root / UFLoader.pas
Historique | Voir | Annoter | Télécharger (3,863 ko)
1 | 3 | avalancogn | unit UFLoader;
2 | |||
3 | interface
4 | |||
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Forms, Classes, Controls, ComCtrls; |
7 | |||
8 | type
9 | TFLoader = class(TForm)
10 | PBLoader: TProgressBar; |
11 | private
12 | { D?clarations priv?es }
13 | public
14 | { D?clarations publiques }
15 | procedure Init;
16 | end;
17 | |||
18 | var
19 | FLoader: TFLoader; |
20 | |||
21 | implementation
22 | |||
23 | uses
24 | Dialogs, SysUtils, gnugettext, UVariables, UStrings, UInit, UUtil, UFIntro, |
25 | UFLicense; |
26 | |||
27 | {$R *.dfm}
28 | |||
29 | procedure TFLoader.Init;
30 | var
31 | FileName: String;
32 | VolumeSerialNumber: String;
33 | Ok: Boolean; |
34 | s: String;
35 | begin
36 | if Screen.Fonts.IndexOf('Arial Unicode MS') <> -1 |
37 | then
38 | Font.Name := 'Arial Unicode MS';
39 | // Langue
40 | UseLanguage(LanguageCode); |
41 | TranslateComponent(Self); |
42 | if ParamCount > 1 |
43 | then // Nombre de param?tres incorrect |
44 | MessageDlg(Format(MsgParamCount, [ParamCount, ParamStr(0), ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName)]), mtError, [mbOk], 0); |
45 | PBLoader.StepIt; |
46 | // Licence
47 | InitLicense; |
48 | LoadLicense; |
49 | if (MajorVersion > 9) |
50 | or (MinorVersion > 9) |
51 | or (ReleaseVersion > 9) |
52 | or (BuildVersion > 9) |
53 | then // Num?ro de version incorrect |
54 | begin
55 | MessageDlg(Format(StrVersion, [MajorVersion, MinorVersion, ReleaseVersion, BuildVersion]), mtError, [mbOk], 0);
56 | Application.Terminate; |
57 | Exit; |
58 | end;
59 | if ((LicenseType = 1) or (LicenseType = 2)) and (StrToInt(FormatDateTime('yyyymmdd', Date)) > StrToInt(Copy(FinalDate, 7, 4) + Copy(FinalDate, 4, 2) + Copy(FinalDate, 1, 2))) |
60 | then // Date limite d?pass?e |
61 | MessageDlg(MsgFinalDate, mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
62 | if (LicenseType = 2) and (DriveType(Drive) <> DRIVE_FIXED) |
63 | then // La version compl?te doit ?tre install?e sur un disque fixe |
64 | MessageDlg(MsgFixedDrive, mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
65 | VolumeSerialNumber := BdRReadString('\Software\InraPorc\License', 'VolumeSerialNumber', Volume); |
66 | if ((LicenseType = 1) or (LicenseType = 2)) and (Volume <> VolumeSerialNumber) |
67 | then // Changement de disque |
68 | MessageDlg(MsgDiskChanged, mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
69 | // Aide
70 | if Copy(LanguageCode, 1, 2) = 'fr' |
71 | then // Fran?ais |
72 | FileName := ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName, '_fr.chm')
73 | else // Anglais |
74 | FileName := ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName, '_en.chm');
75 | if FileExists(FileName)
76 | then
77 | Application.HelpFile := FileName; |
78 | // Contrat de licence
79 | case LicenseType of |
80 | 1: s := 'AcceptEducation'; |
81 | 2: s := 'AcceptComplete'; |
82 | else s := 'AcceptEvaluation'; |
83 | end;
84 | if not BdRReadBoolean('\Software\InraPorc', s, False) |
85 | then
86 | begin
87 | FIntro := TFIntro.Create(Self); |
88 | Ok := FIntro.ShowModal = mrOk; |
89 | FIntro.Release; |
90 | if Ok
91 | then // Accepter |
92 | BdRWriteBoolean('\Software\InraPorc', s, True)
93 | else // Refuser |
94 | begin
95 | Application.Terminate; |
96 | Exit; |
97 | end;
98 | end;
99 | PBLoader.StepIt; |
100 | // Configuration
101 | LoadConfig; |
102 | // Donn?es
103 | if ParamCount = 1 |
104 | then // R?pertoire pass? en param?tre |
105 | if DirectoryExists(ParamStr(1)) |
106 | then // R?pertoire enregistr? dans la configuration |
107 | DataFolderExists := SetCurrentDir(ParamStr(1))
108 | else
109 | begin
110 | MessageDlg(Format(MsgDataDirectory, [ParamStr(1)]), mtError, [mbOk], 0); |
111 | DataFolderExists := False; |
112 | end
113 | else // R?pertoire par d?faut (Configuration) |
114 | if DirectoryExists(Folder)
115 | then // R?pertoire enregistr? dans la configuration |
116 | DataFolderExists := SetCurrentDir(Folder) |
117 | else
118 | begin
119 | MessageDlg(Format(MsgDataDirectory, [Folder]), mtError, [mbOk], 0);
120 | DataFolderExists := False; |
121 | end;
122 | PBLoader.StepIt; |
123 | InitData; |
124 | PBLoader.StepIt; |
125 | LoadData; |
126 | PBLoader.StepIt; |
127 | if ((LicenseType = 0) or (LicenseType = 1)) and TooMuchRecords |
128 | then // Trop d'enregistrements |
129 | MessageDlg(MsgTooMuchRecords, mtWarning, [mbOk], 0);
130 | if not IsComplete and not IsEducation |
131 | then
132 | begin
133 | FLicense := TFLicense.Create(Self); |
134 | FLicense.ShowModal; |
135 | FLicense.Release; |
136 | end;
137 | end;
138 | |||
139 | end. |