root / UFMenu.pas @ 5
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (35,615 ko)
1 | 3 | avalancogn | unit UFMenu;
2 | |||
4 | |||
5 | interface
6 | |||
7 | uses
8 | Windows, Forms, Classes, Controls, Dialogs, Graphics, StdCtrls, Buttons, |
9 | ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Menus, XPMan, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, |
10 | IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdHTTP, IdIOHandler, IdIOHandlerSocket, |
11 | IdIOHandlerStack, IdSSL, IdSSLOpenSSL; |
12 | |||
13 | type
14 | TFMenu = class (TForm)
15 | StatusLine : TStatusBar ; |
16 | IBackground: TImage; |
17 | MainMenu: TMainMenu; |
18 | MFile: TMenuItem; |
19 | MLicense: TMenuItem; |
20 | MConfig: TMenuItem; |
21 | MFolder: TMenuItem; |
22 | N11: TMenuItem; |
23 | MExit: TMenuItem; |
24 | MAliments: TMenuItem; |
25 | MMatiere: TMenuItem; |
26 | N21: TMenuItem; |
27 | MAliment: TMenuItem; |
28 | MTarif: TMenuItem; |
29 | N22: TMenuItem; |
30 | MImpExp: TMenuItem; |
31 | MTruie: TMenuItem; |
32 | MSeqAliT: TMenuItem; |
33 | MRationT: TMenuItem; |
34 | MLogeT: TMenuItem; |
35 | MProfilT: TMenuItem; |
36 | N31: TMenuItem; |
37 | MSimulT: TMenuItem; |
38 | N32: TMenuItem; |
39 | MBesGest: TMenuItem; |
40 | MBesGestT: TMenuItem; |
41 | MBesGestE: TMenuItem; |
42 | MBesLact: TMenuItem; |
43 | MBesLactT: TMenuItem; |
44 | MBesLactE: TMenuItem; |
45 | MPorc: TMenuItem; |
46 | MSeqAliP: TMenuItem; |
47 | MRationP: TMenuItem; |
48 | MProfilP: TMenuItem; |
49 | N41: TMenuItem; |
50 | MSimulP: TMenuItem; |
51 | MWindow: TMenuItem; |
52 | MCascade: TMenuItem; |
53 | MTileHorizontal: TMenuItem; |
54 | MTileVertical: TMenuItem; |
55 | MMinimizeAll: TMenuItem; |
56 | MRetoreAll: TMenuItem; |
57 | MArrange: TMenuItem; |
58 | MHelp: TMenuItem; |
59 | MContents: TMenuItem; |
60 | N61: TMenuItem; |
61 | MIntro: TMenuItem; |
62 | N62: TMenuItem; |
63 | MWeb: TMenuItem; |
64 | MAbout: TMenuItem; |
65 | ILogo: TImage; |
66 | XPManifestStyle: TXPManifest; |
67 | MUpdate: TMenuItem; |
68 | IdHTTPCheckVersion: TIdHTTP; |
69 | MDataset: TMenuItem; |
70 | IdSSL: TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL; |
71 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
72 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); |
73 | procedure MConfigClick(Sender: TObject);
74 | procedure MExitClick(Sender: TObject);
75 | procedure MMatiereClick(Sender: TObject);
76 | procedure MAlimentClick(Sender: TObject);
77 | procedure MTarifClick(Sender: TObject);
78 | procedure MImpExpClick(Sender: TObject);
79 | procedure MSeqAliTClick(Sender: TObject);
80 | procedure MRationTClick(Sender: TObject);
81 | procedure MLogeTClick(Sender: TObject);
82 | procedure MProfilTClick(Sender: TObject);
83 | procedure MSimulTClick(Sender: TObject);
84 | procedure MSeqAliPClick(Sender: TObject);
85 | procedure MRationPClick(Sender: TObject);
86 | procedure MProfilPClick(Sender: TObject);
87 | procedure MSimulPClick(Sender: TObject);
88 | procedure WindowCascade(Sender: TObject);
89 | procedure MTileHorizontalClick(Sender: TObject);
90 | procedure MTileVerticalClick(Sender: TObject);
91 | procedure MMinimizeAllClick(Sender: TObject);
92 | procedure MRetoreAllClick(Sender: TObject);
93 | procedure MArrangeClick(Sender: TObject);
94 | procedure HelpContentsClick(Sender: TObject);
95 | procedure HelpIndexClick(Sender: TObject);
96 | procedure MAboutClick(Sender: TObject);
97 | procedure MBesGestTClick(Sender: TObject);
98 | procedure MBesGestEClick(Sender: TObject);
99 | procedure MBesLactTClick(Sender: TObject);
100 | procedure MBesLactEClick(Sender: TObject);
101 | procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
102 | procedure MLicenseClick(Sender: TObject);
103 | procedure MFolderClick(Sender: TObject);
104 | procedure MIntroClick(Sender: TObject);
105 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
106 | procedure MWebClick(Sender: TObject);
107 | procedure MHelpSearchClick(Sender: TObject);
108 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
109 | procedure MUpdateClick(Sender: TObject);
110 | procedure MDatasetClick(Sender: TObject);
111 | private
112 | { Private declarations }
113 | procedure VerifyData;
114 | public
115 | { Public declarations }
116 | end ;
117 | |||
118 | var
119 | FMenu : TFMenu ; |
120 | |||
121 | implementation
122 | |||
123 | uses
124 | FileCtrl, Math, Messages, ShellAPI, SysUtils, gnugettext, UVariables, |
125 | UStrings, UInit, UUtil, UFindRec, UFLicense, UFConfig, {UFInraAfz,}
126 | UFMatiere, UFAliment, UFTarif, UFImpExp, UFSeqAliT, UFRationT, UFLogeT, |
127 | UFProfilT, UFSimulT, UFBesGestT, UFBesGestE, UFBesLactT, UFBesLactE, |
128 | UFSeqAliP, UFRationP, UFProfilP, UFSimulP, UFIntro, UFAbout, UFError, |
129 | UFWarning; |
130 | |||
131 | {$r *.dfm}
132 | |||
133 | var
134 | OldWndProc: Pointer; |
135 | WndMsg: DWORD; |
136 | |||
137 | function NewWndProc(WindowHandle: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT stdcall; |
138 | begin
139 | if Msg = WndMsg
140 | then // Appel par une autre instance : restauration |
141 | begin
142 | Result := SendMessage(Application.Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, 0);
143 | SetForegroundWindow(Application.Handle); |
144 | Exit; |
145 | end;
146 | if WParam = VK_F1
147 | then // F1 = Help |
148 | Result := HtmlHelp(Application.Handle, PChar(Application.CurrentHelpFile), HH_HELP_CONTEXT, FMenu.HelpContext) |
149 | else
150 | Result := CallWindowProc(OldWndProc, WindowHandle, Msg, WParam, LParam); |
151 | end;
152 | |||
153 | procedure TFMenu.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
154 | begin
155 | WndMsg := RegisterWindowMessage('InraPorc');
156 | OldWndProc := Pointer(SetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, Longint(@NewWndProc))); |
157 | if Screen.Fonts.IndexOf('Arial Unicode MS') <> -1 |
158 | then
159 | begin
160 | Font.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
161 | StatusLine.Font.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
162 | end;
163 | TranslateComponent(Self); |
164 | Constraints.MinHeight := Min(768, Screen.WorkAreaHeight);
165 | Constraints.MinWidth := Min(1024, Screen.WorkAreaWidth);
166 | end;
167 | |||
168 | procedure TFMenu.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
169 | begin
170 | SetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, Longint(OldWndProc)); |
171 | end;
172 | |||
173 | procedure TFMenu.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
174 | var
175 | CurrentVersion: string;
176 | begin
177 | // Recherche automatique de mises-?-jours
178 | if CheckForUpdates then |
179 | begin
180 | IdHTTPCheckVersion.ConnectTimeout := 10000;
181 | try
182 | CurrentVersion := IdHTTPCheckVersion.Get(URL_HTTPS + 'CheckVersion.php');
183 | if Length(CurrentVersion) = 7 then |
184 | if CompareString(LOCALE_INVARIANT, NORM_IGNORECASE, PChar(CurrentVersion), Length(CurrentVersion), PChar(VersionString), Length(VersionString)) = CSTR_GREATER_THAN then |
185 | begin
186 | if Copy(LanguageCode, 1, 2) = 'fr' |
187 | then // Fran?ais |
188 | ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(URL_HTTPS + 'history_fr.php'), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL) |
189 | else // Anglais |
190 | ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(URL_HTTPS + 'history_en.php'), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); |
191 | if MessageDlg(Format(MsgUpdateFound, [CurrentVersion]), mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes then |
192 | ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(URL_HTTPS + Format('Downloads/%s/InraPorcSetup.exe', [CurrentVersion])), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); |
193 | end;
194 | except
195 | end;
196 | end;
197 | // Initialisation du contr?le des fen?tres MDI
198 | NumWinMatiere := -1;
199 | NumWinAliment := -1;
200 | NumWinTarif := -1;
201 | NumWinImpExp := -1;
202 | NumWinSeqAliT := -1;
203 | NumWinRationT := -1;
204 | NumWinLogeT := -1;
205 | NumWinProfilT := -1;
206 | NumWinSimulT := -1;
207 | NumWinBesGestT := -1;
208 | NumWinBesGestE := -1;
209 | NumWinBesLactT := -1;
210 | NumWinBesLactE := -1;
211 | NumWinSeqAliP := -1;
212 | NumWinRationP := -1;
213 | NumWinProfilP := -1;
214 | NumWinSimulP := -1;
215 | // Taille et position de la fen?tre principale
216 | SetBounds(MainLeft, MainTop, MainWidth, MainHeight); |
217 | FormResize(nil);
218 | if FileExists(Logo)
219 | then
220 | ILogo.Picture.LoadFromFile(Logo); |
221 | if DataFolderExists
222 | then
223 | VerifyData |
224 | else
225 | begin
226 | MAliments.Enabled := False; |
227 | MTruie.Enabled := False; |
228 | MPorc.Enabled := False; |
229 | end;
230 | end;
231 | |||
232 | procedure TFMenu.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); |
233 | var
234 | i: Integer; |
235 | begin
236 | if MDIChildCount > 0 |
237 | then
238 | for i := MDIChildCount - 1 downto 0 do |
239 | MDIChildren[i].Close; |
240 | FreeData ; |
241 | // FreeLicense;
242 | // FreeRegistry;
243 | end;
244 | |||
245 | procedure TFMenu.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
246 | var
247 | {BorderSize,} TextSize: Integer;
248 | begin
249 | MImpExp.Enabled := IsComplete ; |
250 | // Licence
251 | if IsEducation and (Length (Course) > 0) |
252 | then
253 | StatusLine.Panels[1].Text := Format('%s (%s)', [Course, Company]) |
254 | else
255 | if IsComplete or IsEducation |
256 | then
257 | StatusLine.Panels[1].Text := Format('%s %s (%s)', [FirstName, LastName, Company]) |
258 | else
259 | if IsEvaluation
260 | then
261 | StatusLine.Panels[1].Text := StrEvaluation
262 | else
263 | StatusLine.Panels[1].Text := StrReadOnly;
264 | // BorderSize := Width - ClientWidth;
265 | TextSize := StatusLine.Canvas.TextWidth(StatusLine.Panels[1].Text);
266 | with StatusLine do |
267 | Panels[0].Width := ClientWidth - TextSize - 24; |
268 | end;
269 | |||
270 | procedure TFMenu.VerifyData;
271 | const
272 | SEP = ' ';
273 | var
274 | i, j, ErrorCount: Integer; |
275 | ErrorInraAfz, ok: Boolean; |
276 | begin
277 | if (not FileExists(NFicRationP) and FileExists(NFicRationPold)) |
278 | or (not FileExists(NFicProfilP) and FileExists(NFicProfilPold)) |
279 | then // L'ancien jeu de donn?es n'a pas ?t? converti |
280 | Exit; |
281 | ErrorCount := 0;
282 | ErrorInraAfz := FALSE; |
283 | FError := TFError.Create(Self); |
284 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(MAliments.Caption); |
285 | // Mati?re premi?re
286 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + MMatiere.Caption); |
287 | if not FileExists(NFicMatInraAfz) |
288 | then
289 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format(MsgFileNotFound, [NFicMatInraAfz])); |
290 | if not FileExists(NFicMatiere) |
291 | then
292 | begin
293 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
294 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format(MsgFileNotFound, [NFicMatiere])); |
295 | end;
296 | // Aliment
297 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + MAliment.Caption); |
298 | if not FileExists(NFicAliment) |
299 | then
300 | begin
301 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
302 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format(MsgFileNotFound, [NFicAliment])); |
303 | end;
304 | if ListAliment.Count > 0 |
305 | then
306 | for i := 0 to ListAliment.Count - 1 do |
307 | begin
308 | PAliment := ListAliment[i]; |
309 | if (PAliment.MP.NbMat < 0) or (PAliment.MP.NbMat > MAX_MP) |
310 | then // Bug lors de l'importation (correction du 1/3/2007) |
311 | PAliment.MP.NbMat := 0;
312 | if PAliment.MP.NbMat > 0 |
313 | then
314 | for j := 0 to PAliment.MP.NbMat - 1 do |
315 | if (PAliment.MP.NumMat[j] <> 0) and not MatiereFound(PAliment.MP.NumMat[j]) |
316 | then
317 | begin
318 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
319 | if PAliment.MP.NumMat[j] < 0 |
320 | then
321 | ErrorInraAfz := TRUE; |
322 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PAliment.Nom, MMatiere.Caption, PAliment.MP.NumMat[j]]));
323 | PAliment.MP.NumMat[j] := 0;
324 | end;
325 | end;
326 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(MTruie.Caption); |
327 | // S?quence alimentaire truie
328 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + MSeqAliT.Caption); |
329 | if not FileExists(NFicSeqAliT) |
330 | then
331 | begin
332 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
333 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format(MsgFileNotFound, [NFicSeqAliT])); |
334 | end;
335 | if ListSeqAliT.Count > 0 |
336 | then
337 | for i := 0 to ListSeqAliT.Count - 1 do |
338 | begin
339 | PSeqAliT := ListSeqAliT[i]; |
340 | for j := 1 to PSeqAliT.NbRuleGest do |
341 | begin
342 | if (PSeqAliT.RuleGest[j].NumAli1 <> -1) and not AlimentFound(PSeqAliT.RuleGest[j].NumAli1) |
343 | then
344 | begin
345 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
346 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSeqAliT.Nom, MAliment.Caption, PSeqAliT.RuleGest[j].NumAli1]));
347 | PSeqAliT.RuleGest[j].NumAli1 := -1;
348 | end;
349 | if (PSeqAliT.RuleGest[j].NumAli2 <> -1) and not AlimentFound(PSeqAliT.RuleGest[j].NumAli2) |
350 | then
351 | begin
352 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
353 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSeqAliT.Nom, MAliment.Caption, PSeqAliT.RuleGest[j].NumAli2]));
354 | PSeqAliT.RuleGest[j].NumAli2 := -1;
355 | end;
356 | end;
357 | for j := 1 to PSeqAliT.NbRuleLact do |
358 | begin
359 | if (PSeqAliT.RuleLact[j].NumAli1 <> -1) and not AlimentFound(PSeqAliT.RuleLact[j].NumAli1) |
360 | then
361 | begin
362 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
363 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSeqAliT.Nom, MAliment.Caption, PSeqAliT.RuleLact[j].NumAli1]));
364 | PSeqAliT.RuleLact[j].NumAli1 := -1;
365 | end;
366 | if (PSeqAliT.RuleLact[j].NumAli2 <> -1) and not AlimentFound(PSeqAliT.RuleLact[j].NumAli2) |
367 | then
368 | begin
369 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
370 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSeqAliT.Nom, MAliment.Caption, PSeqAliT.RuleLact[j].NumAli2]));
371 | PSeqAliT.RuleLact[j].NumAli2 := -1;
372 | end;
373 | end;
374 | for j := 1 to PSeqAliT.NbRuleISSF do |
375 | begin
376 | if (PSeqAliT.RuleISSF[j].NumAli1 <> -1) and not AlimentFound(PSeqAliT.RuleISSF[j].NumAli1) |
377 | then
378 | begin
379 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
380 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSeqAliT.Nom, MAliment.Caption, PSeqAliT.RuleISSF[j].NumAli1]));
381 | PSeqAliT.RuleISSF[j].NumAli1 := -1;
382 | end;
383 | if (PSeqAliT.RuleISSF[j].NumAli2 <> -1) and not AlimentFound(PSeqAliT.RuleISSF[j].NumAli2) |
384 | then
385 | begin
386 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
387 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSeqAliT.Nom, MAliment.Caption, PSeqAliT.RuleISSF[j].NumAli2]));
388 | PSeqAliT.RuleISSF[j].NumAli2 := -1;
389 | end;
390 | end;
391 | end;
392 | // Plan de rationnement truie
393 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + MRationT.Caption); |
394 | if not FileExists(NFicRationT) |
395 | then
396 | begin
397 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
398 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format(MsgFileNotFound, [NFicRationT])); |
399 | end;
400 | // Logement truie
401 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + MLogeT.Caption); |
402 | if not FileExists(NFicLogeT) |
403 | then
404 | begin
405 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
406 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format(MsgFileNotFound, [NFicLogeT])); |
407 | end;
408 | // Profil truie
409 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + MProfilT.Caption); |
410 | if not FileExists(NFicProfilT) |
411 | then
412 | begin
413 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
414 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format(MsgFileNotFound, [NFicProfilT])); |
415 | end;
416 | if ListProfilT.Count > 0 |
417 | then
418 | for i := 0 to ListProfilT.Count - 1 do |
419 | begin
420 | PProfilT := ListProfilT[i]; |
421 | if (PProfilT.SeqAli <> -1) and not SeqAliTFound(PProfilT.SeqAli) |
422 | then
423 | begin
424 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
425 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PProfilT.Nom, MSeqAliT.Caption, PProfilT.SeqAli]));
426 | PProfilT.SeqAli := -1;
427 | end;
428 | if (PProfilT.Loge <> -1) and not LogeTFound(PProfilT.Loge) |
429 | then
430 | begin
431 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
432 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PProfilT.Nom, MLogeT.Caption, PProfilT.Loge]));
433 | PProfilT.Loge := -1;
434 | end;
435 | end ;
436 | // Simulation truie
437 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + MSimulT.Caption); |
438 | if not FileExists(NFicSimulT) |
439 | then
440 | begin
441 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
442 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format(MsgFileNotFound, [NFicSimulT])); |
443 | end;
444 | if ListSimulT.Count > 0 |
445 | then
446 | for i := 0 to ListSimulT.Count - 1 do |
447 | begin
448 | PSimulT := ListSimulT[i]; |
449 | if (PSimulT.Profil <> -1) and not ProfilTFound(PSimulT.Profil) |
450 | then
451 | begin
452 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
453 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSimulT.Nom, MProfilT.Caption, PSimulT.Profil]));
454 | PSimulT.Profil := -1;
455 | end;
456 | if (PSimulT.Logement <> -1) and not LogeTFound(PSimulT.Logement) |
457 | then
458 | begin
459 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
460 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSimulT.Nom, MLogeT.Caption, PSimulT.Logement]));
461 | PSimulT.Logement := -1;
462 | end;
463 | for j := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
464 | if (PSimulT.SeqAli[j] <> -1) and not SeqAliTFound(PSimulT.SeqAli[j]) |
465 | then
466 | if (j < PSimulT.StadeInit div 3) or (j > PSimulT.StadeFin div 3) |
467 | then // Port?e masqu?e => correction silencieuse |
468 | PSimulT.SeqAli[j] := -1
469 | else
470 | begin
471 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
472 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSimulT.Nom, MSeqAliT.Caption, PSimulT.SeqAli[j]]));
473 | PSimulT.SeqAli[j] := -1;
474 | end;
475 | for j := 1 to NB_CYCLES do |
476 | if (PSimulT.Ration[j] <> -1) and not RationTFound(PSimulT.Ration[j]) |
477 | then
478 | if (j < PSimulT.StadeInit div 3) or (j > PSimulT.StadeFin div 3) |
479 | then // Port?e masqu?e => correction silencieuse |
480 | PSimulT.Ration[j] := -1
481 | else
482 | begin
483 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
484 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSimulT.Nom, MRationT.Caption, PSimulT.Ration[j]]));
485 | PSimulT.Ration[j] := -1;
486 | end;
487 | end ;
488 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(MPorc.Caption); |
489 | // S?quence alimentaire porc
490 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + MSeqAliP.Caption); |
491 | if not FileExists(NFicSeqAliP) |
492 | then
493 | begin
494 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
495 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format(MsgFileNotFound, [NFicSeqAliP])); |
496 | end;
497 | if ListSeqAliP.Count > 0 |
498 | then
499 | for i := 0 to ListSeqAliP.Count - 1 do |
500 | begin
501 | PSeqAliP := ListSeqAliP[i]; |
502 | for j := 1 to PSeqAliP.NbRule do |
503 | begin
504 | if (PSeqAliP.Rule[j].NumAli1 <> -1) and not AlimentFound(PSeqAliP.Rule[j].NumAli1) |
505 | then
506 | begin
507 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
508 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSeqAliP.Nom, MAliment.Caption, PSeqAliP.Rule[j].NumAli1]));
509 | PSeqAliP.Rule[j].NumAli1 := -1;
510 | end;
511 | if (PSeqAliP.Rule[j].NumAli2 <> -1) and not AlimentFound(PSeqAliP.Rule[j].NumAli2) |
512 | then
513 | begin
514 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
515 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSeqAliP.Nom, MAliment.Caption, PSeqAliP.Rule[j].NumAli2]));
516 | PSeqAliP.Rule[j].NumAli2 := -1;
517 | end;
518 | end;
519 | end;
520 | // Plan de rationnement porc
521 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + MRationP.Caption); |
522 | if not FileExists(NFicRationP) |
523 | then
524 | begin
525 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
526 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format(MsgFileNotFound, [NFicRationP])); |
527 | end;
528 | // Profil porc
529 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + MProfilP.Caption); |
530 | if not FileExists(NFicProfilP) |
531 | then
532 | begin
533 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
534 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format(MsgFileNotFound, [NFicProfilP])); |
535 | end;
536 | if ListProfilP.Count > 0 |
537 | then
538 | for i := 0 to ListProfilP.Count - 1 do |
539 | begin
540 | PProfilP := ListProfilP[i]; |
541 | if (PProfilP.SeqAli <> -1) and not SeqAliPFound(PProfilP.SeqAli) |
542 | then
543 | begin
544 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
545 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PProfilP.Nom, MSeqAliP.Caption, PProfilP.SeqAli]));
546 | PProfilP.SeqAli := -1;
547 | end;
548 | end ;
549 | // Simulation porc
550 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + MSimulP.Caption); |
551 | if not FileExists(NFicSimulP) |
552 | then
553 | begin
554 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
555 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format(MsgFileNotFound, [NFicSimulP])); |
556 | end;
557 | if ListSimulP.Count > 0 |
558 | then
559 | for i := 0 to ListSimulP.Count - 1 do |
560 | begin
561 | PSimulP := ListSimulP[i]; |
562 | if (PSimulP.Profil <> -1) and not ProfilPFound(PSimulP.Profil) |
563 | then
564 | begin
565 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
566 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSimulP.Nom, MProfilP.Caption, PSimulP.Profil]));
567 | PSimulP.Profil := -1;
568 | end;
569 | if (PSimulP.SeqAli <> -1) and not SeqAliPFound(PSimulP.SeqAli) |
570 | then
571 | begin
572 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
573 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSimulP.Nom, MSeqAliP.Caption, PSimulP.SeqAli]));
574 | PSimulP.SeqAli := -1;
575 | end;
576 | if (PSimulP.Ration <> -1) and not RationPFound(PSimulP.Ration) |
577 | then
578 | begin
579 | Inc(ErrorCount); |
580 | FError.MErrors.Lines.Add(SEP + SEP + Format('%s - %s %d', [PSimulP.Nom, MRationP.Caption, PSimulP.Ration]));
581 | PSimulP.Ration := -1;
582 | end;
583 | end ;
584 | // Traitement des erreurs
585 | ok := ErrorCount = 0;
586 | if not ok |
587 | then
588 | if ErrorInraAfz
589 | then
590 | begin
591 | FWarning := TFWarning.Create (Self) ; |
592 | with FWarning do |
593 | begin
594 | Msg := 'InraAfz';
595 | CBDisplay.Visible := FALSE; |
596 | ShowModal; |
597 | Release; |
598 | end;
599 | end
600 | else
601 | ok := FError.ShowModal = mrYes; |
602 | MAliments.Enabled := ok; |
603 | MTruie.Enabled := ok; |
604 | MPorc.Enabled := ok; |
605 | end;
606 | |||
607 | // "Menu Fichier"
608 | |||
609 | procedure TFMenu.MLicenseClick(Sender: TObject);
610 | begin
611 | FLicense := TFLicense.Create(Self); |
612 | FLicense.ShowModal; |
613 | FLicense.Release; |
614 | // Adaptation taille StatusLine
615 | FormResize(nil);
616 | end;
617 | |||
618 | procedure TFMenu.MConfigClick(Sender: TObject);
619 | var
620 | i, typ, mat, typmat, typali: Integer; |
621 | // rec: PRecMatiere;
622 | FileName: String;
623 | begin
624 | FConfig := TFConfig.Create(Self); |
625 | if FConfig.ShowModal <> mrOK
626 | then // chargement de la configuration |
627 | LoadConfig |
628 | else
629 | if ConfigChanged
630 | then
631 | begin
632 | if NewFolder <> Folder
633 | then // Changement du dossier de donn?es par d?faut |
634 | begin
635 | Folder := NewFolder; |
636 | // Fermeture de toutes les fen?tres enfants
637 | if MDIChildCount > 0 |
638 | then
639 | for i := MDIChildCount - 1 downto 0 do |
640 | MDIChildren[i].Close; |
641 | // Changement de r?pertoire
642 | SetCurrentDir(Folder); |
643 | // Rechargement des donn?es
644 | LoadData; |
645 | VerifyData; |
646 | if ((LicenseType = 0) or (LicenseType = 1)) and TooMuchRecords |
647 | then // Trop d'enregistrements |
648 | MessageDlg(MsgTooMuchRecords, mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
649 | // Adaptation taille StatusLine
650 | FormResize(nil);
651 | end;
652 | if NewLogo <> Logo
653 | then // Changement du logo |
654 | begin
655 | Logo := NewLogo; |
656 | if FileExists(Logo)
657 | then
658 | ILogo.Picture.LoadFromFile(Logo) |
659 | else
660 | ILogo.Picture.LoadFromFile('');
661 | InvalidateRect(ClientHandle, nil, TRUE);
662 | end;
663 | {
664 | if NewLanguageExt <> LanguageExt
665 | then // Changement de la langue
666 | begin
667 | LanguageExt := NewLanguageExt;
668 | MessageDlg(MsgLang, mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
669 | end;
670 | }
671 | if NewLanguageCode <> LanguageCode
672 | then // Changement de la langue |
673 | begin
674 | mat := -1;
675 | typ := -1;
676 | typmat := -1;
677 | typali := -1;
678 | if NumWinMatiere <> -1 |
679 | then // Composition mati?re premi?re |
680 | if FMatiere.CBMatiere.ItemIndex <> -1 |
681 | then // Sauvegarder la position courante |
682 | mat := FindNumMatiere(FMatiere.CBMatiere.Text); |
683 | if NumWinAliment <> -1 |
684 | then // Composition aliment |
685 | typ := FAliment.CBType.ItemIndex; |
686 | if NumWinImpExp <> -1 |
687 | then // Import / export |
688 | begin
689 | typmat := FImpExp.CBTypeMat.ItemIndex; |
690 | typali := FImpExp.CBTypeAli.ItemIndex; |
691 | end;
692 | LanguageCode := NewLanguageCode; |
693 | UseLanguage(LanguageCode); |
694 | RetranslateComponent(Self); |
695 | if MDIChildCount > 0 |
696 | then // Traduction des fen?tres MDI ouvertes |
697 | for i := MDIChildCount - 1 downto 0 do |
698 | RetranslateComponent(MDIChildren[i]); |
699 | // R?affichage des enregistrements pour prendre en compte la traduction
700 | if NumWinMatiere <> -1 |
701 | then // Composition mati?re premi?re |
702 | begin
703 | StringsMatiere(FMatiere.CBMatiere.Items, 0, TRUE, TRUE);
704 | if mat <> -1 |
705 | then // Res?lectionner l'enregistrement courant |
706 | FMatiere.CBMatiere.ItemIndex := FMatiere.CBMatiere.Items.IndexOf(FindNomMatiere(mat)); |
707 | FMatiere.CBMatiereChange(nil);
708 | end;
709 | if NumWinAliment <> -1 |
710 | then // Composition aliment |
711 | begin
712 | FAliment.CBType.ItemIndex := typ; |
713 | FAliment.CBTypeChange(nil);
714 | FAliment.CBAlimentChange(nil);
715 | end;
716 | if NumWinImpExp <> -1 |
717 | then // Import / export |
718 | begin
719 | FImpExp.CBTypeMat.ItemIndex := typmat; |
720 | FImpExp.CBTypeMatChange(nil);
721 | FImpExp.CBTypeAli.ItemIndex := typali; |
722 | FImpExp.CBTypeAliChange(nil);
723 | end;
724 | if NumWinSeqAliT <> -1 |
725 | then // S?quence alimentaire truie |
726 | FSeqAliT.CBSeqAliChange(nil);
727 | if NumWinRationT <> -1 |
728 | then // Plan de rationnement truie |
729 | FRationT.CBRationChange(nil);
730 | if NumWinLogeT <> -1 |
731 | then // Logement truie |
732 | FLogeT.CBLogeChange(nil);
733 | if NumWinProfilT <> -1 |
734 | then // Profil truie |
735 | FProfilT.CBProfilChange(nil);
736 | if NumWinSimulT <> -1 |
737 | then // Simulation truie |
738 | FSimulT.CBSimulChange(nil);
739 | {
740 | if NumWinBesGestT <> -1
741 | then // Besoin gestation truie
742 | begin
743 | FBesGestT.CBLoge.Clear;
744 | FBesGestT.CBLoge.Items.Add(StrSaisieManuelle);
745 | if ListLogeT.Count > 0
746 | then
747 | for i := 0 to ListLogeT.Count - 1 do
748 | begin
749 | PLogeT := ListLogeT[i];
750 | if LogeTValid(PLogeT)
751 | then
752 | FBesGestT.CBLoge.Items.Add(PLogeT.Nom);
753 | end;
754 | FBesGestT.CBLoge.ItemIndex := 0;
755 | FBesGestT.CBLogeChange(nil);
756 | FBesGestT.CBProfilChange(nil);
757 | end;
758 | if NumWinBesGestE <> -1
759 | then // Besoin gestation ?levage
760 | FBesGestE.CBProfilChange(nil);
761 | if NumWinBesLactT <> -1
762 | then // Besoin lactation truie
763 | FBesLactT.CBProfilChange(nil);
764 | if NumWinBesLactE <> -1
765 | then // Besoin lactation ?levage
766 | FBesLactE.CBProfilChange(nil);
767 | }
768 | if NumWinSeqAliP <> -1 |
769 | then // S?quence alimentaire porc |
770 | FSeqAliP.CBSeqAliChange(nil);
771 | if NumWinRationP <> -1 |
772 | then // Plan de rationnement porc |
773 | FRationP.CBRationChange(nil);
774 | if NumWinProfilP <> -1 |
775 | then // Profil porc |
776 | FProfilP.CBProfilChange(nil);
777 | if NumWinSimulP <> -1 |
778 | then // Simulation porc |
779 | FSimulP.CBSimulChange(nil);
780 | FormResize(nil);
781 | // Aide
782 | if Copy(LanguageCode, 1, 2) = 'fr' |
783 | then // Fran?ais |
784 | FileName := ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName, '_fr.chm')
785 | else // Anglais |
786 | FileName := ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName, '_en.chm');
787 | if FileExists(FileName)
788 | then
789 | Application.HelpFile := FileName; |
790 | end;
791 | SaveConfig; |
792 | if NumWinMatiere <> -1 |
793 | then // Composition mati?re premi?re : Mode d'expression |
794 | begin
795 | FMatiere.AjustCaption; |
796 | FMatiere.AjustDecimals; |
797 | FMatiere.IdxMatiere := -1; // Eviter la sauvegarde automatique |
798 | FMatiere.CBMatiereChange(nil); // R?afficher l'enregistrement |
799 | end ;
800 | if NumWinAliment <> -1 |
801 | then // Composition aliment : Mode d'expression |
802 | begin
803 | FAliment.AjustCaption; |
804 | FAliment.AjustDecimals; |
805 | FAliment.IdxAliment := -1; // Eviter la sauvegarde automatique |
806 | FAliment.CBAlimentChange(nil); // R?afficher l'enregistrement |
807 | end ;
808 | if NumWinProfilP <> -1 |
809 | then // ProfilP : Caract?ristiques de la carcasse |
810 | FProfilP.PCChange(nil); // Recalculer les simulations |
811 | if NumWinImpExp <> -1 |
812 | then // Import / Export : Mode d'expression |
813 | FImpExp.DisplayConfig; |
814 | end;
815 | FConfig.Release; |
816 | end;
817 | |||
818 | procedure TFMenu.MDatasetClick(Sender: TObject);
819 | var
820 | FileName: String;
821 | begin
822 | FileName := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'InstData.exe';
823 | if FileExists(FileName)
824 | then
825 | ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(FileName), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); |
826 | end;
827 | |||
828 | procedure TFMenu.MFolderClick(Sender: TObject);
829 | var
830 | i: Integer; |
831 | NewDir: String;
832 | begin
833 | // Fermeture de toutes les fen?tres enfants
834 | if MDIChildCount > 0 |
835 | then
836 | for i := MDIChildCount - 1 downto 0 do |
837 | MDIChildren[i].Close; |
838 | // Changement de r?pertoire
839 | NewDir := GetCurrentDir; |
840 | if SelectDirectory(StrSelectDir, '', NewDir) |
841 | and DirectoryExists(NewDir)
842 | and (NewDir <> GetCurrentDir)
843 | then
844 | begin
845 | SetCurrentDir(NewDir); |
846 | // Rechargement des donn?es
847 | LoadData; |
848 | VerifyData; |
849 | end;
850 | if ((LicenseType = 0) or (LicenseType = 1)) and TooMuchRecords |
851 | then // Trop d'enregistrements |
852 | MessageDlg(MsgTooMuchRecords, mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
853 | FormResize(nil);
854 | end;
855 | |||
856 | procedure TFMenu.MExitClick(Sender: TObject);
857 | begin
858 | Close; |
859 | end;
860 | |||
861 | // Menu "Aliment"
862 | |||
863 | procedure TFMenu.MMatiereClick(Sender: TObject);
864 | begin
865 | if NumWinMatiere < 0 |
866 | then // Cr?ation |
867 | begin
868 | NumWinMatiere := MDIChildCount; |
869 | FMatiere := TFMatiere.Create(Self); |
870 | FMatiere.Show; |
871 | end
872 | else // Mise au premier plan |
873 | FMatiere.BringToFront; |
874 | end;
875 | |||
876 | procedure TFMenu.MAlimentClick(Sender: TObject);
877 | begin
878 | if NumWinAliment < 0 |
879 | then // Cr?ation |
880 | begin
881 | NumWinAliment := MDIChildCount; |
882 | FAliment := TFAliment.Create(Self); |
883 | FAliment.Show; |
884 | end
885 | else // Mise au premier plan |
886 | FAliment.BringToFront; |
887 | end;
888 | |||
889 | procedure TFMenu.MTarifClick(Sender: TObject);
890 | begin
891 | if NumWinTarif < 0 |
892 | then // Cr?ation |
893 | begin
894 | NumWinTarif := MDIChildCount; |
895 | FTarif := TFTarif.Create(Self); |
896 | FTarif.Show; |
897 | end
898 | else // Mise au premier plan |
899 | FTarif.BringToFront; |
900 | end;
901 | |||
902 | procedure TFMenu.MImpExpClick(Sender: TObject);
903 | begin
904 | if NumWinImpExp < 0 |
905 | then // Cr?ation |
906 | begin
907 | NumWinImpExp := MDIChildCount; |
908 | FImpExp := TFImpExp.Create(Self); |
909 | FImpExp.Show; |
910 | end
911 | else // Mise au premier plan |
912 | FImpExp.BringToFront; |
913 | end;
914 | |||
915 | // Menu "Truie reproductrice"
916 | |||
917 | procedure TFMenu.MSeqAliTClick(Sender: TObject);
918 | begin
919 | if NumWinSeqAliT < 0 |
920 | then // Cr?ation |
921 | begin
922 | NumWinSeqAliT := MDIChildCount; |
923 | FSeqAliT := TFSeqAliT.Create(Self); |
924 | FSeqAliT.Show; |
925 | end
926 | else // Mise au premier plan |
927 | FSeqAliT.BringToFront; |
928 | end;
929 | |||
930 | procedure TFMenu.MRationTClick(Sender: TObject);
931 | begin
932 | if NumWinRationT < 0 |
933 | then // Cr?ation |
934 | begin
935 | NumWinRationT := MDIChildCount; |
936 | FRationT := TFRationT.Create(Self); |
937 | FRationT.Show; |
938 | end
939 | else // Mise au premier plan |
940 | FRationT.BringToFront; |
941 | end;
942 | |||
943 | procedure TFMenu.MLogeTClick(Sender: TObject);
944 | begin
945 | if NumWinLogeT < 0 |
946 | then // Cr?ation |
947 | begin
948 | NumWinLogeT := MDIChildCount; |
949 | FLogeT := TFLogeT.Create(Self); |
950 | FLogeT.Show; |
951 | end
952 | else // Mise au premier plan |
953 | FLogeT.BringToFront; |
954 | end;
955 | |||
956 | procedure TFMenu.MProfilTClick(Sender: TObject);
957 | begin
958 | if NumWinProfilT < 0 |
959 | then // Cr?ation |
960 | begin
961 | NumWinProfilT := MDIChildCount; |
962 | FProfilT := TFProfilT.Create(Self); |
963 | FProfilT.Show; |
964 | end
965 | else // Mise au premier plan |
966 | FProfilT.BringToFront; |
967 | end;
968 | |||
969 | procedure TFMenu.MSimulTClick(Sender: TObject);
970 | begin
971 | if NumWinSimulT < 0 |
972 | then // Cr?ation |
973 | begin
974 | NumWinSimulT := MDIChildCount; |
975 | FSimulT := TFSimulT.Create(Self); |
976 | FSimulT.Show; |
977 | end
978 | else // Mise au premier plan |
979 | FSimulT.BringToFront; |
980 | end;
981 | |||
982 | procedure TFMenu.MBesGestTClick(Sender: TObject);
983 | begin
984 | if NumWinBesGestT < 0 |
985 | then // Cr?ation |
986 | begin
987 | NumWinBesGestT := MDIChildCount; |
988 | FBesGestT := TFBesGestT.Create(Self); |
989 | FBesGestT.Show; |
990 | end
991 | else // Mise au premier plan |
992 | FBesGestT.BringToFront; |
993 | end;
994 | |||
995 | procedure TFMenu.MBesGestEClick(Sender: TObject);
996 | begin
997 | if NumWinBesGestE < 0 |
998 | then // Cr?ation |
999 | begin
1000 | NumWinBesGestE := MDIChildCount; |
1001 | FBesGestE := TFBesGestE.Create(Self); |
1002 | FBesGestE.Show; |
1003 | end
1004 | else // Mise au premier plan |
1005 | FBesGestE.BringToFront; |
1006 | end;
1007 | |||
1008 | procedure TFMenu.MBesLactTClick(Sender: TObject);
1009 | begin
1010 | if NumWinBesLactT < 0 |
1011 | then // Cr?ation |
1012 | begin
1013 | NumWinBesLactT := MDIChildCount; |
1014 | FBesLactT := TFBesLactT.Create(Self); |
1015 | FBesLactT.Show; |
1016 | end
1017 | else // Mise au premier plan |
1018 | FBesLactT.BringToFront; |
1019 | end;
1020 | |||
1021 | procedure TFMenu.MBesLactEClick(Sender: TObject);
1022 | begin
1023 | if NumWinBesLactE < 0 |
1024 | then // Cr?ation |
1025 | begin
1026 | NumWinBesLactE := MDIChildCount; |
1027 | FBesLactE := TFBesLactE.Create(Self); |
1028 | FBesLactE.Show; |
1029 | end
1030 | else // Mise au premier plan |
1031 | FBesLactE.BringToFront; |
1032 | end;
1033 | |||
1034 | // Menu "Porc croissance"
1035 | |||
1036 | procedure TFMenu.MSeqAliPClick(Sender: TObject);
1037 | begin
1038 | if NumWinSeqAliP < 0 |
1039 | then // Cr?ation |
1040 | begin
1041 | NumWinSeqAliP := MDIChildCount; |
1042 | FSeqAliP := TFSeqAliP.Create(Self); |
1043 | FSeqAliP.Show; |
1044 | end
1045 | else // Mise au premier plan |
1046 | FSeqAliP.BringToFront; |
1047 | end;
1048 | |||
1049 | procedure TFMenu.MRationPClick(Sender: TObject);
1050 | begin
1051 | if NumWinRationP < 0 |
1052 | then // Cr?ation |
1053 | begin
1054 | NumWinRationP := MDIChildCount; |
1055 | FRationP := TFRationP.Create(Self); |
1056 | FRationP.Show; |
1057 | end
1058 | else // Mise au premier plan |
1059 | FRationP.BringToFront; |
1060 | end;
1061 | |||
1062 | procedure TFMenu.MProfilPClick(Sender: TObject);
1063 | begin
1064 | if NumWinProfilP < 0 |
1065 | then // Cr?ation |
1066 | begin
1067 | NumWinProfilP := MDIChildCount; |
1068 | FProfilP := TFProfilP.Create(Self); |
1069 | FProfilP.Show; |
1070 | end
1071 | else // Mise au premier plan |
1072 | FProfilP.BringToFront; |
1073 | end;
1074 | |||
1075 | procedure TFMenu.MSimulPClick(Sender: TObject);
1076 | begin
1077 | if NumWinSimulP < 0 |
1078 | then // Cr?ation |
1079 | begin
1080 | NumWinSimulP := MDIChildCount; |
1081 | FSimulP := TFSimulP.Create(Self); |
1082 | FSimulP.Show; |
1083 | end
1084 | else // Mise au premier plan |
1085 | FSimulP.BringToFront; |
1086 | end;
1087 | |||
1088 | // Menu "Fen?tre"
1089 | |||
1090 | procedure TFMenu.WindowCascade(Sender: TObject);
1091 | begin
1092 | Cascade; |
1093 | end;
1094 | |||
1095 | procedure TFMenu.MTileHorizontalClick(Sender: TObject);
1096 | begin
1097 | TileMode := tbHorizontal; |
1098 | Tile; |
1099 | end;
1100 | |||
1101 | procedure TFMenu.MTileVerticalClick(Sender: TObject);
1102 | begin
1103 | TileMode := tbVertical; |
1104 | Tile; |
1105 | end;
1106 | |||
1107 | procedure TFMenu.MMinimizeAllClick(Sender: TObject);
1108 | var
1109 | i: Integer; |
1110 | begin
1111 | if MDIChildCount > 0 |
1112 | then
1113 | for i := MDIChildCount - 1 downto 0 do |
1114 | MDIChildren[i].WindowState := wsMinimized; |
1115 | end;
1116 | |||
1117 | procedure TFMenu.MRetoreAllClick(Sender: TObject);
1118 | var
1119 | i: Integer; |
1120 | begin
1121 | if MDIChildCount > 0 |
1122 | then
1123 | for i := MDIChildCount - 1 downto 0 do |
1124 | MDIChildren[i].WindowState := wsNormal; |
1125 | end;
1126 | |||
1127 | procedure TFMenu.MArrangeClick(Sender: TObject);
1128 | begin
1129 | ArrangeIcons; |
1130 | end;
1131 | |||
1132 | // Menu "Aide"
1133 | |||
1134 | procedure TFMenu.HelpContentsClick(Sender: TObject);
1135 | begin
1136 | // Application.HelpCommand(HELP_CONTENTS, 0);
1137 | // HtmlHelp(Application.Handle, PChar(Application.CurrentHelpFile), HH_DISPLAY_TOC, 0);
1138 | Application.HelpShowTableOfContents; |
1139 | end;
1140 | |||
1141 | procedure TFMenu.HelpIndexClick(Sender: TObject);
1142 | begin
1143 | // Application.HelpCommand(HELP_INDEX, 0);
1144 | HtmlHelp(Application.Handle, PChar(Application.CurrentHelpFile), HH_DISPLAY_INDEX, 0);
1145 | end;
1146 | |||
1147 | procedure TFMenu.MHelpSearchClick(Sender: TObject);
1148 | var
1149 | q: THH_Fts_Query; |
1150 | begin
1151 | // Application.HelpCommand(HELP_FINDER, 0);
1152 | with q do |
1153 | begin //D?finition de la requ?te |
1154 | cbStruct := SizeOf(q); // Taille de la requ?te
1155 | fUniCodeStrings := False; // Mettre ? true si toute la cha?ne recherch?e est de type Unicode
1156 | pszSearchQuery := nil; // Cha?ne recherch?e |
1157 | iProximity := -1; // Recherche en respectant les mots similaires |
1158 | fStemmedSearch := False; // Mettre ? true pour rechercher dans les r?sultats pr?c?dents
1159 | fTitleOnly := False; // Mettre ? true si la recherche se fait uniquement sur les titres de rubriques
1160 | fExecute := True; // Mettre ? true pour ex?cuter la requ?te
1161 | pszWindow := nil; // Type de fen?tre ? afficher, ici c'est celle par d?faut |
1162 | end;
1163 | HtmlHelp(Application.Handle, PChar(Application.CurrentHelpFile), HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH, DWORD(@q)); |
1164 | end;
1165 | |||
1166 | procedure TFMenu.MIntroClick(Sender: TObject);
1167 | begin
1168 | FIntro := TFIntro.Create(Self); |
1169 | FIntro.BBOk.Visible := False; |
1170 | FIntro.BBCancel.Visible := False; |
1171 | FIntro.BBClose.Visible := True; |
1172 | FIntro.ShowModal; |
1173 | FIntro.Release; |
1174 | end;
1175 | |||
1176 | procedure TFMenu.MWebClick(Sender: TObject);
1177 | begin
1178 | ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(URL_HTTPS), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); |
1179 | end;
1180 | |||
1181 | procedure TFMenu.MUpdateClick(Sender: TObject);
1182 | var
1183 | UpdateURL: string;
1184 | begin
1185 | if Copy(LanguageCode, 1, 2) = 'fr' |
1186 | then // Fran?ais |
1187 | UpdateURL := URL_HTTPS + 'update_fr.php?version=' + VersionString
1188 | else // Anglais |
1189 | UpdateURL := URL_HTTPS + 'update_en.php?version=' + VersionString;
1190 | ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(UpdateURL), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); |
1191 | end;
1192 | |||
1193 | procedure TFMenu.MAboutClick(Sender: TObject);
1194 | begin
1195 | FAbout := TFAbout.Create(Self); |
1196 | FAbout.ShowModal; |
1197 | FAbout.Release; |
1198 | end;
1199 | |||
1200 | end. |