedure BBOrdersClick(Sender: TObject);
52 | procedure BBAjinomotoClick(Sender: TObject);
53 | procedure BBKeysClick(Sender: TObject);
54 | procedure BBInvoicesClick(Sender: TObject);
55 | procedure BBINRAClick(Sender: TObject);
56 | procedure BBAnnualClick(Sender: TObject);
57 | procedure BBAgreementClick(Sender: TObject);
58 | procedure BBUSBClick(Sender: TObject);
59 | procedure BBManualClick(Sender: TObject);
60 | private
61 | { D?clarations priv?es }
62 | t: Text; |
63 | public
64 | { D?clarations publiques }
65 | DateLimite: TDateTime; |
66 | function MD5Str(Digest: TMD5Digest): String; |
67 | function EducationKey(Version, FirstName, LastName, Company, VolumeSerialNumber, FinalDate: String): String; |
68 | function CompleteKey(LicenseNumber: Integer; Version, FirstName, LastName, Company, VolumeSerialNumber, FinalDate: String): String; |
69 | end;
70 | |||
71 | var
72 | FMenu: TFMenu; |
73 | |||
74 | const
75 | SHARED_DRIVE = '\\\rennes-pegase\root';
76 | SHARED_FOLDER = '\SG-prj-Inraporc\Licenses\';
77 | 5 | avalancogn | SMTP_SERVER = '';
78 | IMAP_SERVER = '';
79 | 1 | avalancogn | LDAP_SERVER = '';
80 | //EXCHANGE_USERNAME = 'INRA\avalancogne';
81 | //EXCHANGE_PASSWORD = 'Al1Messac35!';
82 | EXCHANGE_SHARED_MAILBOX = 'inraporc-rennes';
83 | 5 | avalancogn | MAIL_INRAPORC = '';
86 | 1 | avalancogn | MAIL_AJINOMOTO = '';
87 | 5 | avalancogn | MYSQL_HOST = '';
88 | 1 | avalancogn | MYSQL_USER = 'inraporc';
89 | MYSQL_PASSWD = 'jydjvmav';
90 | MYSQL_DB = 'inraporc';
91 | MYSQL_PORT = 3306;
92 | 5 | avalancogn | SCP_HOST = '';
93 | 1 | avalancogn | SCP_HOSTKEY = '64:29:24:0b:24:7b:05:e1:6a:5e:36:d3:81:47:08:f9';
94 | SCP_LOGIN = 'valanc';
95 | SCP_PASSWD = 'al1:7a!?';
96 | SCP_PATH = '/var/www/html/inraporc/Uploads/';
97 | |||
98 | var
99 | con: PMYSQL; // connection handler
100 | res: PMYSQL_RES; // result
101 | row: PMYSQL_ROW; // row
102 | que: AnsiString; // query
103 | cur: Integer; // current record
104 | SLOrder, SLAjinomoto, SLLicense: TStrings; |
105 | 4 | avalancogn | TempFolder: String;
106 | 1 | avalancogn | |
107 | implementation
108 | |||
109 | uses
110 | UFOrder, UFInvoice, UFINRA, UFAjinomoto, UFAgreement, UFKeys, UFAnnual, UFUSB, |
111 | UFManual, UFConnect; |
112 | |||
113 | {$R *.dfm}
114 | |||
115 | type
116 | WindowsString = type AnsiString(1252); |
117 | |||
118 | procedure TFMenu.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
119 | begin
120 | Top := Forms.Screen.WorkAreaHeight - Height; |
121 | Left := 0;
122 | end;
123 | |||
124 | procedure TFMenu.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
125 | begin
126 | AssignFile(t, SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + 'Logs\Errors.log');
127 | if FileExists(SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + 'Logs\Errors.log') |
128 | then
129 | try
130 | Append(t); |
131 | except
132 | MessageDlg('Le fichier de log ne peut pas ?tre ouvert.' + sLineBreak + 'L''application est probablement d?j? lanc?e.', mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
133 | Application.Terminate; |
134 | end
135 | else
136 | try
137 | Rewrite(t); |
138 | except
139 | MessageDlg('Le fichier de log ne peut pas ?tre cr??.' + sLineBreak + 'V?rifier les droits d''acc?s.', mtError, [mbOK], 0); |
140 | Application.Terminate; |
141 | end;
142 | |||
143 | FConnect := TFConnect.Create(Self); |
144 | if FConnect.ShowModal <> mrOk then |
145 | begin
146 | FConnect.Release; |
147 | Application.Terminate; |
148 | end;
149 | FConnect.Release; |
150 | |||
151 | Writeln(t, '*************************');
152 | Writeln(t, 'BEGIN ', DateTimeToStr(Now));
153 | Writeln(t, 'Computer IP address is ', ComputerInfo.Identification.IPAddress);
154 | EUsername.Text := ComputerInfo.Identification.LocalUserName; |
155 | Writeln(t, 'Local user name is ', EUsername.Text);
156 | MLog.Lines.Add('User is ' + EAdmin.Text);
157 | SLOrder := TStringList.Create; |
158 | SLAjinomoto := TStringList.Create; |
159 | SLLicense := TStringList.Create; |
160 | MLog.Lines.Add('Opening dBase tables...');
161 | // Probl?me avec Windows Vista (fichier PDOXUSRS.NET)
162 | TLicense.DBSession.NetFileDir := SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER; |
163 | TOrder.TableName := SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + TOrder.TableName; |
164 | try
165 | TOrder.Active := True; |
166 | except
167 | MLog.Lines.Add('Table ' + TOrder.TableName + ' could not be opened !'); |
168 | end;
169 | TLicense.TableName := SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + TLicense.TableName; |
170 | try
171 | TLicense.Active := True; |
172 | except
173 | MLog.Lines.Add('Table ' + TLicense.TableName + ' could not be opened !'); |
174 | end;
175 | TEducation.TableName := SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + TEducation.TableName; |
176 | try
177 | TEducation.Active := True; |
178 | except
179 | MLog.Lines.Add('Table ' + TEducation.TableName + ' could not be opened !'); |
180 | end;
181 | TOrders.TableName := SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + TOrders.TableName; |
182 | try
183 | TOrders.Active := True; |
184 | except
185 | MLog.Lines.Add('Table ' + TOrders.TableName + ' could not be opened !'); |
186 | end;
187 | TInvoices.TableName := SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + TInvoices.TableName; |
188 | try
189 | TInvoices.Active := True; |
190 | except
191 | MLog.Lines.Add('Table ' + TInvoices.TableName + ' could not be opened !'); |
192 | end;
193 | TINRA.TableName := SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + TINRA.TableName; |
194 | try
195 | TINRA.Active := True; |
196 | except
197 | MLog.Lines.Add('Table ' + TINRA.TableName + ' could not be opened !'); |
198 | end;
199 | TAjinomoto.TableName := SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + TAjinomoto.TableName; |
200 | try
201 | TAjinomoto.Active := True; |
202 | except
203 | MLog.Lines.Add('Table ' + TAjinomoto.TableName + ' could not be opened !'); |
204 | end;
205 | TLicenses.TableName := SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + TLicenses.TableName; |
206 | try
207 | TLicenses.Active := True; |
208 | except
209 | MLog.Lines.Add('Table ' + TLicenses.TableName + ' could not be opened !'); |
210 | end;
211 | TAgreement.TableName := SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + TAgreement.TableName; |
212 | try
213 | TAgreement.Active := True; |
214 | except
215 | MLog.Lines.Add('Table ' + TAgreement.TableName + ' could not be opened !'); |
216 | end;
217 | // Check DLL
218 | libmysql_fast_load(nil);
219 | case libmysql_status of |
220 | LIBMYSQL_UNDEFINED: MLog.Lines.Add('libmysql_load() has not yet been called !');
221 | LIBMYSQL_MISSING: MLog.Lines.Add('libmySQL.dll could not be located !');
222 | LIBMYSQL_INCOMPATIBLE: MLog.Lines.Add('libmySQL.dll was found but is not compatible !');
223 | end;
224 | if libmysql_status <> LIBMYSQL_READY then Exit; |
225 | MLog.Lines.Add('Initializing connection handler...');
226 | con := mysql_init(nil);
227 | if con = nil |
228 | then
229 | begin
230 | MLog.Lines.Add('Insufficient memory to initialize connection handler !');
231 | Exit; |
232 | end;
233 | MLog.Lines.Add('Connecting to database...');
234 | if mysql_real_connect(con, MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWD, MYSQL_DB, MYSQL_PORT, nil, 0) = nil |
235 | then
236 | begin
237 | MLog.Lines.Add(mysql_error(con)); |
238 | Exit; |
239 | end;
240 | que := 'SELECT `Key` FROM `commandes`';
241 | MLog.Lines.Add(que); |
242 | if mysql_query(con, PAnsiChar(que)) <> 0 |
243 | then
244 | MLog.Lines.Add(mysql_error(con)) |
245 | else
246 | begin
247 | res := mysql_use_result(con); |
248 | if res = nil |
249 | then
250 | MLog.Lines.Add(mysql_error(con)) |
251 | else
252 | begin
253 | row := mysql_fetch_row(res); |
254 | while row <> nil do |
255 | begin
256 | SLOrder.Add(row^[0]);
257 | row := mysql_fetch_row(res); |
258 | end;
259 | mysql_free_result(res); |
260 | end;
261 | end;
262 | PBOrders.AsInteger := SLOrder.Count; |
263 | que := 'SELECT `Key` FROM `ajinomoto`';
264 | MLog.Lines.Add(que); |
265 | if mysql_query(con, PAnsiChar(que)) <> 0 |
266 | then
267 | MLog.Lines.Add(mysql_error(con)) |
268 | else
269 | begin
270 | res := mysql_store_result(con); |
271 | if res = nil |
272 | then
273 | MLog.Lines.Add(mysql_error(con)) |
274 | else
275 | begin
276 | row := mysql_fetch_row(res); |
277 | while row <> nil do |
278 | begin
279 | SLAjinomoto.Add(row^[0]);
280 | row := mysql_fetch_row(res); |
281 | end;
282 | mysql_free_result(res); |
283 | end;
284 | end;
285 | PBAjinomoto.AsInteger := SLAjinomoto.Count; |
286 | que := 'SELECT `Key` FROM `licences`';
287 | MLog.Lines.Add(que); |
288 | if mysql_query(con, PAnsiChar(que)) <> 0 |
289 | then
290 | MLog.Lines.Add(mysql_error(con)) |
291 | else
292 | begin
293 | res := mysql_store_result(con); |
294 | if res = nil |
295 | then
296 | MLog.Lines.Add(mysql_error(con)) |
297 | else
298 | begin
299 | row := mysql_fetch_row(res); |
300 | while row <> nil do |
301 | begin
302 | SLLicense.Add(row^[0]);
303 | row := mysql_fetch_row(res); |
304 | end;
305 | mysql_free_result(res); |
306 | end;
307 | end;
308 | PBKeys.AsInteger := SLLicense.Count; |
309 | BBOrders.Enabled := (PBOrders.AsInteger > 0) and TOrder.Active and TLicense.Active and TOrders.Active; |
310 | BBInvoices.Enabled := TOrder.Active and TLicense.Active and TInvoices.Active; |
311 | BBINRA.Enabled := TLicense.Active and TINRA.Active;
312 | BBAjinomoto.Enabled := (PBAjinomoto.AsInteger > 0) and TLicense.Active and TAjinomoto.Active; |
313 | BBKeys.Enabled := (PBKeys.AsInteger > 0) and TLicense.Active and TOrder.Active and TEducation.Active and TLicenses.Active; |
314 | BBAgreement.Enabled := TLicense.Active and TAgreement.Active;
315 | BBAnnual.Enabled := TLicense.Active; |
316 | BBUSB.Enabled := TAjinomoto.Active and TEducation.Active;
317 | BBManual.Enabled := TLicense.Active; |
318 | |||
319 | if MonthOf(Date) < 9 |
320 | then
321 | DateLimite := EndOfTheYear(Date) |
322 | else
323 | DateLimite := EndOfTheYear(IncYear(Date)); |
324 | DateLimite := Trunc(DateLimite); // Suppression de la partie heure
325 | MLog.Lines.Add('Final date is ' + DateToStr(DateLimite));
326 | 4 | avalancogn | |
327 | TempFolder := GetEnvironmentVariable('TEMP');
328 | 1 | avalancogn | end;
329 | |||
330 | procedure TFMenu.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); |
331 | var
332 | i: Integer; |
333 | begin
334 | SLOrder.Free; |
335 | SLAjinomoto.Free; |
336 | SLLicense.Free; |
337 | MLog.Lines.Add('Closing server connection...');
338 | if con <> nil then mysql_close(con); |
339 | MLog.Lines.Add('Closing dBase tables...');
340 | TOrder.Active := False; |
341 | TLicense.Active := False; |
342 | TEducation.Active := False; |
343 | TOrders.Active := False; |
344 | TInvoices.Active := False; |
345 | TINRA.Active := False; |
346 | TAjinomoto.Active := False; |
347 | TLicenses.Active := False; |
348 | TAgreement.Active := False; |
349 | for i := 0 to MLog.Lines.Count - 1 do |
350 | Writeln(t, MLog.Lines[i]); |
351 | Writeln(t, 'END ', DateTimeToStr(Now));
352 | Flush(t); |
353 | CloseFile(t); |
354 | end;
355 | |||
356 | procedure TFMenu.BBOrdersClick(Sender: TObject);
357 | begin // Type 0 |
358 | cur := 0;
359 | FOrder := TFOrder.Create(Self); |
360 | if FOrder.GetRequest
361 | then
362 | FOrder.ShowModal; |
363 | FOrder.Release; |
364 | BBOrders.Enabled := PBOrders.AsInteger > 0;
365 | end;
366 | |||
367 | procedure TFMenu.BBInvoicesClick(Sender: TObject);
368 | begin
369 | FInvoice := TFInvoice.Create(Self); |
370 | FInvoice.ShowModal; |
371 | FInvoice.Release; |
372 | end;
373 | |||
374 | procedure TFMenu.BBINRAClick(Sender: TObject);
375 | begin // Type 1 |
376 | FINRA := TFINRA.Create(Self); |
377 | FINRA.ShowModal; |
378 | FINRA.Release; |
379 | end;
380 | |||
381 | procedure TFMenu.BBAjinomotoClick(Sender: TObject);
382 | begin // Type 2 |
383 | cur := 0;
384 | FAjinomoto := TFAjinomoto.Create(Self); |
385 | if FAjinomoto.GetRequest
386 | then
387 | FAjinomoto.ShowModal; |
388 | FAjinomoto.Release; |
389 | BBAjinomoto.Enabled := PBAjinomoto.AsInteger > 0;
390 | end;
391 | |||
392 | procedure TFMenu.BBAgreementClick(Sender: TObject);
393 | begin
394 | FAgreement := TFAgreement.Create(Self); |
395 | FAgreement.ShowModal; |
396 | FAgreement.Release; |
397 | end;
398 | |||
399 | procedure TFMenu.BBKeysClick(Sender: TObject);
400 | begin
401 | cur := 0;
402 | FKeys := TFKeys.Create(Self); |
403 | if FKeys.GetRequest
404 | then
405 | FKeys.ShowModal; |
406 | FKeys.Release; |
407 | BBKeys.Enabled := PBKeys.AsInteger > 0;
408 | end;
409 | |||
410 | procedure TFMenu.BBManualClick(Sender: TObject);
411 | begin
412 | FManual := TFManual.Create(Self); |
413 | FManual.ShowModal; |
414 | FManual.Release; |
415 | end;
416 | |||
417 | procedure TFMenu.BBUSBClick(Sender: TObject);
418 | begin
419 | FUSB := TFUSB.Create(Self); |
420 | FUSB.ShowModal; |
421 | FUSB.Release; |
422 | end;
423 | |||
424 | procedure TFMenu.BBAnnualClick(Sender: TObject);
425 | begin
426 | FAnnual := TFAnnual.Create(Self); |
427 | FAnnual.ShowModal; |
428 | FAnnual.Release; |
429 | end;
430 | |||
431 | function TFMenu.MD5Str(Digest: TMD5Digest): String; |
432 | var
433 | i: Byte; |
434 | sb: TStringBuilder; |
435 | const
436 | Digits: array[0..15] of Char = |
437 | ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'); |
438 | begin
439 | sb := TStringBuilder.Create; |
440 | for i := 0 to 15 do |
441 | sb.Append(Digits[(Digest[I] shr 4) and $0f]).Append(Digits[Digest[I] and $0f]); |
442 | sb.Insert(24, '-').Insert(16, '-').Insert(8, '-'); |
443 | Result := sb.ToString; |
444 | FreeAndNil(sb); |
445 | end;
446 | |||
447 | function TFMenu.EducationKey(Version, FirstName, LastName, Company, VolumeSerialNumber, FinalDate: String): String; |
448 | var
449 | sb: TStringBuilder; |
450 | Digest: TMD5Digest; |
451 | begin
452 | sb := TStringBuilder.Create; |
453 | sb.Append(Format('InraPorc version %s : ', [Version[1]])); |
454 | sb.Append('licence limit?e ? l''?ducation ');
455 | sb.Append(Format('sur le volume %s ', [VolumeSerialNumber]));
456 | sb.Append(Format('accord?e ? %s %s (%s) ', [FirstName, LastName, Company]));
457 | sb.Append(Format('valable jusqu''au %s', [FinalDate]));
458 | StringHashMD5(Digest, WindowsString(sb.ToString)); |
459 | FreeAndNil(sb); |
460 | Result := MD5Str(Digest); |
461 | end;
462 | |||
463 | function TFMenu.CompleteKey(LicenseNumber: Integer; Version, FirstName, LastName, Company, VolumeSerialNumber, FinalDate: String): String; |
464 | var
465 | sb: TStringBuilder; |
466 | Digest: TMD5Digest; |
467 | begin
468 | sb := TStringBuilder.Create; |
469 | sb.Append(Format('InraPorc version %s : ', [Version[1]])); |
470 | sb.Append(Format('licence num?ro %d ', [LicenseNumber]));
471 | sb.Append(Format('sur le volume %s ', [VolumeSerialNumber]));
472 | sb.Append(Format('accord?e ? %s %s (%s) ', [FirstName, LastName, Company]));
473 | sb.Append(Format('valable jusqu''au %s', [FinalDate]));
474 | StringHashMD5(Digest, WindowsString(sb.ToString)); |
475 | FreeAndNil(sb); |
476 | Result := MD5Str(Digest); |
477 | end;
478 | |||
479 | end. |