sicpaconnexions / SICPA_Connexions / Model / GestionnaireBLE.cs @ 35f65dee
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (10,976 ko)
1 | 87e7d061 | ajournaux | using Plugin.BLE; |
2 | using Plugin.BLE.Abstractions; |
3 | using Plugin.BLE.Abstractions.Contracts; |
4 | using Plugin.BLE.Abstractions.EventArgs; |
5 | using System; |
6 | using System.Collections.Generic; |
7 | using System.Linq; |
8 | using System.Text; |
9 | using System.Threading.Tasks; |
10 | |||
11 | namespace SICPA_Connexions.Model |
12 | { |
13 | public class GestionnaireBLE |
14 | { |
15 | // Class for the Bluetooth adapter |
16 | private readonly IAdapter bluetoothAdapter; |
17 | // Empty list to store BLE devices that can be detected by the Bluetooth adapter |
18 | private List<IDevice> gattDevices; |
19 | private List<IService> servicesList; |
20 | private List<ICharacteristic> charList; |
21 | private ICharacteristic characRead; |
22 | private ICharacteristic characWrite; |
23 | 35f65dee | ajournaux | private String tempoLecture; |
24 | 03682d21 | ajournaux | private String retourBLE; |
25 | public event EventHandler RetourBlEMofifiee; |
26 | 87e7d061 | ajournaux | public IDevice DeviceConnected { get; set; } |
27 | public IService SelectedService { get; set; } |
28 | 03682d21 | ajournaux | public String RetourBLE |
29 | { |
30 | get |
31 | { |
32 | return retourBLE; |
33 | } |
34 | set |
35 | { |
36 | if (retourBLE != value) |
37 | { |
38 | retourBLE = value; |
39 | OnRetourBLEMofifiee(EventArgs.Empty); |
40 | } |
41 | } |
42 | } |
43 | |||
44 | public void OnRetourBLEMofifiee(EventArgs e) |
45 | { |
46 | RetourBlEMofifiee?.Invoke(this, e); |
47 | } |
48 | 87e7d061 | ajournaux | |
49 | public GestionnaireBLE() |
50 | { |
51 | gattDevices = new List<IDevice>(); |
52 | servicesList = new List<IService>(); |
53 | charList = new List<ICharacteristic>(); // List for the available Characteristics on the BLE Device |
54 | bluetoothAdapter = CrossBluetoothLE.Current.Adapter; // Point bluetoothAdapter to the current adapter on the phone |
55 | bluetoothAdapter.DeviceDiscovered += (sender, foundBleDevice) => // When a BLE Device is found, run the small function below to add it to our list |
56 | { |
57 | if (foundBleDevice.Device != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(foundBleDevice.Device.Name)) |
58 | gattDevices.Add(foundBleDevice.Device); |
59 | }; |
60 | } |
61 | |||
62 | |||
63 | public async Task ScanBLE() |
64 | { |
65 | |||
66 | if (!await PermissionsGrantedAsync()) // Make sure there is permission to use Bluetooth |
67 | { |
68 | await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Persmission requise", "L'application a besoin des permissions locales", "OK"); |
69 | return; |
70 | } |
71 | |||
72 | gattDevices.Clear(); // Also clear the _gattDevices list |
73 | |||
74 | if (!bluetoothAdapter.IsScanning) // Make sure that the Bluetooth adapter is scanning for devices |
75 | { |
76 | await bluetoothAdapter.StartScanningForDevicesAsync(); |
77 | } |
78 | |||
79 | foreach (var device in bluetoothAdapter.ConnectedDevices) // Make sure BLE devices are added to the _gattDevices list |
80 | gattDevices.Add(device); |
81 | |||
82 | foreach (var device in bluetoothAdapter.BondedDevices) |
83 | gattDevices.Add(device); |
84 | |||
85 | foreach (IDevice item in gattDevices) |
86 | { |
87 | if (item.Name.Contains("SICPA")) |
88 | { |
89 | if (item.State == DeviceState.Connected) // Check first if we are already connected to the BLE Device |
90 | { |
91 | await RecuperationServices(item); |
92 | } |
93 | else |
94 | { |
95 | try |
96 | { |
97 | var connectParameters = new ConnectParameters(false, true); |
98 | await bluetoothAdapter.ConnectToDeviceAsync(item, connectParameters); // if we are not connected, then try to connect to the BLE Device selected |
99 | await RecuperationServices(item); |
100 | } |
101 | catch |
102 | { |
103 | await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Erreur de connexion", "Erreur de connexion au BLE " + item.Name, "OK"); |
104 | } |
105 | } |
106 | } |
107 | } |
108 | } |
109 | |||
110 | private async Task<bool> PermissionsGrantedAsync() // Function to make sure that all the appropriate approvals are in place |
111 | { |
112 | var status = await Permissions.CheckStatusAsync<Permissions.LocationWhenInUse>(); |
113 | |||
114 | if (status != PermissionStatus.Granted) |
115 | { |
116 | status = await Permissions.RequestAsync<Permissions.LocationWhenInUse>(); |
117 | } |
118 | |||
119 | return status == PermissionStatus.Granted; |
120 | } |
121 | |||
122 | private async Task RecuperationServices(IDevice device) |
123 | { |
124 | try |
125 | { |
126 | var servicesListReadOnly = await device.GetServicesAsync(); // Read in the Services available |
127 | |||
128 | servicesList.Clear(); |
129 | for (int i = 0; i < servicesListReadOnly.Count; i++) // Cycle through the found interfaces |
130 | { |
131 | servicesList.Add(servicesListReadOnly[i]); // Write to a list of service interfaces |
132 | if (servicesListReadOnly[i].Id.ToString().Substring(0, 8) == "6e400001") |
133 | { |
134 | SelectedService = servicesListReadOnly[i]; |
135 | } |
136 | } |
137 | if (SelectedService != null) |
138 | { |
139 | var charListReadOnly = await SelectedService.GetCharacteristicsAsync(); // Read in available Characteristics |
140 | |||
141 | charList.Clear(); |
142 | for (int i = 0; i < charListReadOnly.Count; i++) // Cycle through available interfaces |
143 | { |
144 | charList.Add(charListReadOnly[i]); // Write to a list of Chars |
145 | // IMPORTANT: listview cannot cope with entries that have the exact same name. That is why I added "i" to the beginning of the name. If you add the UUID you can delete "i" again. |
146 | if (charListReadOnly[i].CanRead || charListReadOnly[i].CanUpdate) |
147 | { |
148 | characRead = charListReadOnly[i]; |
149 | characRead.ValueUpdated += CharacRead_ValueUpdated; |
150 | } |
151 | if (charListReadOnly[i].CanWrite) characWrite = charListReadOnly[i]; |
152 | } |
153 | DeviceConnected = device; |
154 | } |
155 | else |
156 | { |
157 | await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Erreur récupération Characteristics", "Erreur récupération Characteristics", "OK"); |
158 | } |
159 | } |
160 | catch |
161 | { |
162 | await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Erreur d'initialisation", "Erreur d'initialisation aux services", "OK"); |
163 | } |
164 | } |
165 | |||
166 | private void CharacRead_ValueUpdated(object sender, CharacteristicUpdatedEventArgs args) |
167 | { |
168 | var receivedBytes = args.Characteristic.Value; // read in received bytes |
169 | Console.WriteLine("byte array: " + BitConverter.ToString(receivedBytes)); // write to the console for debugging |
170 | |||
171 | |||
172 | string charStrBytes = ""; // in the following section the received bytes will be displayed in different ways (you can select the method you need) |
173 | string charStrUTF8 = ""; |
174 | if (receivedBytes != null) |
175 | { |
176 | charStrBytes = "Bytes : " + BitConverter.ToString(receivedBytes); // by directly converting the bytes to strings we see the bytes themselves as they are received |
177 | charStrUTF8 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receivedBytes, 0, receivedBytes.Length); // This code interprets the bytes received as ASCII characters |
178 | } |
179 | |||
180 | if (receivedBytes.Length <= 4) |
181 | { // If only 4 or less bytes were received than it could be that an INT was sent. The code here combines the 4 bytes back to an INT |
182 | int char_val = 0; |
183 | for (int i = 0; i < receivedBytes.Length; i++) |
184 | { |
185 | char_val |= (receivedBytes[i] << i * 8); |
186 | } |
187 | charStrBytes += " | int: " + char_val.ToString(); |
188 | } |
189 | 35f65dee | ajournaux | tempoLecture = tempoLecture + charStrUTF8; |
190 | if (args.Characteristic.StringValue.EndsWith("\r\n")) |
191 | { |
192 | RetourBLE = tempoLecture; |
193 | tempoLecture = ""; |
194 | } |
195 | 87e7d061 | ajournaux | //_charStr += Environment.NewLine; // the NewLine command is added to go to the next line |
196 | |||
197 | //MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => // as this is a callback function, the "MainThread" needs to be invoked to update the GUI |
198 | //{ |
199 | // Output.Text += _charStr; |
200 | //}); |
201 | } |
202 | |||
203 | 03682d21 | ajournaux | public async Task LectureTag(IDevice deviceConnected) |
204 | { |
205 | try |
206 | { |
207 | String cmd = "READ"; |
208 | |||
209 | List<byte> local_frame = new List<byte>(); |
210 | CRC crcProcess = new CRC(); |
211 | byte local_crc; |
212 | |||
213 | local_frame.Add(BytesPrtc.STX); //add STX byte |
214 | local_frame.Add(BytesPrtc.DST_TX); //add DST byte |
215 | local_frame.Add(BytesPrtc.SRC_TX); //add SRC byte |
216 | for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Length; i++) |
217 | { |
218 | local_frame.Add((byte)cmd[i]); //add cmd string |
219 | } |
220 | crcProcess.putBytes(local_frame.ToArray()); //send that buffer (without "the CRC" and ETX bytes !) |
221 | local_crc = crcProcess.getCRC(); //calculate CRC with that buffer |
222 | |||
223 | local_frame.Add(local_crc); //add CRC byte |
224 | local_frame.Add(BytesPrtc.ETX); //add ETX byte |
225 | |||
226 | ///////////////////////////////////////////// |
227 | //And now send buffer ! |
228 | await characWrite.WriteAsync(local_frame.ToArray()); |
229 | await characRead.StartUpdatesAsync(); |
230 | } |
231 | catch |
232 | { |
233 | await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Erreur de lecture", "Erreur de lecture du Tag", "OK"); |
234 | } |
235 | } |
236 | |||
237 | 87e7d061 | ajournaux | } |
238 | } |