root / LicensesMercure / UFOrder.pas @ 5
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (16,808 ko)
1 | 1 | avalancogn | unit UFOrder;
2 | |||
3 | interface
4 | |||
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, |
7 | Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, PBNumEdit, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, |
8 | IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdFTP, ShellAPI, IdMessage, IdMessageClient, |
9 | IdAttachmentFile, IdSMTP, IdSMTPBase, IdExplicitTLSClientServerBase, |
10 | ExtCtrls, mysql, IdIMAP4, IdIOHandler, IdIOHandlerSocket, IdIOHandlerStack, |
11 | IdSSL, IdSSLOpenSSL, WinInet; |
12 | |||
13 | type
14 | TFOrder = class(TForm)
15 | EKey: TEdit; |
16 | BBSkip: TBitBtn; |
17 | BBProcess: TBitBtn; |
18 | BBRemove: TBitBtn; |
19 | EContact: TEdit; |
20 | LContact: TLabel; |
21 | EMail: TEdit; |
22 | LMail: TLabel; |
23 | ECompany: TEdit; |
24 | LCompany: TLabel; |
25 | LPostalCode: TLabel; |
26 | LCity: TLabel; |
27 | LCountry: TLabel; |
28 | EPostalCode: TEdit; |
29 | ECity: TEdit; |
30 | ECountry: TEdit; |
31 | GBAddress: TGroupBox; |
32 | EOrderNumber: TEdit; |
33 | LOrderNumber: TLabel; |
34 | BBOrderFile: TBitBtn; |
35 | LWarning: TLabel; |
36 | LLicenses: TLabel; |
37 | EFirstName1: TEdit; |
38 | LFirstName: TLabel; |
39 | ELastName1: TEdit; |
40 | LLastName: TLabel; |
41 | LLicenseNumber: TLabel; |
42 | EFirstName2: TEdit; |
43 | ELastName2: TEdit; |
44 | EFirstName3: TEdit; |
45 | ELastName3: TEdit; |
46 | EFirstName4: TEdit; |
47 | ELastName4: TEdit; |
48 | EFirstName5: TEdit; |
49 | ELastName5: TEdit; |
50 | PBLicenses: TPBNumEdit; |
51 | PBLicenseNumber1: TPBNumEdit; |
52 | PBLicenseNumber2: TPBNumEdit; |
53 | PBLicenseNumber3: TPBNumEdit; |
54 | PBLicenseNumber4: TPBNumEdit; |
55 | PBLicenseNumber5: TPBNumEdit; |
56 | SMTP: TIdSMTP; |
57 | MInraTransfert: TIdMessage; |
58 | MObservations: TMemo; |
59 | MAcknowledgement: TIdMessage; |
60 | PLicenses: TPanel; |
61 | EAddress1: TEdit; |
62 | EAddress2: TEdit; |
63 | PLicense1: TPanel; |
64 | PLicense2: TPanel; |
65 | PLicense3: TPanel; |
66 | PLicense4: TPanel; |
67 | PLicense5: TPanel; |
68 | PLicense6: TPanel; |
69 | EFirstName6: TEdit; |
70 | ELastName6: TEdit; |
71 | PBLicenseNumber6: TPBNumEdit; |
72 | PLicense7: TPanel; |
73 | EFirstName7: TEdit; |
74 | ELastName7: TEdit; |
75 | PBLicenseNumber7: TPBNumEdit; |
76 | PLicense8: TPanel; |
77 | EFirstName8: TEdit; |
78 | ELastName8: TEdit; |
79 | PBLicenseNumber8: TPBNumEdit; |
80 | PLicense9: TPanel; |
81 | EFirstName9: TEdit; |
82 | ELastName9: TEdit; |
83 | PBLicenseNumber9: TPBNumEdit; |
84 | PLicense10: TPanel; |
85 | EFirstName10: TEdit; |
86 | ELastName10: TEdit; |
87 | PBLicenseNumber10: TPBNumEdit; |
88 | EVAT: TEdit; |
89 | IMAP4: TIdIMAP4; |
90 | OpenSSL_IMAP4: TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL; |
91 | OpenSSL_SMTP: TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL; |
92 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
93 | procedure BBSkipClick(Sender: TObject);
94 | procedure BBProcessClick(Sender: TObject);
95 | procedure BBRemoveClick(Sender: TObject);
96 | procedure BBOrderFileClick(Sender: TObject);
97 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
98 | private
99 | { D?clarations priv?es }
100 | Key: String;
101 | Language: String;
102 | Contact, Mail, Company, VAT: String;
103 | Address1, Address2, PostalCode, City, Country: String;
104 | OrderNumber, OrderFile: String;
105 | Licenses: Integer; |
106 | FirstName, LastName: array[1..10] of String; |
107 | Observations: String;
108 | procedure DisplayRequest;
109 | public
110 | { D?clarations publiques }
111 | function GetRequest: Boolean;
112 | end;
113 | |||
114 | var
115 | FOrder: TFOrder; |
116 | |||
117 | implementation
118 | |||
119 | uses
120 | UFMenu; |
121 | |||
122 | {$R *.dfm}
123 | |||
124 | procedure TFOrder.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
125 | begin
126 | Top := 0;
127 | Left := 0;
128 | with IMAP4 do |
129 | begin
130 | Host := IMAP_SERVER; |
132 | Username := 'INRA\' + FMenu.EUsername.Text + '\' + EXCHANGE_SHARED_MAILBOX; |
133 | // Password := EXCHANGE_PASSWORD;
134 | Password := FMenu.EPassword.Text; |
135 | end;
136 | with SMTP do |
137 | begin
138 | Host := SMTP_SERVER; |
139 | // Username := EXCHANGE_USERNAME;
140 | Username := 'INRA\' + FMenu.EUsername.Text;
141 | // Password := EXCHANGE_PASSWORD;
142 | Password := FMenu.EPassword.Text; |
143 | end;
144 | end;
145 | |||
146 | procedure TFOrder.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
147 | begin
148 | DisplayRequest; |
149 | end;
150 | |||
151 | procedure TFOrder.BBSkipClick(Sender: TObject);
152 | begin
153 | Inc(cur); |
154 | if (cur < SLOrder.Count) and GetRequest |
155 | then
156 | DisplayRequest |
157 | else
158 | Close; |
159 | end;
160 | |||
161 | procedure TFOrder.BBProcessClick(Sender: TObject);
162 | var
163 | i: Integer; |
164 | p: TPanel; |
165 | StrMessage: TStrings; |
166 | begin
167 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add('Recording order...');
168 | with FMenu.TOrder do |
169 | begin
170 | Insert; |
171 | FieldByName('Key').AsString := Key;
172 | FieldByName('Language').AsString := Language;
173 | FieldByName('Contact').AsString := EContact.Text;
174 | FieldByName('Mail').AsString := EMail.Text;
175 | FieldByName('Company').AsString := ECompany.Text;
176 | FieldByName('VAT').AsString := EVAT.Text;
177 | FieldByName('Address1').AsString := EAddress1.Text;
178 | FieldByName('Address2').AsString := EAddress2.Text;
179 | FieldByName('PostalCode').AsString := EPostalCode.Text;
180 | FieldByName('City').AsString := ECity.Text;
181 | FieldByName('Country').AsString := ECountry.Text;
182 | FieldByName('OrderNumber').AsString := EOrderNumber.Text;
183 | FieldByName('OrderFile').AsString := OrderFile;
184 | FieldByName('Licenses').AsInteger := PBLicenses.AsInteger;
185 | Post; |
186 | end;
187 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add('Recording licenses (type 0)...');
188 | for i := 1 to PBLicenses.AsInteger do |
189 | with FMenu.TLicense do |
190 | begin
191 | Insert; |
192 | FieldByName('Validity').AsBoolean := False;
193 | FieldByName('Type').AsInteger := 0; |
194 | FieldByName('Source').AsString := Key;
195 | p := PLicenses.Controls[i + 2] as TPanel; |
196 | FieldByName('LicenseNumber').AsInteger := (p.Controls[2] as TPBNumEdit).AsInteger; |
197 | FieldByName('FirstName').AsString := (p.Controls[0] as TEdit).Text; |
198 | FieldByName('LastName').AsString := (p.Controls[1] as TEdit).Text; |
199 | FieldByName('Company').AsString := ECompany.Text;
200 | FieldByName('FinalDate').AsDateTime := IncMonth(Date, 2); |
201 | Post; |
202 | end;
203 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add('Mailing to ' + MAIL_INRA_TRANSFERT_1 + '...'); |
204 | with MInraTransfert do |
205 | begin
206 | Body.Clear; |
207 | MessageParts.Clear; |
208 | From.Name := 'InraPorc';
209 | From.Address := MAIL_INRAPORC; |
210 | Recipients.EMailAddresses := MAIL_INRA_TRANSFERT_1; |
211 | CCList.EMailAddresses := MAIL_INRA_TRANSFERT_2; |
212 | Body.Add(Format('Commande num?ro "%s" portant sur %d licence(s)', [Key, PBLicenses.AsInteger]));
213 | Body.Add('');
214 | Body.Add(EContact.Text); |
215 | if Length(ECompany.Text) > 0 |
216 | then
217 | if Length(EVAT.Text) > 0 |
218 | then
219 | Body.Add(Format ('%s (%s)', [ECompany.Text, EVAT.Text]))
220 | else
221 | Body.Add(ECompany.Text); |
222 | if Length(EAddress1.Text) > 0 |
223 | then
224 | Body.Add(EAddress1.Text); |
225 | if Length(EAddress2.Text) > 0 |
226 | then
227 | Body.Add(EAddress2.Text); |
228 | Body.Add(Format('%s %s', [EPostalCode.Text, ECity.Text]));
229 | Body.Add(ECountry.Text); |
230 | Body.Add('');
231 | Body.Add(EMail.Text); |
232 | if Length(EOrderNumber.Text) > 0 |
233 | then
234 | begin
235 | Body.Add('');
236 | Body.Add(Format('N? commande client : %s', [EOrderNumber.Text]));
237 | end;
238 | if (Length(OrderFile) > 0) and FileExists(SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + 'Fichiers\' + OrderFile) |
239 | then
240 | begin
241 | ContentType := 'multipart/mixed';
242 | TIdAttachmentFile.Create(MessageParts, SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + '\Fichiers\' + OrderFile);
243 | end;
244 | Body.Add('');
245 | Body.Add('Les num?ros de licence suivants ont ?t? attribu?s :');
246 | for i := 1 to PBLicenses.AsInteger do |
247 | begin
248 | p := PLicenses.Controls[i + 2] as TPanel; |
249 | Body.Add(Format('%d : %s %s', [(p.Controls[2] as TPBNumEdit).AsInteger, (p.Controls[0] as TEdit).Text, (p.Controls[1] as TEdit).Text])); |
250 | end;
251 | if Length(MObservations.Text) > 0 |
252 | then
253 | begin
254 | Body.Add('');
255 | Body.Add('OBSERVATIONS');
256 | Body.Add('------------');
257 | Body.Add(MObservations.Text); |
258 | end;
259 | Body.Add('');
260 | Body.Add('Cordialement');
261 | Body.Add('--');
262 | Body.Add(FMenu.EAdmin.Text); |
263 | end;
264 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add('Mailing to ' + EMail.Text + '...'); |
265 | with MAcknowledgement do |
266 | begin
267 | Body.Clear; |
268 | From.Name := 'InraPorc';
269 | From.Address := MAIL_INRAPORC; |
270 | Recipients.EMailAddresses := EMail.Text; |
271 | StrMessage := TStringList.Create; |
272 | if Language = 'FR' |
273 | then // Accus? de r?ception (fran?ais) |
274 | begin
275 | Subject := '[InraPorc] Confirmation de commande';
276 | Body.Add(Format('Votre bon de commande pour %d licence(s) d''InraPorc a ?t? enregistr?e sous le num?ro "%s".', [PBLicenses.AsInteger, Key]));
277 | Body.Add('Votre demande a ?t? transf?r?e ? Inra Transfert, qui vous enverra la facture.');
278 | Body.Add('');
279 | Body.Add('Les num?ros de licence suivants ont ?t? attribu?s :');
280 | for i := 1 to PBLicenses.AsInteger do |
281 | begin
282 | p := PLicenses.Controls[i + 2] as TPanel; |
283 | Body.Add(Format('%d : %s %s', [(p.Controls[2] as TPBNumEdit).AsInteger, (p.Controls[0] as TEdit).Text, (p.Controls[1] as TEdit).Text])); |
284 | end;
285 | Body.Add('');
286 | StrMessage.LoadFromFile(SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + 'Messages\Commande_FR.txt');
287 | Body.AddStrings(StrMessage); |
288 | Body.Add('');
289 | StrMessage.LoadFromFile(SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + 'Messages\Signature_FR.txt');
290 | Body.AddStrings(StrMessage); |
291 | end
292 | else // Acknowledgement (english) |
293 | begin
294 | Subject := '[InraPorc] Order confirmation';
295 | Body.Add(Format('Your purchase order for %d license(s) of InraPorc has been registered as number "%s".', [PBLicenses.AsInteger, Key]));
296 | Body.Add('Your request has been forwarded to Inra Transfert, who will send you an invoice.');
297 | Body.Add('');
298 | Body.Add('The following license numbers have been assigned:');
299 | for i := 1 to PBLicenses.AsInteger do |
300 | begin
301 | p := PLicenses.Controls[i + 2] as TPanel; |
302 | Body.Add(Format('%d: %s %s', [(p.Controls[2] as TPBNumEdit).AsInteger, (p.Controls[0] as TEdit).Text, (p.Controls[1] as TEdit).Text])); |
303 | end;
304 | Body.Add('');
305 | StrMessage.LoadFromFile(SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + 'Messages\Commande_EN.txt');
306 | Body.AddStrings(StrMessage); |
307 | Body.Add('');
308 | StrMessage.LoadFromFile(SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + 'Messages\Signature_EN.txt');
309 | Body.AddStrings(StrMessage); |
310 | end;
311 | StrMessage.Free; |
312 | end;
313 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add('SMTP...');
314 | try
315 | SMTP.Connect; |
316 | try
317 | SMTP.Send(MInraTransfert); |
318 | SMTP.Send(MAcknowledgement); |
319 | finally
320 | SMTP.Disconnect; |
321 | if IMAP4.Connect
322 | then
323 | try
324 | if not IMAP4.AppendMsg('?l?ments envoy?s', MInraTransfert, MInraTransfert.LastGeneratedHeaders) |
325 | or not IMAP4.AppendMsg('?l?ments envoy?s', MAcknowledgement, MAcknowledgement.LastGeneratedHeaders) |
326 | then
327 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add('Message could not be copied in IMAP server !');
328 | finally
329 | IMAP4.Disconnect; |
330 | end
331 | else
332 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add('IMAP server could not be connected !');
333 | end;
334 | except
335 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add('Messages could not be sent !');
336 | end;
337 | BBRemoveClick(nil);
338 | end;
339 | |||
340 | procedure TFOrder.BBRemoveClick(Sender: TObject);
341 | var
342 | i: Integer; |
343 | begin
344 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add('Logging record...');
345 | with FMenu.TOrders do |
346 | begin
347 | Append; |
348 | FieldByName('Date').AsDateTime := Now;
349 | FieldByName('Admin').AsString := FMenu.EAdmin.Text;
350 | FieldByName('Key').AsString := Key;
351 | FieldByName('Language').AsString := Language;
352 | FieldByName('Contact').AsString := Contact;
353 | FieldByName('Mail').AsString := Mail;
354 | FieldByName('Company').AsString := Company;
355 | FieldByName('VAT').AsString := VAT;
356 | FieldByName('Address1').AsString := Address1;
357 | FieldByName('Address2').AsString := Address2;
358 | FieldByName('PostalCode').AsString := PostalCode;
359 | FieldByName('City').AsString := City;
360 | FieldByName('Country').AsString := Country;
361 | FieldByName('OrderNumber').AsString := OrderNumber;
362 | FieldByName('OrderFile').AsString := OrderFile;
363 | FieldByName('Licenses').AsInteger := Licenses;
364 | for i := 1 to 10 do |
365 | begin
366 | FieldByName(Format('FirstName%d', [i])).AsString := FirstName[i];
367 | FieldByName(Format('LastName%d', [i])).AsString := LastName[i];
368 | end;
369 | FieldByName('Observations').AsVariant := Observations;
370 | Post; |
371 | end;
372 | que := 'DELETE FROM `commandes` where `Key` = ''' + SLOrder[cur] + ''''; |
373 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add(que); |
374 | if mysql_query(con, PAnsiChar(que)) <> 0 |
375 | then
376 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add(mysql_error(con)) |
377 | else
378 | begin
379 | SLOrder.Delete(cur); |
380 | FMenu.PBOrders.AsInteger := FMenu.PBOrders.AsInteger - 1;
381 | Dec(cur); |
382 | end;
383 | BBSkipClick(nil);
384 | end;
385 | |||
386 | procedure TFOrder.BBOrderFileClick(Sender: TObject);
387 | begin
388 | if ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + 'Fichiers\' + OrderFile), nil, nil, SW_SHOW) <= 32 |
389 | then
390 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); |
391 | end;
392 | |||
393 | function TFOrder.GetRequest: Boolean;
394 | var
395 | i: Integer; |
396 | begin
397 | Result := False; |
398 | que := 'SELECT * FROM `commandes` where `Key` = ''' + SLOrder[cur] + ''''; |
399 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add(que); |
400 | if mysql_query(con, PAnsiChar(que)) <> 0 |
401 | then
402 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add(mysql_error(con)) |
403 | else
404 | begin
405 | res := mysql_store_result(con); |
406 | if res = nil |
407 | then
408 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add(mysql_error(con)) |
409 | else
410 | begin
411 | row := mysql_fetch_row(res); |
412 | if row = nil |
413 | then
414 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add(mysql_error(con)) |
415 | else
416 | begin
417 | Key := row^[0];
418 | Language := row^[1];
419 | Contact := row^[2];
420 | Mail := row^[3];
421 | Company := row^[4];
422 | VAT := row^[5];
423 | Address1 := row^[6];
424 | Address2 := row^[7];
425 | PostalCode := row^[8];
426 | City := row^[9];
427 | Country := row^[10];
428 | OrderNumber := row^[11];
429 | OrderFile := row^[12];
430 | Licenses := StrToInt(row^[13]);
431 | for i := 1 to 10 do |
432 | begin
433 | FirstName[i] := row^[2*i+12]; |
434 | LastName[i] := row^[2*i+13]; |
435 | end;
436 | Observations := row^[34];
437 | Result := True; |
438 | end;
439 | mysql_free_result(res); |
440 | end;
441 | end;
442 | end;
443 | |||
444 | procedure TFOrder.DisplayRequest;
445 | const
446 | ReadBuffer = 1024;
447 | var
448 | Command: String;
449 | Security: TSecurityAttributes; |
450 | ReadPipe, WritePipe: THandle; |
451 | Start: TStartUpInfo; |
452 | ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; |
453 | Buffer: PAnsiChar; |
454 | BytesRead: DWord; |
455 | Apprunning: DWord; |
456 | i: Integer; |
457 | p: TPanel; |
458 | begin
459 | EKey.Text := Key; |
460 | EContact.Text := Contact; |
461 | EMail.Text := Mail; |
462 | ECompany.Text := Company; |
463 | EVAT.Text := VAT; |
464 | EAddress1.Text := Address1; |
465 | EAddress2.Text := Address2; |
466 | EPostalCode.Text := PostalCode; |
467 | ECity.Text := City; |
468 | ECountry.Text := Country; |
469 | EOrderNumber.Text := OrderNumber; |
470 | BBOrderFile.Enabled := Length(OrderFile) > 0;
471 | BBOrderFile.Hint := Format('Afficher le bon de commande joint (%s)', [OrderFile]);
472 | if (Length(OrderFile) > 0) and not FileExists(SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + 'Fichiers\' + OrderFile) |
473 | then
474 | try
475 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add('SCP ' + SCP_HOST + '...'); |
476 | Security.nLength := SizeOf(TSecurityAttributes); |
477 | Security.bInheritHandle := true; |
478 | Security.lpSecurityDescriptor := nil;
479 | if Createpipe (ReadPipe, WritePipe, @Security, 0) |
480 | then
481 | begin
482 | Buffer := AllocMem(ReadBuffer + 1);
483 | FillChar(Start, Sizeof(Start), #0);
484 | Start.cb := SizeOf(Start); |
485 | Start.hStdOutput := WritePipe; |
486 | Start.hStdInput := ReadPipe; |
488 | Start.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE; |
489 | Command := 'pscp.exe -batch -hostkey ' + SCP_HOSTKEY + ' -pw ' + SCP_PASSWD + ' ' + SCP_LOGIN + '@' + SCP_HOST + ':' + SCP_PATH + OrderFile + ' ' + SHARED_DRIVE + SHARED_FOLDER + 'Fichiers'; |
490 | if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(Command), @Security, @Security, true, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, Start, ProcessInfo) |
491 | then
492 | begin
493 | repeat
494 | Apprunning := WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, 100);
495 | Application.ProcessMessages; |
496 | until (Apprunning <> WAIT_TIMEOUT);
497 | repeat
498 | BytesRead := 0;
499 | ReadFile(ReadPipe,Buffer[0], ReadBuffer, BytesRead, nil); |
500 | Buffer[BytesRead] := #0;
501 | OemToAnsi(Buffer, Buffer); |
502 | FMenu.MLog.Text := FMenu.MLog.text + String(Buffer);
503 | until (BytesRead < ReadBuffer);
504 | end;
505 | FreeMem(Buffer); |
506 | CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); |
507 | CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); |
508 | CloseHandle(ReadPipe); |
509 | CloseHandle(WritePipe); |
510 | end;
511 | except
512 | FMenu.MLog.Lines.Add('File ' + OrderFile + ' could not be got !'); |
513 | end;
514 | PBLicenses.AsInteger := Licenses; |
515 | for i := 1 to 10 do |
516 | begin
517 | p := PLicenses.Controls[i + 2] as TPanel; |
518 | p.Visible := i <= Licenses; |
519 | (p.Controls[0] as TEdit).Text := FirstName[i]; |
520 | (p.Controls[1] as TEdit).Text := LastName[i]; |
521 | (p.Controls[2] as TPBNumEdit).AsInteger := FMenu.TLicense.RecordCount + i; |
522 | end;
523 | MObservations.Text := Observations; |
524 | end;
525 | |||
526 | end. |